Andye Project
Andye Project
Andye Project
Anduamlak Temesgen----Ru0384/10
Meseret Adino-------------Ru0716/10
Rebuma Aga---------------Ru1141/10
Dereje Alemayehu--------Ru0391/10
Birhan Takele-------------Ru0729/10
First and for most, we would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to almighty God for his
mentionable and unmentionable, in valuable cores, supports, willingness, kindness and for
providing us health and enable us to complete this project.
we would like to acknowledge the support and encouragement from many individuals
contribute their knowledge and ideas for the accomplishment of this project work, then we
would like to express our great gratitude to our Instructor Jemal, For his great effort and
contribution to help us to did our project by giving different helpful material that we need for
our project and gave us guidelines on the way how to handle this basic and essential project.
Finally we would like to express our great gratitude to our Instructor Dawit for his great
effort and contribution to help us how we do the project by teaching us a course of research
and proposal methodology.
Contents Page
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................. i
INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Objectives................................................................................................................................. 2
1.4.1 According to the dimension thin shell and thick shell ...................................................... 2
1.4.3 According to the direction of force acting on the walls of the vessel ............................... 3
1.5.4 Support.................................................................................................................................. 7
5.1 RESULT................................................................................................................................. 45
5.2. Discussion.............................................................................................................................. 45
REFERENCE .............................................................................................................................. 48
APPENDICES ............................................................................................................................. 49
APPENDIX A .............................................................................................................................. 49
APPENDIX B .............................................................................................................................. 54
T: design temperature, °C
C: corrosion allowance, mm
E: Joint efficiency, %
N: Number of bolts
P: design pressure, Pa
This project or term paper is given as a partial fulfilment of the course Machine Design
Project. The objective of this project is to develop a simple, time saving, user-friendly and in
house software to support design system for pressure vessel design. Pressure vessels are used
in a wide number of industries, such as the power generation industry, chemical industry and
petrochemical industry. Pressure vessel is a container which carry, store or receive fluids with
a pressure difference between outside and inside. Pressure vessels often have a combination
of high pressure and high temperature or in some cases flammable fluids and highly
radioactive materials. Because of such hazards, it is crucial that the design be such that no
leakage can occur.
Pressure vessel often has combination of high pressure together with high temperature and in
some cases flammable fluids or highly radioactive material. Because of such hazards it is
imperative that the design be such that no linkage can occurs. In addition vessel has to be
design carefully to cope with the operating temperature and pressure. The end caps fitted to
the cylindrical body are called heads.
Pressure vessel are used in a variety of application These include the industry and the private
sector .They appear in this sector respectively as industrial compressed air receivers and
domestic hot water storage tanks. Other example are: diving cylinder recompression
chamber, distillation towers, autoclaves and many other vessel in mining or oil refineries and
petrochemical plants, nuclear reactor vessel, hebetation of a space ship ,habitat of a
submarine, pneumatic reservoir, hydraulic reservoir under pressure, rail vehicle air break
reservoir. Pressure vessels can be theoretically be almost any shape, but shapes made of
sections of spheres, cylinders and cones are usually employed. More complicated shapes have
historically been much harder to analyze for safe operation and are usually for harder to
In the design of pressure vessel safety is primary consideration, especially for nuclear reactor
vessel, due to the potential impact of possible accident. In generally however, the design is
compromise between consideration of economics and safety. Disadvantage of this vessel is
the fact that larger diameter makes them relatively more expensive and many pressure vessel
are made of steel.
Pressure vessels store energy and as such, have inherent safety risks. Many states began to
enact rule and regulations regarding the construction of steam boilers and pressure vessels
following several catastrophic accidents that occurred at the turn of the twentieth century that
resulted in large Loss of life. By 1911 it was apparent to manufacturers and users of boilers
and pressure vessels that the lack of uniformity in these regulations between states made it
difficult to construct vessels. Pressures, was published in 1914 and formally adopted in the
spring of 1915. The first Code rules for pressure vessels, entitled Rules for the Construction
of Unfired Pressure Vessels, followed in 1925. From this simple beginning the Code has now
evolved into the present eleven Section documents, with multiple subdivisions, parts,
subsections, and Mandatory and non-mandatory almost all pressure vessels used in the
process industry are designed and constructed in their accordance.
1.2 Problem statement
The pressure vessels that not follow any standard codes can be very dangerous. In fact many
fatal accidents have occurred in the history of their operation and development, such as:
defects in materials or incorrect design method, fabrication-Poor quality control, Corrosion
fatigue, Brittle fracture and Service-Change are commonly occurred due to their problems
pressure vessel are tends to failures so, in dealing with these various modes of failure, the de
signer must have at his disposal a picture of the state of stress in the various parts. It is against
these failure modes that the designer must compare and interpret stress values. But setting
allowable stresses is not enough! For elastic instability one must consider geometry, stiffness,
and the properties of the material. Material selection is a major consideration when related to
the type of service. Design details and fabrication methods are as important as “allowable
stress” in design of vessels for cyclic service. The designer and all those persons who
ultimately affect the design must have a clear picture of the conditions under which the vessel
will operate.
1.3 Objectives
When we design as much as possible we will try to consider each and individual things in
order to full fill a particular need with in our overall objective. We will also recognize sub
objective requirements of the various units that make up the overall design.
Related to this pressure vessel may be classified according to their end head shape
Flat head
Convex head
Convex with a man hole
1.4.3 According to the direction of force acting on the walls of the vessel.
Vertical vessels
1.5.1 Shell
The shell is the primary component that contains the pressure. Pressure vessel shells are
welded together to form a structure that has a common rotational axis. Most pressure vessel
shells are cylindrical, spherical, or conical in shape. The required thickness is generally
controlled by internal pressure, although in same instance applied shell is the hard covering
of the vessel load and external pressure have control. Other factors such as thermal stress and
discontinuities force may also influence the required thickness.
1.5.2 Head
All pressure vessel shells must be closed at the ends by heads (or another shell section).
Heads are typically curved rather than flat. Curved configurations are stronger and allow the
heads to be thinner, lighter, and less expensive than flat heads. Heads can also be used inside
a vessel.
Head is one of the end caps on a cylindrically shaped pressure vessel. The most common
heads are:
Elliptical heads - The 2:1 semi elliptical head is the most commonly used head type.
Half of its minor axis (i.e., the inside depth of the head minus the length of straight
flange Section) equals one-fourth of the inside diameter of the head. The thickness of
this type of head is normally equal to the thickness of the cylinder to which it is
Fig 1.5 elliptical head
Tori spherical head is a tori spherical (or flanged and dished) head is typically
somewhat flatter than an elliptical head and can be the same thickness as an elliptical
head for identical design condition and diameter. The minimum permitted knuckle
radius of a torispherical is 6% of the maximum inside crown radius.
1.5.3 Nozzles
A nozzle is a cylindrical component that penetrates the shell or heads of a pressure vessel.
The nozzle ends are usually flanged to allow for the necessary connections and to permit easy
disassembly for maintenance or access. Nozzles are used for the following applications:
Attach piping for flow into or out of the vessel. Attach instrument connections, (e.g., level
gauges, thermo wells, or pressure gauges).
Provide access to the vessel interior at many ways. Provide for direct attachment of other
equipment items, (e.g., a heat exchanger or mixer). Nozzles are also sometimes extended into
the vessel interior for some applications, such as for inlet flow distribution or to permit the
entry of thermo wells.
1.5.4 Support
The type of support that is used depends primarily on the size and orientation of the pressure
vessel. In all cases, the pressure vessel support must be adequate for the applied weight,
wind, and earthquake loads. The design pressure of the vessel is not a consideration in the
design of the support since the support is not pressurized. Temperature may be a
consideration in support design from the standpoint of material selection and provision for
differential thermal expansion.
Tall, vertical, cylindrical pressure vessels are typically supported by skirts. A support skirt is
a cylindrical shell section that is welded either to the lower portion of the vessel shell or to
the bottom head (for cylindrical vessels). Skirts for spherical vessels are welded to the vessel
near the mid-plane of the shell. The skirt is normally long enough to provide enough
flexibility so that radial thermal expansion of the shell does not cause high thermal stresses at
its junction with the skirt.
Small vertical drums are typically supported on legs that are welded to the lower portion of
the shell. The maximum ratio of support leg length to drum diameter is typically 2:1. The
number of legs needed depends on the drum size and the loads to be carried. Support legs are
also typically used for spherical pressurized storage vessels. The support legs for small
vertical drums and spherical pressurized storage vessels may be made from structural steel
columns or pipe sections, whichever provides a more efficient design. Cross bracing between
the legs is typically used to help absorb wind or earthquake loads.
Horizontal drums are typically supported at two locations by saddle supports. A saddle
support spreads the weight load over a large area of the shell to prevent an excessive local
stress in the shell at the support points. The width of the saddle, among other design details, is
determined by the specific size and design conditions of the pressure vessel. One saddle
support is normally fixed or anchored to its foundation. The other support is normally free to
permit unrestrained longitudinal thermal expansion of the drum.
Lug supports
The use of lug is typically limited to vessels of small to medium diameter (1 to 10ft.) and
moderate height-to-diameter ratios in the range of 2:1 to5:1. The lugs are typically bolted to
horizontal structural members to provide stability against overturning loads; the bolt holes are
often slotted to permit free radial thermal expansion of the drum.
1.5.5 Flange
Flanges are used to connecting pipes and instruments to vessel, for manhole cover, and for
removable vessel heads. Flanges may also been used on the vessel body, when it is necessary
to divide the vessel in to sections for transport or maintenance. Flanges are also used to
connect pipes to other equipments such as pumps and valves. Several types of flanges are
used for various applications. The principal types used in the process industries are
Slip – on flanges
Slip over the pipes or nozzle and are welded externally and usually also internally. The end of
pipes is set back from 0 to 20 mm. The strength of a slip – on flange is from one-third to two
third that of the corresponding standard welding-neck flanges. Slip-on flanges are easier to
align, but have poor resistance to shock and vibration load. Slip-on flanges are gradually used
for pipe work.
Lap-joint flanges
They are used for piped work. They are economical when used with expensive alloy pipes,
such as stainless steel, as the flange can be made from inexpensive carbon steel. Usually a
short lapped nozzle is welded to the pipes, but with some schedules of pipes the lap can be
formed on the pipes itself, and this will give a cheap method of pipe assembly. Lap flanges
are sometimes known as van-stone flanges.
They are flat plates, used to blank off flanges connections, and covers for manhole and
inspection ports.
1.5.6 Manhole
Identical to a nozzle except it not bolted to piping and it has a cover plate (or blind flange),
which is bolted to the flange. When unbolted it allows access to the inside of the vessel.
Manholes are made for vessel diameter greater than 90cm
vessels are diving cylinders, recompression chambers, distillation towers, pressure reactors,
autoclaves, and many other vessels in mining operations, oil refineries and petrochemical
plants, nuclear reactor vessels, submarine and spaceship habitats, pneumatic reservoirs,
hydraulic reservoirs under pressure, rail vehicle airbrake reservoirs, road vehicle airbrake
reservoirs, and storage vessels for liquefied gases such as ammonia, chlorine, propane,
methane, LPG and so on.
1.7 Scopes of the Project
In sophisticated pressure vessels encountered in engineering construction; high pressure,
extremes of temperature and severity of functional performance requirements pose exciting
design problems. The word "DESIGN" does not mean only the calculation of the detailed
dimensions of a member, but rather is an all-inclusive term, incorporating.
The reasoning that established the most likely mode of damage or failure, the method of
stress analysis employed and significance of results and the selection of materials type and
its environmental behaviour. The increasing use of vessel has given special emphasis to
analytical and experimental methods for determining their emphasis to analytical and
experimental methods for determining their operating stresses. Of equal importance is the
appraising the significance of these stresses. This appraisal entails the means of determining
the values and extent of the stresses and strains, establishing the behaviour of the material
¦involved, and evaluating the compatibility of these two factors in the media or environment
to which they are subjected. Knowledge of material behaviour is required not only to avoid
failures, but also equally to permit maximum economy of material choice and amount used.
Lower operating temperatures sometimes permit higher working pressures. For example, the
4560HT High Temperature reactors are rated at 2000 psi (138 bar) maximum pressure and
500 °C maximum temperature. Standard 4560 reactors are rated at 3000 psi (200 bar)
maximum pressure at 350 °C maximum temperature.
One should not assume that any vessel being operated at a lower temperature can be used at
pressures exceeding the rated MAWP. Factors other than the material strength of the vessel
wall may well be the constraint controlling the rating. Other factors that can limit the pressure
and temperature ratings are the closures design, the magnetic drive, the type of seal, the
choice of other components used, as well as the material of construction.
The maximum operational temperature of some materials is much lower than what is
permissible with stainless steel.
Pressure vessels have wide applications in chemical industries, thermal and nuclear power
plants, process, pharmaceutical industries, &food and beverage industries, The failure of
pressure vessel may result in loss of life, health hazards and damage of property high pressure
is developed in pressure vessel so pressure vessel has to withstand several forces developed
due to internal pressure, so selection of pressure vessel is most critical. In pressure vessel
whenever expansion or contraction occurs normally as result of heating or cooling, thermal
stresses are developed .There are many types of stresses developed in the vessel Stresses are
categorized into primary stresses and secondary stresses. Primary stresses are because of
pressure inside pressure vessel and secondary stresses are because of thermal loading and
Thermal loading is considerable in a pressure vessel due to handling of hot fluids in vessels.
Since the pressure in the vessel is high, it has to withstand both thermal as well as structural
loadings. To obtain safety of pressure vessel and to design Pressure vessel the selection of
code is important.
During service, pressure vessel may be subjected to cyclic or repeated stresses. Fatigue in
pressure vessel occurs due to: Fluctuation of pressure, Forced vibration, Temperature
transients, Variation in external loads, Restriction of expansion or contraction during normal
temperature variations American society of mechanical engineers formed a committee for the
purpose of establishing minimum safety rules of construction for boilers in 1925 the
committee issued a set of rules for the design and construction of unfired pressure vessel.
most states have laws mandating that these code rules be met .enforcement of these rules is
accomplished via a third party employed by the insurance company. These codes are living
documents in that they are constantly being revised and updated by committees composed of
individuals knowledgeable on the subject. Keeping current requires that the revised codes be
published every three years with agenda issued every year.
This chapter covers a much generalized approach to pressure vessel design based on the
ASME boiler and pressure vessel code. In horizontal pressure vessels are generally structures
having complex geometry comprising of various geometrical discontinuities and are
commonly required to work under high loading conditions such as external forces, thermal
loads, internal pressure etc. The designing and manufacturing of such products are done by
the guidelines and codes as per the international standards. Horizontally kept cylindrical
pressure vessels are generally supported on twin saddle supports. In some cases vessel and
saddle support contact is of loose-fitting type. In this case there is a narrow gap or space
between the saddle support and vessel, due to which it becomes very difficult for
maintenance at that part which causes corrosion.
Usually saddles are welded to the outer periphery of the pressure vessel. In a horizontal
pressure vessel with saddle support a high localized stress at the interface of the vessel and
saddle is generated. This highest localized stress is termed as circumferential stress whose
intensity is very high at the horn part of the saddle and vessel. ASME boiler and pressure
vessel code section VIII, division 2 gives the design rules for supports and attachments used
to support the pressure vessel. The results obtained for the vessel and saddle support show
that with the increase in saddle radius of 1-2% over the vessel radius results in 50% stress
reduction at saddle and vessel junction. An extension of saddle plate by 5-10 degree causes
stress reduction of 25 - 40% in both vessel and support.
M.A Khan et al carried out his research on Stress distribution in horizontal pressure vessel
and saddle supports. Her quarter of the pressure vessel is modelled. After that stress
distribution is carried out for pressure vessel. He concluded that highly stressed area is the
flange plate of saddle.
M. Giglio et al presented his research on Fatigue analysis of different types of pressure vessel
nozzle. He carried out comparison of two different methods for the construction of pressure
vessel nozzle. He conclude that failure of nozzles was carried out by crack passing through
their thickness. Both designs (external and integral reinforcement) give good fatigue life
results but nozzle with external reinforcement is easy to produce than with integral one.
Choice of simply produced nozzle obtained with a cylindrical tube and a reinforcement plate
gives good results in terms of stress and fatigue life
Avinash R.Kharat et al carried out his research on analysis of stress concentration at opening
in pressure vessel using ANOVA. The motivation for this research is to analyze the stress
concentration occurring at the openings of the pressure vessels and the means to reduce the
effect of the same. Finally conclusion shows that sudden change in strain flow lines causes
the strain and stress to rise abruptly. Strain increases with increasing the opening size in the
3.1 Methodology
To design of pressure vessel the selection of Code are important as a reference guide to
achieve the safety pressure vessel. The selections of ASME CODE Section VIII div 1 are
described. The standard of material use are explains in this chapter. Beside of that, the design
and analysis software to obtain the result are introduced. Instead of that, design process
methodology is also described.
The materials to be used in pressure vessels must be selected from Code-approved material
specifications. Several of materials have been use in pressure vessel fabrication. The selection
of material is based on the appropriateness of the design requirement. We select the material
low alloy steel (contain, Ni, Cr, Mo, V) because it has good strength, low in cost and
relatively good at corrosion resistant. All components of vessel are composed of this material
because it makes easy to weld together and all will have similar strength. The pressure vessel
design codes and standards include lists of acceptable materials in accordance with the
appropriate material standards. The mechanical properties that are important in the selection
of materials are discussed briefly in this chapter.
Mechanical properties
Strength-tensile strength
Stiffness-elastic modulus
Toughness-fracture resistance
Hardness-wear resistance
Fatigue resistance
Creep resistance
Generally, mechanical properties of some metal alloys are illustrated below
S -satisfactory
U - Unsatisfactory.
G - good.
Material are often pleased in a service at elevated temperature and exposed to Static
mechanical stress the deformation under such circumstance is termed creep. The Time
dependent and permanent deformation of materiel when subjected to a constant Load and
3.4.5 Stiffness
Stiffness is the ability to resist bending and buckling. It is a function of the elastic modulus of
the material and the shape of the cross-section of the member (the second moment of area).
3.4.6 Toughness
Toughness is associated with tensile strength, and is a measure of the material's resistance to
crack propagation. The crystal structure of ductile materials, such as steel, aluminium and
copper, is such that they stop the propagation of a crack by local yielding at the crack tip. In
other materials, such as the cast irons and glass, the structure is such that local yielding does
not occur and the materials are brittle. Brittle materials are weak in tension but strong in
compression. Under compression any incipient cracks present are closed up.
Various techniques have been developed to allow the use of brittle materials in situations
where tensile stress would normally occur. For example, the use of pre stressed concrete, and
glass fibre-reinforced plastics in pressure vessels construction Fracture toughness refers to the
ability of the material to withstand condition that could Cause a brittle fracture. The fracture
toughness of a material can be determined by the Magnitude of the impact energy that is
required to fracture
3.4.7 Hardness
The surface hardness, as measured in a standard test, is an indication of a material ability to
resist wear. Hardness testing is covered by British Standards: BS 240, 4175,427 and 860.
This will be an important property if the equipment is being designed to handle abrasive
solids, or liquids containing suspended solids which are likely to cause corrosion.
3.4.8 Fatigue
Fatigue failure is likely to occur in equipment subject to cyclic loading; for example, rotating
equipment, such as pumps and compressors, and equipment subjected to pressure cycling. A
comprehensive treatment of this subject is given by Harris (1976).
3.4.9 Creep
Creep is the gradual extension of a material under a steady tensile stress, over a prolonged
period of time. It is usually only important at high temperatures; for instance, with steam and
gas turbine blades. For a few materials, notably lead, the rate of creep is significant at
moderate temperatures. Lead will creep under its own weight at room temperature and lead
linings must be supported at frequent intervals. The creep strength of a material is usually
reported as the stress to cause rupture in 100,000 hours, at the test temperature.
At low temperatures, less than 10°C, metals that are normally ductile can fail in a brittle
manner. Serious disasters have occurred through the failure of welded carbon steel vessels at
low temperatures. The phenomenon of brittle failure is associated with the crystalline
structure of metals. Metals with a body-centred-cubic (bcc) lattice are more liable to brittle
failure than those with a face-centred-cubic (fee) or hexagonal lattice. For low-temperature
equipment, such as cryogenic plant and liquefied-gas storages, austenitic stainless steel (fee)
or aluminium alloys (hex) should be specified. V-notch impact tests, such as the Charpy test,
are used to test the susceptibility of materials to brittle failure. The brittle fracture of welded
structures is a complex phenomenon and is dependent on plate thickness and the residual
stresses present after fabrication; as well as the operating temperature. A comprehensive
discussion of brittle fracture in steel structures is given by Boyd (1970).
Dissimilar metals.
Corrosion products.
Inclusions in the metal, such as slag,
Less well-aerated areas.
Areas of differential concentration.
The corrosion rate will be dependent on the temperature and concentration of the corrosive
fluid. An increase in temperature usually results in an increased rate of corrosion; though not
always. The rate will depend on other factors that are affected by temperature, such as
oxygen solubility. The effect of concentration can also be complex. For example, the
corrosion of mild steel in sulphuric acid, where the rate is unacceptably high in dilute acid
and at concentrations above 70 per cent, but is acceptable at intermediate concentrations.
3.4.12. Resistance to Hydrogen Attack
At temperatures from approximately 300F to 400f, monatomic Hydrogen diffuses into avoids
that are normally present in steel. In these voids, monatomic hydrogen forms molecular
hydrogen, which cannot diffuse out of the steel. If these hydrogen diffusion continues,
pressure can build to high levels within the steel, and the steel can crack, At elevated
temperatures, over approximately 600F, monatomic hydrogen not only causes cracks to form
but also attacks the steel. Hydrogen attack differs from corrosion in that damage occurs
throughout the thickness of the component, rather than just at its surface, and occur without
any metal loss. In addition, once hydrogen attack has occurred, the metal cannot be repaired
and must be replaced. Thus, it is not practical to provide corrosion allowance to allow for
hydrogen attack. Instead, materials are selected such that they are resistant to hydrogen attack
at the specified design conditions. Hydrogen attack is a potential design factor at hydrogen
partial pressure above approximately 100 psi. Material selection for these hydrogen services
applications is based on API 941, steels for hydrogen services elevated temperatures and
pressure in petroleum refineries and petrochemical plants. API 941 contains a family of
design curves (the nelson curves) that are used to select appropriate material based on
hydrogen partial pressure and design temperature.
Pressure vessels commonly used welded construction. Therefore the materials Used must be
weld able so that individual components can be assembled into the completed Vessel. The
material chemistry of the weld area must be equivalent to that of the base Material so that the
material properties and corrosion resistance of the weld area will be the same as those of the
base material. Based on how it made and cost of production. A guide to the fabrication
properties of common metals and alloys are shown in the above table.
Hence the design specification is air the material that needed have to be highly resistive to
Corrosion which is caused by reaction between moisture and air (oxygen) which is one
Element of air and moisture. And also the selected material strong and resistive for those
Factors which explained on above description. The selected material is stainless steel.
aspect of economy
the circumstance of welding
the requirement of the code
3.6. Conclusion of selection of material
As we obtain that of properties about materials used to construct pressure vessel, we select
material based on our design specification is low alloy steel, because of the following some
Operating pressure is a pressure which required for need to the process, served by the vessel
at which the vessel is normally operated
The pressure table value that used to find the ration of L/D is given below
Therefore The L/D ratio is 3 since the given pressure is 0.242 MPa
L/D=3 => L=3D
The total volume of the pressure vessel can be found using this simple formula:
V = Vh + Vs
Vh = Volume of head
Vh = 4/3πr3
Vh=1/6πD3 is internal diameter of the shell and head volume of the shell.
V = Vh + Vs
V=11/12πD3 1.8m3=11/12πD3
L=3D L=3(1.96m)
E=joint efficiency
C.A=corrosion allowance
E=joint efficiency
C.A=corrosion allowance
At T=4000c σ=100MPa from the table of typical design stress of stainless steel 18Cr/8Ni
un established (304)
E=1 , C.A=2mm=0.002m
Let‟s use these two equations to find the thickness of the pressure vessel and select the
smallest value of them because of safety purposes. The weight of the pressure vessel can
affect the support leg.
Case 1) using
𝑃 ≤ 0.385𝑆𝐸
Case 2) using
P ≤ 1.25SE
t =0.001185m
And the smallest value is t= 0.001185 m and for standard value let‟s take t=1.185mm.
Ro=0.99m And
Tori spherical
Tori conical
The geometry of the head is selected based on the function as well as on economic
considerations, and methods of forming and space requirements. The elliptical and tori
spherical heads are most commonly used. The carbon steel hemispherical heads are not so
economical because of the high manufacturing costs associated with them. They are thinner
than the cylindrical shell to which they are attached, and require smooth transition between
the two to avoid stress concentration effects. The thickness value of the elliptical and tori
spherical heads are typically the same as the cylindrical shell.
ASMS hemispherical
t=PRi/ (2SE-0.2P)
t=PDK/ (2SE-0.2P)
K=stress intensity factor……K= [1/6 + (a/b) 2] a and b semi major and semi-
Minor axes of ellipse
r= knuckle radiuses
L = D 1/ cosα
Given values
Ri =0.98m
t= 1.185mm=0. 001185m
Thin-shell theory
S = (PR)/ (2t)
S= (0.242Mpa*0.98m)/ (2*0.001185m)
S= 100.0675Mpa
„Exact theory‟
S= [PRi3/ (Ro3-Ri3)][1+Ro3/2Ri3]
There for let‟s find the head thickness and take the largest value for S=100.0675Mpa
t= 0.00612m
For selecting the standard dimension and materials for the flange by applying the American
National Standard ANSI B16.5-1981 of temperature and pressure rating. The given
temperature is4000c (752F⁰) and pressure is 0.22Mpa. And I can‟t find the Machu value there
for design pressure lets change in to standard value which is 0.242Mpa (35.099psi).
Class 150Ib
Hydrostatics test /design pressure (psi) 0.242mpa(35.099psi)
Temperature ,0C(0F) Maximum allowable non-shock pressure,
400(752 ) 94.4(13688)
We know that flange is class 150lb and the material is low alloy steel I select welding neck
flange , because have a long tapered hub between the flange ring and the welded joint .this
gradual transition of the section reduce the discontinuity stresses between the flange and
branch , and increases the strength of the flange assemble . Welding –neck flange are suitable
for extreme service condition; where the flange is likely to be subjected to temperature, shear,
and vibration load. They will normally be specified for the connections and nozzles on
process equipment.
Table 4.4 Gasket materials (Based on a similar table in BS 5500: 1991; see BS PD 5500
m=gasket factor
B = A/2
tf=thickness of flange
tf = J
hd = (G + H − 2E)/4
hg = (H − G)/4
ht = (G + H)/4
G‟ = B + (ht − hg)
Hg = πG‟(2b)mPi
H=total pressure
H = ( π/4) G‟2pi
Hd=pressure force of area inside the flange
Hd = ( π/4) B2pi
Ht = H − Hd
There gasket factor width and internal pressure for the flange are the same
for 43 mm hg=(136.65-69.9)mm/4=16.68mm
for 43 mm ht=(69.9+136.65)mm/4=51.63mm
For145 mm tf=24.93mm
for 43mmtf=18.06mm
For145 mm B=146.6mm/2=73.3mm
For 43 mm B=45.2mm/2=22.6mm
For 43 mm G‟=22.6mm+(51.63-16.68)mm=57.55mm
H= (π/4) G‟2pi
For 145mmH= (π/4)(165.08mm)2*0.22Mpa=4.7KN
Hd = (π/4)B2Pi
For 145mmHd=(π/4)(73.3mm)2*0.22MPa=0.928KN
For 43mmHd=(π/4)(22.6mm)2*0.22MPa=0.088kN
Ht = H − Hd
For43 mm Ht=(136.65-0.088)kN=136.6kN
Hg = πG‟(2b)mPi
For 43mmHg=π(57.55mm)(2*10mm)3.75*0.22MPa=0.795kN
The moment is
Mop = Hd x hd + Ht x ht + Hg x hg
For145mm pipe
Mop =31.101kNm
For 43 mm pipe
Mop =(0.088*25.12)+(136.6*51.63)+(0.795*16.68)
Mop =7.068kNm
The minimum load required bolt load under the operating condition given by
Wm1 = H + Hg
Wm1, 43mmWml=(136.65+0.795)kN=137.5kN
The force and the momentum must be checked under the bolting up conditions.
Matm = Wm2 ∗ hg
Where Wm2 is the bolt load required to seat the gasket, given by
Wm2 = yπG‟b
Wm2,145mm=52.4MPa* π * 165.08mm*10mm=271.61KN
Σhb = F1M
σrd = F2M
Where M is taken as Mob/B‟ or Matm/B‟, which ever is the grater ;and the factors
F1,F2,F3 and F4 are function of the flange type and dimensions, and are obtained as followed
gt = (G − F1 = 1/λgt2A)/2
=(u/v)(B‟J)1/2J2 B‟=(G-A)/2
F4 = z
z=k- factor
𝐴’ = (𝐻 − 𝐺 )/2 and 𝐵’ = (𝐺 − 𝐴)/2
K =(H-G)/(G-A)
After getting value k, we can get values T, Z,Y and U from the table below by using k value
Nominal pipe K T Z Y U
Let‟s find the value of F (in y-axis)by using ASME code ,section viii, Dev 1 in x-axis
after calculating of this value I fined F for each flange and the value are shown blow.
α=t x e+1
β=1.33 x tfe+1
β145mm=1.333 x 23.813mm(0.0437/mm)+1=2.38
and γ will be
γ145mm =2.573/1.25=2.05
v43mm = 0.32
d will be
d=(u/v)(B‟/tf)1/2 x J2
d145mm= (2.17/0.33)(16.46mm\23.813mm)1/2(23.813mm)2
D 43mm=(2.44/0.32)(24.487mm/33.223mm)1/2(33.223mm)2
Δ 43 mm=(33.223mm)3/7225.466mm3
λ 145mm=4.356+1.98=6.336
λ 43mm=5.075+2.22=7.295
y will be
y 145mm=(1-0.332)2.17=1.934
y43mm=(1-0.322)2.44 =2.19
gt will be
To find the stress on the flange we must the value of the moment M and it is the largest of
them (Mop/B‟ or Matm/B‟). and it is given blow
43 7.068 1.579
The flange must be sized so that the stresses given by equations satisfy the Following criteria
when it equals with 0.8515Mpa (123.2PSi) is the maximum allowable design stress
σrd> ffo
0.5(σhb+σrd) >ffo
The bolt spacing must be selected to give a uniform compression of the gasket. It will not
normally be less than 2.5 times the bolt diameter, to give sufficient clearance for tightening
with wrench or spanner
The following formula can be used to determine the maximum bolt spacing
The material [SA-193-B7] and maximum allowable stress (σ) for the bolt is 172.37MPa
43 1126.07 438.604
The bolt spacing must be selected to give a uniform compression of the gasket .It will
Not normally be less than 2.5 times the bolt diameter ,to give sufficient clearance for
Tightening with a wrench or spanner .The following formula can be used to determine the
maximum bolt spacing:
Pb=2db+6tf/ (m+0.5)
Db=bolt diameter, mm
tf=flange thickness, mm
m-Gasket factor,3.75
pb will be
For 145mm=2*16.297mm+6*23.813mm/(3.75+0.5)=66.21mm
For 43mm=2*21.976mm+6*33.223mm/(3.75+0.5)=90.86mm
4.6 Design of Nozzle
C.A-corrosion allowance
For our nozzle I selects SA-106-B from the table and S=59.984MPa (8.7KPSi).
tn will be
tn145mm=[(1.77MPa*22.25mm)/(130MPa*1-0.6*1.77MPa)]+3.215mm =0.29800mm
The standard and codes differ in the area of the branch and shell considered to be effective
foe reinforcement, and should be consulted to determine the actual area allowed and the
disposition of the various types of reinforcement. For branch connections of small diameter
the reinforcement area can usually be provided by increasing the wall thickness of the branch
pipe. Some design codes and standards do not require compensation for connections below
89mm (3 in) diameter. If anything, the equal area method tends to overestimate the
compensation required and in some instances the additional materials can reduce the fatigue
life of the vessel. More sophisticated methods for determining the compensation required
have been introduced in to the latest editions of the codes and standards. The equal area
method is generally used for estimating the increase in thickness required to compensate for
multiple openings.
F=correlation factor =1
E=joint efficiency =1
A=D x t x F
by taking A1 as the largest of the A11 OR A12 calculating the rein forcement area of the
A12 43mm=2(1x36mm-1x3.585mm)(36mm+0.298mm)=2353.19mm2
A2 will be
A43mm=(6131.5+1703.12) mm2=7834.62mm2
As we are treating methanator as a thin cylinder so the values of hoop stress & longitudinal
stress are calculated as under.
Therefore radial stresses are ignored (very small) so we consider the following primary
membrane stresses.
Hoop stresses (S 1)
= 196.1MPa
Longitudinal stress (S 2)
= 98.05MPa
Erection weight
Operating weight
Test weight
𝑆 = 𝑊 / 𝑐𝑡
Erection weight
=8000kg/m3x0.46m3x9.81m/s2 =36.1kN
Operating weight
= 1000kg/m3x4m3x9.81m/s2
t = 36mm
f=wind lode=q x g x cf x a
p = qs x g x cfa/a=q x g x cf
Pressure PSf, q 13 17 21 26 31 37 44
Coefficient G
For the methanator we will take a wind speed of 144.84Km/hr(90mph), so the value of
qs =0.144MPa (21psf)
There for the value of wind pressure using the above formula will be;
P = 0.089MPa
Shear V= PwxD1xH
= H / 2 = 7.06m/2=3530mm
V = Total shear, N
t= Thickness of shell excluding corrosion, 36mm
The values of shear, moment at base & moment at skirt joint are calculated as under and then
the stress developed in response to the moment M(t) using the formula listed in the table
above. By putting the values of the parameters listed above for methanator.
V = 0.089MPax1.412x7.06m
V = 0.72MN
Mt = 2.3718MNm
=12x3.13MNm/ (0.711m)2xπx0.036m
= 8.399MPa------------ (tensile)
As a result of wind tall towers develop vibration. The period of vibration should be limited,
since large natural periods of vibration can lead to fatigue failure. The allowable period has
been computed from the maximum permissible deflection.
Quantities Formulas
T = 0.0000265(3530/1432)2 x (102.93x1430/0.01)½
T = 0.606 sec
Ta = 16.9sec
Shear Moment
Mx= M(x/H)
= 1.25x1/(0.606)2/3 =1.73
Ft = Total horizontal seismic force at the top of the vessel,0N(because T < 0.7)
= 1.0
Shear = (0.15x1x0.0299x687.97KN)/2.9
V = 1064.8N
Ft = 0.07xTxV =0.07x0.28x1064.8N=20.85N
0.25V = 259.65N
Therefore Moment
M = [20.85x7060+ (1064.8-20.85)x(2x7060/3)]
M =4916.84Nm
= 12x3332.9/ (0.706)2xπx0.03
At first the user has to give the volume of the pressure vessel according to the space which
the pressure vessel will be placed and volume of the liquid or gas that it will fill. The user
also needs to give the length if known based on the ratio of length to the diameter of the
pressure vessel must be between 2 to 4. If the length is not given, then the program will
choose the default value which is 3. The user will be asked to give the input value based on
the user‟s specification in the following input data:
Volume of pressure vessel (m3)
Length (m)
Design pressure (Pa)
The allowable stress for the materials (Pa)
Joint Efficiency Factor
Corrosion factor (m)
Temperature (oC)
After the following respective procedures of the components of pressure vessels by using the
given temperature 4000c(7520F) the class is150Ib by using this value the following results
was received.
5.2. Discussion
The target was to design for the shell, head, openings, flanges, covers and the support for the
pressure vessel. Unfortunately, due to certain problem and difficulties, the project can be
done accordingly. The performance of the support system is poor and it still needs debugging
process to complete the system. The design of pressure vessel should be as follows:
Output parameters
- Volume
- Length
- Radius
- Design of shell
- Design of head
- Design of flanges and covers
- Design of opening
- Design of supports
The materials should be chosen by the user and the user does not need to give the
value of the allowable stress of the material. There should be list of materials for the
user to select for the pressure vessel design.
6.1 Conclusion
As the project is completed, it can be concluded that the objectives of this project are
successfully done. This project has leads to several conclusions. However, major conclusions
are shown as below The design of pressure vessel is initialized with the specification
requirements in terms of standard technical specifications along with numerous requirements
that lay hidden from the market. The design of a pressure vessel is more of a selection
procedure, selection of its components to be more precise rather designing each and every
component. Regarding storage of fluid for a pressure vessel system should be preferred due
to its simplicity, better sensitivity, higher reliability, low maintenance, compactness for the
same capacity. The storage of fluid at high pressure in the pressure vessel is at the heart of its
performance and is the first step towards the design.
6.2 Recommendation
It is recommended that the support system for pressure vessel design to be further developed
and modified in the future. For example, the list of materials should be provided to the user to
be chose from the system so that the user will have more choices in creating the design of
pressure vessel. As the material is listed, the allowable stress, yield strength and tensile
strength should given to the user to be selected. It is easier and time-saving in that way.
Besides that, the mechanical design of pressure vessel should includes the design of head,
design of shell, design nozzle, design of flanges and covers and as well as the design of
support. Then, the design of pressure vessel will be completed.
A Brief Discussion on ASME Section VIII Division 1 and 2 and The New Division 3.
Chattopadhyay, S. (2004). Pressure Vessels : Design and Practice: CRC Press LLC.
Farr, J. R., & Jawad, M. H. (2006). Guidebook for the Design of ASME Section VIII
Thakkar, B. S., & Thakkar, S. A. (2012). Design of Pressure Vessel Using ASME Code,
APPENDIX A Mechanical Design for Pressure Vessel
Cylindrical shells
P = internal pressure
R = internal radius
t = R(Z1/2 – 1)
Z = (SE + P)/(SE – P)
P = internal pressure
R = internal radius
Spherical shells
P = internal pressure
R = internal radius
t = R(Y1/3 – 1)
Y = 2(SE + P)/(2SE – P)
P = internal pressure
R = internal radius
Hemispherical heads
P = internal pressure
R = internal radius
t = R(Y1/3 – 1)
Y = 2(SE + P)/(2SE – P)
P = internal pressure
R = internal radius
Ellipsoidal heads
K = (1/6)[2 + (D/2h)2]
M = (1/4)[3 + (L/r)1/2]
t = required thickness
P = internal pressure
t = d(CP/SE)1/2
P = design pressure
Z = 3.4 – (2.4d/D)
t = d(ZCP/SE)1/2
P = design pressure