PE - Lab Manual
PE - Lab Manual
PE - Lab Manual
Laboratory Manual
Power Electronics
EEE-338 (3+1)
EEE-338 Power Electronics (Lab)
1 Course Description
Electronic conversion and control of electrical power, includes semiconductor switching devices,
power converter circuits and control of power converters, the structure and operation of Power
semiconductor switching devices, their Switching characteristics, protection and limitations of
various types of power semiconductor switches. The course will cover applications in conversion
and control of power using Power semiconductor devices, and passive components in power
circuits. Students will also learn the principles governing the operation of converters, differ-
ent standard topologies, application of power electronic converters in energy conversion, utility
applications and power supplies and utilizations; Diode rectifier circuits, multi-pulse rectifiers,
input and output waveform characterization, characteristics with continuous and discontinuous
conduction, circuit design. Circuit simulation and extensive laboratory work is included in the
1.1 Prerequisites/Co-requisites
1. Electronics–II, EEE-232
Power electronics plays an increasingly important role in modern power system, renewable en-
ergy, satellite and communication system. The power electronics provides compact and high-
efficient solutions to power control and conversion.
The Power Electronics Lab in Z block supports this class with work benches equipped with
systems CoreTM i7 Processors and softwares (Matlab), PSIM and LTSpice. Moreover, Laboratory
is equipped with various triners of the SCR, TRIACs, and converter modules.
EEE-338 Power Electronics (Lab)
1. Demonstrate the ability to work effectively as an individual and in a team .(A3, PLO9)
2. The ability to use modern analytical tools , test equipment and computer aided design tool
to assemble different types of power electronics converters. (WK6, P4-PLO5)
3. Ability to present a written report to communicate the results and knowledge for power
electronics laboratory work. ( C3-PLO10)
4. Ability to analyze the power electronics converters. ( C4-PLO2)
5. Design power converters that meet specified needs. ( C5-PLO3)
PLO2 Problem Analysis: An ability to identify, formulate, research literature, and ana-
lyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first
principle of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences.
PLO3 Design/Development of Solutions: An ability to design solutions for complex
engineering problems and design systems, components or processes that meet
specific needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural,
societal, and environmental considerations.
PLO5 Modern Tool Usage: An ability to create, select and apply appropriate techniques,
resources, and modern engineering and IT tools, including prediction and model-
ing, to complex engineering activities, with an understanding of the limitations.
PLO9 Individual and Team Work: An ability to work effectively, as an individual or in
a team, on multifaceted and/or multidisciplinary settings.
PLO10 Communication: An ability to communicate effectively, orally as well as in writ-
ing, on complex engineering activities with engineering community and with the
society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and
design documentations, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
CLO 1 C3
CLO 2 P4
CLO 3 A3
CLO 4 C4
CLO 5 C5
EEE-338 Power Electronics (Lab)
Knowledge Profile
2.3 Knowledge Profile (WK) Addressed in Laboratory:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
EEE-338 Power Electronics (Lab)
EEE-338 Power Electronics (Lab)
(Problem Analysis)
strategies no ability to to identify a identify an ability to
for solving identify a strategy for appropriate identify
problems strategy for generating strategy for multiple
generating an approach generating strategies
an approach for solv- approaches for gen-
for solving a ing the for solving a erating
problem. problem. problem. approaches
Strategy to solve a
may or problem,
may not be and has
appropriate. insight into
the pros
and cons
of those
Total Total Points Earned = Lab Performance Grade 100
a solu- no ability to execute to execute ful (thor-
tion to an to execute a solution a solu- ough/creative)
open-ended a solution. that attends tion taking ability to ex-
problem Solution to the prob- into con- ecute a
taking into does not lem, but sideration solution
considera- directly at- omits some design re- taking into
tion design tend to the design re- quirements consider-
require- problem. quirements and some ation all
ments and and/or contextual design
pertinent pertinent elements. require-
contextual contextual ments and
elements. elements. pertinent
EEE-338 Power Electronics (Lab)
S. # Experiment Title
1 To analyze the characteristics of resis- X X X
tive triggering circuit.
2 To analyze the characteristics of RC X X X
triggering circuit
3 Simulation of Single Phase Half-wave X X X
Uncontrolled Rectifier with R, RL and
4 Simulation of Single Phase Full-wave X X X
Uncontrolled Rectifier with R, RL and
5 Simulation of Single Phase Controlled X X X
EEE-338 Power Electronics (Lab)
5 Lab Policy
Lab policy with regard to affective, cognative and psychomotor learning domains will consider
the following:
• Attendance is mandatory (80% minimum required).
• Students should come to the lab before the instructor. Latecomers will not be allowed to
enter the lab. Students, who are absent over 25% of the class time, will not be allowed to
enter the final examination.
• Students should turn off your cell phone before entering the lab. You should not leave the
lab to make or take cellular phone calls.
We feel pleasure in presenting the revised version of the laboratory manual of Power
electronics course at under-graduate level. The objective of this manual is to support
the theory syllabus of the power electronics course through experiments.
In this manual, experiments are based on the hardware trainers and simulation in simulink
(Matlab). The silicon controlled rectifiers (SCR) based experiments are performed us-
ing the hardware trainers while the rectifiers, DC-DC converters, inverter, and cyclo-
converter based experiments are performed by using MATLAB Simulink. A full effort
has been made in the designing of this manual to cover the major topics of the power
electronics course.
We would like to acknowledge the efforts and hard work of Engr. Ali Muhammad
(Lab Engineer), and Engr. Adeel Pervaiz(Lab Engineer) in preparation of the first draft
power electronics laboratory manual under the supervison of Dr. Jawad Saleem.
We, Engr. Naseer Khan and Engr. Muhammad Arif are also thankful to Dr. Abdul Ma-
jid and Dr. Jawad saleem for their untiring effort and guidlines during the preparation
of first OBE lab manual.
We would appreciate for identification of errors for further improvement of quality of
the lab manual.
Safety Regulations for Power Electronics Laboratory
• To learn the elementary rules of safety.
All students must read and understand the information with regard to laboratory safety
and emergency procedures prior to the first laboratory session. Your personal laboratory
safety depends mostly on YOU. With good judgment, the chance of an accident is very
small. Read the following safety instructions carefully before operating the equipment.
• Use proper Mains Cord: Use only the mains cord designed for this product.
• Ground the Instrument: This product is grounded through the protective earth
conductor of the mains cord. Before making connections to the input terminals,
ensure that the instrument is properly grounded.
• Observe Terminal Ratings: To avoid fire or shock hazards, observe all ratings and
marks on the instrument.
• Use only the proper Fuse: Use the Fuse type and rating specified for this product.
Notice that it is the current (and the time it flows) that does the damage. Currents above
100mA, or only one tenth of an ampere, are fatal. Currents greater than 100mA can be
serious, painful, and even fatal.
• Never rely on safety devices such as fuses, relays, and interlock systems to protect
you. They may not be working and may fail to protect you when most needed.
• Never remove the grounding prong of a three-wire plug. This eliminates the
grounding feature of the equipment making it a potential shock hazard.
• Do not work on a cluttered bench. A disorganized mess of connecting leads,
components and tools only leads to careless thinking, short circuits, shocks, and
accidents. Develop systemized and organized work habits.
• Do not work on wet floors. Your contact resistance to ground is greatly reduced
on a wet floor. Work on a rubber mat or an insulated floor.
• Do not work alone. It is just good sense to have someone around to shut off the
power, to give artificial respiration, or to call a doctor.
• Work with one hand behind you or in your pocket. A current between two hands
crosses your heart and can be more lethal than a current from hand to foot. A
wise technician always works with one hand.
• Always move slowly working around electrical circuits. Violent and rapid move-
ments lead to accidental short circuits and shocks.
• Resistors can get very hot. Watch those five- and ten-watt resistors. They will
burn the skin off your fingers. Stay away from them until they cool down.
• Be on guard for all capacitors which may still retain a charge, you may also get
a burn from an electrical discharge. If the rated voltage of electrolytic capacitors
is exceeded or their polarities reversed they may get very hot and may actually
• Protect your hands, clothes, and eyes when working with battery acids, enchants,
and finishing fluids. They are corrosive.
A high-voltage setup is entered only when all the parts which can assume high-voltage
in the contact zone are earthed. Earthing is effected by a conductor earthed inside the
fence. Fixing the earthing leads onto the parts to be earthed should be done with the aid
of insulating rods.
Figure 1: Physiological Effects of electric currents
with these materials, suitable fire extinguishers must be to hand, ready for use. Easily
inflammable waste products, e.g. paper or used cotton waste, should always be disposed
off immediately in metal bins. Special regulations must be observed when radioactive
sources are used.
1. Switch off the setup on all poles. So long as this has not been done, the victim of
the accident should not be touched under any circumstances.
2. If the victim is unconscious, notify the life-saving service at once. Immediately
attempt to restore respiration by artificial respiration or chest massage!
3. These measures must be continued, if necessary, up to the beginning of an oper-
ation. (Only 6 to 8 minutes time before direct heart massage!).
4. Even during accidents with no unconsciousness, it is recommended that the vic-
tim lies quietly and a doctor’s advice be sought.
What is the Power Electronics Laboratory?
Power Electronics is the technology behind switching power supplies, power converters,
power inverters, motor drives, and motor soft starters. In this laboratory, the fundamen-
tal of power electronics will be illustrated in practice. You will be building different
kinds of circuits in order to trigger SCR. You are expected to apply the theoretical prin-
ciple you learn in lectures, validate them by simulation using MATLAB software and
finally build them by yourself as semester project. Get ready for a great journey.
Introduction to Lab Equipments/ Trainers
SCR trainers, Cathode Ray oscilloscope (CRO), Digital multimeter and Power supply .
SCR trainers: The power electronics laboratory is equipped by the SCR trainers (Sci-
entech ST2702). The trainer consist of the R triggering, RC triggering(half wave), RC
triggering(Full wave), AC source of 18 Vrms .
Cathode Ray oscilloscope (CRO): In order to observe electrical signals in a circuit,
a conventional oscilloscope is normally used. However, to observe signals in a power
electronics circuit, it often happens that the conventional oscilloscope cannot be used
directly. Common lead of the voltage probe of oscilloscope is connected to ground.
The chassis of oscilloscope is connected to ground as a safety feature to prevent the
possibility of shocks. Now consider a simple series circuit such as the one shown in
Figure. 3. in which resistor R1 is equal to resistor R2. Obviously, the voltage across
resistor R1 is Equal to half the ac source voltage i.e. (1 Es). However, this connection
will modify the circuit 2 because resistor R2 is now short-circuited to ground by the
ground lead of the oscilloscope probe. As a result, the oscilloscope will show a voltage
across resistor R1 equal to ES which is incorrect.In order to observe the correct voltage
across resistor R1, a voltage isolator would have to be used.
Digital multimeter: Laboratory is equipped with digital multi meter of MCP MT8045
as shown in Figure. 4. The multi meter has digital display and capacitance and in-
ductance measurement port. Multimeter can measure the upto 1000V of DC and 750V
of AC. Moreover, the multimeter has the capability of the measurement of AC , DC
current and resistance.
Simulink Tutorial
MATLAB Simulink
MATLAB is a high-performance language for technical computing. It integrates com-
putation, visualization, and programming in an easy-to-use environment where prob-
lems and solutions are expressed in familiar mathematical notation. Typical uses in-
• Algorithm development.
SimPowerSystems only works in the electrical domain. The mechanical characteristics
in SimPowerSystems tend to be represented by Simulink inputs (e.g. rotational speed
or mechanical power input into an electrical machine). More importantly, SimPower-
Systems is designed and optimized for three-phase systems, whereas Simscape (and
SimElectronics) components are single-phase only.
SimPowerSystems has some single-phase components as well. You do get some overlap
between SimPowerSystems and Simscape/SimElectronics for basic components, such
as resistor, capacitor, inductor, etc. SimPowerSystems is really aimed at power gener-
ation, power distribution and power transmission, looking at things like power quality.
Simscape and SimElectronics are more designed for modelling electro-mechanical sys-
tems, analog electronics, semi-conductors, etc.
STEP 2: With MATLAB running, there are different ways to start Simulink.
• Type ‘Simulink’ at the MATLAB prompt (Command Window) and press the En-
ter key.
• Go to Home→ Click on the ‘New’ icon→ Select the new Simulink model.(Figure. 5)
• To browse through the block libraries, select a MathWorks product and then a
functional area in the left pane. To search all of the available block libraries,
enter a search term.
• Get detailed information about a block. Right-click a block, and then select Help
for the ¡block name¿. The Help browser opens with the reference page for the
• View block parameters. Right-click a block, and then select Block Parameters.
The block parameters dialog box opens.
• Access the Simscape Electrical Block Libraries in both old and new version of
MATLAB shown in figures below.
STEP 4: Now Add blocks to model. You build models by dragging blocks from the
Simulink Library Browser window to the Simulink Editor or single-clicking your model
and entering a search term. To build the simple model, begin by copying blocks from
the Simulink Library Browser to the Simulink Editor.
Note that you need the ‘POWERGUI’ Block to simulate any Simulink model contain-
ing Simscape Electrical Specialized Power Systems blocks. It stores the equivalent
Simulink circuit that represents the state-space equations of the model. When using
one Powergui block in a model:
• Place the Powergui block in the top-level diagram for optimal performance.
Make sure that the model window is the active window before starting a simulation.
Simulink starts the simulation at the start time specified and continues till the simulation
reaches the final time step specified in the solver option. Completion of simulation will
be indicated by a beeping sound. Progress of the simulation is shown at the bottom of
the model window. That’s all enough for an introduction to MATLAB Simulink. Now
you can simulate any circuit easily using Simulink.
Experiment 1
To Analyze the Characteristics of Resistive Triggering circuit
1.1 Objective
The objective of this experiment is to trigger SCR using passive element resistor (R).
1.3 Theory
Silicon controlled rectifiers (SCRs) is the member of the thyristor family. SCRs are uni-
directional devices. Structurally, SCRs consist of four layers of P and N types semiconductor
materials and has three terminals, anode, cathode and gate as shown in Figure. 1.1.
Figure. 1.2 shows a very simple variable resistance half-wave circuit. It provides phase retard
from essential zero (SCR full “on”) to 90 electrical degrees of the anode voltage wave (SCR
half “on”). Diode D1 blocks reverse gate voltage on the negative half-cycle of anode supply
voltage. Firing angle can be varied from 0 to 90 degree.
Circuit Operation:
• As the positive voltage applied, the SCR is forward biased and doesn’t conduct until its
gate current is more than minimum gate current of the SCR.
• When the gate current is applied by varying the resistance P1 and P2 such that the gate
current should be more than the minimum value of gate current, the SCR is turned ON.
And hence the load current starts flowing through the SCR.
• The SCR remains ON until the anode current is equal to the holding current of the SCR.
And it will switch OFF when the voltage applied is zero. So the load current is zero as
the SCR acts as open switch.
• The diode D protects the gate drive circuit from reverse gate voltage during the negative
half cycle of the input. The resistor near P1 limits the current flowing through the gate
terminal and its value is such that the gate current should not exceed the maximum gate
current. The resistor R at the cathode of the Diode D is the stabling resistor.
1.4 Procedure
1. Connect the circuit as shown in Circuit Diagram as shown in Figure. 1.2 on the trainer
ScienTECH ST2702.
2. Rotate the potentiometer P1 and P2 fully in clockwise direction.
3. Apply the source.
4. Connect the CRO probes between TP1 and TP2 and observer the phase angle and voltage.
5. Now connect the CRO probes across thyristor and observe the wave form.
6. Vary the potentiometer slowly to see the phase angle variations.
7. Repeat the experiments for various angles fill the table and plot the graph.
Figure 1.1: SCR
1. Interpret the graph for the value of α=30◦ , 50◦ and70◦ .
Figure 1.3: Draw various waveforms
1.6 Laboratory Assessment
Experiment 2
To Analyze the Characteristics of RC Triggering Circuit
2.1 Objective
The objective of the experiment is to learn the traggering of SCR using RC circuit.
2.3 Theory
The RC triggering circuit of SCR is shown in Figure. 2.1. On the positive half-cycle of SCR
anode voltage the capacitor charges to the trigger point of the SCR in a time determined by the
RC time constant and the rising anode voltage. The top plate of the capacitor charges to the peak
of the negative voltage cycle through diode D2 . On the negative half-cycle, resetting it for the
next charging cycle. During negative half cycle capacitor charges in reverse direction when the
supply voltage increases towards positive side the capacitor voltage also recharges in opposite
direction. When this capacitor voltage reaches threshold voltage SCR will turn on and capacitor
discharges through diode D1 and its voltage become very small positive voltage.Firing angle
can be varied from 0 to 180 degree.
2.4 Procedure
1. Connect the circuit as shown in Circuit Diagram as shown in Figure. 1.2 on the trainer
ScienTECH ST2702.
Table 2.1: Observe Values
1. Interpret the graph for the value of α =30 ◦ , 80◦ , and 120◦ .
Figure 2.2: Draw various waveforms
2.6 Laboratory Assessment
Experiment 3
Simulation of Single Phase Half-wave Uncontrolled Rectifier with R,
RL and FWD
3.1 Objective
Implementation of single phase half-wave rectifier in MATLAB Simulink using R (resistive)
and RL (resistive, inductive) loads. Also perform the analysis using RL load and free wheeling
3.3 Theory
A basic single phase half-wave rectifier with a resistive load is shown in Figure. 3.1(a). The
circuit consist of AC source, diode and Load.The diode is a basic electronic switch that allows
current only in one direction.
For the positive half-cycle of the AC source , the diode D is forward-biased. The voltage Vd
across a forward-biased ideal diode is equal to zero and the load voltage V0 is equal to the
source volatge.
For the negative half-cycle of the AC source, the diode D is reverse-biased, making zero current
in the circuit.The load voltage is also zero and the voltage across the reverse-biased diode is
equal to source voltage, which has a negative value.
For the RL load half wave rectifier as shown in Figure. 3.1(b). The diode conducts beyond the
1800 for a reasonable amount of time due to the energy stored in the inductor.For this output
voltage has the negative value at the output till the inductor current current becomes zero at
θ = β. Beyond this point, D becomes reverse biased.
To prevent reversal of load voltage, a free wheeling diode is used as shown in Figure. 3.1(c).
Figure 3.1: Single phase half-wave uncontrolled rectifier with a) R load b) RL load c) RL load
and FWD
3.4 Procedure
1. Draw the given circuit diagrams in the Simulink
2. Enter the given parameter values from the Table.....
4. Observe the voltage and the current waveforms of all the circuit elements
5. Fill in the column of the output voltage in the table according to the observed wavefroms
6. Compute/calculate the the output voltage to verify the simulated value using the follow-
ing relations
• For R load: V0 = Vm /π
• For RL load: V0 = Vm /2π(1 − cosβ)
• For RL load and free wheeling diode: V0 = Vm /π
3.5 Laboratory Assessment
Experiment 4
Simulation of Single Phase Full-wave Uncontrolled Rectifier with R,
RL and FWD
4.1 Objective
Simulink(Matlab) software
4.3 Theory
The single phase full-wave rectifier is shown in Figure. 4.1(a). This type of single phase rectifier
uses four individual rectifying diodes connected in a closed loop “bridge” configuration to
produce the desired output.The main advantage of this bridge circuit is that it does not require
a special centre tapped transformer, thereby reducing its size and cost. The single secondary
winding is connected to one side of the diode bridge network and the load to the other side as
shown Figure. 4.1.
The full-wave bridge rectifier using resistive load R is shown in Figure. 4.1(a).Where as in
Figure. 4.1(b) , the full wave center tap rectifier with R load is shown. The operational principal
is same for the both circuit. For RL load, the nagative value of the output voltage is obtained
and that is quenched by the used of free wheeling diode. During the positive half cycle of the
supply, diodes D1 conduct while diodes D2 is reverse biased and the current flows through the
During the negative half cycle of the supply, diodes D2 conduct in series, but diodes D1 is now
reverse biased.
4.4 Procedure
1. Draw the given circuit diagrams in the Simulink
3. Observe the voltage and the current waveforms of all the circuit elements
4. Fill in the column of the output voltage in the table according to the observed wavefroms
5. Compute/calculate the the output voltage to verify the simulated value using the follow-
ing relations
4.5 Laboratory Assessment
Experiment 5
Simulation of Single Phase Controlled Rectifiers
5.1 Objective
Implementation of single phase controlled rectifier in MATLAB Simulink using R (resistive)
and RL (resistive, inductive) loads. Also perform the analysis using RL load and free wheeling
5.3 Theory
Half wave controlled rectifier:A single phase half wave Thyristor converter circuit is used to
convert AC to DC power conversion as shown in Figure. 11.1. The input source is AC and
the desired DC voltage can be obatianed from this circuit.. In the Figure. 11.1(a) single phase
half wave controlled rectifier is shown. For the positive half cycle of the thyristor T is in the
conduction mode, a positive pulse is needed on the gate terminal to turn on the thyristor. The
delay angle α is used to control the output voltage Vo . For the negative half cycle, the thyristor
is off and the V0 is zero.
Fullwave Controlled rectifier: In the fully-controlled rectifier configuration, the average DC
load voltage is controlled using two thyristors per half-cycle. Thyristors (T1 and T2 ) are fired
together as a pair during the positive half-cycle, while thyristors (T3 and T4 )are also fired
together as a pair during the negative half-cycle. For continuous conduction mode of operation
the four thyristors are constantly being switched as alternate pairs to maintain the average or
equivalent DC output voltage.
5.4 Procedure
1. Draw the given circuit diagrams in the Simulink
4. Observe the voltage and the current waveforms of all the circuit elements
5. Fill in the column of the output voltage in the table according to the observed wavefroms
6. Compute/calculate the the output voltage to verify the simulated value using the follow-
ing relations
5.5 Laboratory Assessment
Experiment 6
Simulation of Three Phase Controlled Rectifiers
6.1 Objective
The objective of this experiment is to implement the three phase rectifier in Simulink.
6.3 Theory
Figure. 6.1 illustrates the circuit diagram of a three phase full wave controlled rectifier which
consists of six thyristors ( T1 - T6 ). For any current to flow in the load at least one device from
the top group (T1 , T3 , T5 ) and one from the bottom group (T2 , T4 , T6 ) must conduct. Each
thyristor conducts for 120◦ of the input cycle. The transistors are fired in the sequence T1 →
T2 → T3 → T4 → T5 → T6 → T1 with 60 ◦ interval between each firing. Therefore thyristors
on the same phase leg are fired at an interval of 180◦ and hence can not conduct simultaneously.
This leaves only six possible conduction mode for the converter in the continuous conduction
mode of operation. These are
T1T2, T2T3, T3T4, T4T5, T5T6, T6T1.
Each conduction mode is of 60◦ duration and appears in the sequence mentioned.
6.4 Procedure
1. Draw the given circuit diagrams in the Simulink
4. Observe the voltage and the current waveforms of all the circuit elements
5. Fill in the column of the output voltage in the table according to the observed wavefroms
6. Compute/calculate the the output voltage to verify the simulated value using the follow-
ing relations
6.5 Laboratory Assessment
Experiment 7
Design and Analysis of Buck Converter
7.1 Objective
Matlab/LTSpice software
7.3 Theory
The Buck converter is used to generate an output voltage lower than the input source voltage
It is also called step-down converter. Figure. 7.1 is a simplified circuit diagram of a buck con-
verter.It consists of a DC source, controlled switch “MOSFET” and free wheelind diode “D”.
The MOSFET which is used as a controlled switch can be turned On and Off by applying high
or low pulse at its gate. The output voltage of the buck converter is given by the realtion
V0 = V in ∗ d
where V0 is the output voltage, Vin is the input voltage, and d is the duty cycle, or percentage of
the time that the MOSFET is turned on.Its numerical value is a number between zero and one.
The inductor L and capacitor C in Figure. 7.1 form a low pass filter. This filter allows the DC
component to pass but removes the components at the switching frequency and its harmonics
depending upon the design of LC values.
In the loseless converter, all the components are considered to be ideal. Specifically, the MOS-
FET and the diode D have zero voltage drop when on and zero current flow when off, and the
inductor has zero series resistance. Further, it is assumed that the input and output voltages
do not change over the course of a cycle (this would imply the output capacitance as being
Operational procedure:
• When MOSFET is OFF, load current continues to flow in the same direction through
Diode D due to energy stored in inductor L.
• Load current can be continuous or discontinuous depending on the value of L and duty
cycle d.
• For a continuous current operation,load current varies between two limits Imax and Imin .
• When current becomes equal to Imax the chopper is turned off and it is turned on when
current reduces to Imin .
Figure 7.1: Buck Converter
7.4 Procedure
1. Draw the given circuit diagrams in the Simulink
4. Observe the voltage and the current waveforms of all the circuit elements
5. Fill in the column of the output voltage in the table according to the observed wavefroms
6. Compute/calculate the the output voltage to verify the simulated value using the follow-
ing relations
Input Output Voltage
Duty Cycle (d) Input Voltage (Vin ) Calculated Simulated
• Conclusion
• Attache the lab report in lab manual
7.5 Laboratory Assessment
Experiment 8
Design and Analysis of Boost Converter
8.1 Objective
Matlab software
8.3 Theory
Figure. 8.1 illustrates the circuit diagram of the boost converter. The Boost converter is used
to generate an output voltage greater than or equal to the input source voltage It is also called
step-up converter The operational principle of the boost converter is as, when the switch Q is
turned on the current through the inductor L increases and stores the electromagnetic energy.
The load resistor R is supplied power from the capcitor C. When the switch Q is turned off the
inductor releases its energy to the load R, through the Diode D. The output voltage V0 can be
computed as:
V0 =Vin /1 − d
where V0 is the output voltage, Vin is the input voltage, and d is the duty cycle
Input Output Voltage
Duty Cycle (d) Input Voltage (Vin ) Calculated Simulated
8.4 Procedure
1. Draw the given circuit diagrams in the Simulink
4. Observe the voltage and the current waveforms of all the circuit elements
5. Fill in the column of the output voltage in the table according to the observed wavefroms
6. Compute/calculate the the output voltage to verify the simulated value using the follow-
ing relations
8.5 Laboratory Assessment
Experiment 9
Design and Analysis of Buck-Boost Converter
9.1 Objective
Matlab software
9.3 Theory
Figure. 10.1 illustrates the circuit diagram of the Buck-boost converter The Buck–boost con-
verter is used to generate an output voltage magnitude that is either greater or less than the
input source voltage. It combines the principles of Buck Converter and Boost converter in a
single circuit When MOSFET is turned ON , the diode is reverse biased and the source cur-
rent flows through the inductor.During this subinterval, the inductor stores energy in form of
magnetic field and capacitor is supplying energy to the load
When MOSFET is turned OFF, the diode becomes forward biased and carries the inductor
current to the load.
Input Output Voltage
Duty Cycle (d) Input Voltage (Vin ) Calculated Simulated
9.4 Procedure
1. Draw the given circuit diagrams in the Simulink
4. Observe the voltage and the current waveforms of all the circuit elements
5. Fill in the column of the output voltage in the table according to the observed wavefroms
6. Compute/calculate the the output voltage to verify the simulated value using the follow-
ing relations
9.5 Laboratory Assessment
Experiment 10
Design and Analysis of Isolated DC-DC Converter
10.1 Objective
The objective of this experiment is to design and analyze the the flyback converter for various
10.3 Theory
Figure. 10.1 illustrates the circuit diagram of the Flyback converter. The working principle is
based on the switch mode power supply (SMPS) mode.
When the switch S is in the ON position, there is no energy transfer between the input and the
load. The total energy will be stored in the primary winding of the circuit. The current Ip passes
through the primary winding. The energy is stored in the form of the magnetic inductance of
the transformer and the current increases with time linearly. Then the diode D becomes reverse
biased and no current flows to the secondary winding of the transformer and the total energy
are stored in the capacitor used at the output.
When the switch S is in the OFF position, the energy is transferred to the load by changing
the polarity of the transformer windings due to the magnetic field and the rectifier circuit starts
rectifying the voltage. The total energy in the core will be transferred to the load will be rectified
and the process would be continued till the energy in the core is depleted or until the switch S
is turned ON.
10.4 Procedure
1. Draw the given circuit diagrams in the Simulink
V1 V2 +
C V0 R
Input Output Voltage
Duty Cycle (d) Input Voltage (Vin ) Calculated Simulated
4. Observe the voltage and the current waveforms of all the circuit elements
5. Fill in the column of the output voltage in the table according to the observed wavefroms
6. Compute/calculate the the output voltage to verify the simulated value using the follow-
ing relations
10.5 Laboratory Assessment
Experiment 11
Design and Analysis of Single Phase Inverters
11.1 Objective
The objective of this experiment is to implement the Half-bridge inverter in Simulink.
11.3 Theory
The type of power converter which converts DC into AC is called Inverter. Figure. 11.1a(a)
illustrates the circuit diagram of a single-phase half-bridge inverter.In given figure, Vin is the
input source voltage , vo is the output voltage. This inverter requires two diodes (D1 , D2 ) and
two controlled switches ( S1 , S2 ) which are connected in anti-parallel. The two switches are
complementary which means when the first switch is ON, the second switch will be OFF. Sim-
ilarly, when the second switch is ON, the first switch will be OFF. The circuit for turning ON
and turning OFF these switches is not shown in the above circuit to maintain simplicity.While
analyzing the circuit, it is assumed that each switch conducts for the duration its gate pulse is
present and is made OFF as soon as this pulse is removed. If the load is purely resistive, there
is no need to put diode(D1 and D2 ) as the output voltage and current are always in phase. But
for loads other than purely resistive, the load current io will not be in phase with the output
voltage vo . For such case, the diode connected in anti-parallel with the switch will allow the
current to flow when main switch is turned off. When these diode conducts, the energy is fed
back to the DC source and hence, these diodes are called flyback diode.
The type of power converter which converts DC into AC is called Inverter. Figure. 11.1a(b)
illustrates the circuit diagram of a single-phase full-bridge inverter.In given figure, Vin is the
input source voltage , vo is the output voltage. This inverter requires four diodes (D1 - D4 ) and
four controlled switches ( S1 - S4 ) which are connected in anti-parallel. The switch pairs (S1
, S4 ) and (S2 , S3 ) conduct in turn. The two terminals of the load are connected to the middle
points of the left-hand leg and right-hand leg of the bridge circuit, respectively. The load con-
sidered can be resistive (R) or inductive (RL). If the load is inductive, the current phase angle
is θ. Moreover, there are four diodes, D1 - D4 , which are employed to provide the paths for the
load current driven by the stored energy in the load inductor.
11.4 Procedure
1. Draw the given circuit diagrams in the Simulink
4. Observe the voltage and the current waveforms of all the circuit elements
5. Fill in the column of the output voltage in the table according to the observed wavefroms
11.5 Laboratory Assessment
Experiment 12
Simulation of Three Phase Inverter with Resistive Load on Three
Phase Inverter Board
12.1 Objective
The objective of this experiment is to implement the three phase inverter in Simulink.
12.3 Theory
A basic three phase inverter is a six step bridge inverter. It uses a minimum of six controlled
switches ( S1 - S6 ). In inverter terminology, a step is defined as a change in the firing from one
switch to the next switch in a proper sequence. For getting one cycle of 360◦ , each step is of
60◦ interval. This means switch will be gated at a regular interval of 60◦ in a proper sequence
so that three phase AC output voltage is synthesized at its output.
There are two possible patterns of gating the switches. In one pattern, each switch conducts for
180 ◦ and in other, each switch conducts for 120◦ . But in both these patters the gating signals
are applied and removed at 60◦ interval of the output voltage waveform. Therefore, both these
models require a six step bridge inverter.
12.4 Procedure
1. Draw the given circuit diagrams in the Simulink
4. Observe the voltage and the current waveforms of all the circuit elements
5. Fill in the column of the output voltage in the table according to the observed wavefroms
• Introduction & circuit operation
• Simulink model diagram
• Graphs of voltage and current of each circuit elements(Source,switches,load)
• Conclusion
• Attache the lab report in lab manual
12.5 Laboratory Assessment
Experiment 13
Simulation of a Single-Phase Cyclo-Converter
13.1 Objective
The objective of this experiment is to implement the single phase to single cyclo-converter in
13.3 Theory
Figure. 13.1 illustrates the circuit diagram of Single Phase Bridge type cyclo-converter. Here,two
single phase fully-controlled bridges are connected in opposite directions. Bridge 1 supplies
load current in the positive half of the output cycle and bridge 2 supplies load current in the
negative half of the output cycle. The two bridges should not conduct together as this will
produce a short-circuit at the input.
Instead of one thyristor in the centre-tap transformer configuration, two thyristors come in se-
ries with each voltage source in the bridge configuration. For resistive loads, the SCRs undergo
natural commutation and produce discontinuous current operation as same as produced in sin-
gle phases to single phase cyclo-converter.
For inductive loads, the load current may be continuous or discontinuous, depending upon the
firing angle and load power factor. The load voltage and current waveforms would be similar
to single phases to single phase for discontinuous load current and as in single phases to single
phase for continuous load current. When the load current is positive, the firing pulses to the
SCRs of bridge 2 will be inhibited and bridge 1 will be gated. Similarly, when the load current
is negative,bridge 2 will be gated and the firing pulses will not be applied to the SCRs in bridge
1. This is the circulating current free mode of operation.
Thus, the firing angle control scheme must be such that one converter can conduct at a time, and
the change-over of firing pulses from one converter to the other should be periodic according
to the output frequency. However the firing angles of SCRs of both the converters should be
the same to produce a symmetrical output.
When a cycloconverter operates in the noncirculating current mode, the control scheme be-
comes complicated if the load current is discontinuous. The control scheme becomes somewhat
simplified if some amount of circulating current is allowed to flow between them. In this case,
a circulating current limiting reactor is connected between the positive and negative converters.
This circulating current by itself keeps both the converters in virtually continuous conduction
over the whole control range. This type of operation is called as the circulating-current mode
of operation.
13.4 Procedure
1. Draw the given circuit diagrams in the Simulink
Figure 13.1: single phase to single cyclo-converter
4. Observe the voltage and the current waveforms of all the circuit elements
5. Fill in the column of the output voltage in the table according to the observed wavefroms
13.5 Laboratory Assessment
Experiment 14
Open Ended Laboratory (Sample Lab)
Lab 01 (Design and Analyze the 12 V to 5V DC-DC Converter )
14.1 Objective
Design and Analyze the 12 V to 5V DC-DC Converter by using the suitable converter topology
considering the topology simplicity, performance and efficiency.
• Key formulas
Student Sample Solution:
14.3 Discription
A simple non-isolated DC-DC buck converter toplogy is opted and converter is modeled analyt-
ically. The circuit diagram the buck converter is shown in Figure. 14.1To verify the analytical
results converter, a matlab simulation is performed.
Design specifications A 12 volt power source to an output of 5 volts and 2 Amps load. The
switching frequency is selected at 400 KHz.The current ripple will be limited to 30% of maxi-
mum load.The following specifications are used for the buck converter design:
Vin = 12 V
VOU T = 5 V
ILOAD = 2 Amps
Fsw = 400 KHz
D = Vin /Vout = 5V /12V = 0.416
Inductor value (L):
V = L.∆I/∆T (14.1)
L = (Vin –Vout )(D/Fsw )/Iripple (14.2)
L = 7V.(0.416/400kHz)/0.6A (14.3)
L = 12.12uH (14.4)
For the design example, the calculated inductor value is 12 uH.From a catalog, a 12 uH, 3 amp
inductor has a resistance of 0.037 ohm and costs about 85 $.
The power dissipated due to copper losses is:
Iload fflESR = 0.15W att (14.5)
Figure 14.2: Simulink Buck converter
∆I = 0.6amp
ESR = 0.03ohm
ESL = 0
∆T = .416/400kHz = 1.04usec
The voltage ripple across the output capacitor is the sum of ripple voltages due to the Effective
Series resistance (ESR), the voltage sag due to the load current that must be supplied by the ca-
pacitor as the inductor is discharged, and the voltage ripple due to the capacitor’s Effect Series
C = (∆I.∆T )/(∆V − (∆I.ESR)) (14.7)
Cout = (0.6A ∗ 1.04usec)/(0.05V − (0.6A ∗ 0.03)) (14.8)
Cout = 19.5uF (minimum) (14.9)
Input capacitor selection:
Estimate Input Ripple Current: IRIP P LE = ILOAD /2 = 1amp
• Define acceptable input ripple voltage: 200mv
• Select a Capacitor ESR value: 0.12ohm
• Capacitance:
Figure 14.4: Duty cycle, MOSFET voltage, Inductor Current and Diode Voltage
Pswitching = 0.28watt + 0.017watt = 0.297wattPtotal = 0.3watt
Efficiency Calculations:
Output Power : 10 watts (5V and 2 amps)
Input capacitor loss: 0.12 w
MOSFET Loss: 0.3 w
Diode Loss: 0.47 w
Inductor Loss: 0.15 w
Output Capacitor Loss: 0.01 w
Total losses: 1.05 watts
Efficiency = 10w / (10w + 1.05w) = 90.5%
Results and Discussion: The simulik model of the buck converter is shown in Figure. 14.2.
The values obtained through analytical results are used for the development of the simulink
The simulation results obtained are shown in Figure. 14.3 and Figure. 14.4. In Figure. 14.3, the
output voltage and the current through the diode (Isw) and the current through the MOSFET
are express.In Figure. 14.4, The duty cycle, MOSFET voltage, inductor current and the diode
voltage are express. The simulation results are in close comparison with the analytical results.
Experiment 15
Open Ended Laboratory
Lab 02 (Design and Analyze the 50 Hz to 200 Hz Cycloconverter )
15.1 Objective
To design and analyze the cycloconverter for desired application that converter frequency from
50Hz to 200Hz . Your report should cover the mentioned outcomes.
• Application/Topology
• Key formulas
Experiment 16
Open Ended Laboratory
Lab 03 (Implementation of AC Voltage Regulators )
16.1 Objective
To design and analyze the single/three phase AC voltage regulator for commercial applications.
Your report should cover the mentioned outcomes.
• Application/Topology
• Key formulas
Experiment 17
Complex Engineering Problem (CEP): Sample
• Highly efficient
Figure 17.1: Concept diagram: Renewable energy based electric supply system for remote
residential community
Student Sample Solution:
Below is solution of the student sample of the complex engineering problem, the objective was
to explore the three phase inverter suitable topology for WIND/PV hybrid system. A five level
three phase multilevel inverter (MLI) using diode clamp is explored, in which not only THD
is reduced but also the filtering requirements is reduces as the number of level increases at the
The multilevel inverter is modeled in simulation(Matlab) as shown in Figure. 17.2.A simulation
configuration of three-phase multilevel diode-clamped inverter (DCI) employing Phase Dispo-
sition Pulse Width Modulation (PDPWM) with stepped wave as modulating signal. Three
phase-three level inverters are simulated and PDPWM is used as the control method. The out-
put waveforms of multilevel inverters are presented and comparison study between Sinusoidal
Pulse Width Modulation (SPWM) and PDPWM is done. Total harmonic distortion of pole
voltages are analyzed and compared. Analysis for over modulation condition is also simulated.
The MLI are tremendously used in medium voltage high power applications, since they can
produce an alternating output voltage from different dc input voltage sources like batteries,
solar panels, super capacitors and fuel cells. The main advantages of MLI are reduced THD,
and low distortion in input current. The structure and multilevel output allow the voltage source
inverter to achieve high voltage with lower amount of harmonics without using transformers
or series connected synchronous switching devices. Since the output voltage level is high,
harmonics amount is low so that we could avoid filters.
Among variety of multilevel inverters available, the common types are diode clamped inverter,
flying capacitor type, and cascaded H-bridge type. Since diode clamped inverters are easy
to control, this topology is discussed in the literature. In diode clamped multilevel inverter
structure, clamping diodes are used, while in the structure of flying capacitor type MLI, more
number of flying capacitors are used and cascaded H-bridge needs more isolated DC sources
and switching components. These additional devices introduce complexity and cost. This pa-
per presents a novel simulation configuration of three-phase multilevel diode-clamped inverter
(DCI) with Phase Disposition Pulse Width Modulation (PDPWM). Two different reference sig-
nals are used. One is the sinusoidal signal and other is the stepped signal. The behavior under
over modulation is also simulated.
Figure 17.3: Phase A gate switching signals
MLI Operation:
In the structure of diode clamped MLI, clamping diodes and capacitors are there. A 3-level
diode clamped multilevel inverter circuitry can be seen in figure 1. For level diode clamped
MLI, (m-1) capacitors, 2(m-1) switches, and (n-1)(m-1) clamping diodes are there where m is
the level of pole voltage. The voltage across each capacitor for a m level MLI with Vdc as input
voltage is Vdc/m. Here the advantage is the voltage stress of each switch is limited to voltage
across a single capacitor. DCMLI have many advantages such as high efficiency, since voltage
across each capacitor is same the pre-charging can be done in groups, for three phase, common
DC bus is used by all three phases, and thus requires reduces number of capacitors and low
cost. This structure is efficient in high power applications where back to back connections are
done. It has some limitations such as calculation of number of diodes required for a particular
output voltage level is quadratically related and complex. Other drawbacks include difficult to
flow real power, and difficulty in maintaining charging and pre charging of capacitors.
Modulation Technique:Phase Disposition PWM
In phase disposition PWM, all the carrier signals are identical and equally displaced about the
zero axis. For n level MLI, (n-1) number of carrier signals is required. These carrier signals are
compared with the modulating signals to produce desired output voltage. If the carrier signal
is lower than the reference waveform, the gate signal will be high and if it is higher than the
reference waveform the gate signal will be low. Here, the number of switching is determined
by pulse width modulation. For reducing switching frequency, and thereby switching losses,
efficient phase disposition between carrier signal and control waveform has to be found out.
THD also must be considered.
For a three level inverter, it requires (n-1) carriers. Here the number of carrier will be two and
is show in figure 3. In this paper, the modulating signal used is stepped wave and is shown in
figure 4. Here, the stepped wave used is not a sampled version of sine wave, the modulating
signal, whereas it has specifically divided intervals, with each interval controlled individually
to reduce certain harmonics and to control the fundamental component magnitude. Generally,
this control technique provides low distortion and higher fundamental component magnitude
when compared with ordinary PWM control. Generally for a phase disposition PWM method,
sine wave is used as the reference signal. A comparison between these two types of reference
signals with respect to a three level three phase inverter is discussed here.
Results and Discussion
The simulation of three phase diode clamped MLI with PDPWM is done in MATLAB/Simulink.
Simulation setup for sinusoidal based three phase three level inverter and stepped wave based
three phase three level inverter are shown in Figure. 17.6.
Normally for a diode-clamped multi-level inverter, sine wave is taken as the reference signal.
Two triangular carrier signals are taken. The three phase currents are shown in Figure. 17.7.
The gate switching signals for the each phase are shown in Figure. 17.3,Figure. 17.4 and Fig-
ure. 17.5 respectively. The stepped wave is generated using pulse generator block and by
applying 120 degree phase delay three phase stepped wave is generated.
Total harmonic distortion is analyzed using FFT tool box of matlab/Simulink. For the SPWM
based three level inverter THD for pole voltage is 6.2% and for stepped wave based three
level inverter THD is 19.42%. THD is more for the stepped wave based multi-level inverter as
compared with the sinusoidal based one.
When operate in over modulated range, multilevel inverters have high magnitude of fundamen-
tal component in the output voltage when compared to that operate in linear modulated range.
Thus in applications where we need maximum extraction of power from the DC input voltage,
overmodulated inverter can be used. For a sine wave employed system, the THD change is from
6.2% to 7.25% by increasing the amplitude of sine by 1.5.Also the change in fundamental com-
ponent is from 97.54 to 108.6. For a stepped wave employed system, the THD change is from
19.42% to 21.57%, by increasing the amplitude of sine by 1.5.Also the change in fundamental
component is from 83.59 to 115.2, which is shown in figure 16 & 17.
17.5 Conclusion
Three phase-three level inverter with PDPWM control technique using both sine wave and
stepped wave are simulated in Matlab/Simulink and the THDs are compared. The THD for
the system using stepped modulation is 19.42% and the system using sinusoidal modulation
is 6.2%. It is proved that, the lowest value of THD is obtained in the sinusoidal PWM with
PDPWM inverter. System employing over modulation is simulated and the THD is increased
from 6.2% to 7.21% for the system using sinusoidal modulation. Similarly, for the system
using stepped modulation, the THD change is from 19.42% to 21.57%
Experiment 18
Complex Engineering Problem (CEP): 1
• Highly efficient
Experiment 19
Complex Engineering Problem (CEP): 2
• Highly efficient