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Sir Galahad User Manual G525M050 v1-3

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PSA 10.525
PSA 10.525 Sir Galahad II User Manual

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13 May 2015
PSA 10.525 Sir Galahad II User Manual



Version Version Manual

Manual Description No. Date Part No.
PSA 10.525 SIR GALAHAD II USER MANUAL 1.2 10 Jun 14 G525M050

Update Record for PSA 10.525 Sir Galahad II User Manual

Version Version
Update Description
No. Date
Revised to include amalgamation unit type D009 (Sections 1.1.0, 1.4.0 –
1.3 13 May 15
1.4.3, 3.1.0 & 3.1.1). Minor revisions.
Carrier gas specification updated (§2.9.1), Hazardous substance
information updated to reflect GHS terminology (§3.3.0). Changes due
1.2 10 Jun 14
to SGv3 software release: Minimum computer specification (§2.10.0);
software and software manual references revised (throughout).
1.1 05 Oct 12 Addition of Section 1.5.1. Minor revisions.
First Issue. Amalgamation of previous individual Sir Galahad
Manuals,(G525M002, G525M012, G525M013, G525M014 &
1.0 04 Nov 10
G525M015) with extensive updates and revisions. Manual applicable to
instruments with Serial Numbers 500+

Associated Manuals/Manuals of Interest

Manual Description
Part No.
SGv3 Software G525M030
PSA OnLine Software C210M007
Sir Galahad Service G525M009

System manufactured by:

P S Analytical Ltd
Arthur House, Crayfields Industrial Estate,
Main Road, Orpington, Kent BR5 3HP,UK
Tel: +44 (0) 1689 891211 Fax: +44 (0) 1689 896009
E-mail: psa@psanalytical.com Website: www.psanalytical.com

© P S Analytical 2010-15

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PSA 10.525 Sir Galahad II User Manual

Note: Pressures in this manual are given in bar. Conversions to other units are given

Bar kPa psi *

0.0 0 0
0.5 50 7
1.0 100 15
1.5 150 22
2.0 200 29
2.5 250 36
3.0 300 44
3.5 350 51
4.0 400 58
4.5 450 65
5.0 500 73
5.5 550 80
6.0 600 87
6.5 650 94
7.0 700 102
* Conversion approximate

Instrument Quick Reference Information

Note: This Section should be completed by the User or Installation Technician
Instrument Details:
Model Name: Sir Galahad II
Part No.: PSA 10.525 /D _ __ /B _ __ /_ _
(amalgamation (detector) (if purge
drawer) ready)

Serial No.: ___

Service Support Contact Details:
Usual Contact:

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PSA 10.525 Sir Galahad II User Manual


SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................... 7

1.1.0 Introduction ........................................................................................ 7
1.2.0 Principles of Operation ....................................................................... 9
1.2.1 AmasilTM Traps 10
1.3.0 Principles of Calibration ................................................................... 11
1.3.1 Manual Calibration 11
1.3.2 Automatic Calibration 12
1.4.0 Modes of Operation .......................................................................... 12
1.4.1 Online Single Amalgamation 13
1.4.2 Remote Sampling 14
1.4.3 Online Dual Amalgamation 16
1.4.4 Online Continuous Sequential Sampling, Single Amalgamation 18
1.5.0 Data Capture and Management ....................................................... 21
1.5.1 Signal Output 21
1.6.0 Applications ...................................................................................... 22
1.6.1 Petrochemical Streams 22
1.6.2 Ambient Air Monitoring 22
1.6.3 Workroom Air Monitoring 23
1.6.4 Stack Gas 23
SECTION 2 SPECIFICATIONS AND INSTALLATION ................................. 24
2.1.0 Introduction ...................................................................................... 24
2.2.0 Electrical Supply............................................................................... 24
2.3.0 Environmental Conditions ................................................................ 24
2.4.0 USB Connector (Type A).................................................................. 25
2.4.1 Rear 25 Way Male 'D' Connector (TTL Slave) 25
2.5.0 Unpacking ........................................................................................ 25
2.6.0 Location............................................................................................ 25
2.7.0 Voltage and Fuse Checks ................................................................ 26
2.7.1 Internal Fuses 27
2.8.0 Electrical Supply Connections .......................................................... 27
2.9.0 Gas Supply Connections .................................................................. 27
2.9.1 Carrier Gas 28
2.9.2 Cooling Gas 28
2.9.3 Purge Gas Connection 29
2.10.0 Computer Connection ...................................................................... 29
SECTION 3 OPERATION.............................................................................. 31
3.1.0 Front Panel Controls ........................................................................ 31
3.1.1 Rear Panel Controls 34
3.2.0 Warning Symbols ............................................................................. 35
3.3.0 Hazardous Substances .................................................................... 35
3.4.0 Calibration of the Sir Galahad .......................................................... 36
3.4.1 Calibration Vessel Set Up 36
3.4.2 Calibration Procedure 38
3.5.0 Remote Sampling ............................................................................. 39
3.5.1 Use of AmasilTM Traps 41
3.5.2 Online and Local Sampling 41
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SECTION 4 MAINTENANCE .........................................................................44

4.1.0 Introduction ....................................................................................... 44
4.2.0 Maintenance ..................................................................................... 44
4.3.0 Cleaning ........................................................................................... 44
4.3.1 Gold Trap Cleaning 45
4.3.2 Contaminated Gold Traps 45
4.4.0 Trouble Shooting .............................................................................. 46
4.5.0 Spare Parts List - Front Panel .......................................................... 47
4.5.1 Spare Parts List - Rear Panel 47
4.5.2 Spare Parts List - Miscellaneous 48
4.5.3 Operator Replaceable/Consumable Parts 49
4.6.0 Bug Report ....................................................................................... 49

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PSA 10.525 Sir Galahad II User Manual

1.1.0 Introduction
The P S Analytical 10.525 Sir Galahad II enables the determination of mercury in a wide
range of gaseous media, including; ambient air, natural gas and stack gases. The
Sir Galahad is based on amalgamation with atomic fluorescence spectrometry. Atomic
fluorescence provides inherently more sensitivity than atomic absorption and offers
advantages in terms of linearity, accuracy and precision.

The P S Analytical Merlin detector offers the sensitivity to be able to measure low levels
of elemental mercury with minimal sampling requirements. Combining the detector with
a specific gold amalgamation trapping mechanism using Amasil™ traps provides the key
to offering a complete monitoring system.

The PSA 10.525 Sir Galahad II analyser has been designed to support a wide range of
applications. To support this range of applications, a number of different models are
available. The different models are denoted by suffixes on the basic PSA 10.525 Part
Number, as shown in Table 1. The differences between the models are principally
confined to the configuration of the amalgamation unit (or “drawer”). All models
incorporate a PSA Merlin detector. The range of models available and the available
modes of operation and special features of each are shown in Table 1.

The part number format is:

Amalgamation Ready
Unit Flag

PSA 10.525 /Dnnn /Bnnn /EX


Dnnn Fitted with a G525Dnnn Amalgamation Unit (drawer)

Bnnn Fitted with a G525Bnnn or G525BnnnEX Merlin Detector
EX When present, this denotes that the analyser is “purge ready” for inclusion in an
Ex p purged enclosure.

Note: The abbreviated part number 10.525/Dnnn is used in this manual to identify the
different Sir Galahad models unless identification of a particular Detector Type or
Purge Ready Status is also required.

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PSA 10.525 Sir Galahad II User Manual

Table 1 PSA 10.525 Sir Galahad II Detector and Amalgamation Unit

PSA Merlin Detectors
Part No. Description
G525B300(EX)* The standard detector unit.
G525B700(EX)* Detector with heated lamp enclosure, use is application specific.
*The EX suffix denotes Ex p ready units.
PSA Sir Galahad Amalgamation Units (Drawers)
Supported modes of operation/features

Continuous Sequential

Rapid-cycle Dual
Online Sampling
Sour Gas Ready
Remote Sample



Part No. Description

Online Single

Online Dual

G525D001 Standard Model      
G525D005 Online Dual Amalgamation Ready
(Quartz Trap 2 module)
     
G525D500 Online Dual Amalgamation      
(Long life ceramic Trap 2 heater module)
G525D510 Standard Ex p model
(Online Dual amalgamation with Long Life 5     
Ceramic Trap 2 heater module and separated
waste streams for Ex p cabinets).
G525D520 Ex p model for sour gas applications
(Online Dual Amalgamation with Long Life
Ceramic Trap 2 Heater Module, separated
waste streams for Ex p cabinets and separate
5     
Trap1/detector and Trap 2 carrier gas streams
for sour gas applications)
G525D006 “Quick” Online Dual Amalgamation      
G525D007 Continuous Sequential Sampling
Online Single Amalgamation
     
G525D008 Dual Sample Inlet, Single
Amalgamation      
(for low level online air sampling)
G525D009 Online Dual Amalgamation Ready
(Quartz Trap 2 heater module and separated 5     
waste streams).
The G525D520 Unit also requires the G525K010 accessory to control the carrier gas flow.
Modified for online sample streams containing high H2S.
Equipped with two traps for continuous sample collection. (Mercury is collected on one trap
whilst mercury collected on the other trap is being analysed.)
Modified for a shorter online dual amalgamation cycle.
G525K510 Single Amalgamation Link Kit also required.

Note: Other naming conventions were previously used to indicate the Sir Galahad
configuration, below is a translation. Except where shown, use of a B700 optics
box was indicated by the addition of “H” to the end of the part number.
Previous Part No. New Part No.
10.525 10.525/D001/B300
10.526 10.525/D005/B300
10.525EX 10.525/D500/B300/EX (previously 10.525/D005/B300/EX)
10.525F 10.525/D007/B300
10.525K 10.525/D520/B700/EX
10.525Q 10.525/D006/B300
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PSA 10.525 Sir Galahad II User Manual

The PSA Sir Galahad is a highly flexible instrument. It can be readily transported and
will monitor one or numerous sample streams/locations in a local, online or remote basis.
(Online analysis when incorporated into an analyser system.)

The instrument has been widely used to measure mercury levels in many different gas
streams, including: ambient air, workroom air, hydrocarbon/petrochemical streams
(including sour gas streams), syngas, hydrogen, process streams and utility stack gases.
For stack gas applications, chemical pre-treatment can be used to distinguish between
the species of mercury being measured. The sensitivity of the detector allows for a
range of dilution and sample pre-treatment options.

The instrument includes all the necessary components to clean the argon or nitrogen or
air carrier gas, to control the carrier and cooling gas flows and to selectively analyse on a
continuous cycle, one sample stream or to allow the measurement of samples collected
remotely on a similar trapping system. (PSA 10.525/D006 & /D007 models do not
support remote sample collection.)

The system incorporates both the gold Amasil™ and atomic fluorescence techniques to
provide sensitive mercury determinations, combined with a series of valves to allow
different cycles to take place.

1.2.0 Principles of Operation

The Sir Galahad combines the PSA Merlin detector with an Amasil™ (gold-coated silica)
trapping system. Mercury present in the sample stream is selectively collected onto the
AmasilTM trap by amalgamation, both pre-concentrating the sample and separating it
from the sample matrix. All forms of mercury are collected so the measurement
represents total gaseous mercury. The trap is then electrically heated, revaporising the
trapped mercury and submitting it for analysis in a carrier gas stream as elemental
mercury. The Merlin detector uses fluorescence principles and is shown
diagrammatically in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Schematic arrangement for the fluorescence detection of

mercury. Mercury vapour introduced via the chimney interface

PMT Measures
Fluorescence a


Sheath Gas (a)
Sample In (b)
Mercury Lamp
Causes Mercury
to Fluoresce

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A flow of mercury entrained in carrier gas, passes a mercury source, and the
fluorescence produced is measured by a conventional photomultiplier tube (PMT).
Mercury absorbs and fluoresces at the same wavelength (253.7 nm), which assures
maximum sensitivity. Argon is preferred to nitrogen and air, as the molecular gases
quench the fluorescence signal. The inherent sensitivity of the Merlin detector means
that mercury can be accurately measured well below the limits imposed by current

The presence of air and other gases has the effect of quenching the fluorescence and
reducing the detection levels attainable. The level of quenching depends on the
composition of the sample, thus, to apply this detector to measurements in air some
means of collecting the mercury and exchanging the gaseous sample medium for argon,
nitrogen or dry air is required. This is simply achieved by use of a valve switching

The basic analytical cycle comprises four stages:

1. Mercury, typically from a known volume of sample gas, is collected on the Sir
Galahad’s Amasil™ trap
2. Carrier gas is flushed over the trap to remove any air or other gases present.
3. The heating coil is activated which heats the Amasil™ to a temperature greater
than 500ºC, desorbing the mercury which is carried by a stream of carrier gas
into the fluorescence detector.
4. The Amasil™ trap is rapidly cooled by compressed air ready for the next
sampling cycle.

The full analytical cycle employed in the Sir Galahad depends on the model being used
and the mode of operation. This is discussed in more detail in Section 1.4.0 Analytical

1.2.1 AmasilTM Traps

The amalgamation trapping system relies upon the mercury content in a sample stream
being adsorbed onto a gold substrate. AmasilTM consists of gold-coated spherical silica
particles which provides a very high surface area of gold for the adsorption to occur on,
> 100 m2 g-1. Each 30 mg AmasilTM trap therefore contains more than 3 m2 of gold
surface onto which mercury can be adsorbed. A single AmasilTM Trap can hold > 82 µg
of mercury.

AmasilTM Traps are largely insensitive to mercury speciation, efficiently collecting all
forms of gaseous mercury compounds. Collection efficiencies for a range of mercury
compounds are shown in Table 2, However, when the AmasilTM Trap is thermally
desorbed, regardless of the adsorbed species, the mercury vapour produced is in the
form Hg0(g), as required by the AFS detector for the fluorescence measurement.

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Table 2 Collection Efficiency (%) of Mercury Compounds Using

Flow Rate 0
-1 Hg HgCl2 (CH3)2Hg CH3HgCl (C2H5)2Hg C2H5HgCl
/l min
1.0 99.8 ± 0.3 99.3 ± 0.4 98.9 ± 0.7 99.9 ± 0.4 99.7 ± 0.4 98.8 ± 0.6
2.5 101.0 ± 0.6 99.7 ± 0.6 99.7 ± 0.5 99.1 ± 0.6 100.3 ± 0.6 99.1 ± 0.7
5.0 99.9 ± 0.5 99.8 ± 0.4 99.5 ± 0.4 100.7 ± 0.8 99.9 ± 0.4 99.9 ± 0.3
Reference: Dumarey et al., Anal.Chem., 1985, 57, 2638-2643

AmasilTM Traps can also be used to collect samples at elevated temperatures. Collection
efficiency is not affected at temperatures of up to 200°C, as shown in Table 3. Collection
at elevated temperatures is particularly useful when sampling low dew point
petrochemical streams or sampling other wet gas streams.

Table 3 Collection Efficiency of Elemental Mercury using Amasil TM at

Elevated Temperatures
Temperature/°C Recovery (%)
30 97 ± 2
50 98 ± 3
80 100 ± 4
100 99 ± 3
120 100 ± 2
140 105 ± 3
160 103 ± 2
180 101 ± 2
200 98 ± 4
210 101 ± 3

1.3.0 Principles of Calibration

The calibration procedure consists of the sampling of known volumes of mercury laden
gas at a known concentration, either by injection of known volumes of mercury-saturated
air at a known temperature (using the PSA 10.555 Calibration Accessory) or by sampling
known volumes of a known concentration calibration gas from a PSA Calibration Gas

The “Manual” calibration procedure involves the injection of known volumes of mercury
saturated air at a known temperature using a gas-tight syringe. This is a simple but
effective means of providing a primary standard which is more effective and economic
than many other calibration approaches.

“Automatic” calibration uses calibration gas from a PSA Calibration Gas Generator which
works on similar principles to the manual calibration approach but can easily be
automated and can be used to calibrate an entire sampling interface as well as the
analyser itself.

1.3.1 Manual Calibration

The mercury vapour standard is introduced into the carrier gas stream via a septum.
This allows a syringe to be inserted directly into the carrier gas flow path and thus
directly over the trap.
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The elemental mercury used as a primary standard is contained in a specially designed

glass vessel maintained at atmospheric pressure. The vessel is kept at ambient
temperatures or in a slightly cooled thermostatic bath. The temperature of the mercury is
monitored using a thermometer. The saturation concentration is calculated using the
formula below:-
 B
D  A  
C   10  T 
Where: C = mercury concentration/ng ml-1
A = -8.1344
B = 3240.9 K
D = 3216522 K ng ml-1
T = absolute temperature/K
The saturation concentration, together with the volume of gas injected allows the mass of
mercury vapour injected to be calculated.

A series of injections, together with zero points where no mercury vapour is injected are
used to prepare a calibration graph of detector response against mass of mercury.

1.3.2 Automatic Calibration

Note: Automatic Calibration is only available when the instrument used is controlled by
PSA OnLine Software.
Calibration gas containing a known concentration of mercury is produced by a
P S Analytical Calibration Gas Generator. A measured volume of this gas is passed over
an AmasilTM tube using one of the online modes of operation detailed in Section 1.4.0.
The volume of gas collected and the concentration are used to calculate the mass of
mercury introduced.

A series of calibration gas and zero gas samples are used to prepare a calibration graph
of detector response against mass of mercury.

1.4.0 Modes of Operation

The following sections show the different modes of operation of the PSA 10.525 Sir
Galahad II. Schematic drawings are shown for each mode of operation.

The modes of operation applicable to the Sir Galahad for the different amalgamation unit
(drawer) configurations is shown in Table 4 below:

Table 4 Modes of Operation of the Sir Galahad Applicable to Each

Amalgamation Unit Type.

Mode of Operation Applicable Model Numbers

Single Amalgamation, online sampling D001 D005 D500 D510 D520 D009
Remote sampling D001 D005 D500 D510 D520 D009
Dual Amalgamation, online sampling D005 D006 D500 D510 D520 D009
Single Amalgamation, continuous D007
sequential online sampling

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PSA 10.525 Sir Galahad II User Manual

1.4.1 Online Single Amalgamation

The online single amalgamation mode of operation is typically used for ambient air and
pure dry gas applications. Online Single Amalgamation is a four step analytical process,
as depicted schematically in Figure 2.

Figure 2 Schematic diagram of the Online Single Amalgamation

Analyser Cycle: (a) Sampling, (b) Flush, (c) Desorption &
(d) Cooling
(a) (b)
Pump Detector Pump
Flow Flow
Control Control

Trap 1 Trap 1


Carrier Carrier
gas gas

Injection Injection
port port
Sample In Sample In

(c) (d)
Detector Pump
Detector Pump


Trap 1 Trap 1

Carrier Carrier
gas gas

Injection Injection
port port
Sample In Sample In

Note: For Sir Galahad instruments fitted with a D510 or D009 Amalgamation Units: to
use Online Single Amalgamation mode, Use the G525K510 Single Amalgamation
Link Kit to tee together the “Pump” and “Waste 2” ports before connecting to a
flow control device and pump. For a D520 Amalgamation Unit, tee together
“Waste 2” and the pump line from the drawer.
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A four stage process is employed to sample gas or air directly onto Trap 1, when
sampling in the online single amalgamation mode:
1. Sampling A known volume of a gas/air sample passes over the
(Figure 2(a)) AmasilTM trap. Any mercury present in the sample is
adsorbed onto the gold surface of the trap. Generally,
sample is pulled over the trap by a downstream mass flow
controller and vacuum pump arrangement. (The volume may
be known by sampling a known flow rate for a known time
2. Flush The sample flow is diverted and carrier gas introduced to the
(Figure 2(b)) AmasilTM trap and detector. The carrier gas flow flushes out
any residual air or sample gas that may be present as this
would have a damping effect on the mercury fluorescence.
(Simultaneously, the detector baseline is measured.)
3. Analysis – Heating When the flush cycle is completed, the heating coil is
(Figure 2(c)) activated and heats the AmasilTM trap to > 500°C. This
desorbs mercury collected on the trap which is transferred to
the carrier gas stream and into the fluorescence detector.
4. Analysis – Cooling When the heating cycle is complete, cooling gas is directed
(Figure 2(d)) over the heater module and AmasilTM trap to rapidly cool it in
preparation for the next sampling period.

Note: Mercury desorbed from the AmasilTM trap starts to reach the detector at the end
of the heating period, continuing into the cooling period. The signal output from
the detector is monitored throughout the heating and cooling periods.

The cycle time is the Sampling Time + approximately 3 min analysis time. (Pre-flushing
of sample lines to ensure a representative is also required when different sample
streams are analysed.) With the average times for the complete cycle, including
sampling, ranging up to approximately 5 minutes, data can be returned in a meaningful
timescale. This allows a continuous update of the mercury levels.

1.4.2 Remote Sampling

The remote sampling mode of operation is the most frequently used Sir Galahad mode.
It is used when samples are gas/air are not in the immediate vicinity of the instrument but
can be collected using the methods described in Section 3.5.2 or using one of PSA’s
range of offline petrochemical sampling systems, which includes the PSA 10.547 Offline
Sample Interface (Dual Adsorber).

Samples are collected remotely using specially designed AmasilTM traps. Mercury from
gas streams passed through the traps is adsorbed onto gold inside the trap. The tubes
are then capped and placed into a sealed container and transported to the analyser for

The analytical cycle first transfers mercury from the remote trap to a fixed trap within the
analyser. This ensures the consistent analytical performance of the analyser, particularly
providing a consistent peak shape and height and a narrow peak. The permanent trap is
also used for analyser calibration.

The steps of the Remote Sampling analytical cycle are shown schematically in Figure 3.

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Figure 3 Schematic diagram of the Remote Sampling Analyser Cycle:

(a) Flush, (b) Transfer, (c) Desorption & (d) Cooling
(a) (b)
Detector Waste Detector Waste

Trap 1 Trap 1

Waste Waste

Carrier Carrier
gas gas

Injection Injection
port port

Trap 2 Trap 2

Trap 2 Trap 2
Carrier gas Carrier gas

(c) (d)
Detector Detector
Waste Waste

Trap 1 Trap 1

Carrier Carrier
gas gas

Injection Injection
port port

Trap 2 Trap 2

Trap 2 Trap 2
Carrier gas Carrier gas

Note: Waste carrier gas from the transfer process exits through the port labelled
“Pump” on the rear of the instrument, except with D510, D520 and D009 Drawers
where it exits through the port labelled “Waste 2”
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A four stage process is employed to determine Hg collected using Remote Sampling:

1. Flush The removable trap is placed into its holder and placed into
(Figure 3(a)) the Sir Galahad Remote Port (Trap 2). The trap is then
purged with carrier gas, flushing any residual air or sample
gas that may be present.
2. Transfer The Trap 2 heating coil is activated and heats the removable
(Figure 3(b)) AmasilTM trap, vaporising any mercury collected onto the trap
into a stream of carrier gas. The carrier gas stream
continues over the permanent trap (Trap 1) where the
mercury is adsorbed. After the heating cycle has ended,
cooling gas is directed over the Trap 2 heater module and
AmasilTM trap, rapidly cooling them in preparation for trap
removal and the next analytical cycle. A delay period to allow
sufficient time to release and transfer mercury from Trap 2 to
Trap 1 is incorporated.
3. Analysis – Heating Following transfer of mercury from Trap 2, a carrier gas flow
(Figure 3(c)) is introduced across Trap 1 and into the detector. This
flushes the trap for a short period while the detector baseline
is measured. The Trap 1 heating coil is then activated. This
desorbs mercury collected on the trap which is transferred to
the carrier gas stream and into the fluorescence detector.
4. Analysis – Cooling When the heating cycle is complete, cooling gas is directed
(Figure 3(d)) over the Trap 1 heater module and AmasilTM trap to rapidly
cool it in preparation for the next analytical cycle.

1.4.3 Online Dual Amalgamation

The Online Dual Amalgamation mode of operation is typically used for the online
analysis of gas-phase petrochemical streams and certain stack gas applications.

The analytical cycle first passes the sample stream over an AmasilTM trap (Trap 2),
collecting mercury from a measured volume of the sample onto the gold inside the trap.
It then transfers mercury from Trap 2 to Trap 1 before transferring the mercury to the

This mode of operation allows for the sample trap to be warmed during sample collection
to prevent the deposition of heavier hydrocarbons from the sample gas onto the trap. It
also further provides for easy replacement of the AmasilTM sample trap if required
(except10.525/D006). Dual amalgamation is also used for Online Stack Gas analysis
systems for certain sampling configurations where undiluted sample streams are
generated and the gas stream has not passed through a water-filled impinger.

The steps of the Online Dual Amalgamation analytical cycle are shown schematically in
Figure 4.

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Figure 4 Schematic diagram of the Online Dual Amalgamation Analyser

Cycle: (a) Sampling, (b) Transfer, (c) Desorption & (d) Cooling
(a) (b)
Pump Pump
Detector Detector
Flow Flow
Control Control

Trap 1
Trap 1

gas Carrier
port Injection

Trap 2

Trap 2

Trap 2
Carrier gas Trap 2
Carrier gas

Sample in Sample in

(c) (d)
AFS Detector
Detector Detector
Pump Pump

Flow Flow
Control Control

Trap 1 Trap 1

Carrier Carrier
gas gas

Injection Injection
port port

Trap 2 Trap 2

Trap 2 Trap 2
Carrier gas Carrier gas

Sample in Sample in

Note: With the D510, D520 and D009 drawers, the line marked  vents as a separate
waste (labelled “Waste 2”); it does not flow to the MFC and pump as shown
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A four stage process is employed to sample gas or air when sampling in the online dual
amalgamation mode:

1. Sampling A known volume of a gas/air sample passes over AmasilTM

(Figure 3(a)) Trap 2. Any mercury present in the sample is adsorbed onto
the gold surface of the trap. Generally, sample is pulled over
the trap by a downstream mass flow controller and vacuum
pump arrangement. (The volume may be known by sampling
a known flow rate for a known time period.) The trap is then
purged with carrier gas, flushing any residual air or sample
gas that may be present.
2. Transfer The Trap 2 heating coil is activated and heats the removable
(Figure 3(b)) AmasilTM trap, vaporising any mercury collected onto the trap
into a stream of carrier gas. The carrier gas stream
continues over the permanent trap (Trap 1) where the
mercury is adsorbed. After the heating cycle has ended,
cooling gas is directed over the Trap 2 heater module and
AmasilTM trap, rapidly cooling them in preparation for trap
removal and the next analytical cycle.
3. Analysis – Heating Following transfer of mercury from Trap 2, a carrier gas flow
(Figure 3(c)) is introduced across Trap 1 and into the detector. This
flushes the trap for a short period while the detector baseline
is measured. The Trap 1 heating coil is then activated. This
desorbs mercury collected on the trap which is transferred to
the carrier gas stream and into the fluorescence detector.
4. Analysis – Cooling When the heating cycle is complete, cooling gas is directed
(Figure 3(d)) over the Trap 1 heater module and AmasilTM trap to rapidly
cool it in preparation for the next analytical cycle.

1.4.4 Online Continuous Sequential Sampling, Single

The Online Continuous Sampling mode of operation is typically used for air monitoring or
stack gas applications where sample must be continuously collected to capture transient
signals. This mode of operation can be used when multiple sample streams are
analysed to maximise the sampling time available.

To monitor continuously for mercury in air or gas, two AmasilTM traps are employed in
parallel. While sample gas is pulled over one trap, to absorb any mercury present, the
second trap is analysed. The six stages of the Online Continuous Sampling analytical
cycle are shown schematically in Figure 5.

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Figure 5 Schematic diagram of the Online Continuous Sampling

Analyser Cycle
(a) Sample Trap B, Flush Trap A (b) Sample Trap B, Heat Trap A
To Detector To Detector

To MFC and Pump To MFC and Pump



Argon Argon

Calibration Sample in Calibration Sample in

port port

(c) Sample Trap B, Cool Trap A (d) Sample Trap A, Flush Trap B
To Detector To Detector

To MFC and Pump To MFC and Pump



Argon Argon

Calibration Sample in Calibration Sample in

port port

Figure continues…

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Figure 5 (Continued)
(e) Sample Trap A, Heat Trap B (f) Sample Trap A, Cool Trap B
To Detector To Detector

To MFC and Pump To MFC and Pump



Argon Argon

Calibration Sample in Calibration Sample in

port port

A continuously cycling six stage process is employed to collect and analyse samples on
traps A and B alternately using Online Continuous Sampling:
1. Trap A – Flush AmasilTM Trap A is purged with Carrier gas, flushing
Trap B – Sample out any residual air or sample gas that may be
(Figure 5(a)) present. (Sample was collected during the previous
Gas/air sample passes over Trap B. Any mercury
present in the sample is adsorbed onto the gold
surface of the trap. The total volume sampled is
known over the trap is measured.
2. Trap A – Analysis (Heating) The Trap A heating coil is activated and heats the
Trap B – Sample AmasilTM trap to > 500°C. This desorbs mercury from
(Figure 5(b) the trap, which is carried in a stream of carrier gas to
the detector.
Sampling continues on Trap B.
3. Trap A – Analysis (Cooling) Trap A is rapidly cooled by flowing cooling air over the
Trap B – Sample heating module in preparation, for the next sample
Figure 5(c) stage.
Sampling continues on Trap B. The total volume
sampled is measured.
4. Trap A – Sample Gas/air sample passes over AmasilTM Trap A. Any
Trap B – Flush mercury present in the sample is adsorbed onto the
(Figure 5(d)) gold surface of the trap. The total volume sampled is
known over the trap is measured.
Trap B is purged with Carrier gas, flushing out any
residual air or sample gas that may be present.

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5. Trap A – Sample Sampling continues on Trap A.

Trap B – Analysis (Heating)
The Trap B heating coil is activated and heats the
(Figure 5(e))
AmasilTM trap to > 500°C. This desorbs mercury from
the trap, which is carried in a stream of carrier gas to
the detector.
6. Trap A – Sample Sampling continues on Trap A. The total volume
Trap B – Analysis (Cooling) sampled is measured.
(Figure 5(f))
Trap B is rapidly cooled by flowing cooling air over the
heating module in preparation, for the next sample

This approach allows the continuous updating of the mercury levels. The cycle time (for
two results) is equal to the Sampling Time (for two samples), with a minimum 90 s
between results (3 min cycle time).

1.5.0 Data Capture and Management

The PSA windows software package has been adapted to encompass the control, data
capture and management of the Sir Galahad. Designed to run in a Microsoft
Windows environment, the PSA software will automatically control the individual
aspects of both of the Sir Galahad's modes of operation. When the sample reaches the
detector the software captures the fluorescence signal and calculates the concentration
of mercury based on the calibration curve being used.

Once the results have been collected, the software provides full collating and reporting
facilities. Full management information, including timed and dated results is provided as
standard. Using such an automated software package with the Sir Galahad provides
complete control of data and conditions, while the system of menus allows easy use.

Note: The Sir Galahad model 10.525/D007 can only be operated using the PSA Online
Software (Part No. C210S007). Unlike other Sir Galahad models it cannot be
used with PSA SGv3 Software (Part No. G525S302 (basic) or G525S303

1.5.1 Signal Output

The Sir Galahad signal output is transmitted to the control computer every 0.25 s.
Output mode selection, data logging and interpretation are performed by the control
software as is any signal smoothing. Three detector modes and four gain settings are
available for selection:
Modes: Reference The output of the photodiode monitoring lamp intensity.
Emission Fluorescence signal without lamp intensity correction.
Ratio Fluorescence signal normalised for lamp intensity using the
reference cell output.
Gains: 1, 10, 100, 1000 Each gain is ten-times more sensitive than the preceding
one. For all gain settings, the detector output is 0-2000
arbitrary units, however the baseline increases by
approximately an order of magnitude for each increase in
gain. (Typical detector baseline is 1, 6, 60 and 600 for
gains 1, 10, 100 and 1000 respectively. (Gain is
electronic only.)
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1.6.0 Applications
The PSA 10.525 Sir Galahad II can be used for a wide range of applications for gaseous
samples. The sensitivity of the system is down to one picogram which offers a number
of advantages to the user, namely in the reduction of the volume of gas required to
provide accurate measurement. The PSA software allows absolute calibration and
calculates the concentration of mercury based on the calibration curve obtained. Results
can be computed in a range of units as desired by the user. Application notes relating to
the Sir Galahad are being prepared on an on-going basis. Please contact P S Analytical
or your distributor for more information.

For more information on any applications of the Sir Galahad, please contact
P S Analytical or your local distributor.

1.6.1 Petrochemical Streams

The PSA 10.525 Sir Galahad II system has been used extensively to determine mercury
in hydrocarbon fractions and other petrochemical streams. Mercury is known to cause
stress cracking on the cryogenic components used in refinery processes. Online and
Offline Systems have been used extensively before and after mercury removal systems
to measure the efficiency of these devices.

For offline use, the Sir Galahad can be used to sample directly from sample bombs or
Tedlar bags or used to analyse Amasil Tubes from samples collected in the field. When
used in conjunction with the PSA 10.547 Offline Sample Interface (Dual Absorber), the
procedure is designed to be fully compliant with both the ISO 6978 part B and ASTM
6350 methods.

The PSA Sir Galahad can be incorporated into an Ex p purged enclosure and
accompanied by a Sampling System to reduce the gas pressure to perform online
analysis of the concentration of mercury in a range of petrochemical streams.

The Sir Galahad can also be used offline with the PSA 10.515 Preconcentration Unit to
measure the mercury concentration in low-boiling point petrochemical liquids such as
naphtha and condensates. An online implementation of this technology incorporated into
Ex p purged enclosures is also available.

1.6.2 Ambient Air Monitoring

The PSA 10.525 Sir Galahad II can be used to monitor total gaseous mercury levels in
ambient air as required by legislation, such as the European Union’s 4th Air Quality
Daughter Directive (Directive 2004/107/EC). The Sir Galahad can be used for both
offline and, when incorporated into a suitable analyser system, online measurements.

For offline measurements, AmasilTM tubes can be used to sample flow rates as low as
100 ml min-1 for 1 to 4 weeks to obtain long term average mercury exposure levels. A
suitable filter is used to remove particulate from the gas stream prior to the AmasilTM
tube. Ambient air concentrations are typically in the ng m-3 range.

Online measurements utilise a similar filter and Teflon tube sampling configuration to
sample directly onto an AmasilTM tube located within the Sir Galahad. Higher sample
flow rates, typically 0.5-0.8 l min-1 are employed to maximise the volume of gas sampled
during each 30-60 min sampling period. Figure 6 shows a week typical results of

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ambient air monitoring, sampling for 10 min periods at 0.8 l min-1 at an industrial estate in
a suburban location in southeast England.

Figure 6 Hg measurements at a suburban industrial estate in southeast


1.6.3 Workroom Air Monitoring

The PSA 10.525 Sir Galahad II can be used to determine the mercury concentration in
Amasil Tubes used for offline work room air monitoring. It has also been incorporated
into analyser systems using a multi-stream valve arrangement to perform frequent online
monitoring of work room air concentrations in more than 15 locations around a facility
handling mercury. The analytical results are used to protect the work force by raising
alarms if the concentration exceeds recommended limits.

1.6.4 Stack Gas

The PSA 10.525 Sir Galahad II has been used extensively to perform online monitoring
of stack gas mercury concentrations in online coal-fired utility stacks. It has also been
used to monitor mercury concentrations in the exhaust gases upstream and downstream
of emissions control devices such as Specific Catalytic Reduction (SCR) systems for
NOx control, Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) Systems for SO2 control and fabric filters
(bag houses) or Electrostatic Precipitators (ESPs) for particulate control.

The Sir Galahad has also been used to monitor transient mercury emissions in
crematory stacks and waste incinerators.

With an appropriate sample probe and sample conditioning system from the P S
Analytical range, the Sir Galahad can be used to provide reliable online mercury
concentration and speciation (Hg0 and total gas-phase mercury, HgCl2 being determined
by difference) data.

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2.1.0 Introduction
This instrument is intended for use under the following technical specifications. If the
instrument is used in a manner not specified, the protection provided by the instrument
may be impaired. In addition the warranty may be void.

For technical assistance please contact your local distributor or P S Analytical directly.

2.2.0 Electrical Supply

Voltage: 230 V AC at 50 Hz and stable

120 V AC at 60 Hz and stable

Power: 192 VA

Class: 1

Voltage Tolerance: ± 10 %

This instrument must be earthed

Mains connection is by IEC lead (see Section 2.7.0 Voltage and Fuse Checks).

2.3.0 Environmental Conditions

General: A clean environment, free from excessive pollutants
(especially mercury).

Temperature: 5º – 40ºC

Altitude: Up to 2000 metres

Humidity: Maximum relative humidity 80 % for temperatures up to

31ºC decreasing linearly to 50 % relative humidity at 40ºC.

Use: Indoors

Ingress Protection: IP20

Installation Category: II

Pollution Degree 2

Weight: 15.0 kg

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2.4.0 USB Connector (Type A)

Pin Function
2 D-
3 D+
Shell Shield

2.4.1 Rear 25 Way Male 'D' Connector (TTL Slave)

Pin Function Polarity Input/Output

1 OC7 Active Low Output
2 OC6 Active Low Output
3 OC5 Active Low Output
4 OC4 Active Low Output
5 OC3 Active Low Output
6 OC2 Active Low Output
7 OC1 Active Low Output
8 OC0 Active Low Output
9 IN7 Active Low Input
10 IN6 Active Low Input
11 IN5 Active Low Input
12 IN4 Active Low Input
13 IN3 Active Low Input
14 +5VD High Output (supply)
15 +5VD High Output (supply)
16 IN0 Active Low Input
17 OC4 Active Low Output (supply)
18 +5D High Output (supply)
19 +5D High Output (supply)
20 0VL Low Output (supply)
21 0VL Low Output (supply)
22 0VL Low Output (supply)
23 IN1 Active Low Input
24 IN2 Active Low Input
25 0VL Low Output (supply)

2.5.0 Unpacking
Carefully unpack the Sir Galahad from the packing material. Visually inspect the unit for
any apparent damage. If any exists notify both the P S Analytical offices and the
shipping company. Check the contents against the packing list and notify PSA of any
discrepancies immediately.

2.6.0 Location
Because the instrument is self-contained and compact, the Sir Galahad can be placed
virtually anywhere on a laboratory bench, the Sir Galahad can also be incorporated in a
range of online analyser systems based on 19 in. racked enclosures. The area should,
however, be clean and free from pollutants.

In addition, consideration of the instrument's supply requirements should be taken into

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Depending on proposed use, adequate ventilation and waste disposal facilities may need
to be provided.

Note: For installation in purged cabinets, the top cover must be removed to ensure
adequate purging. For other online cabinets PSA recommends that the top cover
is removed to provide additional ventilation.

2.7.0 Voltage and Fuse Checks

Before any electrical checks are made, ensure that the instrument is switched off
and isolated from the mains electrical supply.

The instrument must not be connected to any other mains electrical supply than
that specified (see Specifications - Electrical Supply Section 2.2.0).

Before connecting the instrument into the electrical supply, check that the voltage
selector and fuse size are correct. Operator fuse replacement is restricted to the fuses in
the mains voltage selector unit.

The fuse ratings are as follows:

230 V AC Fuse Rating 1.6 Amp Type T

120 V AC Fuse Rating 3.15 Amp Type T

The voltage selector, mains on/off switch and the mains input fuses are located on the
rear panel (see figure 7).

Figure 7 Voltage Selector, Mains On/Off and Mains Input Fuse Location

Voltage selection and access to the mains fuses is by removal of the rectangular panel
to the right hand side of the mains input unit.

Remove the mains input cable

The rectangular panel can be removed by the insertion of a suitable tool in the locating
hole on the left hand side of the rectangular panel. Access to the fuses and voltage
selector is now possible.

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Voltage selection is obtained by accessing the red fuse holder on the right hand side of
the mains unit and rotating so that the desired voltage is visible through the window. A
small flat bladed screwdriver is needed to access and remove the fuse holder.

2.7.1 Internal Fuses

The gold trap heaters are protected by fuses mounted on the rear panel of the
instrument. The fuses can be accessed by inserting the blade of a screwdriver into the
slotted cover and turning anti-clockwise.

Fuse ratings:

F1 5A Type T
F2 5A Type T

The Sir Galahad contains other internal fusing which is not normally deemed operator

The Sir Galahad contains potential hazards to personnel when the covers are removed.
P S Analytical therefore recommends that only suitably trained or technically competent
personnel should remove these covers. If in any doubt please contact your local
distributor or P S Analytical.

Some of these fuses are mounted close to mains voltages

2.8.0 Electrical Supply Connections

Mains connection is by the IEC (Integrated European Connector) cable supplied.

This instrument must be earthed

Important: The wires in the mains cable are coloured in accordance with the
following code:

Green/Yellow Earth
Blue Neutral
Brown Live

2.9.0 Gas Supply Connections

Two to four separate gas inputs are required to be made to the rear of the Sir Galahad

Carrier Gas
Cooling Gas
Purge Instruments used in Ex p purged enclosures only
(Trap 2 Carrier only with D520 drawer)

The requirements for the different gases are described in Sections 2.9.1-2.9.3. Different
gases are recommended for each gas supply. It can however be convenient to use a

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single supply for the carrier gas and cooling gas. In this case, the common supply
should be regulated to approximately 3.5 bar (gauge).

2.9.1 Carrier Gas

A regulated supply of carrier gas at approximately 2.8-3.5 bar (gauge).should be
connected to the ¼ in. push fit connection marked “Carrier” on the rear of the Sir
Galahad. (See Figure 8 for the carrier gas input location.) The carrier gas supply is
internally regulated to 2 bar.

Argon is the recommended carrier gas. Nitrogen and air may be used; however, these
reduce the net signal of fluorescence by 9 and 180 times respectively. (See Figure 8 for
the carrier gas input location).

Argon or nitrogen purity should be 99.99+%, compressed air should be to class 3.3.3:
Compressed Air Quality Classes to ISO 8573-1: Class 3.3.3
Category Class Definition
Solid Content 3 Particle size ≤ 5 µm
Particle density ≤ 5 mg m
Humidity 3 Pressure dew point ≤ 5°C
Oil Content 3 Total oil content ≤ 1 mg m

The carrier gas must also be free from mercury. An internal “clean up” system is
provided. As effective as this is, total reliance is not recommended.

Note: Sir Galahad Analysers fitted with the D520 drawer for determination of mercury in
sour gas have two carrier gas inputs. Argon or nitrogen should be used for the
port labelled “Carrier gas” (This is the Trap 1 and detector carrier gas.)
Compressed air must be used for the carrier gas port labelled “Trap 2 Carrier”.
(This is the Trap 2 carrier gas.) The Carrier Gas 2 port is a ¼ in. stainless steel
compression fitting.

2.9.2 Cooling Gas

A regulated supply of cooling gas at approximately 3.4 to 4.1 bar (gauge) should be
connected to the 1/4 in. compression fitting marked “Cooling” on the rear of the Sir
Galahad. (See Figure 8 for the cooling gas input location.)

Compressed air is the recommended cooling gas; however nitrogen or argon can also be
used. The input gas should be clean, dry and free from any compressor oil/mists.

Nitrogen and argon are asphyxiants. Cooling gas is vented to atmosphere.
Locate in a well-ventilated area before use if using nitrogen or argon cooling gas.

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Figure 8 The Location of Gas Inputs


F1 5A(T)
F2 5A(T)



Cooling Gas Input Carrier Gas Input

2.9.3 Purge Gas Connection

When installed into an Ex p purged enclosure (only), the unit must be connected to
purge gas via the ⅛ in. connector marked “Purge”. The purge connection is otherwise

When installed in an Ex p purged enclosure, the purge gas line MUST always be

2.10.0 Computer Connection

Any computer system with a minimum specification as outlined below can be used with
the P S Analytical SGv3 software to facilitate the calibration and running procedures of
the Sir Galahad:

Parameter Minimum Recommended

Operating System Windows® XP Professional Windows® 7
Windows® Vista
Windows® 7
Processor 1 GHz or faster
Memory 2 GB 4 GB
Hard Drive Space 100 MB 1 GB
CD-ROM Yes Yes
USB 1 2
RS485 1 or 2* 2
RS232 1** 1**
Video Card 1024 x 768
256 colour display

* One RS485 port is required for Modbus® enabled instruments. The second
RS485 port is required if a PLC or DCS link is required.
** RS232 port only required for instruments with Serial Numbers below 500.

The minimum specification for PSA OnLine Software may differ. Consult the relevant
User Manual for more information.
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For operation of the PSA Sir Galahad Software (PSA Part No. G525S302 (basic) or
G525S303 (advanced)) or PSA OnLine Software (PSA Part No. C210S007) please refer
to the appropriate manuals.

Computer connections for the Sir Galahad system are shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9 Computer Connections for the Sir Galahad System







Sir Galahad


USB Port
F1 5A(T)
F2 5A(T)



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3.1.0 Front Panel Controls
Figure 10 PSA 10.525/D001 Sir Galahad II Front Panel Controls

Power Gas 1 TRAP 1 TRAP 2
Serial Gas 2


D Flush Flush
Heat Heat
Cool Cool






Figure 11 PSA 10.525/D005, /D500, /D510, /D520 & D009 Sir Galahad II
Front Panel Controls

PORT 2 1 2
Power Gas 1
Serial Gas 2



D Flush Flush
Heat Heat
Cool Cool






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Figure 12 PSA 10.525/D006 Sir Galahad II Front Panel Controls


Power Gas 1 COOL
Serial Gas 2

D Flush
Cool Cool




Figure 13 PSA 10.525/D007 Sir Galahad II Front Panel Controls


Power Gas 1 COOL
Serial Gas 2


D Flush Flush
Heat Heat
Cool Cool




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3.1.0 Front Panel Controls

Refer to Figures 10-13 for identification. Items marked with an asterisk (*) are only
present on some Sir Galahad models.
Location Description
This LED will illuminate when mains power is switched on via the rear
A Power LED
mains input socket and the front panel mains switch (K).
This LED will illuminate when a communication error between the
B Serial LED
analyser and control computer is detected.
This LED will illuminate when the valves are active for carrier gas to flow
over Trap 1. (10.525/D007: Both LEDs C&H will illuminate when the
C Trap1: Flush LED valves are active for carrier gas to flow over Trap A (sample over Trap
B) and will be dark when the valves are deactivated for carrier gas to
flow over Trap B (sample over Trap A).)
This LED will illuminate when the Trap 1 heater (used to desorb Trap 1)
D Trap 1: Heat LED
is active. (10.525/D007: The LED relates to Trap A)
This LED will illuminate when the valve to supply cooling air over Trap 1
E Trap 1: Cool LED
is open. (10.525/D007: The LED relates to Trap A)
This LED will flash when the carrier gas is not present or is below the
F Gas 1 LED
required pressure.
This LED will flash when the cooling gas is not present or is below the
G Gas 2 LED
required pressure.
This LED will illuminate when the valves are active for carrier gas to flow
over Trap 2. (10.525/D007: Both LEDs C&H will illuminate when the
Trap 2: Flush
H valves are active for carrier gas to flow over Trap A (sample over Trap
B) and will be dark when the valves are deactivated for carrier gas to
flow over Trap B (sample over Trap A).)
This LED will illuminate when the Trap 2 heater (used to desorb Trap 2)
I Trap 2: Heat LED
is active. (10.525/D007: The LED relates to Trap B)
This LED will illuminate when the valve to supply cooling air over Trap 2
J Trap 2: Cool LED
is open. (10.525/D007: The LED relates to Trap B)
K Power Switch Mains Power Switch
This LED will illuminate when Trap 1 is cool. This LED should not be
L Trap 1: Cool LED relied upon for anything other than general information. (10.525F:
relates to Trap A)
This LED will flash when Trap 1 is hot. Adequate cooling should take
place before the next sample is processed. This LED should not be
M Trap 1: Hot LED
relied upon for anything other than general information. (10.525/D007:
relates to Trap A)
This LED will flash when Trap 2 is hot. Adequate cooling should take
place before the next sample is processed. This LED should not be
N Trap 2: Hot LED
relied upon for anything other than general information. (10.525/D007:
relates to Trap B)
This LED will illuminate when Trap 2 is cool. This LED should not be
O Trap 2: Cool LED relied upon for anything other than general information. (10.525/D007:
relates to Trap B)
Calibration Port Calibration Gas is injected onto Trap 1 through this septum port.
(Trap 1) (10.525/D007: valve positions select for injection onto Trap A or Trap B)
Sample inlet to Trap 1 for continuous monitoring. (10.525/D007: valve
positions select sampling onto Trap A or Trap B) This port must be
*Q Sample Port (1)
capped when not in use. In remote analysis and online dual
amalgamation, this port is connected to the remote sample holder (R)
Receptacle for Amasil tubes for remotely collected samples or Trap
*R Remote Port
Online dual amalgamation.
Sample Inlet to Trap 2 for continuous monitoring. When not in use this
*S Sample Port (2)
port must be capped.
Calibration Port: Calibration Gas is injected onto Trap 2 through this septum port.
Trap 2
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3.1.1 Rear Panel Controls

Figure 14 PSA 10.525 Sir Galahad II Rear Panel Controls


F1 5A(T)
F2 5A(T)




See Figure 14 for function identification.

Location Description
Mains power input socket with switch, voltage selector and fusing.
A Power Inlet
See Section 2.7.0 for further information.
B USB Port USB port used for communication to and from the host computer
Internal fusing for the trap heaters. See Section 2.7.1 for further
C Heater Fuses
25-way male “D” connector used for accessory equipment, for example
D TTL Port
a stream selection unit. See Section 2.4.1 for pin outs.
E Identification Tag Quoting Part No., Serial No., VA rating etc.
¼ in. compression fitting connection for cooling gas supply. See
F Cooling Port
Section 2.9.2 for details.
¼ in. compression fitting connection for connecting a flow control
device and pump during online sampling.
G Pump Port (10.525/D520 only: the “Trap 2 Carrier” inlet is located here. The
pump connection is made to a ⅛ in. o.d. Teflon tube exiting the
Amalgamation Drawer directly.)
H Waste Port Outlet for waste carrier gas.
¼ in. push fit connection for carrier gas supply. See Section 2.9.1 for
I Carrier Port
Purge gas inlet port. When the Sir Galahad is installed in an Ex p
J Purge Gas Port purged enclosure, this port must be connected to the purge gas
distribution system. The port is otherwise unused.
Unused except for 10.525/D510, /D520 & /D009 models where this
port vents carrier gas during the transfer stage and for online single
Waste 2 Port amalgamation must be teed to the “Pump” output (G for D510 and
(Location Marked) D009, line from drawer for D520) before connection to a flow control
device and pump. (For the D510 and D009 drawers, the G525D510
Single Amalgamation Link Kit should be used.)
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3.2.0 Warning Symbols

The following warning symbols may be used on the Sir Galahad:

Protective Conductor Terminal

Caution! (Double Pole/Neutral Fusing)

Caution! High Voltage.

3.3.0 Hazardous Substances

The Sir Galahad may be used in conjunction with hazardous substances,
particularly mercury. Always use appropriate laboratory practices and comply
with all applicable risk assessments and SDS requirements when working with
hazardous substances.
The following summary is therefore provided for information only:

Toxic by inhalation
Danger of cumulative effects
Very toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long term adverse effects in the
aquatic environment

Hazard and Precautionary Statements

H360D May damage the unborn child.

H330 Fatal if inhaled.
H372 Causes damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure.
H410 Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
P201 Obtain special instructions before use.
P273 Avoid relase to the environment.
P309+P310 If exposed or if you feel unwell: Immeidately call a poison center or doctor/physician.
P304+P340 If inhaled: Remove victim to fresh air and keep at reset in a position comfortable for
Restricted to professional users.

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Mercury must only be used, handled, stored and disposed of in strict accordance with
the SDS and risk assessment. Appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) must
be worn, including eye protection and rubber or plastic gloves.

Spillage and First Aid requirements should be complied with.

Ensure compliance with applicable local/national regulations. E.g., in the United

Kingdom, use of mercury must be assessed under the Control of Substances Hazardous
to Health (COSHH) Regulations.

3.4.0 Calibration of the Sir Galahad

Note: Automatic calibration by sampling gas streams of known Hg concentration
generated by the PSA Mercury Calibration System is also routinely used. This
procedure is described in more detail in the PSA Online Software manual
(Manual Part No. C210M007).

The calibration relies on the knowledge that at a fixed temperature the saturated vapour
pressure of mercury is known and a fixed volume of vapour will contain a known quantity
of mercury. This volume is adsorbed onto the continuous analytical gold trap (Trap 1)
and then revaporised into the detector where the peak height or peak area of the
response is measured. The PSA software has the necessary programs to operate the
Sir Galahad and also holds the calibration details. Once the temperature and volume
are provided the software computes the absolute level of mercury adsorbed onto the

To carry out these procedures reliably, good attention to detail is required; i.e., good
housekeeping and pure carrier gas supply. A specially designed glass vessel is also
required to hold the calibration mercury at a set temperature.

3.4.1 Calibration Vessel Set Up

If this is the first time a calibration has been performed it is necessary to set up the
calibration vessel, otherwise proceed to Section 3.4.2.

1. Place 20-30 g (1.5-2.2 cm3) of elemental mercury into the glass calibration vessel
via Port A. See Figure 15

Mercury compounds are highly TOXIC and should be handled with extreme care!
(See Section 3.3.0 Hazardous Substances)

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Figure 15 The Empty Calibration Vessel


2. Insert a thermometer into Port B and carefully tighten the fittings to hold the
thermometer in place. The bulb of the thermometer should be close to but not
touching the bottom of the vessel. See Figure 16.

3. Insert a septum into injection Port C and carefully tighten the fittings to hold the
septum in place. The septum should be inserted with the Teflon (red) side on the
bottom. The septum should be replaced every 30 injections. See Figure 16

Ensure that no elemental mercury comes into contact with this injection port.
This would result in severe contamination of the Sir Galahad instrument.

4. Insert capillary glass tube into Port A. See Figure 16.

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Figure 16 Insertion of capillary glass tube


Gas Tight Syringe

Capillary Tube


5. Carefully transfer the calibration vessel to a thermostatic bath and monitor the
temperature of the mercury vapour using the thermometer. Allow the vessel to

Note: The saturation concentration of atomic mercury in air is calculated using the
vapour pressures of mercury as a function of the temperature. The saturation
concentration can be calculated using the formula outlined in Section 1.3.1. This
calculation is automatically performed by the PSA SGv3 or PSA OnLine Software
during a calibration cycle.

3.4.2 Calibration Procedure

6. Install the Sir Galahad as described in Section 2.

7. Switch on the instrument and ensure that the Gas 1 and Gas 2 LEDs are not
flashing. Allow at least 30 minutes to warm up.

8. Set up the computer and load the PSA SGv3 or PSA OnLine Software. Once the
software has loaded initiate a calibration. A four-point calibration (including
blank) is recommended.

Note: For more information on operating SGv3 or PSA OnLine Software consult the
appropriate software user manual.

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9. When a manual calibration point is added/reached a dialogue box will appear

(see example below):

10. Enter the temperature of the mercury contained in the calibration vessel.

11. Enter the volume to be injected.

Note: 1 ml ≡ 1000 µl

11. The software will automatically calculate the mass of Hg based on the vapour
pressure of Hg using the equation shown in Section 1.3.1.

12. Carefully insert the syringe into the port of the calibration vessel and extract the
appropriate volume of gas to be injected. Take care not to touch the needle
against the side walls of the vessel. Syringes supplied will have a gas valve.
Green is open and red is closed.

Notes: To avoid blockages, side port needles are used with calibration syringes.
Syringes must be preconditioned. Before first use, fill with vapour from
the calibration vessel and leave for at least 20 min. To ensure syringes
are conditioned, store filled with Hg saturated air.

13. Inject the Hg vapour from the syringe into the calibration port of the Sir Galahad
and then press OK to start the cycle. The software will activate the sequence of

14. Continue this procedure until a calibration is obtained. The temperature of the
calibration vessel may change, in which case input the temperature for each

3.5.0 Remote Sampling

Note: Please read Section 1.3.3 for an explanation of the principles of remote sampling.
Refer to the PSA SGv3 Software Manual (Manual Part No. G525M030) for an
extensive explanation of the software functions and features.


1. Collect the remote samples noting the flow rate and the length of collection time
or the sample volume collected. Cap the ends of the sample tube after collection.

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See Figure 17 for a schematic arrangement of the collection of mercury on a

remote AmasilTM trap.

Figure 17 Schematic arrangement of the collection of mercury on

AmasilTM traps sand from ambient air

Mercury Adsorber


Gold Impregnated Sand
(Gold coated silica)

When using a rotameter as shown in Figure 17, the gas/air volume sampled can be
calculated by multiplying the flow rate (l min-1) by the collection time (min). Alternatively,
replacing the rotameter with a volumetric flow meter/accumulator is equally acceptable.
When sampling a variable composition gas, such as a petrochemical stream, a matrix
independent flow meter, such as a wet gas flow meter, is preferable.

2. Calibrate the Sir Galahad as described in Section 3.4.2 Calibration Procedure.

3. Introduce the remote sample tube into the remote port (Trap 2) of the instrument.

4. Remove the cap covering the sample port (this must be in place at all times when
the port is not in use).

5. Link the remote port output to the sample port using the adaptor/transfer line.
Avoid kinking the tubing.

6. Access the Results Page of the PSA Sir Galahad software and click the Analyse
Sample button.

7. Select Remote Method and enter the relevant data sample name and ID and the
sample volume acquired at collection. Other notes can be made using the memo
button if desired.

8. Click Analyse to determine the mercury collected on the remote sample tube.

Notes: It is recommended to measure the blank level on AmasilTM tubes before use.

When analysing samples collected using the PSA 10.547 Offline Sample
Interface in Series mode for petrochemical gas analysis, the SGv3 Software
“Series Mode” feature has been expressly prepared to perform the replicate
measurements and calculations required for compliance with ISO 6978 part B
and ASTM 6350. This feature is only available in G525S303 SGv3 advanced.
Additional sampling details are required to use this feature. For more information
on the Series Mode feature, see the SGv3 Software manual (Manual Part No.
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3.5.1 Use of AmasilTM Traps

1. If the gas flow rate through the AmasilTM tube is too high, mercury may pass
through the trap without being amalgamated. The 'breakthrough' flow rate occurs
above 2.0 l min-1. It is therefore advisable to use flow rates below this value to
ensure no losses, both during the sampling and analytical cycles (typically 0.2-
0.8 l min-1).

2. Under normal working conditions, the AmasilTM traps will have an unlimited
lifetime. However, this may be significantly shortened by:

a. Continuous high desorption temperature.

b. Contamination with solutions (this causes the gold to be covered with salts
upon desorption). The area available for trapping the mercury is thus
reduced, leading to poor trapping efficiency (see Section 4.3.2 Contaminated
Gold Traps).
c. Contamination by aerosols during sampling. This causes the gold to be
covered with combustion products of the aerosols during desorption (i.e., tar-
like products). In some cases, contaminated AmasilTM traps can be cleaned
by heating with an air carrier gas, see Section 4.3.2. To avoid this
contamination, collect the aerosols on a filter placed in front of the trap during

3. The maximum amount of mercury that can be collected on an AmasilTM trap

before saturation occurs is beyond the analytical range of the analyser. For
most applications this will be sufficient.

3.5.2 Online and Local Sampling

This section gives a brief overview of the “stand-alone” use of the PSA 10.525 Sir
Galahad II for online or local Single Amalgamation mode sampling of samples such as
petrochemical samples contained in sample bombs or Tedlar bags, and local ambient
air. The software features described relate to PSA SGv3 Software.

Similar principles and concepts to those described here apply when the Sir Galahad is
incorporated into a larger online analyser system, when PSA OnLine Software is used
and/or when Dual Amalgamation or Continuous Sampling mode are utilised. For more
information on the use of the Sir Galahad in an online analyser system, see the relevant
User Manual.

Note: Please read Sections 1.4.0 – 1.4.4 for an explanation of the principles of online
sampling. Refer to the PSA SGv3 Software or PSA OnLine Software Manuals
(as appropriate) for an extensive explanation of the software functions and
features (Manual Part Nos G525M030 and C210M007 respectively).
1. Calibrate the Sir Galahad as described in Section 3.4.2 Calibration Procedure.

2. For air sampling arrange for a pump or similar device to be connected to the
pump output at the rear of the instrument. In addition a rotameter or a volumetric
flow meter/accumulator is required in order to monitor the flow rate or sample
volume. Typical sample flow rates of 0.5 to 1.0 l min-1 should be employed. See
Figure 18.
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Figure 18 Typical Online Sampling Arrangement

Sir Galahad II Rear Panel

F1 5A(T)
F2 5A(T)




Sir Galahad II Front Panel

Power Gas 1 TRAP 1 TRAP 2
Serial Gas 2

Flush Flush
Heat Heat
Cool Cool





To Sampling Point

(Sample tubing should be kept to minimum length possible)

Notes: If a rotameter is being used then calculation of the gas/air volume is performed by
multiplying the flow rate (l min-1) by the collection time (min).
Use of a downstream flow control device, as in Figure 18, can reduce the lifetime
of sample pumps. Configure sample flow control and measurement devices for
accurate flow measurement and as recommended by the pump manufacturer.

3. Sampling can also be achieved using a pressurised sample vessel, as shown in

Figure 19. Stainless steel cylinders must be PTFE lined or silicon-coated (e.g.
Silcosteel) to minimise absorption of mercury on to the walls of the cylinder. No
pump is required when this method is used. A volumetric flow meter/accumulator
is connected to the pump output at the rear of the instrument.

Figure 19 Positive Flow Online Sampling Arrangement

Sir Galahad II Rear Panel
F1 5A(T)
F2 5A(T)



Flowmeter /

Sir Galahad II Front Panel

Power Gas 1 TRAP 1 TRAP 2
Serial Gas 2

Flush Flush
Heat Heat
Cool Cool

Sampling from a Cylinder





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4. Remove the cap covering the sample port (this must be in place at all times when
not using the port). Attach an air filter (approximately 0.50 µm) in front of the
sample attachment to avoid aerosol contamination. If the sample is 'wet' the filter
must be replaced for each sample to avoid any possibility of carry-over. Keep the
length of input sampling tube to a minimum.

5. Arrange for the gas or air sample to be connected to the sample port on the front
panel of the instrument (see Figures 18 or 19).

6. Access the Results Page of the PSA Sir Galahad software and click the Analyse
Sample button.

7. For fixed flow rate sampling:

a. Select Flow Time Method and enter the relevant data sample name and ID
and the sample flow rate and the desired collection time. Other notes can be
made using the memo button if desired.
b. Select the number of repeat analyses required.
c. Click Analyse. The software will collect sample for the selected time period,
then determine the mercury mass (and concentration) sampled.
d. If repeat analyses are selected, the analyser will automatically continue to

Note: A maximum of 20 repeat analyses can be performed automatically using

SGv3 software. For online analysis over longer periods PSA OnLine
software (part no. C210S007) should be used.

8. For Sample Volume sampling:

a. Select Sample Volume Method and enter the relevant data sample name and
ID and the volume of gas to be sampled. Other notes can be made using the
memo button if desired.
b. Select the number of repeat analyses required. (Manual action will be
required to end each sampling period.)
c. Click Analyse. The software will display a prompt to click when the required
volume has been sampled. After this volume has been sampled, click OK on
the prompt to start the measurement cycle. The mercury mass (and
concentration) sampled will then be determined.
d. If repeat analyses are selected, the analyser will automatically continue to
these, however the end of sampling must be manually acknowledged each

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4.1.0 Introduction
It is strongly recommended that all replacement and spare parts are obtained from P S
Analytical or its representatives. The fitting of unauthorised spare parts may invalidate
any warranty or service contract covering the instrument.

4.2.0 Maintenance
Under normal conditions the Sir Galahad requires very little maintenance.

Maintenance Schedule
Start Up
1. Run instrument through a Clean Up Cycle.
2. Change the Calibration Port Septum. (Teflon (white) side towards the analyser.)
Shut Down
1. Run instrument through a Clean Up Cycle.
As Daily
1. As Daily
2. Check detector Reference and Emission values, adjust as necessary.
Six Monthly:
1. As Monthly
2. Check that the analytical gold trap (Trap 1) is in good condition and is not dirty (see Gold
Trap Cleaning Section 4.3.1).
3. Leak check the analyser sample path
1. As Six Monthly
2. If necessary, replace Hg lamp
3. After the first year of use it is recommended that the Sir Galahad is inspected and
checked out according to the Service Manual by the P S Analytical Service Department or
by its authorised representatives.

4.3.0 Cleaning
Before undertaking any cleaning procedures disconnect the mains supply cable from the
Sir Galahad. Cleaning is only recommended for user accessible parts of the instrument
i.e. the outside case.

1. Clean the instrument with a damp cloth which has been previously immersed in
soapy water. Alternatively a suitable laboratory cleaning fluid may be used.
Avoid copious amounts of liquid coming into contact with the instrument.

2. Finish off by wiping down with a dry cloth or sponge.

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4.3.1 Gold Trap Cleaning

Cleaning of the Gold Trap is simply achieved by running the instrument without a sample
being introduced and with the continuous vaporise time at 15 seconds. Remember to
allow sufficient cooling time (see Section 3.5.1 Use of AmasilTM Traps or Section 4.3.2
Contaminated Gold Traps).

Repeated heater activation without sufficient cooling may cause permanent
damage to the heater coil and gold trap.

4.3.2 Contaminated Gold Traps

Gold Traps which have been contaminated with tar-like products or covered with
combustible substances can in some cases be removed by heating the trap using a
carrier gas of air.

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4.4.0 Trouble Shooting

Observed Fault Cause Action

Power LED not Power not switched on at the Switch on at wall socket.
illuminated wall socket.
Power not switched on at the Switch on instrument
rear and front of the instrument
Fuses in mains socket blown. Replace fuses with caution (once
Internal problem. Call PSA Service Dept

Serial LED illuminated Communications problem Check all cable connections

Gas 1 LED flashing Carrier gas not present or Connect gas or increase pressure
pressure too low to 2.4 bar (gauge) minimum

Gas 2 LED flashing Cooling gas not present or Connect gas or increase pressure
pressure too low to 2.4 bar (gauge) minimum

Display over-range at all Contamination of the Flush out with argon (sheath gas)
times measuring chamber

System contamination Investigate the measuring chamber

for contaminating substances

Call PSA Service Dept

Display always reading Wrong mode selected in Select Ratio mode

between 750-1250 and software
does not change when
sample is introduced

Loss of sensitivity Blocked injection needle Change needle

Faulty lamp Replace the lamp
Lens fogged Clean the lens
Faulty PMT Call PSA Service Dept
Faulty valve switching Replace valve or drawer

Noisy baseline Faulty power supply Call PSA Service Dept

Faulty PMT Call PSA Service Dept
Faulty lamp Replace the lamp
Contamination Call PSA Service Dept

Poor Reference and Lens fogged Clean lens

Emission readings

Poor Reference and Lens fogged Clean lens

Emission readings

No sample signal seen Heater coil open circuit Call PSA Service Dept
Faulty injection needle Replace Needle

Will not proceed through Incorrect mode selected Select correct mode
cycle Electronics problem Call PSA Service Dept

Double peaks on sample Uneven winding on the heater Trouble shoot the heater coil – call
coil the PSA Service Dept

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Observed Fault Cause Action

Gold trap not positioned in the Trouble shoot the heater assembly–
heater assembly correctly call the PSA Service Dept
Overheating Reduce heating time

Long “Tail” on sample No cooling or insufficient Trouble shoot the cooling gas
cooling pressure
Insufficient carrier gas flow rate Trouble shoot the carrier gas
Gold trap not positioned in the Trouble shoot the heater assembly
heater assembly correctly – call the PSA Service Dept
Insufficient vaporise time Increase vaporise time

High Blanks or Baseline Contamination of the Replace the valve or valves.

drawer/valves Replace the drawer – Call the PSA
Service Dept

4.5.0 Spare Parts List - Front Panel

See Figures 10-13 in Section 3.1.0 for identification

This list of spare parts is for user replacement with care. If there is any doubt about
replacing parts, contact either your local distributor or P S Analytical.

Location Description Part No

P, T Septa (Pack of 50) Z012S002
P, T Calibration Port Cap Z000C073
P, T Calibration Port Complete Z000C012
Q Plug: ¼ in. Stainless Steel PM02P012
Q Nut: ¼ in. Stainless Steel PM02N001
Q Ferrule Set: ¼ in. Stainless Steel PM02F011
R Amasil Trap: 30 mg: Transit Packed (Single) G525T034
R Amasil Trap: 30 mg: Transit Packed (Pack of 10) G511G156
R Adaptor/Transfer Line G525S006
S Plug: ⅛ in. Stainless Steel S537P015
S Nut: ⅛ in. Stainless Steel E800N001
S Ferrule Set: ⅛ in. Stainless Steel Z000F005

4.5.1 Spare Parts List - Rear Panel

See Figure 14 in Section 3.1.1 for identification.

This list of spare parts is for user replacement with care. If there is any doubt about
replacing parts, contact either your local distributor or P S Analytical.

Location Description Part No

A Cable: Mains Various
A Fuse 3.15 A: Type T (Pack of 10) (120 V operation) Z000F104
A Fuse 1.6 A: Type T (Pack of 10) (230 V operation) Z000F103
B USB Cable: Type A Plug to Type B Plug: 2m C536C013
C Fuse 5 A: Type T (Pack of 10) Z000F102
D TTL Cable (25 way male – 25 way female) PM03C028
F, G Nut: ¼ in. Stainless Steel PM02N001
F, G Ferrule Set: ¼ in. Stainless Steel PM02F011
G, K Single Amalgamation Link Kit (D510 & D009 drawers) G525K510

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4.5.2 Spare Parts List - Miscellaneous

This list of spare parts is for user replacement with care. If there is any doubt about
replacing parts, contact either your local distributor of P S Analytical.

Description Part No
Amalgamation Unit (Drawer) – See Section 1.1.0 for details Various
Hg Lamp M023L001
Activated Charcoal Refill: 5g M025C032
Activated Charcoal Filter Complete M025F100
Cap for Amasil Traps (Pack of 10) G511C005
Test Tube: Plastic (for Amasil Traps) (Pack of 10) G511T002
Test Tube Caps (pack of 10) G511C004
Needle: Side Port (pack of 3) Z360N052
Syringe: 0 - 50 µl Z360S524
Syringe: 0 - 250 µl Z360S531
Syringe: 0 - 1000 µl Z360S533
Syringe: 0 - 5000 µl Z360S535
Calibration Vessel Septa (Pack of 100) Z012S002
Thermometer: UKAS Certified Z550T002
Calibration Vessel G523V002
¼ in. o.d. Nylon Tubing (5m) Z026T107
¼ in. o.d., /32 in. i.d. Teflon Tubing (per metre) C533T004
⅛ in. o.d., /16 in. i.d. Teflon Tubing (5m) Z018T117
Air Sampling Pump A001S002
Wet Gas Flow Meter M001G002

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4.5.3 Operator Replaceable/Consumable Parts

In order to provide some measure of clarification on what are considered operator
replaceable and/or consumable parts, the following general information may be found
useful. This information is intended only as a guide.

Consumable Parts

Generally speaking components or parts which have solutions, reagents, samples or

other substances passing through them (over which P S Analytical has little or no
control) are considered consumable parts. In addition, components or parts which have
a defined lifetime dependent on use, are also considered consumable if the lifetime can
be shown to have reasonably expired. Further, other parts may also be considered
consumable by the nature of their use or location within the instrument.

Operator Replaceable Parts

Generally speaking components or parts, which are easily accessible and/or replaceable
without the aid of specialist knowledge, are considered operator replaceable parts. In
addition, components or parts which require changing on a regular basis due to the
nature of their use, are considered operator replaceable parts. Further, components or
parts, which have a defined lifetime dependent on use, are also considered operator
replaceable parts. If there is any doubt about replacing parts, please seek advice from
P S Analytical or your local distributor.

4.6.0 Bug Report

Whilst PSA have endeavoured to ensure that this manual is error free, some minor errors
may have occurred. Please take the time to inform PSA of any errors and/or omissions
via the information request form on our website:

Thank You!

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