Module 3 Final
Module 3 Final
Module 3 Final
Processor Organization
Processor organization
Things a CPU must do:
● Fetch Instructions
● Interpret Instructions
● Fetch Data
● Process Data
● Write Data
Microprocessor register organization
Basic instruction cycle
● The instruction cycle defines the processing or execution
of a single instruction.
● It consist of two main steps:
1. Fetch cycle to fetch the operation
2. Execute cycle to execute operation.
Basic instruction cycle
● To start the execution of a program, the processor runs
the fetch cycle and fetches the first instruction from the
memory. Program counter (PC) holds address of the
instruction to be fetched next.
● The execution cycle interprets the operation and performs
the operations specified in the instruction accordingly.
● This cycle repeats until all the instructions are executed
from the program and after the execution of the last
instruction the instruction cycle get halt. So, this was the
scenario where there were no interrupts.
● Interrupt is the method of creating a temporary halt
during program execution and allows peripheral devices
to access the microprocessor.
● The microprocessor responds to that interrupt with an ISR
(Interrupt Service Routine), which is a short program to
instruct the microprocessor on how to handle the
Instruction cycle with interrupt
Instruction cycle contains the following sub-cycles.
● Fetch - read next instruction from memory into CPU
● Execute - Interpret the opcode and perform the indicated
● Interrupt - if interrupts are enabled and one has occurred,
save the current process state and service the interrupt
Instruction and Instruction sequencing
A computer program consist of a sequence of small steps.
A computer must have instructions capable of performing
four types of operations:
● Data transfers between the memory and the
processor registers
● Arithmetic and logic operations on data
● Program sequencing and control
● I/O transfers
Instruction cycle state diagram
Instruction cycle state diagram
● The processor has a register named program counter
which has the address of the instruction that has to be
executed next. It gives the address of the instruction which
needs to be fetched from the memory.
● If the instruction is fetched then, the instruction opcode is
decoded. On decoding, the processor identifies the number
of operands.
● If there is any operand to be fetched from the memory, then
that operand address is calculated.
Instruction cycle state diagram
● Operands are fetched from the memory. If there is more
than one operand, then the operand fetching process may be
repeated (i.e. address calculation and fetching operands).
● After this, the data operation is performed on the operands,
and a result is generated.
● If the result has to be stored in a register, the instructions
end here.
● Side by side, the PC is incremented to calculate the address
of the next instruction.
● Above instruction cycle is repeats for further instructions.
Design of control unit
The Control Unit is classified into two major categories:
1. Hardwired Control
2. Microprogrammed Control
1. Hardwired Control
A hardwired control is
a method of generating
control signals with the
help of sequential logic
circuit or Finite State
Machines. It is designed
with the help of gates,
flip-flops, decoders, and
other digital circuits.
1. Hardwired Control
● Instruction Register: The instruction fetched from the main memory is
placed in the instruction register and the instruction remains there till its
execution is completed.
● Instruction Decoder: The instruction decoder interprets the opcode and
the addressing mode from the instruction register and determines what
actions have to be taken.
● Step Counter: The step counter is used to track the progress in the
execution of the instruction. The step counter indicates which step
among the five i.e. instruction fetch, decode, operand fetch, execute,
operand store steps is being carried out.
1. Hardwired Control
● Control Signal Generator: It is a combinational circuit that
generates the control signals depending upon their input.
● Clock: The clock implement in the control circuitry is such that it
completes one clock cycle for each step of instruction execution.
● External Inputs: The external input component acknowledges the
control circuitry about the external signal such as interrupts.
● Conditional Signals: These components help the control unit in
generating the control signals for branching instructions.
1. Hardwired Control
Initially, the instruction to be executed is fetched from the main memory and is a
place in the instruction register which in turn generates the opcode which is
interpreted by the instruction decoder. After interpreting the opcode bits the
instruction decoder activates the corresponding INSi signal to the control
With each clock cycle, one of the timing signals from T1 to T5 is activated
indicating which step is from instruction fetch to operand store is being carried
out. Based on the timing signals from the step counter and signals from the
instruction decoder the control unit generates the control signals. The control
signals are even influenced by the external signal and the conditional signals.
1. Hardwired Control
Factors Considered for the design of the hardwired control
● Amount of hardware - Minimise the number of hardware
● Speed of operation - If a single IC can replace a group of
IC, replace it. The amount of hardware and speed of
operation are inversely proportional to each other.
● Cost
1. Hardwired Control
● Extremely fast
● Instruction set size is small as it relies on hardware more.
● The rapid mode of operation can be produced by optimising
● Modification becomes tougher as each time we have to play
with complex circuits.
● Difficult to handle complex instructions.
● Design is complicated, and decoding is complex.
2. Microprogrammed Control
As the name suggests, these control units are designed with the
help of a micro-program. This micro-program is a collections of
micro-instructions stored in the control memory.
A micro-instruction consist of one or more micro-operations
to be executed and the address of the next micro-instruction.
Example of micro-instruction:
In the above instruction, we are fetching the operand.
The control signal for the above example:
MARᵢₜ , R3ₒᵤₜ
2. Microprogrammed Control unit
● In this, the micro-operations
are performed by executing
a program consisting of
● The implementation of this
CU is very easy and flexible,
but it is slower as compared
to the Hardwired control
2. Microprogrammed Control
1. Instruction fetch is the first step. In this step, the instruction
is fetched from the IR with the help of a Microinstruction
address register.
2. Decode is the second step. In this step, the instructions
obtained from the instruction register will be decoded with
the help of a microinstruction address generator.
3. Increment is the third step. In this step, the control word,
which corresponds to the starting address of a micro-program,
will be read. When the execution proceeds, the micro-program
counter will be increased so that it can read the successive
control words of a micro-routine.
2. Microprogrammed Control
4. End bit is the fourth step. In this step, the microinstruction of
a micro-routine contains a bit, which is known as the end bit. The
execution of the microinstruction will be successfully completed
when the end bit is set to 1.
5. In last step, the micro-program address generator will again go
back to Step 1 so that we can fetch a new instruction, and this
process or cycle goes on.
So in the micro-programmed control unit, the micro-programs are
stored with the help of Control memory or Control store.
Concept of Nano programming
● In most microprogrammed processors, an instruction
fetched from memory is interpreted by a micro program
stored in a single control memory (CM).
● In some microprogrammed processors, the micro
instructions are not directly used by the decoder to
generate control signals. They use second control memory
called a nano control memory (nCM).
Concept of Nano programming
So they are two levels of control memories,
● A higher level control memories is known as micro
control memory (μCM)
● A lower level control memories is known as nano control
memory (nCM).
The μCM stores micro instructions whereas nCM stores nano
Concept of Nano programming
Concept of Nano programming
● The instruction is fetched from the main memory into
instruction register IR.
● Using its opcode we load address of its first
micro-instruction into µPC,
● Using this address we fetch the micro-instruction from
micro control memory (µCM) into micro instruction
register µIR.
● This is in vertical form and decoded by a decoder.
● The decoded output loads a new address in a nano
program counter (nPC).
Concept of Nano programming
● By using this address, the nano-instruction is fetched from
nano-control memory (nCM) into nano instruction register
● This is in horizontal form and can directly generate control
signals which can be multiple at a time.
● Such a combination gives advantage of both techniques.
● The size of the control Memory is small as
micro-instructions are vertical.
Nano programming
Reduces total size of required control memory
Segment 4
The instructions would finally be executed in the very last
segment of a pipeline organisation.
Pipeline Hazards
1. Pipeline hazards are situations that prevent the next
instruction in the instruction stream from executing during its
designated clock cycles.
2. Any condition that causes a stall in the pipeline operations
can be called a hazard.
3. There are primarily three types of hazards:
i. Data Hazards
ii. Control Hazards or instruction Hazards
iii. Structural Hazards.
1. Data Hazards
A data hazard is any condition in which either the source or the
destination operands of an instruction are not available at the
time expected in the pipeline.
As a result of which some operation has to be delayed and the
pipeline stalls. Whenever there are two instructions one of
which depends on the data obtained from the other.
Data Hazards
For the above sequence, the second instruction needs the value
of ‘A’ computed in the first instruction.
Thus the second instruction is said to depend on the first.
If the execution is done in a pipelined processor, it is highly likely
that the interleaving of these two instructions can lead to
incorrect results due to data dependency between the
instructions. Thus the pipeline needs to be stalled as and when
necessary to avoid errors.
2. Structural Hazards
This situation arises mainly when two instructions require a
given hardware resource at the same time and hence for one of
the instructions the pipeline needs to be stalled.
The most common case is when memory is accessed at the
same time by two instructions. One instruction may need to
access the memory as part of the Execute or Write back phase
while other instruction is being fetched.
Structural Hazards
In this case if both the instructions and data reside in the same
memory. Both the instructions can’t proceed together and one
of them needs to be stalled till the other is done with the
memory access part.
Thus in general sufficient hardware resources are needed for
avoiding structural hazards.
3. Branch Hazards
The instruction fetch unit of the CPU is responsible for
providing a stream of instructions to the execution unit. The
instructions fetched by the fetch unit are in consecutive memory
locations and they are executed.
However the problem arises when one of the instructions is a
branching instruction to some other memory location.
Branch Hazards
Thus all the instruction fetched in the pipeline from consecutive
memory locations are invalid now and need to removed(also
called flushing of the pipeline).This induces a stall till new
instructions are again fetched from the memory address
specified in the branch instruction.
Thus the time lost as a result of this is called a branch penalty.
Often dedicated hardware is incorporated in the fetch unit to
identify branch instructions and compute branch addresses as
soon as possible and reducing the resulting delay as a result.