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3a 22.03 1 2 Wosff Welcome

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Lesson Details
Year 3 ALLI Num. of Students 23

Date 22nd March 2024 Time 1.00 pm - 2.00 pm

Theme & Topic World of Self, Family and Friends Welcome!
Focus Skill Listening
Prior Knowledge / Skills -Describing things with appropriate words.
Main Skill Complementary Skill
Content Standard (CS) 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety 3.1 Recognise words in linear and
of familiar contexts non-linear texts by using knowledge
of sounds of letters
Learning Standard (LS) 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and 3.2.2 Understand specific
non-linear print and digital texts by information and details of short
using appropriate reading strategies simple texts
Learning Outcome (LO) Knowledge Skill Value

1. Words describing Listen and understand Mutual respect

appearance. Listen and understand

Learning Objectives By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
1. Listen and identify at least 5 out of 8 pictures correctly based on
longer simple description texts on the description of appearances.
2. Listen and follow at least 4 instructions given correctly in the Find Me
Success Criteria (SC) I can:
1. Listen and identify at least 5 out of 8 pictures correctly based on
longer simple description texts on the description of appearances.
2. Listen and follow at least 4 instructions given correctly in the Find Me
Classroom Based Oral Observation Written
Assessment (CBA) ( / ) / /
Instruments Anecdotal records Worksheets
Thinking Skills (TS): Interpreting, analysing, connecting
Habits of Mind (HoM): Gathering data through all senses
Higher-order thinking Skills Analyse
Cross-Curricular Elements Noble value
Information & Smart TV
Technology (ICT)
Teaching & Learning Pictures, vocabulary flashcards
Materials (T&LM)
Arts in Education (AIEd)
(If applicable)
Soft Skills (SS) Listening skills
Teaching Strategies
21st Century Pedagogy Assessing pupils with clear transparent goals & objectives
Practice (21stCPP)
Differentiation Strategy Differentiate by the outcome expected from the pupils

Steps & Minutes Lesson Content Teaching & Learning Remarks ( / )


Pre Lesson We have? 1. Teacher prepares a jar CBA:

(5) Minutes with pupils name strips. TS/HoM/HOTS:
Interpreting, connecting
2. Teacher picks out a
CCE: /
pupil’s name and ICT:
describes their T&LM:
appearance to the
21stCPP: /
Example DS: /
- She has short Value: /

- He has black
- She has curly
3. Pupils will have to find
the right person
according to the
description given.
4. If the pupil have found
the right person, they
should say ‘ Its her/him’.
5. Teacher elicits pupil’s
response about
describing pupils.

Lesson Development Has got / Have got 1. Teacher presents CBA:

Stage I slides about has got / TS/HoM/HOTS:
(10) Minutes have got to the pupils. Interpreting
2. Teacher explains the T&LM: pictures
slides thoroughly to the AIEd:
pupils with appropriate SS: /
examples. 21stCPP: /
DS: /
Value: /

Lesson Development Find me! 1. Teacher hands out a CBA: Observation

Stage II worksheet with pictures TS/HoM/HOTS:
(20) Minutes Interpreting, analysing,
to the pupils. (Appendix
connecting, gathering
B) data through all senses,
2. The teacher instructs analyse
CCE: /
pupils to match the
names with the pictures T&LM:
that suit the descriptions AIEd:
read aloud by the SS: /
21stCPP: /
DS: /
3. The teacher reads Value: /
aloud the descriptions.
4. The teacher will
discuss the answers with

Lesson Development Guess Who? 1. Teacher divides the CBA:

Stage III pupils into 2 groups. TS/HoM/HOTS:
(20) Minutes 2. The teacher elicits the Interpreting, analysing,
focus language. (brown connecting, analyse
CCE: /
hair, long straight hair,
ICT: smartboard
brown eyes, etc) Teacher T&LM: vocabulary
pre-teaches the structure flashcards
for the game. He/She
SS: /
has got _______(colour) 21stCPP: /
eyes. Her hair is DS: /
_______, (short/length) Value: /

_________, (colour) and

3. The teacher arranges
the pictures in a stack or
lay them out on a table.

1. One pupil (Team A)
chooses a picture from
the stack of pictures
without showing it to
Team B.
2. Then he/she describes
the selected person's
physical appearance to
Team B using the
structure practiced
3. Team B listens
carefully to the
description and tries to
guess which person is
being described.
4. Team B can ask
clarifying questions to
narrow down their
guesses. For example:
"Is the person wearing a
white T-shirt?" (Teachers
can limit the number of
5. Team B makes their
guess. If they guess
correctly, they earn a
point. If not, Team A
reveals the picture, and
no points are awarded.
6. Rotate turns, allowing
Team B to select a
picture and describe it to
Team A for guessing.
7. Marks will be added in
the pupils’ reward chard

Post Lesson Recap session 1. Teacher asks pupils to CBA:

(5) Minutes share the key points of TS/HoM/HOTS:
the lesson. CCE: /
2. The teacher T&LM:
encourages pupils to AIEd:
share their opinion on SS:
politely describing 21stCPP:
people. DS: /
Value: /

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