Lesson 47
Lesson 47
Lesson 47
WEEK: 8 (47)
FOCUS SKILLS: Reading & speaking MODE:
- Individual
GRAMMAR - Online
FOCUS worksheet
CONTENT Main Skill: Reading
STANDAR 3.1 - Understand a variety of texts by using a range of
- N/A
D/S: appropriate reading strategies to construct meaning
Complementary Skill: Speaking
2.1 - Communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings
intelligibly on familiar topics
LEARNING Main Skill: Reading
STANDAR 3.1.1 - Understand the main points in simple longer texts on a
D/S: range of familiar topics
Complementary Skill: Speaking
2.1.1 - Ask about and explain key information from simple texts
- Understand
LEARNIN Main: Reading - Discussion
G By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: - Text reading
OBJECTIV a) Identify a few unfamiliar words from the text.
ES: b) Identify 11 key points from the text.
Complementary: Speaking
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: MORAL VALUES:
a) Explain 5 ideas of the things they will do with RM 10K. N/A
SUCCESS Top target (for more Supported target
CRITERIA proficient (for less proficient
(Differentiation pupils) pupils)
a) Identify a few a) Identify a few
unfamiliar words from unfamiliar words
the text. from the text.
b) Identify at least 10 out b) Identify at least 8 out
of 11 key points from of 11 key points from
the text. the text.
c) Explain at least 4 out c) Explain at least 3 out
of 5 ideas of the things of 5 ideas of the
they will do with RM things they will do
10K. with RM 10K.
Lesson delivery
Activity A: 25 minutes
1. Pupils will be given a set of worksheets according to their
2. Pupils will be given 10 minutes to complete the task.
3. Guidance will be provided throughout the activity.
4. Pupils’ answers will be discussed with the teacher.
5. Pupils will then have to paste the worksheet in their exercise
Activity B: 20 minutes
1. Pupils will then be given another set of worksheets each.
2. Pupils will be called randomly to read each paragraph.
3. Pupils will be asked to highlight any words that they don’t
4. Pupils will be given 5 minutes to answer the questions based
on the passage provided.
5. Pupils will discuss the answers with the teacher.
Closure: 7 minutes
1. Pupils will be asked to recall what they have learned today.
2. Teacher will initiate a brief Q&A session with the pupils.
3. Teacher ends the class.
REFLECTIONS: Number: / pupils were able to achieve the
learning objectives. Only __ were not able to
achieve the learning objectives.
Activity A:
TP 3&4
Read the following text carefully and do the tasks that follow it.
In the summer of 1965, 17-year-old Fred DeLuca was trying to figure out how to pay for
medical school. A family friend suggested that Fred open a sandwich shop – and then
the friend invested $1,000 to help get it started. Within a month, they opened their first
sandwich shop. From that humble start grew the Subway franchise chain with
approximately 45,000 stores in more than 100 countries.
For more than 10 years, Subway advertisements featured Jared Fogle, a college student who was overweight
but lost 245 pounds (about 111 kg) by only eating Subway’s low-fat sandwiches. Jared says it was a fluke that he ended
up in Subway’s ads. Fogle first came to media attention in April 1999, via an article written by a former dorm mate
about Fogle's weight loss and published in Indiana Daily Student. According to the article, Fogle had become obese
through lack of exercise and eating junk food. Switching to eating at Subway, he changed his eating habits there to
include healthier choices and smaller portions free of fattening condiments such as mayonnaise, which was followed
by his significant weight loss. Jared already knew he liked Subway sandwiches, but the “7 under 6” promotion
inspired him to incorporate them into his diet. As soon as Jared’s ads began to run, word of his inspiring story spread
and consumer awareness of Subway and its healthy fare increased.
Subway’s strategy at that time focused on its line of seven different sandwiches with under six grams of fat.
The goal was to set Subway food apart from other fast food, position it to appeal to health-conscious eaters, and
spark new sales growth. Rapidly, sales grew more than 18 percent that year. The ads also attracted attention from
potential franchises which saw in Subway a profitable small business opportunity. Subway tried to balance its menu
and promotion to appeal to three segments: customers interested in low fat, those most concerned about taste, as
well as those seeking a good value.
I – Reading comprehension
A. Match the parts of the sentences. Write the letters a), b), c) ... in the boxes.
1. Fred DeLuca opened a sandwich shop a a) because it offers healthy and tasty food at a low price.
2. After a modest start, Subway grew b) after losing weight by only eating their sandwiches.
3. Jared Fogle was used in Subway’s ads c) c) different and better fast food.
4. Fogle’s story d) to become a worldwide franchise.
5. Subway’s strategy was to offer e) e) helped Subway to attract attention from customers.
6. Subway is such a lucrative business f) in order to have money for college.
I – Reading comprehension
A. Match the parts of the sentences. Write the letters a), b), c) ... in the boxes.
1. Fred DeLuca opened a sandwich shop a a) because it offers healthy and tasty food at a low price.
2. After a modest start, Subway grew b) after losing weight by only eating their sandwiches.
3. Jared Fogle was used in Subway’s ads c) c) different and better fast food.
4. Fogle’s story d) to become a worldwide franchise.
5. Subway’s strategy was to offer e) e) helped Subway to attract attention from customers.
6. Subway is such a lucrative business f) in order to have money for college.
TP 5