Bs Eurocode1 Part2 4
Bs Eurocode1 Part2 4
Bs Eurocode1 Part2 4
1991-2-4 : 1997
Eurocode 1:
Basis of design and
actions on structures
Part 2.4 Actions on structures-
Wind actions
(together with
United Kingdom
National Application
ICs 91.010.30;91.080.01
Q BSI 052000
COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards
Licensed by Information Handling Services
National foreword
This Draft for Development was prepared by Subcommittee B/525/1 and is the English
language version ofENV 1991-24 : 1995E u m & 1: Basis of design and actions m
structures -Part 2.4:Actions m s t m t u m - Wind actions as published by the
European Committee forStanbdization (CEN). This Draft for Development also
includes the United Kingdom (UK) National Application Document (NAD)to be used
with theENV in the design of buildings and bridgesto be c o n s t r u d in the UK or in
ENV 1991-24 : 1995 results froma programme of work initiated bythe European
Commission to make availablea common set of rules for windaction.
This publication should not be regarded as a British Standard.
the of a
An ENV is made a d a b l e for provisional application, but does not havestatus
European Satn- The aim is to use the experience gainedto modify theENV so that
it can be adoptedas a European Standard(EN).
The values for certain parametersthein ENV Eurocode may be set by CEN members
so to asmeet the requirements of national reguhons. These parameters are
designated by boxed valuesin the E N , the valuesto be used inthe UK are tabdated
in the NAD.
During the ENV period reference shouldbe made to the supporting documents listed
in the National Application Document (NAD).
The purposeof the NAD is to provide essential information particularly in relation to
safety to enable theENV to be used for buildings and bridges constructedthe in UK.
The NAD takes precedence over corresponding provisions in ENV. the
For buildings,limited calibration exercises have been undertaken on the use of
ENV 1991-2-4 whichtend to show that use of the ENV may provide wind effects lower
than the use of BS 6399 : Part 2. Therefore caution should be exercised in design when
applying loads derived from the ENV document. Itis recommended that in conjunction
with Part A of the NAD a check is undertaken using the principlesof BS 6399 : Part 2
in definingthe wind structure. A relatively simple procedure for incorporating these
principles intoENV 1991-24is outlined in Part A of the NAD.
Annex B ofENV 1991-24 has not been calibratedagainst current UK practice and
therefore it should be used with caution.
Part A of the NAD is applicable to wind actions on buildings. Part B of the NAD is
applicable to wind actions on bridges.A separate NAD for wind actions on towers,
masts and chimneyswill be produced underENV 199M1)in due course.
Compliance withENV 1991-2-4: 1995 and theNAD does notof itself conferimmunity
from legal obligations.
Users of this document are invited to comment on itstechnicalcontent, ease of use
and any ambiguhes or anomalies. These commentswill be taken into account when
prep- the UK national response to CEN on the question of whether the ENV can
be convertedto an EN.
Comments should besent in writing to the Secretaryof Subcommittee B/525/1,
BSI, 389 Chiswick €IRoad,
@ London, W4 4AL quotingthe document reference, the
relevant clause and where possible, a proposed revisionwithin two yeam of the issue
of this document
Summary of pages
This document comprisesa front cover, an inside front cover,pages i to lx,
the ENV title page, pages2 to 154, an inside back cover and a back cover.
The BSI copyright notice displayed thisin document i n d i a when the documentwas
last issued
Jn preparation
ii 8 BSI 05-2000
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Licensed by Information Handling Services
DD ENV 1991-2-4 : 1997
O BSI 1997
COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards
Licensed by Information Handling Services
Contents of
National Application Document
Part A. Buildings
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DD ENV 1991-2-4: 1997
O BSIStandards
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~- - "
2, JJI preparation.
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DD ENV 1991-2-4 : 1997
X British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards
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S T D - B S I DD ENV 1991-2"i-ENGL L997 m L b 2 4 b b 9 085L525 bTb m
DD ENV 1991-2-4: 1997
Annex A (normative)
Photographdiagrams of terrain categories
" I
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DD ENV 1991-24: 1997
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DD ENV 1991-2-4: 1997
10 km
Transition zone
10 km H
10 km b
Firsttransition \
zone transition / Second
A B ' c
vt"I,A \
Category A B
Figure B.2. Determination of v,&) after change of roughness
COPYRIGHT British 1997
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o i 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 io
Figure B.3 c&) values for transition from category O to category 1
O BSI 1997
COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards
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1O0 4.0
O 1 2 3 4 5 6 i 8 9 10
x, km
Figure B.4 c&) values for transitionfrom category 1 to category 2
O BSI 1997
COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards
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.- .- -
O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
x, km
Figure B.6 c&) values for transition from category 2 to category 3
O i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
x, km
Figure B.6 c,(x) values for transition from category 3 to category 4
O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
x, km
Figure B.7 ce@) values for transition from category 1 to category 3
1O00 1
:5 ¡.O
r4 p . 5
- 4..O
- 31.5
- 3.O
:1 .5
- 1.O
O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
x, km
Figure B.8 c,@) values for transition from category1 to category 4
O BSI 1997
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Annex C (normative) lkeatment of The displacement height reduces with separation
distance between buildings,X , particularly across open
minimum height and effect of spaces within, or at the edge of,a built up area. Rules
obstructions to account forthis effect are given below andare
C.l General illustmkd in figure C.1.
The effect of buil- and other ohstructionsis It should be emphasizedthat these rules are direction
generally to modify the wind flow near ground level, dependent, and the most onerous loading direction
creating anartificial ground level below which the needs to be considered. The criteriaset out in these
logarithmic variationin wind speed may not be proposals clearly depend onthe continued existence of
considered applicable. In ENV 1991-24it is assumed the buildings around the site. Care shouldbe exercised
that the wind speedremains constant belowa height to ensure that the loading is not sensitiveto the
z h ,increasing with increasing terrain category dependency on the continuing existence of one or two
(increasing roughness). Forthe United Kingdom this adjacent buildings.
assumption is deemed to be too conservative and a CS Allowance for spacing of obstructions
constant valueof 2 m forz h should be used
independent of terrajn categoq.However this could Where the spacing to the upwind sheltered buildingor
lead to nonconservative results for low-rise buildings permanent obstruction:-
close to tall structures dueto accelerated flow a ) X s UZ,
(see C.4). then&isthelesserof&=0.8h,,orhd=0.6h
C.2 Displacement height and effective height b ) X 5 Sh,,
As noted in C.l in rough terrain suchas towns and then & is givenby =O
cities the windtends to behave as if the ground level c)intherange2h,,<Xc6ho
was raised to a height just below the average roof then & is the lesserof 1.2 h, - 0.2 X or hd = 0.6 h
height, h,,, (obstruction height) leaving an
indeterminate region below whichis often sheltered. In the absence of more accurate information the
This displacement height, &, is a function of the plan obstruction height,h,,, may be taken as:
area densityand general heightof the buildings or Category III IV
obstructions. A value of & = 0.8 h, can be assumed. 8 16
However this is not applicable where the building to h,,
be designed is a similar height or lower than its C.4 Wind around tall buildings
surroundmgs. In these circumstances a displacement Accelerated wind speeds occur close to the base of
height of 0.6h has been assumed. buildings whichare signilïcantly tallerthan the
To allow for this effect the height2 defined in displacement height When considering low-rise
clause 4.2 of ENV 1991-2-4 as the helght above ground buildings which are close to other tall buildings the
should be replacedby an effective heightzeg given by: rules for effective heightw inot necessarily leadto
zeetp= z - h d conservative values and specialist advice should be
A minimum value of z,ff of 0.4h should beused. sought.
Face 3
Cu d
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D.1.3 W¿nd direction D.1.5.3 Equation D.l implies an equivalence between
the standard 10 mz area defined in 10.2.1 of
D.1.3.1 The directional wind load method requires ENV 1991-24 : 1995 and thedatum diagonal dimension
knowledge of the wind direction intwo forms: a = 5 m. Note that figure D.3 shows thesize effect
a) in degrees east of north, represented by +, used factor remains constant at Ca = 1 for diagonal lengths
to determine wind speeds and dynamic pressure; leSS than 5 m. This is because trial calculations have
and shown that the valueof Ca does not needto increase
b) in degrees relativeto normal to each building face for diagonal lengths less than 5 m in the main zones
(or around the periphery of a circular-plan building), and because highertabulated values, correspondingto
Cpe,l, have been given inthe peripheral zones.
represented by O, used to determine the pressure
coefficients. D.1.6 Directional internal pressure co&Tcients
D.1.3.2 In practice, it is usually most convenient to
” both Q, and the vasious valus of O for each
face, 11, a,m, etc., to a standard value of O,
D.1.6.1 For most typical building forms, internal
pressure coefficients do notvary sufficiently with wind
direction to warrant an extension of ENV 1991-24, and
corresponding to a principal axis or reference face of the method given in 10.2.9 should be used. This
the building. This is illustrated in figure D.l for the includes conventional enclosed buildings and buildings
case of a rectangular-plan building. with dominant openings. However, some advantage
D.1.4 Dgnamic pressure may be gained by accounting forthe time taken forthe
int~rnalpressure of large enclosed buildingsto
D.1.4.1 The valueof the dynamic pressureof the respond to changes in windspeed as defined below.
directional method %f(p) in Pa (Nh> is given in 7.2
can the roughness
using values for the direction factor, D.1.6.2 In enclosed buildings, containing external
coefficient, c, and the topography coefficient,q, doors and windowswhich may be kept closed, and
appropriate to the wind direction b e i considered. where any intemal doorsare generally open or are at
least three times more permeable than the external
D.1.4.2 Values of dynamic pressure forvarious values doors and windows, the internal pressure can be taken
of wind speed aregiven in tableD.1. as uniform and appropriateinternal pressure
coefficients are given in table D.2. The relevant
D.1.6 Directional external pressure comcients diagonal dimension a for theintemal pressure may be
D.1.5.1 Directional extemal pressure coefficients are taken as:
given in D.2 to D.4 for a range of building formsin a = 10 X terna^ volume of storey (D.2)
terms of the wind angle, O, relative to the building.
The values in the local zones around the periphery
may be takenas equivalent to the standard values, Table D.2 Internal pressure coefficients for
$e,l, corresponding to an area of 1mz, while the
enclosed buildings
values in the remaining zonesmay be taken as Type of walls
equivalent to the standard values, %,JO, corresponding Cpi,lo
to an area of 10 m2, defined in10.2.1 of ENV 1991-24: ltvo opposite wallsequally permeable, otherfaces
1995. impermeable
D.1.5.2 The effectof size of a loaded area may be Wind normal to penneable face + 0.2
accounted for more precisely bythe use of a size
effect factor, G,where: Wind normal to impermeable face -0.3
Cpe = Cacpe,10 (D.1) Four walls equally permeable; roof -0.3
and valuesof the size effect factor,Ca, is given in
figure D.2 in terms of the diagonal, a,of theloaded
area, defined in figureD.3.
>30to50 1A A IA B A IA B
>50 IA A \A B A IA B
D.1.6.3 Where an enclosed building is subdivided D.1.6.4 Where an external opening, such as a door,
into rooms with internal doors not three times more would be dominant when openbut is considered to be
permeable than the external doors, the internal closed in the ultimate limit state, the condition with
pressure may differ between rooms.This will result in door open shouldbe considered as a serviceabiity
net wind loads on internal walls. For external walls, limit state, and the loads assessed using the
provided there are no dominant openings, the internal appropriate partial load factors for serviceab~ty.
pressure coefficient shouldbe taken as either
Cpi,lo = - 0.3 or Cpi,lo = + 0.2, whichever gives the
larger net pressure coefficient acrossthe wall. The
rnaxknum net pressure Coefficient across internal walls
should be takenas ~ i . 1 = 0 0.5. The relevant dmgonaJ
dimension a for the h i e r d pressure may be taken as:
a = IO X vintemal volume of room @-3)
O BSI 1997
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a) Diagonals for load on b) Diagonal for total load on
individual faces combined faces
m 5
M For cladding panel
d) Diagonal for total load on gable e) Diagonal for total load on pitch roof
Figure D.3 Definition of diagonal of loaded areas
O BSI 1997
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No resolved
component in
wind direction
D.2 External pressure coefficients for walls of D.2.1.2 The wind direction O is defined as the angle
buildings of the wind from normal to the wall being considered
as defmed in D.1.2. The reference height,x,, is the
D.2.1 Vertical walls of rectangular-plan buildings height above ground of the top of the wall, including
D.2.1.1 Pressure coeffkients for walls of any parapet, or the top of the part if the building has
rectangular-plan buildmgsare given in table D.5 for the been divided intoparts according to the provisions
zones as defined in the key, figure D.5. Zones A and B given in 10.2.2 of ENV 1991-24: 1995. For the
should be defined, measuring their widthfrom the crosswind breadth, b,, inwind depth, d, and budding
upwind edge of the wall. If zones A and B do not height, H, see ENV 1991-24. The scaling length,bs, for
occupy the whole of the wall, zoneD should be defining the zones is given by:
defined from the downwind edge of the wall. If zone D
does not occupy the remainderof the face, zoneC is b, = b, or 0.7)
then defined as the remainder of the face between
b, = Z i , whichever is thesmaller. (D.@
zones B and D.
' NOTE 2. When the result of interpolating between positive and negative values is in the range - 0.2 < c ~ ~< + , ~ the coefficient
, 0.2,
should be taken as c,, = i 0.2 and both possible values used.
7 1 :{Downwind
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D.2.1.3 Where walls of two buildmgs face each other D.2.2.2 Provided the lengthof the adjacent upwind
and the gap between them is less than bs and greater face is greater than bJ5 the peak suction coefficients
than bJ4, some funnelling of the flowwill occur for zoneA (given in tableD.5) can be reduced by
between the buildings. Themaximum effect occursat multiplying them by the reduction factor appropriate to
a spacingof b& and is maintained over a rangeof the aajacent corner angleß given in table D.6. Note
wind angles f 45" from normal to the axis of the gap. that a rectangular corner,ß = go', gives the highest
In this c i r c w c e , the following rules apply. local suction in zone A.
a) Over the range of wind angle - 45" < O < + 45",
the windward-facing wallis sheltered by the "hble D.6 Reduction factors for zoneA on
leeward-facing wall ofthe other building. The vertical walls of polygonal-plan buildings
positive pressures in tableD.5 apply where the wall 60" 90" 120" 150"
is directly exposedto the wind, but conservative Corner angleß
values should be given forthe whole wall. Reduction factor 0.7 1.0 0.6 0.2
b) Over the ranges of wind angle -135" O < - 45" NOTE. Interpolation is allowed in the range 60" < /3 c 150".
and + 45" O <+ 135", funnelling occurs. Values for
zone A at O = f 90"shouldbe multiplied by 1.2. D.2.2.3 Whenever the value of pressure coefficientfor
Values for zoneB at O = k 90" should be multiplied peak suction in zonesB and C are more negative than
by 1.1 and applied to all parts of zones B to D which A, the
the reduced pressure coefficient in zones
face the other building over these ranges of wind reduced zoneA values shouldbe applied to these
angle. These funnehg factors give the maximum zones also.
effect which correspondsto a gap width of b& and
interpolation is permitted in the rangeof gap width D.2.3 Piangular gable walls
from bs/4 to b,. D.2.3.1 Pressure coefficients for thetriangular gable
c) Over the ranges of wind angle -180" < O < +135" walls formed by steep duopitch roofsor non-vertical
and + 135" < O < +180", the values of pressure walls (A-frame buildings) in the range 30" 5 (Y 5 75"
coefficient remain the sameas given in table D.5. are given in tableD.7 for zonesH to K as defined in
figure D.6. For the gable walls formed by duopitch
D.2.2 W t i c a l walk O f p O l ~ g O ~ l -buildings
pl~ roofs of pitches less than a = 30" or by non-vertical
D.2.2.1 The pressure coefficients given in table D.5 walls of pitches greaterthan a = 75" (nearly vertid)
should also be used for the vertical wallsof the general method given inD.2.1 should be used
polygonal-plan buildings. In such cases there may be D.2.3.2 The wind direction O is defined as the angle
any number of faces greaterthan or e qd to 3. of the wind from normalto the wall being considered
However, the wind direction, principal dimensions and The reference height,Xe, is the height of the peak of
scaling length remainas defmed in D.2.1.2. Instead of the gable.
calculating the crosswind breadth,b,, and inwind
depth, d, for the complex building plan at every wind
angle, these dimensions may be determined from the
smallest rectangleor circle which enclosesthe plan
shape of the building.
Table D.7 Pressure coefficients for verticalgable walls adjacentto non-vertical walls and roofs
Wind Pitch of adjacent wall or roof
30' 5 a 5 75'
direction dlH dH24
0" + 0.25 + 0.80 + 0.80 + 0.26 + 0.18 + 0.57 + 0.57 + 0.18
f 30" + 0.70 + 0.75 + 0.50 0.2f + 0.50 + 0.54 + 0.36 f 0.20
a) Duopitch roof
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
b) Monopitch roof
Figure D.6 Key to vertical gable walls
D.2.3.3 Where gables of two buildings face each other b) Over the ranges of wind angle -135"~O -45"
and the gap between themis less than b, some and +45" < O +135", funnehg occurs. Values for
funnelling of the flow will occur between the buildings. zone H at O = f 90"should be multiplied by 1.2.
The maximum effect occurs at a spacing of b& and is Values for zoneI at O = f 90" should be multiplied
maintained over a range of wind angles 45" from by 1.1 and applied to a l l parts of Zones I to K which
pamllel to the axis of the gap. In this circumstance, the face the other building over theseranges of wind
following rules apply. angle. These funnellingfactors give the maximum
a) Over the range of wind angle -45"~O < +45", effect which correspondsto a gap width of b,/2 and
the windward-facing gableis sheltered by the interpolation is permitted in the range of gap widths
leeward-facing gable of the other building. The from b,/4 to b,.
positive pressures in table D.7 apply where the gable c) Over the ranges of wind angle -180" O c
is directly exposed to the wind, but @ve - 135" and +135"< O < +180", the values of pressure
conservative valuesfor the whole gable. coefficient remain the same as given in table D.7.
Wind B
direction shown
( e,< 450)
A B C C cc D
Figure D.7 Key for walls of buildings with re-entrant corners
b) If G <b,/2 the recess is categorized as narrow. The D.2.8 Irregular faces and inset walls
wall in which the recess occurs should be assessed
as if the recess did not existas shown in D.2.8.1 IrregzLEar~mhfaces
figure D.8 a). The pressure coefficient corresponding External pressure coefficients forthe flush walls of
to the position of the recess should be appliedto all buil- with corner cut-outs in elevation,as
the walls insidethe recess. For peak cladding loads illustrated in figureD.9, which include, for example,
at the mouth of the m o w recess, additional local buildings with a lower wingor extension built flush
zone A at the external edgeof the walls of the recess with the main builcimg, should be derived as follows:
should be defined as indicated in Figure D.8 a). The a) Cut-out downwind,as in figun D. 9 u) and c)
relevant planshape for calculatingb, is that of the
whole building. The loaded zones onthe face should be dividedinto
vertical strips from the upwind edge of the face with
c) If G >bs/2 the recess is categorized as wide. The the dunensions shown in figureD.5, in terms of the
procedure in D.2.5 for buildings with reentrant scaling length b,, making no special allowance for
corners should be applied as indicated in the presence of the cut-out. Thescaling length, b,,
figure D.8 b). The relevant plan-shape for calculating should be determined fromthe height, H, and
b, is that of any upwind wing, or of the whole
building, respectively. crosswind breadth,b,, of the windward face.
D.2.6.2 Where the recessed bay is limited in height by b) Cut-out upwind, as in Figure D.9 b) and d)
a floor or a soffit, the pressure in the recess should be The loaded zones onthe face are divided into
taken to act on the floor and soffit in addition to the vertical strips immediately downwind of the upwind
Walls. edges of the upper and lower part of the face
D.2.7 Buildings with internal wells formed by the cut-out. The SC- length, bs,l, for
the zones of the upper part is determined from the
D.2.7.1 For buildings with internal wells, the pressure height, H l , and crosswind breadth, bc,l, of the upper
coefficient forthe external walls are unaffected by the inset windward face. The scaling length,bs,z, for the
well and should be derived in accordancewith the zones of the lower part should be determined from
preceding rules, as appropriate. the height, Hz, and crosswind breadth, b , , ~ of
, the
D.2.7.2 Pressure in the well is dominated by flow lower windward face. The reference height for the
over the roof and should be derived as follows: upper and lower partis the respective height above
a) When the gap across the well, G, is smaller than ground forthe top of each part.
bs/2 the pressure in the well may be taken as The pressure coefficients for zonesA, B and C should
uniform and equal to the pressure on the roof then be obtained from tableD.5.
containing the well.
b) When G >b& the procedure for reentrant
corners in D.2.5 should be used.
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G > bJ2
b) Wide recess
Figure D.8 Key for walls of buildings with recessed bays
COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards O BSI 1997
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/ /
/ / / /
/ / / / / / /
/ / / / /
b) Cut-out upwindtall part long
z- Wind
It".@ Wind
D.3 External pressure coefficients for flat roofs D.3.2.2 The wind direction O is defined as the angle
of buildings of the wind from normalto the eaves of the section of
roof being considered, as defined in figure D.ll. The
D.3.1 Choice of method reference height,4 , is the height above ground of the
D.3.1.1 A general method for determinhg the wind top of the roof. The crosswind breadth,b,, and inwind
pressures on flat, or nearly flat roofs of buildings with depth, d, are defined in figure D.13. However, instead
any arbitrary plan shape is given in D.3.2. This general of calculathg the crosswind breadth, b,, and inwind
method also accounts forthe variations in high local depth, d, for the complex building plan at every wind
suction aroundthe periphery of the roof caused by angle, these dimensionsmay be determined fromthe
various common forms of eaves detail. smallest rectangle or circle which enclosesthe plan
shape of the building. The scaling length,b,, defining
D.3.1.2 A simpler method, restricted to the zones is given by:
rectangular-plan buildingsonly, is given in D.4.3
Monopitch roofs, assuming the flat roof to be a
monopitch roof with zero pitch angle. The general bs = be, or
method may be used forall roofs of pitch less than b, = 2 H , whichever is the smaller.
o = 5".
D.3.2 General method D.3.2.3 Application of the zones in accordance with
the definition of figure D.11 should be repeated for
D.3.2.1 The roof should be subdivided into sections every section of the roof until pressure coefficientsfor
by lines drawn in the wind direction through each all zones overthe whole roof have been defined.
upwind-facing corner. Zonesof pressure coefficient are F'igure D.12a) shows the completed assignment for the
defined for each section from the upwind corner as arbitrary shape and wind directionused in figure D.11.
given by the key figureD.11. The shape of the roof in Figure D.12b) shows the zones for the same shaped
figure D.ll represents a t y p i c a l arbitmy roof plan. roof, but a different wind direction. The examples of
figure D.12 cover most conditions likelyto be
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D.3.3 Flat m f s with sharp eaves D.3.4 Flat roofs with parapets
External pressure coefficients for each zone offlat D.3.4.1 A parapet along any eaves or edgewill reduce
roofs with sharp eaves are @en in table D-9-sharp the pressurec&ficients in zones A to D immediately
eaves reprent the Onerous loading COnditiOn @went to that eaves, but thep r e m e s in zones E, F
(most negative pressure). Pressure coefficients for and G will be d m .The external pressure
other common types of eaves are given in D.3.4 coefficients for zonesA to D in table D.9 should be
to D.3.7. multiplied by the appropriate reductionfactors given in
table D.lO, dependent on the height ofthe parapeth, as
defined in Sgve D.l4a), and the eaves height,H, or
crosswind width, be Note that the reference height,ze,
is the height above groundof the top of the parapet.
a) Assignment of zones for arbitrary shape according to wind directionof Sgure D11
O BSI 1997
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DD ENV 1991-2-4 : 1997
u/ / I
Table D.10 Reduction factorfor zonesA to D of D.3.6 Flat roofs with mansard eaves
flat roofs with parapets For flat roofs with mansard eaves,as defined in
Local Parapet height ratio Wb,
figure D.14c), the zones start from the edge of the flat
wind part of the roof. Extemal pressure coefficients for each
O 0.5 0.10 2 0.20
direction zone are given in table D.12 dependent on the pitch of
e the mansard eaves, a.
O" 0.76 1.00 0.67 0.56 D.3.7 Flat roofs with inset storeys
* 30" 1.00 0.90 0.88 0.70 For flat roofs with inset storeys, pressure coefficients
* 60" 1.00 1.00 0.97 0.74 for boththe upper and lower roof shouldbe derived as
* 90" 1.00 0.84 0.60 0.60
I NOTE. Interpolation may be used. I a) For the upper roof the appropriate procedure
of D.3.3 to D.3.6, depending on the form of the
eaves, should be used,talung the reference height,
D.3.4.2 Loading of the parapet walls should be ze, as the actual height to theupper eaves, butH
determined in accordance with 10.4.1 of ENV 1991-2-4 : should be taken as the height of the inset storey
1995 for freestanding boundary W& and, forthe (from the upper eaves to the lower roof level) for
downwind parapets,the procedure for shelter. determining the scaling length6,.
D.3.5 Flat roofs with curved eaves b) For the lower roof the appropriate procedure
of D.3.3 to D.3.6, depending on theform of the
For flat roofs with curved eaves,as defined in eaves, shouldbe used, wherex, = H, the actual
figure D.l4b), the zones start from the edge of the flat height of the lower storey, ignoringthe effect of the
part of the roof. Extemal pressure coefficients foreach inset storeys. In addition, two further zones, X and Y,
zone are given in table D.ll dependent on the ratio of around the base of the inset storeys are defined in
the eaves corner radius,r, to the height of the eaves. figure D.15 where the scaling parameter,bs, is based
on the dimensions of the upper, inset storey.
Lower storey
Figure D.16 Additional zones around inset storey
c) In zones X and Y the p r e m e s should be taken as the Merences in definition of zones. Therefore at
the presfllres appropriateto the wall mnes A to D large pitch angles (a > 451 the distinction between
on each adiacent insetstorev wall from D.2.
'wall' and 'roof' is irrelevant Steep&ched surfaces
D.4 External pressure coefficients for pitched attached
interpreted the topof vertical w&'areunder
to as falling
roofs of buildings
provkions of D.4. Steeppitched surfaces springing
O BSI 1997
COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards
Licensed by Information Handling Services
I Table D.ll External pressure coefficients for flat roofs with curved eaves
D.4.2 Scaling length and n$erence height D.4.4.2 When all wind directions are considered,
symmetry leads to four possible patternsof zones for
D.4.2.1 Two d u e s are required
for the scaling each form of roof, as shown in figure D.17b). Wind
length, b,: normal to either theeaves (O = 0") or the verge
(O = 90") provides special cases where eitherof two
bs,L = L or, Because of the
patterns in figure D.17b) could apply.
=W whichever is smalleq fluctuations of wind direction found in practice, both
patterns shouldbe considered, in order to give the
and expected range of asymmetric loading.
= W or,
D.4.4.3 When a c lo"and W < b,, zones E and F
bs,w = W whichever is smaller. should be considered to extend for a distance b&!
downwind from the windward eave, replacing zonesL,
Where L and Ware the longer and shorter horizontal MandNandpartofzonesOandP.Thisloadcase
dimensions of the building, respectively. should be compared with the standard load case
defined in figure D.18 andthe more onerous condition
D.4.2.2 The reference height, ze, is the height above should be used.
ground of the highest point on the roof, the high eaves
in the case of monopitch and troughed duopitch roo&, D.4.6 Hipped rosfs
and the ridge inthe caseof ridged duopitch and
hipped roofs. D.4.6.1 The following provisions apply to
conventional hipped roo& on rectangular plan
D.4.3 Monopitch mfs buildings, where the pitch of themain ridged faces
have pitch anglea1 and thetxhguhr side faces have
D.4.3.1 External pressure coefficients for monopitch pitch angle q . Zones of external pressure coefficient
roofs are given in table D.13 for the zonesA to J are defined in figure D.19. Local wind directions 8 1
defined in figure D.16. These zonesare defined from and 02 are defined from normalto the longer and
the upwind corner. Notethat the pitch anglea is taken shorter eaves, respectively, where& = 90" - 81.
as positive when the low eavesare upwind and
negative with the high eaves upwind D.4.6.2 For the main ridged faces, the pitch is 81, the
wind direction is a1 and the zonesare Al to YI,and
D.4.3.2 When all wind directions are considered, for the triangular side faces, the pitchis a2,the wind
symmetq leadsto four possiblepatterns of zones for direction is 02 and the zonesare A2 to Y2,The
each form of roof,as shown infigure D.17a). Wind reference height, ze, is the height ofthe height above
normal to either the eaves(O = o") or the verge ground of the ridge.
(O = 90") provides special cases where eitherof two
patterns in figure D.17a) could apply. Because of the D.4.6.3 External pressure coefficients for zonesA
fluctuations of wind direction found in practice, both to E on the upwind faces are given in table D.13.
patt~rnsshould be considered,in order to give the External pressure coefficients for zones O and P on the
expeded range of asymmetric loadhg.In the special downwind faces are given in table D.14. The size of
case O = o'the two load cases have symmetrically each of these zonesis given in the key to duopitch
identical d u e s , whereas inthe special case 8 = 90" roofs, figure D.N.
the two load cases differ one with the pitch angle
positive and the edge zones along the low eaves; the D.4.6.4 External pressure coefficients for the
other withthe pitch angle negative and the edgemnes additional zonesT to W along the hip ridges and for
along thehigh eaves. zones X and Y along the main ridge are given in
table D.15. The width of eachof these additional zones
D.4.3.3 Loading of rectangular plan flat or nearly flat in plan is shown in figure D.19b). The boundary
roofsintherange-5"ca<B0maybeassessedas between each pair of additional zones,T to U, V to W
monopitch roofs as a simpler alternativeto the general and X to Y, is the mid-point of the respective hipor
method forflat roofs in D.3. In this case, when the main ridge.
roof is long in the wind direction,d > b&, a downwind
zone equivalent to zone G in figure D.ll may be D.4.6 Mixed gabled and hipped m$s
defined for which%,lo = %.2. Roofs with a standard gable at one end anda hip at
the otherare a frequent occurrence.In such c a s e s , the
D.4.4 Duupitch roclfs governing criterionis the form of the upwind comer
D.4.4.1 External pressure coefficients for duopitch for the wind direction being considered.
roofs are given in tableD.13 for the zonesA to J and
table D.14 forthe zonesK to S defined in Sgure D.17.
These zones are defined from the upwind corner of
each face. Note that the pitch angleOL is taken as
positive when the roofhas a central ridgeand negative
when the roof has a central trough.
. Pressure change rapidly from negative to positive with increasing pitch between OL = 15" and a = 30' and values for both signs
are given.
a) General
4 bS,L/2
b) Keyto zones
Figure D.16 Key to monopitch roofs
P d
Wind f 4 Wind
a) Symmetries for monopitch roofs
P d
I -0.78
I -0.78
I -0.66 I
-0.47 -0.40
-0.40 -0.66
-30" l
f 30" I -0.44
I -0.44 I -0.44 I -0.52 I f 0.20 I
f 0.20 -0.52
f 0.20
I 1
- 15"
f 30"
f 60"
I 0.20
I * 0.20
-0.27 -0.74
f 0.20
-0.19 -0.77
-0.52 -0.69
0.20 -0.67
7 -0.27
-0.69 -0.52
-0.21 -0.21
I f 0.20 I f 0.20 f 0.20 f 0.20 I -0.55 I -0.55 I -0.55
-1.03 -1.03
f 90" -1.20 -0.84 -0.58 I -0.27 -0.64 fO.20 I -1.42 I -1.10 1 -1.30
O" I -0.34 I -0.34 I -0.34 I -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 I -0.28 1 -0.28 I -0.28
-5" f 30" f 0.20 fO.20
f 0.20 kO.20 -0.26
f 60" -0.69 -0.69 -0.66
f 0.20 -0.69
90" -1.21 -0.83 -0.55 -0.25 -0.61 f 0.20
+5" 30"
+_ -0.46 -0.70-0.30 -0.23 -0.31 f 0.20 -0.71 -0.59 -0.46
f 60" -0.52 -0.90 -1.04 -0.56
f 0.20 f 0.20 -0.97 -0.83 -0.73
f 90" I -0.90 I -0.83 I -0.58 I f0.20 -0.60 f 0.20 I -0.89 I -0.89 1 -1.09 I
I O" I -0.8 I -0.81 I -0.80 -0.78 I -0.39 I -0.40 I -0.85 I -0.55 -0.39
+ 15" f 30" -1.14 -1.32-1.11 -0.88 -0.46 -0.34 -1.25 -0.47-0.81
f 60" -1.31 -0.58
-0.72 -0.92 -0.57 -0.23 -1.08 -1.45-0.75
f 90" -0.81 -0.74 -0.54 fO.20 -0.58I I* 0.20 I -0.83 -0.77 -0.92
O" -0.29 %.26 -0.25 -0.30 I -0.30 I -0.30 I -0.31 -0.32 -0.33
+ 30" f 30" -0.43 -0.39 -0.43 -0.76 -0.51 -0.40
f 60" -0.64 -0.58 -0.47 -0.67 -1.02
-0.21 I -0.49 I f 0.20 I -0.67 I -0.58
-0.69 1
I I O" I -0.21 I -0.21 I -0.21 I M.20 I -0.23 I -0.23 I -0.21 I -0.24 I -0.26 I
f 60" -0.54 -0.54 -0.44
-0.41 -0.51 -0.38 -0.45 -0.47 -0.50
f 90" -0.55 -0.46 -0.38 f0.20 -0.40 f 0.20 -0.60 -0.45 -0.47
O" -0.49 -0.49 -0.40 -0.40 -0.30 -0.30 -0.57 -0.57 -0.57
+ 60" f 30" -0.63 -0.63 -0.71 -0.40
-0.40 -0.69 -0.67 -0.67
f 60" -1.00 -1.00 -0.60 -0.63
-0.74 -0.42 -0.91 -0.91 -0.91
f90' 1 -0.72 I -0.72 I -0.24 I f0.20 I -0.60 f 0.20 -1.21 -1.21 -121
O" I -0.54 I -0.54 I -0.43 I -0.43 I -0.30
+ 75" f 30" -0.71 -0.71 -0.64 -0.63 -0.40
f 60" -1.13 -1.13 -0.31 -0.67
I f90" 1 -0.79 I -0.79 I -0.42 1 -0.21 I -0.80 I *O20 I -1.21 I -1.21 I -1.21 I
NOTE 1. Interpolation may be used, except between Q = +5" and a = -5'.
NOTE 2. When the result of interpolating between positive and negative values is in the range -0.2 < c,,lo < +0.2, the coefficient
should be taken as c,, = f 0.2 and both Dossible values used.
O BSI 1997
COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards
Licensed by Information Handling Services
pitch negative
a) General
N 5
bs,L/4 J
bS,L/2 m
b) Key to zones
Figure D.18 Key for duopitch roofs
COPYRIGHT British 1997
Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards xlix
Licensed by Information Handling Services
a) General
b) Key to zones
Figure D.19 Key for hipped roofs
Table D.15 External pressure coefficients for additional zones U to Y of hipped roofs
Pitch ande I Localwind I Additional zones
COPYRIGHT British 1997
Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards li
Licensed by Information Handling Services
DD ENV 1991-2-4: 1997
D.4.8 Pitched roofs with inset storegs eaves of the windward side,as shown in
The procedure inD.3.7 should be followed using the figure D.20a). The eaves zonesA to D should be
appropriate zones for the pitched roofsas derived excluded when the pitch angleis less than that of
from D.4.3 to D.4.5. the pitch belowas shown in figure D.20b).
b) The ridge zonesK to N for gabled roofsor ridge
D.4.9 Multipitch and multi-bag roofs zones X and Y for hipped roofs should be included
D.4.9.1 Multipitch roofs only on the highest downwind face along the actual
D. Multipitch roofs are defined as roofs in ridge, as shown in figures D.21a) and b). Ridge zones
which each spanis made up of pitches of two or more on all other downwind faces should be excluded.
pitch angles as shown in figureD.20. The form in c) Verge zonesH to J on gabled roofsor hip zonesU
figure D.20a) is commonly known as a mansard roof. to W on hipped roofs should be included forall
Flat roofs with mansard eavesare dealt with inD.3.6. faces.
D.4.9.2 Multi-bay m f S
D. Multi-bay roofs are defined as roofs made
up of a seriesof monopitch, duopitch, hippedor
similar spans as shown in figure D.21a)to c).
D. Pressure coefficients on the first span, that
is, the upwind pitch of multi-bay monopitch roofs and
the upwind pair of pitches of duopitch roofs,may be
taken to be the same as for single span roof. However,
these pressures are reduced in value for the downwind
D. Reduced values of external pressure
coefficients may be derived from tableD.13 or
i I ,/ ,I' ;' ///////////// table D.14, as appropriate, using the reduction factors
given in table D.16,as follows:
a) Decreasing pitch multipitch (mansard) a) for monopitch roofs,as shown in figure D.21a),
any positive pressure coefficient obtained from
table D.13 should be replaced onthe second and any
subsequent downwind bays by +,lo = - 0.4;
b) for unequal duopitch roofs,all roof slopes
downwind of the first ridge should betreated as
being troughed (negative pitch angle), even when the
upwind slope is ridged as shown in figure D.21b),so
that the local coefficients behind each ridge are
given by the more onerousA, B and C cave zones
for negative pitch angles;
c) for equal-pitch duopitchroofs, all roof slopes
downwind of the upwind slope shouldbe treated as
alt~rnatelydownwind ridged (positive pitch angle)
and troughed (negative pitch angle) as shown in
figures D.21~)and d), so that the local coefficients
behind each ridgeare given by the less onerousE
and F ridge zones for positive pitch angles
7 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / NOTE. The provisionsof c ) above may be applied to
unequal-pitch roofs when the pitch angles differ by less
than lo'.
b) Increasing pitch multipitch
d) pressure coefficients onthe second and
Figure D.20 Key for mansard and multipitch roofs downwind bays, as defined in Sgure D.22 may be
multiplied by the reduction factor givenin
D. External pressure coefficients for each pitch table D.16.
should be derived fromthe proceduresin D.4.4
Table D.16 Reduction factor formulti-bay roofs
or D.4.5, corresponding to the form of the verges, but
omitting the eaves edge zones alongthe change in
slope where indicated in figure D.20.
a) The eaves edge zones A to D on the bottom edge Reduction
of all windward faces should be included when the factor
pitch angle of that face is less than that of the pitch
below, includmg the lowest face forming the actual
COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards O BSI 1997
Licensed by Information Handling Services
Wind 8 =Oo
a) Multi-bay monopitch
Treat as ridged downwind ,
as Treat
as troughed
c ) Multi-bay equal ridged duopitch
Treat as upwind
Treat as ridged downwind
BSI 1997
COPYRIGHT BritishO Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards liii
Licensed by Information Handling Services
~~ ~~
of bay
Figure D.22 Key to multi-bay roofs
COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards O BSI 1997
Licensed by Information Handling Services
Annex E (Informative)
Wind structure incorporating the principles of BS 6399 :Part 2
E.l General
To provide a check on the wind structure as defined in the ENV, which may be inappropriate forthe particular
conditions of the UK,the following procedure shouldbe used. I€ this results in more onerous valuesof Ce(Z), the
designer shouldsatisfy himself that there is adequate safety, by either using the higher loads or using appropriate
measures in conljunction withthe ENV loads.
E.2 Wind parameters
Amend section 8 of ENV 1991-24,with the following.
c, = c," c: [ 1 + 2s I"]
Cy corresponds to Sc;
I , corresponds to st
ENV 1991-24 ignores - This can cause anunderestimation of loads of between 0.5 % and 16 M
NOTE 4. It is not appropriate just to refer to the relevant clauses of BSG399 : Part 2 as the referencing is difficult and some of the
equations, as noted above, need to be modified.
Normative references
Informative references
BSI publications
1) In preparation.
COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards o BSI 1997
Licensed by Information Handling Services
STD.BSI DD E N V 1 9 9 1 - 2 - ~ - E N G L L997 m 1 b 2 V b b 90 0 5 1 5 7 1 58b I
This National Application Document (NAD) has been Specific information on windactions on buildings is
prepared by Subcommittee B/525/10.It has been given in Part A.
developed from: Whilst this NAD can be used forthe structural
a) a textual examinationof ENV 1991-2-4 : 1995; appraisal and assessmentof existing construction,
for assessing repairs and modifications,
or for
b) a limited parametric calibration against assessing changeof use, it wineed to be used in
BS 5400 : Part 2; conjunction with other documentation.
c) trial calculations.
This NAD encompasses wind actionsas covered by
ENV 1991-2-4. Specific UK requirements relating to
2 References
loads resulting from densities, self weight and 2.1 Normative references
imposed loads (ENV 1991-2-l), fire actions This National Application Document incorporates, by
(ENV 1991-%2),snow loads (ENV 1991-2-3), the& dated or undated reference, provisions from other
actions (ENV 1991-2-5), loads and deformations publications. These normative referencesare made
imposed during execution(ENV 1991-2-6) and at the appropriate places in thetext and the cited
accidental actions (ENV 1991-2-7)are given publications are listed in pagelx. For dated
separately in the appropriateNADs for ENV 1991-2. references only the edition cited applies; any
subsequent amendments to or revisions of the cited
1 Scope publications applyto this Part of DD ENV 1991 only
This NAD provides informationto enable
when incorporated in the reference by amendment
ENV 1991-24 1995to be used forthe design of the or revision. For undated references,the latest edition
of the cited publication applies, together with any
following structures to be located inthe UK or to be amendments.
designed forUK loading:
a) building structures up to a height of 200 m, their 2.2 Informative references
components and appendages; This National Application Documentrefers to other
b) chimneys and other cantilevered structures; publications that provide information or guidance.
NOTE ENV 1991-24 does notat present provide sufficient Editions of these publications currentat the time of
information for wind actions on lattice towers, guyedmasts and issue of this NAD are listed on pagelx but reference
guyed chimneys. This is being developed in ENV 1993-3l), which should be made tothe latest editions.
will also contain further requirementsfor chimneys, particularly
with regard to fatigue.
c) highway and railway bridges upto 200 m span 3 Partial factors, combination factors
v and for cycletrack footbridges up to 30 m span and other values
It has been assumed that during theENV period of The valuesof partial factors on wind actions for
provisional application the design codesto be used bridges, y, and the values of combination and
for buildings will bethe relevant British standards reduction factors for bridges, v,should be as defined
appropriate to the structure.However for bridgesit in m e x e s C and G of ENV 19913 : 1995 as modified
has been assumed that the NAD can only be used by the NAD for that Part.
with the relevant design Eurocodes.
Care should be exercisedif the wind action derived 4 Notation
from ENV 1991-2-4is used in conjunction with other
design codes. Whereother documentsare used for ENV 1991-2-4uses some notationthat differs from
design aspects, the values givenwill not necessarily that adopted in BS 5400 : Part 2 and other
produce the required levelof reliability. Departure British Stanwds. The ENV notation should be
from any of the requirements given in the NAD adopted when usingthis NAD.
should be agreed with the relevant Authority.
N U E The UK NADs for Eurocodes as already published (e.g. the
relevant Parts of ENV 1992 and ENV 1993) do not pennit theuse
of ENV 1991-24 in coqiunction with those ENVs; but they
recommend theuse of CP 3 Chapter V with modifícations. If trial
use of ENV 1991-2-4is to be undertaken in Conjunction with the
already published demEurocodes, rnodifídions may be
III p r e p d o n
COPYRIGHT British 052000 Institute on ERC Specs and Standards
Standards lix
Licensed by Information Handling Services
DD ENV 1991-2-4: 1997
Normative references
ENV 1991 : Part 1 : 1994 Eurocode 1 -Basis of design and actions on structures -
Part 1: Basis of design.
ENV 1991: Part 2.1 : 1995 Eurocode 1 -Basis of design and actions on structures -
Part 2-1: Actions on structures -Densàties, sew weight and
imposed loads.
ENV 1991: Part 2.2 : 1995 Eumode 1 -B& of design and actions on structures -
Part 2-2:Actions on structures -Actions on structures exposed to
ENV 1991: Part 2.3 : 1995 Eumode 1 -Basis of design and actions on strmctures-
Part 2-3:Actions on structures - Snow loads.
ENV 1991 : Part 2.5 : 1997 Eurocode 1 -Basis of design and actions on structures-
Part2-5:Actions on structures -Themzal actions.
ENV 1991: Part 2.6 : 1997 Eurocode 1 -B& of desàgn and actions on structures -
Part 2-6: Actions on structures -Actions durìng execution.
ENV 1991 : Part 2.7 : 1998 Eurocode 1 -Basis of desàgn and actions on structures -
Part 2 - E Actions on struchres -Accidental actions due to
impact and explosions.
ENV 1991 : Part 3 : 1995 Eurocode 1 -Basis of designand actions on structures -Part 3:
%@äc loads on bridges.
ENV 1997: Part 1: 1994 Eurocode 7- Geotechnical design -Part 1: General rmles.
Informative references
ICs 91.040.00
Descriptors: Buildings, design, computation, loads: forces, wind resistance, gust loads, wind pressure
Enghsh version
European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung
Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 36, B-1060 Brussels
O 1995 AU rights of reproduction and communicationin any form and by any means reserved in all countriesto
CEN and its membels
Ref. NO. ENV 1991-2-4 : 1995 E
contents Page
Foreword 5
Objectives of the Eurocodes 5
Background tothe Eurocode Programme 5
Eurocode Programme 5
National Application Documents (NAD's) 6
Matters Specificto this Prestandard 7
1 General 9
1.1 9
1.1.1 Scope of ENV 1991-Eurocode 1 9
1.1.2 Scope of ENV 1991-2-4 Windactions 9
1.1.3 Further Parts of ENV 1991 10
1.2 Normative
references 10
1.3 Distinctionbetween principles andapplication rules 11
1.4 Definitions 11
1-5 Symbols 12
2. Classification of actións 17
3 Design situations 17
4 Representation of action 18
4.1 Explanation of thewindactions and the response of
the structures 18
4.2 Modelling of wind actions 19
4.3 Requirementsfor
testing 19
6 Wind forces 22
6.1 Wind forces from pressures 22
6.2 Friction force 23
7 Reference wind 24
Reference wind pressure 24
7.2 Reference
windvelocity 24
7.3Annualprobabilities of exceedence other than 0.02 25
7.4 Wind maps and meteorological information 26
8 Wind parameters 28
8.1 Mean wind velocity 20
8.2 Roughness coefficient 20
8.3 Terrain
categories 29
8.4 Topography
coefficient 30
8.5 Exposure
coefficient 33
9 Choice of procedures 35
9.1 General 35
9.2 Criteria
Choise 35
9.3 Dynamiccoefficientforgustwindresponse 36
9.4Vortexshedding,aeroeiastic instabiiityanddynamic
interference effects 43
9.4.1 General 43
9.4.2 Field ofapplication 43
10 Aerodynamic coefficients 45
10.1 General 45
10.2 Buildings 45
10.2.1 General 45
10.2.2 Vertical walls of rectangular plan buildings 46
10.2.3 Flat roofs 49
10.2.4 Monopitch roofs 51
10.2.5 Ouopitch roofs 53
10.2.6 Hipped roofs 55
10.2.7 Multispan roofs 57
10.2.8 Vautted roofs and domes 58
10.2.9 Internal pressure 60
10.2.10 Pressure on external walls or roofs with more than one skin 61
10.3 Canopy roofs 64
10.4 Free-standing boundarywalls, fences and signboards 68
10.4.1 Solid boundary walls 68
10.4.2 Pressure coefficients for porous fences 69
10.4.3 Shelter factors for walls and fences 69
10.4.4 Signboards 70
10.5 Structural elements with rectangular sections 71
10.6 Structural elementswith sharp edged section 73
10.7 Structural elements with regularpolygonal section 74
10.8 Circular cylinders 76
10.8.1 External pressure coefficients 76
10.8.2 Force coefficients 78
10.9 Spheres 80
10.10 Lattice structures and scaffoldings 81
10.1 1 Bridges 85
10.1 1.1 General a5
10.1 1.2 Force coefficientsin x-direction a5
10.1 1.3 Force coefficientsin 2-direction 80
10.1 1.4 Longitudinal loads for bridges 89
10.12 Flags 89
10.13 Friction coefficients 90
10.14 Effective slenderness h and slenderness reduction factor yh 91
A Meteorologicalinformationandnationalwind maps 93
(1) The "Structural Eurocodes" comprise a group of standards for the structural and
geotechnical designof buildings andcivil engineering works.
(2) They cover execution and control onlyto the extent that is necessary to indicate
thequality of theconstructionproducts,andthestandard of theworkmanship,
needed to comply with the assumptions of the design rules.
(3)Until the necessary set of harmonised technical specifications for products and
for methods of testing their performance are available, someof the Structural Euro-
codes cover someof these aspects in informative annexes.
( 5 ) In 1990, after consultingtheir respective Member States, the CEC transferred the
work of further development, issueand updating of the Structural Eurocodesto CEN,
and theEFTA Secretariat agreed to support the CEN work.
Eurocode Programme
(7) Work is in hand on the following Structural Eurocodes, each generally consisting
of a numberof parts:
EN 1995Eurocode5Design of timberstructures
(10)ThisPrestandard is intendedforexperimentalapplicationandforthesub-
mission of comments.
(11) After approximately two years CEN members will be invited to submit formal
comments to be taken into accountin determining future actions.
(12) Meanwhile feedback and comments on this Prestandard should be sent to the
Secretariat of CEN/TC250/SCl at the following address:
SNV / SIA (until endMay 1995) SIS / BST (form June 1995)
Selnaustrasse 16, Postfach Box 5630
CH-8039 ZURICH S-1 14 86 Stockholm
(15) It is intended that this Prestandard is used in conjunction with the NAD valid in
the country where the buildingor civil engineering works is located.
(18) The relevant wind parameters (the basic value of the reference wind velocity
and various factors and parameters) shall be provided in the form of maps or other-
wise(seeannex A) by the RelevantAuthority.Thevalue of thereferencewind
velocity shall conformwith the definitions givenin ENV 1991-1 clause4.2
(19) Special requirements for lattice towers and guyedmasts will be prepared during
the ENV period and incorporatedin this Part at the EN stage.
Section 1 General
1.1 scope
(2) It may also be used as a basis for the design of structures not coveredin ENV
1992-1999 and where other materialsor other structural design actions are involved.
(3)ENV 1991 also covers structural design during execution and structural design
fortemporarystructures.Itrelates to all circumstances in whichastructureis
required to give adequate performance.
(2)P Windloadsshall
be calculated
each of the
consideration. These maybe:
- the whole structure
- part of the structure, ¡.e. components, cladding unitsand their fixings.
(3)P ThisPartalsogivesrulesforchimneysandothercantileveredstructures.
Special requirementsfor lattice towers are not given.
(4)P This Part provides rulesfor highway and railway bridgesup to 200 m span, and
for cycle trackffootbridgesup to 30 m span.
Note: Further specific requirements are Set out in the relevant ENVs 1992 to 1996 and ENV 1999 for
bridges, lattice towers, guyed masts, chimneys and lighting columns. Limitations of the rules of the present
code are indicated in the text.
(1) Further Parts of ENV 1991 which, at present, are being preparedor are planned
are given in 1.2.
(1) Depending on the character of the individual clauses, distinction ¡S'made in this
Part between principles and applicationrules.
is no alternative, as well as
-general statements and definitions for which there
(3)The principles are identifiedby the letterP following the paragraph number.
(4) The application rules are generally recognized rules which follow the principles
and satisfy their requirements.
(5) It is permissible to use alternative rules different from the applicationN ~ given
in this Eurocode,provided it is shownthat the attemativerulesaccordWiththe
relevant Principles and have at least the same reliability.
(6) In this Part the application rulesare identified by a number in brackets e.g:as this
1.4 Definitions
(1) For the purposes of this Prestandard,a basic list of definitions is provi'ded in fNV
1991-1, 'Basis of design'.
1.5 Symbols
(1) For the purposeof this Prestandard, the following symbols apply.
(2) A basic list of notations is provided in ENV 1991-1, 'Basis of design' ant the
additional notations below are specificto this Part.
Reynolds number
aerodynamic admittance
nondimensional power spectral density function
resonant response part
Scruton number
Strouhal number
weight of the stnrctural part of a chimney
total weight of a chimney
9 peak factor
h height of the structure
k equivalent roughness
terrain factor
torsional stiffness
length of a horizontal structure
m mass per unit length
m1 equivalent mass per unit length
n exponent
natural frequencyofthe structure of the mode
fundamental frequencyof alongwind vibration
fundamental frequency of crosswind vibration
ovalling frequency
annual probabilityof exceedence
9mf reference mean velocity pressure
r radius
S factor
t averaging time of the reference wind speed, plate thickness
onset wind velocity for galloping
critical wind velocity for interference galloping
critical wind velocity of vortex shedding
divergence wind velocity
mean wind velocity
reference wind velocity
wind pressure
X horizontal distanceof the site from thetop of a crest
max x maximum alongwind displacement
max YF maximum cross wind amplitude atcritical wind speed
Z height above ground
roughness length
zw equivalent
f e l zi referenceheightfor local andinternalpressure
zmn minimum
Crit critical
e external, exposure
fr friction
i internal, mode number
j current number of incrementalarea or point of a structure
m mean
P parapet
ref reference
v wind velocity
X alongwind direction
Y crosswind direction
z vertical direction
Section 3 Designsituations
(1)P The relevant wind actionsshall be determined for eachdesignsituation
identified in aocordance withENV 1991-1.
(2)P The effect of other actions on structures (such as snow, traffic or ice) which will
modify the reference area or coefficients shall be taken into account. The effect of
changes of the form of the construction works which may modify the external and
internal wind pressure (such as doorsnormallyclosed but left openunder storm
conditions) shall be considered.
(2) The total response of structures and their elements may be considered as the
superposition of a ,background"component,which acts quasi-statically and,re-
sonant" components due to excitation close to natural frequencies. For the majority
of structures the resonant components are small and the wind load canbe simplified
by considering the background component only. Such structures can be calculated
by a simplified method. The limits to such structures are set down in section 9.
(3)The dynamic effects are divided into different types according to the physical
effect of the wind:
- stochastic and resonant response (alongwind, crosswind and torsional direction)
due to turbulence and wake effects
- response dueto vortex shedding
- galloping
- interference
- divergence and flutter.
(4)P In this Part, the wind action is represented by a set of quasi-static pressures or
forces whoseeffects are equivalent to theextreme effects of the wind.Slender
structuressuch as chimneys,observationtowers,componentelements of open
frames and trusses, bridgesand in some cases high rise buildings shallbe designed
to resist the dynamic effect of vortex shedding. General rules for evaluating such
situations areprovided in 9.4. Criteria are also given for aeroelastic instability.
(5)P Further engineering study or the use of atternative methods to those of this Fart
may be allowed. These studies should be carried out using well assessed analytical,
numerical or experimental techniques, including site measurements and wind tunnel
tests. Requirements for such tests are set out in 4.3.
(1)P The wind action is represented either as a wind pressure or a wind force. The
action on the structure causedby the wind pressureis assumed to act normal to the
surface except where otherwise specified; e.g.for tangential friction forces.
(2) The following parameters are used several times and are defined below:
reference mean wind velocity pressure derived from reference wind velocity as
defined in7.1. It is used as the characteristic value
c, dynamiccoefficientaccountingforbothcorrelationanddynamicmagnification
given in section9 and annex B
(1) P If experimental tests are undertaken, they shall be carried out on a properly
scaled model of the actual full scale situation.
(l)P The wind pressure acting on the external surfaces of a structure,w,, shall be
obtained from:
we = qref Ce(Ze) cpe
cpe external pressure coefficient derived from section 10
(l)P The net wind pressure across a wall or an element is the difference of the
pressures on each surface taking due account of their signs. (Pressure, directed
towards the surface is taken as positive, and suction, directedaway from the surface
as negative). Examples are given in Figure 5.1.
oos na
I 1
(2)P The global force, F, shall be obtained from the following expression:
Fw = qret * Ce(%) C, * Ç &f
C, forcecoefficientderivedfromsection 1O
reference area for ç (generally the projected area of the structure normal to
the wind) as defined in section 10
(3)P For lattice structures and for vertical cantilevered structures with a slenderness
ratio heighvwidth > 2 andwithnearlyconstantcross-section (e.g. tall buildings,
chimneys, towers) the force, F.,on the incremental 4
area at the height z, is:
kj = (Iref ce(3) ' cd 5 4 (6.2)
height of the centre of gravity of incremental area4
9 force coefficient for incremental area 4 as defined in section 10
A, incremental
(4) Torsional effects due to inclined or non correlated wind may be represented on
non circular nearly symmetric structures by the force, F, acting with the eccentri-
city, e:
6 dimension of thecrosssectiontransverse to themainaxisconsidered(see
Figure 6.1 ).
(5) More detailed values of the eccentricity for special cross sections are presented
in section 10.
Section 7 Reference
wret reference wind velocity as defined in 7.2
p density
The air density is affected by attitude and depends on the temperature and pressure
to be expected in the region during wind storms. Unless otherwise specified
in annex
A, the value ofp shall be1,25 kg/m3.
(l)P The reference wind velocity, vmflis defined as the 10 min mean wind velocity at
10 m above ground of terrain category II (see Table8.1) having an annual probability
of exceedence of 0,02(commonty referred to as having a mean return period of 50
(4)P Transportable structures whichmay be dismantled and rebuiltat any time in the
year are not consideredto be temporary structures.
1 0.05
o. 5 1
(l)P The detailed wind maps and meteorological informationsare given in annex A.
(2) The basic reference wind velocity of Europe - an informative overlook - is given in
Figure 7.2.
(1)P In order to define the Reynolds number in 10.8 and the wind coefficients and
other parameters in annexes B and C, the mean'wind velocity, vm(z),is required. It is
defined by:
(l)P The roughness coefficient, c,(z),accounts for the variabilityof mean wind velo-
ctty at the siteof the structure dueto:
- the height above ground level
- the roughnessof the terrain depending on the wind direction.
(3)At heights more than 200 m above ground level specialist advice is recommen-
Note: The parameters of Table 8.1 are calibrated to obtain the best fit of available data. The values
4.qand z;nin are used in 8.2. the value E is used in annex B (section 3).
at a distance:
(2) If the structure is situated near a change of terrain roughness
- less than2 km from the smoother category
- less than 1 km from the smoother categoriesIIand 111
the smoother terrain categoryin the upwind directionshould be used.
(4) When there is any doubt about the choice between two categories in the defini-
tion ofa given area, theworse case should be taken.
(1)P The topography coefficient,q(z),accounts for the increase of mean wind speed
over isolated hills and escarpments (not undulating and mountainous regions). It is
relatedtothewindvelocityatthebaseofthehill 'or escarpment. It shall be
of hill slope from the crest or
considered for locations closer than half the length the
1,5 times the heightof the cliff. It is defined by:
c,= 1 for @ c 0,05
q = l + 2 -S -a for 0,05c 0 cO,3 (8.3)
~ = 1 + 0 , 6* S for @ > 0,3
S factor to be obtained from Figure 8.1 or Figure 8.2 scaled to the length of the
effective upwind slope length,
4 upwind slope M in the wind direction (see Figure 8.2 and Figure 8.3)
L, effective length of the upwind slope, defined in Table 8.2
actual length of the upwind slope in the wind direction
&, actuallength of downwindslope in thewinddirection
H effectiveheightof thefeature
X horizontal distance of the site from the top of the crest
z verticaldistancefrom the ground level ofthesite
UP WlUD c.
(1)P The exposure coefficient, ce(z),takes into account the effects of terrain rough-
ness, topography and height above groundon the mean wind speedand turbulence.
It is defined by:
'J=)= CJZ) c&)
(2)P For codification purposes it has been assumed that the quasi-staticgust load is
determined from:
kT terrain factor as defined in 8.2
ç(z) roughness coefficient as defined in 8.3
ç(z) topography coefficient as defined in 8.4
Note: This corresponds to a peak factor g = 35.
(3)For flat terrain (ç(z)= 1) the exposure coefficient,c,(z), is shown in Figure 8.3for
each tertain category definedin 8.2.
(4) For structures which need to be designed by the detailed method, the simplifi-
cation in (2)P above is not used.
z speclal advlce
200 -. t
O I 2 3 4
9.1 General
- the simple procedure appliesto those structures whose structural properties do not
make them susceptible to dynamic excitation. This procedure can also be used for
the design of mildly dynamicstructures by the use of the dynamic coefficient, G.The
value of this coefficient depends upon the type of structure (concrete, steel, compo-
site), the heightof the structure andits breadth.
- the detailed procedure applies tothose structures which are likely tobe susceptible
to dynamic excitationand for whichthe value of the dynamic coefficient, q,is greater
than 1,2.
(2)P The dynamic coefficient, cd, takes into account the reduction effects due
to the
lack of correlation of pressures over surfacesas well as the magnification
effects due
to the frequency content of turbulence close to the fundamental frequency of the
(3)P clause 9.2 defines the field of application of this section, and the criteria for
choosing between simple and detailed procedures.
(4)P Clause 9.3 sets downthe valuesof cd for use with the simple procedure (in-wind
(5) Clause 9.4 gives criteria for vortex shedding and galloping.
(6) Wherever the simple procedure may be applied, the detailed procedure provides
more accurate and- usually less conservative results than those given
by the Simple
provided the value of c, (see 9.3)is less than 1,2 (in-wind response). In all other
cases coveredby this Part the detailed methodof annex B should be used.
(1) Values of cdsetout in Figures 9.1 to 9.8 are based on typical values of the
relevant parameters and the simple equations for frequency given in annex C. For
conventional structures these assumptions and equations have been found to be
reasonable and the Figures provide upper bound values cd within
to the field of appli-
cation in the Figures. In particular the values are conservative for structures sited in
categories II to IV. Caution should be exercised for special structures of unusual
shape or flexibility.
(3)Values of c,, for bridges are setout in Figure 9.4. For bridges, the simple proce-
dure is based on the assumption that for highway andrailway bridges the maximum
span isless than 200 m and for footbridges the maximum span is less than 30 m.
(4) Values of c,, for chimneys areset out in Figures 9.5 to 9.8 depending on theform
of construction.
(5) Mote accurate values may be obtained by using equation (B.l) of annex B with
(6) For values of 1,O 5 cd I1,2 it is recommended that the detailed procedure shouM
be used.
(7) Other forms of structures covered by thispart may require the useof annex B.
(8) Further guidance will be provided during the ENV period for special structures,
such as lattice towers, guyed masts, cable supported bridges. Specific requirements
for such structureswill be given in the appropriate partsof the Eurocodes.
height h ( I# "f
breadth b (ml
~ ~ ~ ~
height h (m)
height h
l 10 20 1O0
breadth b ( m 1
height h ( m l
0.5 1 2 S 10
diameter b (ml
Now as for Figure 9.1, but
(i) 4 = 0.015
(i¡ W,Wt =1
for defmition see annex C.4.2
Figure 9.5: c,, values for unlined welded steel chimneys
detailed method
.criteria for
vortex shedding
height h
o, S 1 2 S 10
diameter b (ml
NOU: as for Figue 9.1, but
(i) 4 = 0.035
(i) wS/wt= 0.7
for definirion see annex C.4.2
Figure 9.6: c, values for lined steel chimneys
1 2 5 10
* diameter b (ml
Noce: as for Figure 9.1. but
(il 6s= 0.07
(îi) W.& = O$
for defmiuon see anaex C.4.2
0.5 1 2 5 10
diameter b I m)
9.4.1 General
(1) P For slender structures the following phenomena of dynamics and instability
effects haveto be considered:
- vortex shedding
- galloping
- flutter
- divergence
- interference galloping.
are given in annex C.
(2) Detailed rules for analysing such phenomena
(3)Criteria for the field of application of vortex shedding and galloping are given in
(1) Buildings whose geometric dimensions satisfy the criteria given in Figure 9.9
neednot be checkedforvortexshedding and galloping.Buildingswhich do not
satisfythese criteriashall be checked for vortex shedding and galloping.
(2) Elongated structures, such as chimneys and bridges, whose geometric dimen-
sionssatisfythecriteriagiven in Figures 9.5 to 9.9 (chimneys)and Table 9.1
(bridges) need not to be checked for vortex shedding, galloping, flutter and interfe-
rence galloping. Such structures which do not satisfy these criteria shallbe checked
for these phenomena.
breadth [ m ]
Table 9.1: Criteria for bridges for vortex shedding, galloping andflutter
Criteria satisfiedprovided:
dhs 5 dR,r10
V b c 8 vb c 14
10.1 General
(1) This section presents the aerodynamic coefficients of the following structures,
structural elements and components:
- Buildings (10.2)
- Canopy roofs (10.3)
- Free-standing boundary walls, fences and signbords(10.4)
- Structural elements with rectangular section(10.5)
- Structural elements with sharp edged section (10.6)
- Structural elements with regular polygonal section (10.7)
- Circular cylinders(10.8)
- Spheres (10.9)
- Lattice structures and scaffoldings (10.1
- Bridges (10.1 1)
- Flags (10.12)
- Friction coefficients 0.1
(1 3)
- Effective slenderness and slenderness reduction factor(10.14)
ie or snow. loading is important, the reference area shall be increased with
(2)P If c
the ice orsnow thickness (see also section 3).
10.2 Buildings
10.21 General
CPe '
CP,l a
CP,JJ"""-""" " k
1 2 4 6 $10 A [m2]
(2) The values c ~ ,and, ~c*,, in Tables 10.2.1 to 10.2.6 are given for orthogonal wind
directions,'O 90°, 180" but represent the highest values obtainedin a range of wind
direction O= k 45' either sideof the relevant orthogonal direction.
(1) The reference height, r,, for walls of rectangular plan builglings depends on the
aspect ratio h h and is given in Figure 10.2.2 for the following three cases:
(a) Buildings, whose heighth is less thanb, shall be consideredto be one part.
(b) Buildings, whose height h is greater than b, but less than 26, shall be considered
to be two parts, comprising: a lower part extending upwards from the ground by a
height equal tob and an upper part.
b < h< 2b
h< b
case d>e
t O
case dce
/ Pi
I t
e = b or 2h
whichever is smaNer
zone A B, B' I C
1 1 I
-1,0 -1,3 i -0,8
I 1
(2) The roof should be divided into zones as shown in Figure 10.2.4.
,Edge of eave ,
reference height :
e = bor2h
whichever is smaller
b :crosswind dimension
Page 49
ENV 1991-2-4 : 1995
I I zone I
Notes: (i) Forroofs with parapets or curved eaves,linearinterpolation may be used for inter-
mediate values ofv h and r - .
(ii) For roofs with mansard eaves, linear interpolation between a = 30".45" and a = 60"
may be used. For a > 60" linearly interpolate between the values for a = 6
'and the
values forflat roofs with sharp eaves.
(iii) In Zone l. where positiveand negative valuesare given, both valuesshall be considered.
(iv) For the mansard eave itself, the external pressure coefficients are given in Table 10.2.4
. E x r ~ m a lpressure coefficients for duopitch roofs: wind direction 0". Zone F and G,
depending on the pitch angleof the mansard ave.
(v) For the curved eave itself, theextemal pressure coefficients are given
by linear interpola-
tion along the cume, between values on the wall and on the roof.
(1) The roof should be divided into zones as shown in Figure 10.2.5.
reference height :
(4general Z. h
l n b
-I J+
(5) For elongated roof corners (see Figure 10.2.5) the zone R is under the Same
pressure as the corresponding vertical wall. This rule is also applicable for roofs Of
other types.
Notes: (i) At 0 = O" the pressure changes rapidly between positive and negative values around a
pitch angle of a = +15O to +30°,so both positive and negative values are given.
(ii) Linear interpolation for intermediate pitch angles may be uscd between values of same
(1) The roof shoud be divided into zones as shown in Figure 10.2.6.
(2) The reference heightr, shoud be taken as h.
(3) The pressure coefficientsfor each zone are givenin Table 10.2.4.
(4) For long roofs friction forces shouldbe considered (see 6.2).
- upwhd hœ
wind upwind-
wind Ø
er/ / d w m t "
..... ......
@(,o .............. ...............
................... IIh + t.:...................
(a) general
- 8-Q b
reference height :
J1 o of1o r.= h
wind W.1
b :crosswind dimension
/ I
I) I -W10
el2 -*
Notes: (i) At 0 = O" the pressure changes rapidly betweenpositive and negative values on the
windward face around a pitch angle of a = +15" to +30°. so both positive and negative
values are given.
(ii) Linear interpolation for intermediate pitch angles of the Same sign may be used between
values of the same sign. (Do not interpolate between a = +5" and a = -5", but use the
data for flat roofs in 102.3.
(1) The roof shoud be divided into zonesas shown in Figure 10.2.7.
I Ik I Ih
/ /
“i i
angle Zone for wind direction 9 P O" and 9 = 90"
f G H 1 J K 1 M N
e = o0
a,for CpC,la %,I +,la Cpe.1 Cpe.10 Cp.1 Cpe.10 Cpe,la + ,I%.ta
Cpe.1 +,I Cpe.10 Cw.1 Cpa.1 %.r
e = 900
+So -1.7 - 2 5 -1.2 -2.0 -0,6 -1.2 -0.3 - 0.6 - 0,6 - 1.2 - 2,0 - 0.6 - 1.2 - 0,4
+1So -0.9 -2,O -0.8 -1.5 -0.3 -0,s -1,O -1.5 -1.2 -2.0 -1,4 -2.0 -0.6 -1.2 -0.3
+02 +0 2 +O 2
+SO0 -0.5 -1.5 -0,s -1.5 -0.2 -0.4 -0.7 -1.2 -0.5 -1.4 -2.0 -0.8 -1.2 -0.2
+ 75" + 0,8 + 0.8 + 0.8 - 0.3 - 0,6 - 0.3 - 1.2 - 2.0 0.4 - 0.2
Notes: (i) At 9 = 0" the pressures changes rapidly betmen positive and negative valucs on the
windward face at pitch angle of a = +15" to +30° so both positive and negative values
are given.
(ii) Linear interpolation for intermediate pitch angles of the same sign may be usad between
values of the same sign. (Do not interpolate between a = +5" and a = -5". but use the
data for flat roofs in 102.3.
(iii) The pitch angle of the windward face always will govern the pressure coefficients.
(1) Pressurecoefficients for each span of muttispan roofs should be derived from
10.2.4 for monopitch roofs modified fortheir position according to Figure 10.2.8.
(3) For long roofs friction forces should be considered (see 6.2).
0.e cpe 0 . 6 ~ ~0.6~Cpe
(2) The roof should be divided into zones as shown in Figure 10.2.9 and Fig-
ure 10.2.1O.
(4) The pressure coefficients are given in Figure 10.2.9 and Figure 10.2.1O.
Figure 10-2.9: External pressure coefficients for vaulted roofs with rectangular
base and Cl(h+f) I 10
pT7 If
I -Ih I
(2) The reference height4 without internal partition and floorsis the mean height of
the openings with homogeneous distribution of height of the dominant opening. An
opening is regarded as dominant, if the ratio of its area to that of the remaining
openings is larger than1O.
(3) The reference height 4 for buildings without intemal partitions but with cornpart-
mentation by internal floors is the mean heightof the level considered.
(5) Theworstvalueshavetobeconsideredforanycombinationofpossible
(6) For closed buildings with internal partitions and opening windows the extreme
cp = 0,8 or cpi= -0,5 (10.2.2)
may be used.
(7) In Figure 10.2.11 the most intensive suction is assumed to be cpi= - O S (lowest
pointofthecurve). If one or moredominantopeningsexist in areaswithmore
then the curve continues down to the lower value.
intensive suction than-0,5,
pl = -0,8 (10.2.3)
(1) In case of an external wall or roof with more than one skin, the wind force is
calculated separately on each skin as follows:
Ifboth skins are impermeable, this pressure coefficient cpia is given in terms of the
deformability of the skins, the thickness of the layer of air and any other entrances
(¡.e. case (4) in Table 10.2.6).
(3)The values of cF indicated in cases (1) and(3)are not applicable, if entries of air
put the layer of air Into communication with faces of the building other than theface
on which the wallis situated. In particular, near the cornerof the building:
(i) the value G is not applicable, if the extremity of the layer of air is open (Fig-
ure 10.2.1 2 (a).
\ -
. .
Page 62
ENV 1991-2-4 : 1995
Note: ?he percantage of openings/I is the sum of the arcas of the openings diviced by the total area d
the part of h e wall (inside or outside) considered.
Empty, free-standing canopy (cp = O) Canopy blocked to the downwind eaves by stored
goods (o= 1)
Figure 10.3.1 : Airflow over canopy roofs
Page 64
ENV 1991-2-4: 1995
(7) Loads on each slope of multibay canopies shownin Figure 10.3.4 are determined
by applying the factors given in Table 10.3.3 to the overall coefficients for isolated
duo-pitch canopies
, 1 2 . 3 3 3 2 1
(1) The wall shouldbe divided into zonesas shown in Figure 10.4.1.
(2) Values of net pressure coefficients .net for freestanding walls and parapets, with
or without return comers, are givenin able 10.4.1 for two values of solidity. Solidity
tp = 1 refers to solid wails, while cp = 0.8 refers to walls which are 80% solid and 20%
open. The referencearea in both cases is the grossarea.
(3) Linear interpolation for solidity ratio may be used in the range 0.8 <P c 1. For
porous walls with solidity less than 0.8, coefficients should be derived as for plane
lattice frames (see10.1O).
(4) The slenderness factor\vs (see 10.14) may be applied.
(5)The reference heightze should be taken ash.
Solidity zone A B C D
t .-
4 Without
return corner With return
( b l Key t o wind angle
(1) Porous fences with solidity ratio 0,8 should be treated as a plane lattice using
the provisions of10.1 O.
(1) When there are other walls or fences upwind that are equal in height or taller
than the wall or fence height h, an additional shelter factor canbe used with thenet
pressure coefficients for boundary walls and lattice fences. Thevalue of the shelter
factor depends on the spacing between the walls or fencesx, and the'solidity W, of
the upwind (sheltering) wall or fence. Values are plotted as a contour map in Fig-
ure 10.4.2.
The net pressure on the sheltered wall
is given by:
(3) The end zones with a lengthof the height h of each sheltered wall or fence shall
the effectof wind direction.
be calculated for thef u l l wind load, taking into account
reference height
Z, = h
0.20 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 9
Spacing xlh
10.4.4 Signboards
(1) The force coefficients for signboards, separ*atedfrom the ground by at least Cu4
height (see Figure 10.4.3), is given by:
yA slendernessreduction factor (see 10.14)
(2) The resuttant force normal to the signboard should be taken to act at the height
of the center of the board, with an horizontaleccentricity of:
e=+0,25*b (10.4.3)
ç =q o Wr'K (10.5.1)
Va reduction factor for elements with finite slenderness ratio as defined in 10.14.
(2) The reference area &,is:
&f=t* b (10.5.2)
The reference height z, is equal to the height above ground of the section being
(3) For plate-like sections (dh C 0,2) lift forces at certain wind angles of attack may
give rise to higher values of ç up to an incrase of 25% (for example, see 10.4.4
I ;1
2 .6 7 i 2 S 10 1
c, =ç,oYb (1 0.6.1)
force coefficient of structural elements with infinite slenderness ratio h (h = Ub.
L = length, b = width), as defined in Figure 10.6.1. It is given for all sections and '
for both wind directions as: G,.,= 2.0.
NOU: c
Figure 10.6.1 :Sharp edged structural sections
(3) In all cases the reference height z, is equal to the height above ground of the
section being considered.
(1) The force coefficient ç of structural elements with regular polygoncl section with
5 or more sides is given by:
ç,o force coefficient of structural elements with infinite slenderness ratio h (h = Ub,
C = length, b = diameter of circumscribed circumference, seeFigure 10.7.1) as
defined in Table 10.7.1
(1) Pressure coefficients of circular sections depend upon the Reynolds numbers
defined as:
Re - b . VVm ( z 9 ) (10.8.1)
b diameter
V kinematicviscocityof the air (v = 15 1O6 m2,a
v,(%) mean wind velocity as defined in 8.1
Re c'brin cPom a,
5xld 85 -2*2 135 -0.4
(iii) ?he above figure is based on an equivalent roughnessWb less than 5 10". Typical
values of roughness height k are given in Table 10.7.1
Page 77
ENV 1991-2-4 : 1995
loh I 5 2 3 4 5678106
O 2 3 456781O7 2 3 4 5 Re
Figure 10.8.2: Force coefficient c,,o for circular cylinders with infinite slender-
ness ratio andfor different equivalent roughnessWb.
(3) For stranded cables ç,ois equal to 1, 2 for all values of the Reynolds numberRe.
082 L
(3)The reference area kfis:
&=L* b (10.8.6)
(4) The reference height ze is equal to the height above ground of the section being
(5) Forcylinders near a plane surface with a distanceratio zalb 1 3 (see Figure
10.8.3) special advice is necessary.
10.9 Spheres
(1)Thealongwindforcecoefficient of spheres is given in Figure 10.9.1as a
function of the Reynolds number Re (see 10.8.1) and the equivalent roughness k/b
(see Table 10.8.1)
(2) The values in Figure 10.9.1 are limitedto values 5 > b/2, where zg is the distance
of sphere froma plain surface, b is the diameter, Figure10.9.2. For 5 c bJ2 the force
coefficient ç,xshall be multiplied bya factor 1,6.
(3)The verticalforce coefficient Ç , ~of spheres shall be assumedto be:
ç r = O for q > b / 2 (10.9.1)
= + 0,6 for q,C b/2
. , ,, ,, ,, , , ,t g , , ,,,,
(1) The force coefficient, q, of lattice structures and scaffoldingsis given by:
ç,o force coefficient of lattice structures and scaffoldings with infinite slenderness
h (L= Ub,C = length, b = width, Figure 10.10.1). It is given by Figures 10.10.2
to 10.10.4 as a function of solidity ratio cp (2) and Reynolds numberRe
ReReynoldsnumbergivenbyequation10.8.1 and calculated using the member
diameter 9
yfk slendernessreductionfactor (see 10.14)
Ws reductionfactor for scaffoiding without-air tightness devices and affected by
solidbuilding faces (seeFigure10.10.5)plotted as a function of the
obstruction factor <PB.
I .
AB,, net areaof the face
49 gross area of the face
COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards
Licensed by Information Handling Services
Page 81
ENV 1991-2-4 : 1995
Figure 10.10.3: Force coefficient c+,ofor a spatial lattice structure with angle
members as a function of solidity ratio cp
(P =NAc (1 0.10.2)
sums of the projected areaof the members and gusset plates of the face =
& 4 4+ ci$. For spatial lattice structures one face (the windward face)
be used
the afeaenclosed by the boundaries of the face projected normal to the face
= b*C
10.11 Bridges
10.11.1 General
(1) Wind actionson bridges are divided into three components (Figure
- wind forcesin x-direction
- crosswind forces in z-direction
- longitudinal windforces in y-direction
(10.1 1.1)
G,o force coefficient for infinite slenderness h (h= Ub, see Figure 10.1 1.1 ) given
in Figure 10.11.2 for typical bridge types. For other bridge types special
advice is necessary.
1.3""""- I
effectiive height: h = Z,
0 1 2 3 ~ S 6 7 0 9 1 0 1 1 1 2
(3)Where the windward face is inclined to the vertical (see Figure10.1 1 .3),the drag
coefficient ç,omay be reduced by 0,5% per degree of inclination a,from the Vertid,
limited to a maximum reduction of30%.
(4) Reference areas for load combinations without traffic load are defined as:
Note: Some cases are illustrated m Figure 10.11.4 and in the mmspoadingTable 10.11.1.
However the total reference ana shall not exceed that obtained from considuhg an equivalent plain
(web) beam of the same 0vaa.Udqh,including all pmjecfing parts:
Solid parwet or
300 mm sdid safety barrier
(5) Reference areas& x for load combinations with traffic load are spw*fiedin ENV
(1) Force coefficients c, for bridge decks in z-direction (lift force coefficknts) are
given in Figure10.11.5.
""- +loo
3.9 21 .
+ 6O
I .I
. I
' d J
n 4c I
+ *
2 6 8 10 12 14 16 10 20 22 dd/b
\' - 6'
-0.9 - 100
Note: This Figure applies to all bridge types shown in Figure 10.11.2
Figure 10.11.5: Force coefficient crr for bridges with superelevation and wind
10.12 Flags
(1) Force coefficients q and reference areas for flags are given in Table 10.12.1.
(2) The reference heightr, is equal to the height of the
flag above ground.
Table 10.12.1 :Force coefficients c, for flags.
Fixed flags
h*l 2.5 vrx
Free flags
(a) 0,5 h - L
(b) b * L
m, mass p e r unitarea of the flag
P air density (7.1)
z, heightoftheflagaboveground
yri slenderness reduction factor (10.14)
slenderness h//
Note: The equation for free flags includes dynamic forces from the flag flutter effect.
(1) Friction coefficients c+, for long walls and roof surfaces are given in Table
(2) The reference areas sweptby the wind 4,are given Figure 10.13.1.
(3)The reference hightze shoud be taken into account according to Figure 10.13.1-
z, = h+0,5 t
&, = 2 b - I
z, = 0,6 h
= 2h-l
t smooth
(¡.e.steel, smooth concrete)
rough 0,02
(¡.e.rough concrete, tar-boards)
very rough O .O4
(¡.e.ripples, ribs, folds)
(2) The slenderness reduction factor vL,versus the effective slenderness, h, and for
different solidity ratioscp is given in Figure 10.14.1.
I ' 1 I
for I n b I b
3 Ubs 70
4 I
Ub a 70
Page 91
ENV 1991-2-4 : 1995
9 = NA,
4 enclosed area A, =L - b
Annex A (Informative)
b t e o t o l o g i c a l information and national wind maps
(1) The followingwind parameters are given for CEN member states as listed below:
- the bask value of the reference wind velocity vnt0 defined in section 7 ,
- the direction factor h.It takes into account the probability of exceedance of the
with a fetch angle of f15O,
maximum wind velocity for different directions
the temporaryfactor h. It takes into account the probability of exceedance of the
wind velocity for structure life timeless than oneyear,
- altitude factor cup Ittakes into account theincrease of windvelocity for the atdude
of the site above sea level,
- parameters Kand n for the introduction in equation (7.3).
Note where infamation is missing, the @e national authorities should be
(1) The reference wind velocity to be taken into account in the different districts and
municipalities is listedinnationalstandard.However it is to be noted, thatthe
indicated values refer toa 2 sec peak wind velodty and not to a 10 min mean wind
velodty as defined in section 7.
h 0,775 0,775 0,742 0,707 0.671 0,671 0,671 Q.671 0,707 0,742 0,806 0,nS
2 26.0
Figure Al: France wind map (zones, reference windvelocity)
(1) In zone 1:
For altitudes 800 S a, S 1 100 m the attitude factoris:
(2) In zone 2 and for + > 800 m (Harz) special requirements are necessary.
2-3days O $3 0,s
5 months 4 years
u 4
Figure A2: Germany wind map (zones, referencewind velocity)
(1) Wind speed for Iceland are only available as a maximum gust speed, ¡.e. 3-sec-
mean withp = O,O2.
(3) 10 min-mean values referred to the definition in 7.2 are not available up to this
(1) Unless specific values are given from the meteorological service in Dublin, the
direction factoris to be considered by:
%IR =1
Figure A3: Ireland wind map (reference wind velocity)
7 Liguria 29 0.024
Figure A4: Italy wind map (zones)
(2) Unless detailed analysesare carried out taking into account the direction of wind
and the changes of tenain roughness, the wind action shall be evaluated assuming
the exposure category provided as a function of the geographic position defined by
Figure A5 and the terrain roughness definedby the following Tables:
I 0.17 0.01 2
11 0.19 0.05 4
IV 0.22 0.30 8
V O23 O .70 1?
C Areas with diffuse obstacles (trees, buiidings, walls, fences, ...); areas which
cannot be defined by classes A, B
Classes A, B apply to sites surrounded by this terrainin every direction forat least 1 km and however
not less than 20 times the heightof the structures.
I zones 1, 2 3.4,s I
Zone 6 l 7,8 I
Area 1 2 3
(Figure A6)
n 05 0.5 O -5
Localities along the coast line should be considered of terrain categorie II according
to Table 8.1.
. "
Figure A6: Netherlands wind map (zones)
(1) The wind velocity values for Norway, Y in Figure A7 represent the 3 to 5 sec
mean windvelocity having an annual probabilityof exceedence of 0,02. Introducing v
defined fromA13 as vmfin equation (7.1) htreplaces the product(&r - G)in equa-
tions (5.1)* (5.2) and (6.1).
Wmd vobcitv
k mh
G i0 ¡S 20 25 3.0
Figure A7: Wind velocity and velocity pressure varying according to the height
above the ground level
(2) For flat terrain the ground levelequals the terrain level surrounding the structure.
For rough terrain the groundlevel is placed at the foot of the elevated level, or at a
higher level if indicated by the terrain, vegetationor the buitt-up area (FigureAS).
(4) The wind velocities for built-up areas according to a w e s C and D take account
of the fact that buildings and vegetation reduce the air stream velocrty.l h e reduction
due to local shielding from structures and terrain compared to the curves in Figure
A7, is assumed to be consideredin each specific case.
0,s 20
2,o 35
Table A3: Norway List of counties and their municipalities in which cume E
or curve F applies
(1) Zone A: all the territories not inciuded in Zone B
Zone B: the archipelagos of Azores and Madeira and the continental territory,
the coastal areas from the coast line to 5km inland, the estuaries and
regions with attitudes above 600m.
(1) The roughness category for Switzerland is 111 (suburban or industrial areas and
permanent forests) with a roughness factor Cc, = 0,22, roughness length z, = 0,3m
and = 8m. The reference wind velocity, v,,., as defined in 7.2 is given in the map.
Figure Alo: Switzerland wind map (referencewind velocity)
(1) Thevaluesofreferencewindvelocrty v ~ , at
, sea
~ levelarederivedfrom 9
a, where: atitude above sea level [m] of the site when topography
is not signifi-
cant; or else the attidude of the ground level at the base
of the hill or
escarpment when topography is significant (see 8.4) measured from
mean sea level.
(3)Values for the directional factor are given in Table A4. Use of these values
for all possible wind directions gives the design overall risk of exceedence distribue-
ted evenly around all wind directions. Neglectingthis directional effect with the use of
a value = 4 ,O for all possible wind directions also gives the design overall risk of
exceedence, but distributed unevenly by direction, resulting in greater risk in the
prevailing wind directions240"T to 270" T than in the other possible wind directions..
Table A4: Values of directional factor,
The factor for the six month winter period Octoberto March inclusive is 1,O, and for
the six month summer period April to September inclusiveis 0,84.
(5) Transitionzones:detailed rules for terraincategoriesandrelatedparameters
shall be defined by the Relevant National Authorities.
Page 114
ENV 1991-2-4 : 1996
Figure A l l : United Kingdom wind map (reference velocity)
Annex B (Informative)
B.1. General
(2) The method for calculating the dynamic factor G given in this annex applies, if
the following conditions are met:
(3) For structures, which do not satisfy the above conditions, suitable theoretical or
experimental evaluations are recommended.
(5) General rules about interference effects related. to high-rise buildings in tandem
or grouped arrangement are givenin 8.5.
(6) The method is based on the nondimensionai power spectral densrty function ßN
as shown in FigureB.6 and is defined in equation(B.11).
?.x. su(nlx)
NOU: The expression in equation (B.]1) is given only far comparison with orha
Codts or literature, w h m the power spectral density is presented in this manner. It is not
explained in detail and is not used here.
(7) It is based also on the coherence function of alongwind turbulence at two points
(y,z),(y',r')in a plane orthogonalto the mean wind directionx. It is defined by:
to be 5 = 11,s
lateral exponetial decay coefficient, assumed on average
c, vertical exponential decay coefficient, assumed on average to be C, = 11 ,5
n frequency
v, meanwind
equivalent heigMof structure as given in Figure 8.1
C(+,) turbulence intensity &(I) for z = h.given by equation (8.3)
g peak factor given by equ. (8.4)
0, background response part given by equation (8.9)
R, resonantresponse part given by equation (B.lO)
Note: (1) The denominator in quation B 2 removes the simplification built into the format far te
given in 8.4.
Thus the product ce - cd required in equation 6.1 to determine o v d l l o a d s can bc
wriuar as follows:
G(+) topography coefficient( s e e 8.4)
G roughness length ( s e e 8.2)
(2) The peak factor g is shown in Figure 8.2 and defined by:
t 600 S = averaging time of the reference wind velocity, vmf
V expected frequencygiven by equation (B.5)
9 30
10' lo2
n,,x fundamental
frequency in [Hz] of alongwind (x) vibration
Approximations forn,, are given in annex C.4.
v, theexpectedfrequency in [Hz] ofgustloading of rigidstructuresgiven by
equation (8.6).
(4) The expected frequencyof gust loading of rigid structuresv0 is shown in Figure
8.3 and is defined by:
b, h width, height of structure as given in Figure B.1
v,(+) mean wind veloctty v,&) for z = zw given by equation (8.1).
4(&) integral lengthscale of turbulence for z = given by equation (8.8)
- 10 -1
- 2,
(6) The background response part Q, is shown in Figure B.5 and is defined by:
1 o-2 IO" 1 10
(B.1O )
6 logarithmicdampingdecrement of alongwindvibration.Standardvaluesfor 6
are given in C.4
For mode shapes with internal node points more detailed calculations shall be used.
1 o-2 10" 1 10 lo2
(1) This section recommends expressions for controlling displacements and accele-
rations of vertical structuresunderserviceabilitylimitstates,usingdifferentwind
velocities in respect to different probabilitiesof exceedence.
(2) The maximum alongwind displacementmax X@) and the standard deviationof
(r)at height I are givenby:
alongwind accelerationCF:
in annex C.
fundamental along wind modal shape approximation given
c, dynamic
factor (8.2)
P according to section 7.1
air density
b width of structure
Figure B.l
c, averagedalongwindforcecoefficientaccordingtosection 10
h height of the structure(Figure B.1).
10 1 o2
(1) For buildings in tandem or grouped arrangement the wake buffeting effect may
increase the actioneffect.
(2) For simple cases of high-rise buildings an approximate estimationof the increase
of the action effect may be made by multiplying the wind force on and the acceiera-
tion of a free standing buildingby the interference factor&, given in TableB.1.
(3)For more detailed information and for other cases wind tunnel tests or expert
advice are recommended.
S 15
I 1.3 25
=0 3
225 1*o 1.o
(1) Figure 8.9 shows the number of times No where the values AS of an effect of the
wind is reached or exceeded during a period of 50 years. AS is expressedin
percentage of thevaluebeing the effect due to a 50 years returnperiodwind
C.1 General
(1) Structures which do not satisfy the criteria given in 9.4 may be assessed using
the rules set down in this annex.
C 9 Vortex excitation
(1) The critical wind velocityvai at which the frequency of vortex sheddingequals a
natural fmquency of the structure or an element is given by:
b * ni,y
"m =- st
vm,Li the mean wind veloclty defined in equation (W),.c a l c u l a t e d at the height of
the centre of the effective correlation length 4 where the vortex shedding
occurs. Application examples are given in Figure C.3.
C 2 2 Strouhal number
Page 129
ENV 1991-2-4 : 1995
Cross section
0.2 from Figure C.2
;or a l l Re-numbers
‘ t
linear interpolation
L d
linear interpolation
O ,O7
St t
Figure C.1 Strouhal number (St) for rectangular cross sections with sham
mi thevibratingmass of point j
qY naturalfrequency of crosswind mode i. Approximationsforaregiven in
%j crosswind mode shape i = ratio of the dynamic deflection of the structure at
point j to that of the antinode(see Table C.4)
max yF maximum amplitudeof the antinodeas derived fromC.2.4
(1) The maximum amplitudemax yFat critical wind speed vaiti is given by:
b reference width of the cross section at the position of the effective correlation
length. For circular cylindersb is the outer diameter.
&, effectivecorrelationlengthfactor(see C.2.7)
K shape factor (see C.2.8)
C, aerodynamicexciting force coefficient (see C.2.5)
St Strouhal
(see C.2.2)
Sc Scruton number as defined by equation (CS)
P air density (see 7.1)
m i,y equivalent mass per unit length given by equation (C.27)
4 logarithmicdecrement of structural damping.(seeTable C.8)
(3) Equation (C.4) must be solved with equation (C.7) using Table C.4 and Table C.3
by iterative process.
Table C.2: Aerodynamic exciting force coefficient c,versus critical wind velo-
city ratio v&vmq:
VuitJ h=
0,83 <- <1
s %,=[3-24 "m,¡
%ta basic value of c, as given in Table C.1 and, for circular cylinders, in
Figure C.2
"atti critical wind velocity (see equation (C.1))
vku mean wind v e m (see 8.1) in the centre of theeffective corteiation
length as defined in C.2.6
Re ( v , Reynolds number defined by:
(2) The ratio 4 b is givenby Table C.3, where yFjis the vibration amplitude at point j.
ln most cases thevibrationamplitude is equal to the maximumamplitude yF.
yT Cl
e) f) antinode
i .
I 3-
I > 0.6 I 12 I
' H 4
KW= S O$
i I bkY(ZI
- di!
@i,, modeshape i. (see C.4.3)
effective correlation length (see
4 length of thestructurebetween two nodes(see Figure C.3);forcantilevered
structures it is equal to the height of the structure
n number of regionswherevortexexcitation occurs at thesametime (ph-
shift equal zero)
m number of antinodes of the vibrating structure in the considered modeshape i.
(2).For some simple structures vibrating in the fundamental crosswind mode and
with the excitingforce position indicated in Table C.4 the effective correlation length
factor,,Ø( can be approximated by the equation given in Table C.4.
Table C.4: Effective correlation lengthfactor K,,,, and mode shape factor K for
some simple structures
I "
w e C.4.3
with 5 = 2.0
n = l ;m=l 0,13
see FigureC.9
n-1 ; m = l 0,ll
~~ ~
modal analysis
m=3 0,lO
iæ1 cj
(=)I- dz
Note: (1) =vb
)'I o
b i y (21* a2
a,,#) crosswind mode shape i (see C.4.3)
4 ' length of the structure between two nods(seeFigure C.3)
(2) For some simple structures vibrating in the fundamental crosswind mode the
mode shape factor is given in Table C.4.
(1) The number of stress cycles N caused by vortex excited oscillation maybe esti-
mated by:
q.Y naturalfrequency of crosswindmode i in [Hz].Approximations for 4, are
given in C.4.2
vai critical wind velodty in [m/s] given in C.2.1.
V0 given in equation (C.lo), it is f i timesthemodalvalue of theprobability
distribution of the wind velocityin [Ws]
r life time in [years].
4 bandwidthfactorthatdescribesthebandwidth of the vortexresonance. It
can be approximated by:q, = 0,3
(2) Unless otherwise specifiedin annex A the value v. may be approximated by:
wo = Wm4 e- (C.10)
vmli meanwindvelocityin [Ws] defined by equation (8.1) at thepositionofthe
effective carrelationlength L, (see Figure C.3).
(1) The critical wind velocity producing the ovalling of cylindrical shells,vaito,is given
b . no
v a 0 =- (C.1O)
2. st
b outer shell
st Strouhal
(see C.2.2)
"o naturalfrequencyoftheshell(ovallingmode)
Note: r+, is given in C.4.2 for a long cylindrical shell without stiffening rings
to occur if:
(2) Ovalling oscillations may be assumed not
vaito > 1 2 5 vm(z) (C.11)
v&) mean wind velocity as defined in equation (8.1) calculated at the height, z, of
the point of maximum amplitude of oscillation.
CS.1 Galloping
C.3.1.1 General
(2) Galloping oscillation starts at a special onset wind velocity VOO and normally the
amplitudes increase rapidly with increasing wind speed.
(1) Galloping has to be taken into account, if the structure is sensitive to vortex
of 9.4.2.).
shedding (see criteria
Sc Scruton numbergiveninequation (C.5)
nly cross wind fundamental frequency of the structure; approximations of nl, are
given in C.4.2
b width as defined in Table C.5
aC factor of galloping instability (see Table C S ) ;if no factor of galloping instabili-
ty is known & = 10
(3) When the critical vortex shedding velocity Vdt is close to the onset wind velocityof
galloping V-:
0.7 C "CG < 1.5 (C.14)
Cross section
Cross section
ICE (Ím on
'1 ICE
d 2
d 2 1
d l
"- 0,4
C.3.2.1 General
Note: The factor 1,5 for G,is a rough approximation. It is expected to be conservative.
o c c u r if two or mofe
(1) Interference gallopingis a self-excited .oscillation which may
cylinders are arranged close together-without being connected with each other.
(2) If?heangle of wind attack is in the range of the critical wind direction ßclit and if
alb c 3 (see FigureC.5), the criticalwind velocity, wW, may be estimated by
Sc Scruton number given in equation (C.5)
a~ combined stability parameter. If nototherwisespecified:
& = 3,O
nly fundamentalfrequency of crosswind mode.Approximationsaregiven in
a spacing
b diameter
(Figure. CS)
Sc, &'and b are defined in Table C.6 and nlYis the natural frequency of the
bending mode (see C.4.2).
Vm(z) mean wind velocity as defined in equ. (8.1), calculated at the height f,where
the galloping excitation is expected, that is likely to be the point of maximum
amplitude of oscillation
ab= 1 a& 223
rd. =4,a
I Kk = 3,O aG r1.0 aì * 210
" I
linear interpolation
O 1 2 3
(1) Divergence and flutter are instabilities that ca,n only olmur for flexible plate-like
structures, such as signboards or suspension-bridge decks, above a certain thres-
hou or critical wind velocity. In both cases the instabihty is caused by the deflection
of the structure modifying the aerodynamics to alter the loading.
for cable supported bridges have always tobe determined bymodel tests or numeri-
(1) To be prone to either divergence or flutter, the structure must satisfy all of the
three criteria given below. Check the criteria in the order given (easiest first) and if
any one of the criteria is not met, the structure will notbe prone to either divergence
or flutter.
(a) The structure, or a substantial part of it, must have an elongated cross section
of d/b z 4 (Figure C.6).
(like a flat plate) with proportions
(b) The torsional axis must be parallel to the plane of the plate and normal to the
winddirection,andthecentreoftorsionmust be atleast d 4 downwindofthe
windwardedge of theplate,where b is theinwinddepth of the platemeasured
normal to the torsional axis. This includes the common cases of torsional centre at
geometrical centre,í.e. centrally supported signboardor canopy, and torsional Centre
at downwind edge, ¡.e. cantilevered canopy.
(c) The lowest natural frequency must correspond to a torsional mode, or else the
lowest torsional natural frequency mustbe less than 2 times the lowest translational
natural frequency.
'diu =
k torsional
(2) Values of d M W measured about the geometric centre 'of various rectangular
sections are given inFiiure C.6.
v,(&,,) mean wind velocity as defined in equation (8.1) at heigth &,,,as defined in
Figure 8.1
Page 147
ENV 1991-2-4 : 1995
(1) Dynamic response of bridges is important for long span bridges or light bridges
such as pedestrian or tube bridges.
(2) Flutter stability should be calculated by solving the flutter equation,or with model
(3) Simplified rules available in literature may be used provided that they have been
agreed with the relevant authorities.
C.4.1 .General
Thesameexpressionmaygivesomeguidance forsingle-storeybuildingsand
towers (excluding guyed masts).
b ht + h2/3 (C.24)
b top diameterofthechimney in [m]
b effectiveheight of the chimney in [m], h , andare given in Figure C.7.
t3 - E (C.25)
no = 0,492. 2 4
m, . ( l - v ) a b
E Young's
modulus in [kN/m2]
r shell
in [m]
V Poisson ratio
m, mass of theshellperunitarea in [kglml]
b diameter of theshell in [m]
The equation givesthe lowest natural frequency ofthe shell. Stiffness rings increase
(1) The fundamental flexural mode O,@) of buildings, towers and chimneys
cantilevered fromthe gmund can be estimated by:
6= 0.6 forslenderframestructures with non load-sharing walling or cladding
c = 1,O for buildingswith central coreplusperiphericalcolumnsorlarger
columns plus shearbraangs
c = 1,5 forslendercantileverbuildings and buildings supported by C e n t r a l
reinforced concretecores
5 = 2,O for towers andchimneys
6 = 2,5 for lattice steel towers
Table C.7: Fundamental flexural vertical mode shape for simply supportedand
clamped structures and structural elements
(2) For vertical cantilevered structures with a slightly varying mass distribution ml
can be approximated by the average value of m over the upper third part of the
structure h3 (Figure C.7).
6 = h+h+& (C.28)
b fundamental structural logarithmic damping decrement
6. fundamental aerodynamic logarithmic damping decrement
66 fundamental logarithmic damping decrement due to spedal devices (tuned
.massdampers, sloshing tanks, etc.)
(2) The fundamental structural logarithmic damping decrement & can be'evaluated
by :
&=al-nl+b, z L n (C.29)
nt fundamental
frequency [Hz]
al, h, &,h parameters given in Table C.8 for different structural types, h is
related to small displacements
P density
air (7.1)
b widthofstructuralsurfaceexposed to thewind
c, averageforcecoefficient in alongwinddirection(section 1O)
vm(+,,) mean wind velocity W&) defined by equ (8.1) for z = h
ZIQU equivalentheight (see Figure B.1)
m x fundamentalalongwindequivalentmass(see C.4.4)
nla fundamentalalongwindfrequency(see C.4.2)
(4) Ifspecia1.dissipative devices are added to the structure, & should be calculated
by suitable theoretical or experimental techniques.
~ ~~ ~~
stedstackwithtwoormwehers O 0.030 O
guyed s
&stack without liner O 0.04 O
compositebndges O O W O
prestressedwithout O 0.04 O
concrete bridges cracks
spiralcables O 0.020 O
1991-2-4 : 1997
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AMD 10671
Amendment No. 1
published and effective from 15 May 2000
to DD ENV 1991-2-4 : 1997
Eurocode 1:
Basis of design and
actions on structures
Part 2.4 Actions on structures -
Wind actions
(together with
United Kingdom
National Application
ICs 91.010.3091.080.01
*O* ID* I
l lIay2000 I Addition of National ApplicationDocument Part B.
Committees responsible cover front Inside
National foreword ii
Text of National Application
Part A. Build~ngs iii
Text of National Application
Part B. Bridges lvii
Text of ENV 1991-2-4 2
0 BSI 052000
COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards
Licensed by Information Handling Services
STD-BSI DD ENV 1991-2-4-ENGL 1 5 4 3 I
. .
Lb24bbS 0852375 495
DD ENV 1991-2-4:1997
National foreword
Summary of pages
This document comprisesa front cover, an inside front cover,pages i to k,
2 to 164,an inside back cover and a back cover.
the ENV title page, pages
The BSI copyright noticedisplayed in this document indicateswhen the documentwas
o MI 0522000
COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards
Licensed by Information Handling Services
Part B. Bridges
This National Application Document(NAD) has been Specific information on windactions on buildings is
prepared by Subcommittee B/525/10.It has been given in Part A.
developed from Whilst this NAD can be used for thestructural
a) a textud examination of ENV 1991-2-4: 1995; appraisal and assessmentof existing construction,
for assessing repairs and modifications, or for
b) a limited parametric calibration against assessing change ofuse, it will need to be used in
BS 5400 : Part 2; conjunction with other documentation
c) trial calculations.
This NAD encompasses wind actionsas covered by 2 References
ENV 1991-24. Specific UK requirements relatingto
loads resulting from densities, self weight and 2.1 Normative references
imposed loads (ENV 1991-2-l), fire actions This National Application Document incorporates, by
(ENV 1991-2-2), snow loads(ENV 1991-249, thermal dated or undated reference, provisions from other
actions (ENV 1991-M), loads and deformations publications. These normative referencesare made
imposed during execution (ENV 1991-2-6) and at the appropriate placesin the text and the cited
accidental actions(ENV 1991-2-7) are given publications are listed in pagelx. For dated
separately in the appropriateNADs for ENV 1991-2. references only the edition cited applies;any
subsequent amendmentsto or revisions of the cited
1 Scope publications applyto this Part of DD ENV 1991only
when incorporated in the reference by amendment
This NAD provides information to enable or revision. For undated references, the latest edition
ENV 1991-2-4: 1996 to be used for the designof the of the cited publication applies, together with
following structuresto be located in theUK or to be amendments.
designed for UK loading:
a) buildingstructures up to a heightof 200 m, their 2.2 Informative references
components and appendages; This National Application Document refers to other
b) chimneys and other cantilevered structures; publications that provide informationor guidance.
NOTE ENV 1991-2-4 does notat present provide suf6cient Editions of these publications currentat the time of
information for wind actiom on lattice towers, guyed masts and issue of this NAD are listed on pageIx but reference
guyed chimneys. This is being developed in ENV 199M1), which should be madeto the latest editions.
wil also contain furtherrequirements for chimneys, particularly
with regard to fatigue.
'.. c).;highway and railway bridges up to 200 m span 3 Partial factors, combination factors
and for cycletrack footbridges up to 30 m span and other values
It has been assumed that during theENV period of The values ofpartial factors on wind actions for
provisional application the design codes to be used bridges, y, and the valuesof combination and
for buildingswill be the relevantBritish Standards reduction factors for bridges, W, should beas defined
appropriate to the structure. However for bridges it in m e x e s C and G of ENV 19913 : 1995 as modified
has been assumedthat the NAD can only be used by the NAD for that Part,
with the relevant design Eurocodes.
Care should be exercisedif the wind action derived 4 Notati,on
from ENV 1991-2-4is used in corljunction with other
design codes. Where other documentsare used for ENV 1991-2-4 uses some notationthat differs from
design aspects, the values given will not necessarily that adopted inBS 5400 : Part 2 and other
produce the required level of reliability. Departure British Standards. The ENV notation should be
from any oT the requirements given in theNAD adopted when Using this NAD.
should be agreed with the relevant Authority.
NOTE The UK NADs for Eurocodes as already published (e.& the
relevant Parts of ENV 1892 and ENV 1993) do not permit the use
of ENV 1991-24 in conjunction with those EWs; but they
recommend the use of CP 3 Chapter V with modifications. If trial
use of ENV 1991-24 is to be undertaken in conjunction with the
already published design Eurocodes, modifications may be
O BSI 05-20oO
COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards
Licensed by Information Handling Services
List of references (~eecla;use 2)
Normative references
ENV 1991 : Part 1 : 1994 Euromde 1 -Basis of design and actions on structures -
Part 1: Basis of design.
ENV 1991 : Part 2.1 : 1995 Eurocode 1 -Basis of design and actions on structures -
Part 2-1:Actions on structures -Densities, se?f weight and
imposed loads.
ENV 1991: Part 2.2 : 1995 Eumode 1 -Bask of design and actions on structures -
Part 2-2:Actions on structures -Actions on structures mposed to
ENV 1991: Part 2.3 : 1995 Eu?vco~?e 1 -Basis of design and actions on structures -
Part 2-3:Actions vn structures - Snow loads.
ENV 1991: Part 2.5 : 1997 Eurocode1-Basisofdesignandactionsonstructures-
Part 2-5:Actions on structures -ThemLalactions.
ENV 1991: Part 2.6 : 1997 Eurooode 1 -Basis of design and actions on structures -
Part 2-6: Actions on structures -Actions d u & g execution.
ENV 1991: Part 2.7 : 1998 Eurocode 1 -Basis of design and actions on structures -
Part 2-E Actions on structures -Accidental actions due to
impact and expoSions.
ENV 1991: Part 3 : 1995 Eurocode 1 -Basis of designand actions on structures --part 3:
lh@ì.C loa&s on b?-i@es.
ENV1997:Part1:1994 Eumode 7 - Gmtechnicd design -Part 1: Geneml mks.
Informative references
BS 5400 :Part 2 : 1978 Steel, conmete and composite bridges. Part 2: SpscZflzcatàunfor
CP3: ChapterV code of basic datufor uze design of buildings chapter VLQadingS
BD 49193 Highways Ag-. Design m n d for roads and bridges. Volume1
Highwaystructum: appnvvalpmcedums andgeneral design -
Section 3 G d design-Part 3Design ruksfor aeralynamic
efl'ects on bridges2).
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W4 4AL