Tax Ranjan Sir
Tax Ranjan Sir
Tax Ranjan Sir
Meaning of property
/ House property
/ Land
/ Furniture
/ Fixture
/ Factory building
r' Land appurtenant to business
/ Plant & machinery
/ Personal vehicle
/ Any other capital asset
Assessment in case of co-owner
Va ! ue
!lncome tax is levied not upon the actual rentalvalue from house
property rather upon the notionalvalue based on annual value,
) Where the property is let out and the rent is received by the
owner, the annual value may be more than the actual rent if the
reasonable rent determined by the DCT is higher than actual
re I
Total rentalvalue=
Annual value
any advance rent or security money or any money or benefit
received in advance
vacancy allowance
Allowable deductions
ln computing taxable rental income the following allowances are
deductible from the total rental value as per section 38 of lT
L. Repair and maintenance:
Purpose of rent Statutory deduction
1. Where the house property is let 25% of total rental value
out for residential ourposes
2, Where the house property is let 30% of total rental value
out for commercial purDoses
3. where the property is let-out for 10% of total rental value
anv other purpose
lf service charge is borne bv the tenant. then the house owner will
not eet anv statutorv deduction for repair and maintenance in
computing taxable rental income.
Capital Gain Tax
Capital is fund and income is the flow of fund. Similarly, capital is wealth and income is the
service of wealth. A stock of wealth existing at a particular point of time is called capital and the
flow of services through a period of time is called income. The distinction between capital and
revenue is of great importance from the income tax point of view, as tax is levied on income not
on capital (except capital gain).
A receipt is not taxable when it is referred to fixed capital but it is taxable as a revenue item when
it is referred to circulating capital like stock-intrade. Circulating capital or stock-in trade is also
known as trading asset and fixed capital as fixed asset. An asset may be the capital asset in the
hands of one person and a trading asset in the hands of other and the nature of receipt may
consequently vary according to the nature of trade in connection with which it arises. The
determining factor must be the nature of the trade in which the asset is employed. The land upon
which a manufacturer carries on his business is part of his fixed capital but the land with which a
dealer in real-estate carries on his business is part of his circulating capital.
Section 57 of the lncome Tax Act, 2023 provides that tax shall be payable by an assessee under
the head "capital gain" in respect of any gain arising from the transfer (i.e., sale, exchange or
relinquishment, etc.) of any capital asset. Such gain shall be deemed to be the income of the
income year in which the transfer (i.e., sale, exchange, relinquishment, etc.) took place.
Any gain arising from the transfer of a capital asset (both movable and immovable) as defined in
seCtion 2(77) of |TA,2O23 is chargeable to income tax at the rate prescribed at paragraph 1 of the
7th Schedule of the Act.
Capitat Capitat
Capitat Transfer
gain gain tax
[As per [As per
[As per exchange,
sections Para 1 of
section retinquishment]
57, 581 7th
[As per section Schedul.el
Similarly, a loss under this section can be claimed only if it is arising from a transfer of a capital
asset and not merely because the capital asset becomes valueless or the earnest money paid by
the intending purchaser is forfeited.
capital Gain Tax Prepared by Ranjan Kumar Bhowmik FCMA Ex-Member, NBR as on 11/3/2024 Page 1
3. Capital asset
A capital gain arises only due to the transfer of capital asset. Capital asset is defined in section
2(77) of lTA2023 where capital asset means property of any kind held by an assessee, whether
or not connected with his business of profession, but does not include-
(a) Any stock-in{rade (not being stocks and shares), consumable stores or raw materials
held for the purposes of his business or profession;
(b) Personal effects, that is to say, movable property (including wearing apparels,
jewellery, furniture, fixture, equipment and vehicles), which are held exclusively for
personal use by, and are not used for purposes of the business or profession of the
assessee or any member of his family dependent on him;
The oains made on the transfer of certain assets which are excluded from the definition of
Capital Asset in section 2(77) of lTA. 2023 do not attract tax.
Transfer, in relation to a capital asset or part of a capital asset, as per section 2(93) of 1TA,2023
includes the following:
(a) sale,
(b) exchange or
(c) relinquishment of the asset, or
(d) the extinguishment of any right therein,
a) Any transfer of the capital asset under a gift, bequest, will or an irrevocable trust;
b) Any distribution of the assets of a company to its shareholders on its liquidation; and
c) Any distribution of capital assets on the dissolution of a firm or other AOP or on the
partition of a HUF.
Although the definition of transfer does not include compulsory acquisition of the asset but
provision has been made at section 111 for deduction of tax at source from compensation
against acquisition of property by the Govt.
A sale by the receiver appointed by the Court would be covered by this section. A tease of tand
would be a transfer but the salami or premium paid for the lease is not to be treated as capital
gain rather it would be income under the head 'income from other sources' as mentioned at
section 67(6).
The mere grant of the right of management of a capital asset would not be covered by section
2(93) but it applies even gain arises from the relinquishment of a capital asset. Capital gains may
arise in exchange of property. For example, land is given to a real-estate company in exchanoe
of 2 flats and the land was valued at a higher orice than the cost resulting in increase of wealth.
The compensation received from an insurance company on the sinking of a ship is not liable
to capital gain tax due to the following:
(a) When the ship is sunk and lost, it is not possible to say that it is transferred
(b) The word transfer as per section 2(93) would include cases in which rights are
extinguished either by the assessee himself or by some other agency but not those in
which the asset is merely destroyed by a natural calamity
But where a capital asset is destroyed by fire and under the insurance policy the burnt or
salvaged property belongs to the insurer, there is a transfer of the original asset in a changed
form and the provision of section 2(93) will attract. Foreign currency is like any other commodity
and when it is converted into Bangladeshi taka it is virtually a sale of the commodity for a price.
Therefore, tax is leviable under section 57 on capital gain arises on the conversion (sale) of
foreign currency held as a capital asset.
ln a case where company A amalgamates with and merges into company B and the
shareholders of company A are allotted shares in company B, a question arises whether
those shareholders would be liable to capital gain tax. The answer is no as because capital
gain tax would not be payable unless the amalgamation involves sale or exchange or a
relinquishment of an asset or the extinguishment of any right. lt is clear that amalgamation
would not involve any sale or transfer or exchange either. So, there is no question of gain
tax. The allotment of shares by a company cannot be regarded as a transfer of property by
that company.
lf capital qain arises from anv transfer of capital asset in a scheme of amalqamation then
qain tax will not be apolicable as per Bth Schedule (para-2) of 1TA.2023. But if the
consideration received bv the shareholders of the amalqamatinq companies in anv manner
other than the shares of the amaloamated companv shall be subject to applicable qain tax.
Capital gain from transfer of business or undertaking shall be computed after deducting the
following from the full value of the consideration:
[a] The book value of asset minus liabilities as on the date of transfer.
Capital gains are assessable as the income of the year in which the transfer takes place even
though money may be realised later. For determining the year of chargeability, the relevant date
is not the date of the agreement to sell but the date of sale.
Section 58 of lTA, 2023 lays down the mode of computing capital gain. The amount of capital
gain is arrived at by deducting two items from the full value of the consideration for which the
transfer is made namely:
Capital Gain Tax Prepared by Ranjan Kumar Bhowmik rcua Ex-Member, NBR as on 11/3/2024 Page 3
9. Cost of acquisition
The general principle of computing capital gain is to deduct cost of acquisition from the sales
price. But where it becomes the property of the assessee under a deed of gift, bequest or will or
under a transfer on a revocable or irrevocable trust or on any distribution of capital assets on the
liquidation of a company or on any distribution of capital assets on the dissolution of a firm or
other AOP or the partition of a HUF, the actual cost of acquisition to the previous owner of the
capital asset as reduced by the amount of depreciation, if any, allowed to the previous owner;
and where the actual cost of acquisition to the previous owner cannot be ascertained, the fair
market value at the date on which the capital asset became the property of the previous owner.
Where the capital asset became the property of the assessee by succession, inheritance or
devolution, the actual cost of acquisition of the capital asset to the assessee shall be the fair
market value of the property prevailing at the time the assessee became the owner of such
property. [Section 58(2)]
Where in the opinlon of the DCT, the fair market value of a capital asset transferred by an
assessee as on the date of the transfer exceeds the declared value thereof by more than 25o/o of
such declared value, the DCT on behalf of the Government may offer to buy the said asset in
such manner as the NBR may prescribe [section 61(2)).
12. Tax free capital oain in case of transfer of capita! asset of a firm to a new companv
When capital gains arise from the transfer of capital asset of a firm to a new company
registered under the Companies Act,1994 and the whole amount of capital gain is invested in
the equity of the said company by the partners of the firm, then the capital gain shall not be
charged to tax in the year of transfer [section 61(3)]
Capital Gain Tax Prepared by Ranjan Kumar Bhowmik rcva Ex-Member, NBR as on 1l/3/2024 Page 4
13. Tax rate in respect of capital qain
Capital gain tax is different from regular tax and is prescribed in 7th Schedule of lncome Tax Act,
Capital gain in the hands of a company other than the capital gain arising out of disposal of share
will be taxed as a block of income separate from other income of the assessee company at a flat
rate of 15% regardless of the period of holding of the asset from the date of its acquisition.
lf the assessee is other than a company and the asset is transferred before the expiry of five
years from the date of its acquisition, the capital gains will be taxed at the usual tax rate
applicable to the assessee's total income including the capital gain. lf the asset is transferred at
any time after the expiry of five years from the date of its acquisition, the capital gain will be taxed
@15Yo. Thus, in short, the rate can be specified as below:
As per SRO 196-AlN/lT/2015 dated 30/6/2015, special reduced tax rate is applied on capitalgain
from sale of shares by specified persons as mentioned below:
The following reduced tax rates are applicable on the income earned from transaction of shares
listed in the Stock Exchanges:
1. ln case of transferring the shares by any sponsor shareholder / director tax will be
deducted @5o/o on the difference between transfer value and cost of acquisition of the
securities as per section 53M of the lTO, 1984.
2. The income from trading of shares of all other type of taxpayers excluding those
mentioned in the above list is exempted from tax.
The End
Capital Gain Tax Prepared by Ranjan Kumar Bhowmik rcun Ex-Member, NBR as on 1l/3/2024 Page 5
lncome Year
Assessment Year
[1] As per section 2(15) of the lncome Tax Act, 2023, income year is usually the financial
year immediately preceding the assessment year.
[2] But in case of bank, insurance and non-banking financial institution income year must be
the English calendar year commencing from the lstday of January.
[3] And in case of foreign company including its branch or liaison office the DCT may allow a
similar income year for the purpose of consolidation.
[4] lncome year may be less than 12 months in certain situations especially business
starting, business discontinuance, person leaving Bangladesh, non-resident shipping etc. but
usually it cannot exceed 12 months.
Assessment vear:
Assessment year means the year following the financial year, i.e. income year. Thus, the
assessment year always begins on lstJuly and ends on 30h June every year. This period is
also known as the financial year. Accordingly, it is the current financial year in which income
of the immediately preceding financial year (known as income year) is assessed. As per
section 2(24) of the lncome Tax Act, 2023',the term "Assessment vear" means the oeriod
of 12 months commencinq on the first dav of Julv everv vear. ln case of business
discontinuance, person leaving Bangladesh etc. income year related financial year shall be
deemed to be the assessment year in respect of the income of the broken period.
From the following example, we can see how to find out the assessment year and tax day:
lncome year & assessment year Ranian Kumar Bhowmik FCMA as amended up to 24 /3 /2022 Page ! of 2
Exceptions to the rule of Assessment Year:
Generally, income is taxed in the subsequent year to the income year. But, in certain
cases, to protect the interests of revenue, the income is taxed in the year of earning itself.
Thus, in those cases the assessment year and the income year may be the same. The
exceptions to the normal rule of assessment year are discussed as under:
tl] lncome of discontinued business [Section 191]: Where any business or
profession is discontinued in any assessment year, the income of the period from the
expiry of the last income year up to the date of such discontinuance may be charged to
tax in that assessment year.
[2] Persons leaving Bangladesh [Section 193]: Whenever any person is leaving
Bangladesh and has no intention to come back, the DCT may proceed to assess him for
all the completed income years for which his assessments remain pending as well as for
the broken period up to the probable date of his departure from Bangladesh.
Here is deviation from the usual practice as the assessment of the broken period may be
completed before the commencement of the relevant assessment year.
[3] Income of non-resident shipping companies [Section 259]: Section 259(2) of the
lTA,2023, provides for the taxation of income of non-resident shipping companies in the
year in which they earn their income in Bangladesh, provided that such companies do not
have any representative here.
The End
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Deemed income (lncome from other sources)
Ranjan Kumar Bhowmik FCMA
Former Member
National Board of Revenue
There are some unexplained cash credits, investments, expenditure including possession of money,
bullion, jewellery, etc. with an assessee shall be deemed to be his income under the Income Tax Act,
2023.The deemed incomes have been specified in section 67 of the act.
Where a company not listed with any stock exchange, receives paid up capital in the form of cash
from its shareholders during any income year, the amount so received as paid up capital, not being
received by bank transfer, shall be deemed to be the income of the company for that income year
under the head "income from other sources".
Loan received bv anv companv otherwise than bv bank transfer [section 67(11)l:
Where any sum claimed or shown to have been received as loan by any company otherwise than by
bank transfer, the amount so received shall be deemed to be the income of the company for the
income year in which such loan was received under the head "income from other sources".
However, where the loan is paid back in a subsequent income year, the amount so paid shall be
deducted in computing the income in respect of that subsequent year.
Showing tax free income or income where reduced tax rate is applicable at revised return u/s
175 or 180 or 212 lsection 67(15)l:
Where an assessee files an amended/revised retum under section 175, 180 or 212 and shows any
exempted income or income subject to reduced tax rate, that income will be treated as "income from
other sources" and regular tax rate will be applicable thereon.
Provided that, in case where banking channel is involved and supporting evidence can be produced in
support of exempted income or reduced tax rate, then the provision of this section will not be
Advance income tax is the tax which is to be paid by the assessee in advance
either by deduction or collection of tax at source or by payment of quarterly
Both existing and new assesses are liable to pay advance income tax. In case of
existing assessee if his last assessed total income exceeds TK. 600,000. At the
time of considering last assessed income the following income will be excluded:
[a] capital gain
[b] any one-time income which is non-recurring in nature.
However, any assessee who's only source of income is agriculture and if that
agriculfural income does not exceed Tk. 8,00,000 he will not have to pay any
advance tax. fsection 154]
A new assessee who has not previously been assessed shall also require to pay
advance tax if his current year's income fexcluding capital gain and one-time
incomel is likely to exceed Tk. 600,000/ [See.156]
Advance Tax prepared by Ranjan Kumar Bhowmik rcua as amended vplo03l7l2l23 based on lncome Tax Act,2023 Page I of2
I st instalment 15th September
2nd instalment 15th December
3rd instalment 15th March
4th instalment 15th June
Yes, withholding tax is also to be treated as advance payment of tax. [Sec. 155]
If the advance tax paid by the assessee exceeds the tax payable by him on
regular assessment, Govt. will pay simple interest on excess payment @l0o/o per
annum to be calculated from l't July of the respective assessment )zear to the
date of regular assessment but not more than2 years. [Section l6l]
(6) Is there any scope to pay estimated amount of advance tax?
Yes, if any assessee feels, at any time during the year, that his tax is likely to be
less than the tax payable as per law, then he may submit an estimate to the DCT
and pay estimated amount of advance tax accordingly. But at the time of
assessment if the DCT found that his estimate is wrong and tax actually comes
higher, then assessee will have to pay simple interest as per section 162.
ISec.l ss(s)]
(7) What are the consequences in case of failure to pav advance tax?
Advance Tax prepared by Ranjan Kumar Bhowmik rcpte as amended up lo 031712023 based on lncome Tax Act,2023 Page 2 of 2
Penaltv for violation of tax law
However, the amount of this penalty shall not exceed taka 5,000/- in case of an individual taxpayer,
who has never been assessed before.
This penalty shall be 50% of the tax payable on the last assessed income or taka 1,000, whichever is
higher, in case of an individual taxpayer whose income has been previously assessed to tax;
Where a person, without reasonable cause, fails to file withholding tax return, the DCT may impose a
penalty @ l0% of the tax levied on last assessed income or taka 5,000/-, whichever is higher and if
the failure continues, the DCT may impose an additional penalty of Taka 1,000 for every month or
fraction thereof during which such failure continues;
Where a person, without reasonable cause, fails to issue tax deduction certificate, the DCT may
impose on such person a penalty which may extend to Tk. 5,000/- and additional penalty of Tk.
1,000/- in case such failure continues,
4.Penaltv for failure to furnish information as reouired under section 200 [section 266(2l(cll
Where a person, without reasonable cause, fails to furnish information required under section 200 of
1TA,2023, the DCT may impose a penalty of Tk.50,000 and Tk.500 for every day during which such
failure continues.
S.Penaltv for not maintainins accounts in the nrescribed manner [section 2671
Where any person fails, without reasonable cause, to maintain accounts as per provision of section
72(3) of Income Tax Act, 2023, the DCT may impose penalty not exceeding one and a half times of
the amount of tax payable and in case where income is below taxable ceiling then maximum Tk.
Where any person deriving income from rent of tangible property fails, without reasonable cause, to
comply with the provision of section 72(3) of the Income Tax Act,2023 the DCT may impose penalty
of 50%o of tax payable or Tk.5,000 whichever is higher.
6.Penaltv for usinq fake Taxpaver Identification Number (TIN) [section 2681
Where any person, without reasonable cause, use TIN of another person or a fake TIN, the DCT may
impose penalty on such person a sum not more than Tk.20,000/-
T.Penaltv for failure to pav advance tax [section 2691
Where the DCT found that any person has, without reasonable cause, failed to pay advance tax in
accordance with the provisions of section 154 of the Act or furnished any such estimate of tax payable
by him under section 155, which to his knowledge or belief is false, he may impose on such person a
penalty not exceeding such amount as is the difference between the advance tax payable by such
person and the tax actually paid.
Where any person, without reasonable cause, does not comply with any notice issued by the DCT,
then the DCT may impose on such person a penalty which will not exceed the tax chargeable on his
If the DCT found that any person has not paid tax as required under section 173 of the Act, then he
may impose on such person penalty not exceeding25% of the total tax payable as per return or 100%
of the shortfall as the case may be.
Where, in the course of any proceeding under Income Tax Act 2023,the DCT, the AJCT, the CT
(Appeals) or the Taxes Appellate Tribunal found that any person has concealed his income or
furnished inaccurate particulars of such income or understated the value of any immovable property
with a view to evading tax he shall impose on such person a penalty equal to A + B.
l l.Penaltv for false audit report sisned bv chartered accountant Isection 2731
Where, in the course of any proceedings under Income Tax Act, the DCT, or Additional
Commissioner of Taxes (Appeals) or Commissioner of Taxes (Appeals) or Taxes Appellate Tribunal
found that, the audit report is not signed by the Chartered Accountant or is believed to be false, the
said authority or, as the case may be, the Tribunal can impose a penalty of Tk. 1,00,000 on the
concerned taxpayer who prepared fake audit report in the name of CA firm.
In cases where a taxpayer defaults or is deemed to be in default in payment of tax, the DCT may
impose penalty up to 100% of the arrear tax.
l4.Penaltv for failine to notifv the DCT within 15 davs of business discontinuance lsec. l9l(4)l
When any business is discontinued, a notice of such discontinuance must be given to the DCT within
l5 days of such discontinuance of the business accompanied by a retum of total income for the broken
period. If the person discontinuing such business fails to give such notice, the D.C.T. may impose
penalty a sum not exceeding the amount of tax assessed on him during the previous year.
lS.Penaltv for non-compliance with notice related to the calculation of arm's length nrice in
connection with Transfer Pricins issues [section 2761
Where any person fails to comply with any notice related to the calculation of arm's length price, the
DCT may impose on such person a penalty not exceeding l% of the value of each international
transaction executed by the person.
l6.Penaltv for failins to keen. oreserve or deliver anv information or document or record
related to international transaction Isection 2771
Where a person fails to keep, preservc or deliver any information or document or record as required
by the Act, the DCT shall impose on such person a pcnalty not exceeding I % of the value of every
international transaction carried out by the person;
lT.Penaltv for failure to submit statements related to international transaction [section 2781
Where any person having intemational transaction fails to submit statements related to the
intemational transaction with the retum, the DCT may impose a penalty not exceeding2oh of the
value ofeach international transaction carried out by the pcrson;
l8.Penaltv for not submittins statement certified hv C hartered Accountant or Cost and
Manasement Accountant [section 2791
Where any person fails to submit a statement certified by Chartered Accountant or Cost and
Management Accountant as required by the DCT in writing, he may impose a penalty not exceeding
Tk. 3,00,000 on such person.
l.No penalty shall be imposed without giving a reasonable opportunity of being heard.
2.Penalty under section266,275,276,277,278 and279 camot be imposed by the DCT without taking
prior approval from the IJCT.
Resident vs. Non-Resident
The residential status of the assessee is to be determined on the basis of tax law. As per section
2(45) of ITA, 2023 a person is considered resident if he fulfills the following conditions: -
Resident & non-resident Handout prepared by Ranjan Kumar Bhowmik pcna as amended uptoL2{OL/2O24 Page 1 of 7
sl. Category Conditions for being Analysis
No ofperson resident
J Company The control and A company whether a Bangladeshi company or a foreign
management of its company whether it is registered at RJC of Bangladesh or not is
affairs is situated resident here in Bangladesh if the control and management of
wholly in its affairs is siruated fully in Bangladesh during the income
Bangladesh during year.
the income year.
keep house and do business and for the purpose of income tax a
companv resides where it reallv keeps house and does business,
i.e. where the central management and control actually abides.
While the location of control and management is the sole test
of residence for HUF, Firm and AOP, it is also a test for
Resident & non-resident Handout prepared by Ranjan Kumar Bhowmik rcua as amended up to t2lOLl2O24 Page 2 of 7
To test residential status of an individual, the following flow chart will be helpful:
Non-resident Non-resident
Bangladeshi (NRB) Foreigner (NEF)
Yes No
Here total income as per section 2(78) means total amount of income as referred to in section 26 and
includes any other income which is to be included in the total income of the assessee as per
provision of The Income Tax Act, 2023.
Resident & non-resident Handout prepared by Ranjan Kumar Bhowmik FCMA as amended up to l2lOLl2O24 Page 3 ol 7
The basic difference between resident and non-resident is tabulated below: -
Thus, the incidence of tax depends on residential status. A non-resident is entitled to partial exemption from
chargeability to which a resident is not entitled to Generallv qneakino fhe incidence of tax iq hioher in fhe
case of persons who are resident and lower in the case of persons who are non-resident.
Resident & non-resident Handout prepared by Ranjan Kumar Bhowmik rcna as amended up to L2/OL/2O24 Page 4 ol 7
Double Taxation Avoidance Asreement (Sec. 244 & 245):
DTAA is usually an agreement between 2 countries seeking to avoid double taxation by defining the
taxing rights of each country with regard to cross border flows of income and providing tax credits or
exemptions to eliminate double taxation. The Govt. of Bangladesh also may enter into an agreement with the
Govt. of other countries for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion.
International desk of NBR is entrusted to negotiate the double taxation treaty with foreign countries to
promote FDI in Bangladesh. Such an agreement comes into force through notification in the official Gazette.
It will be treated as an intemational law and accordingly its legislative position would be over and above our
Bangladesh tax law.
Resident & non-resident Handout prepared by Ranjan Kumar Bhowmik rcna as amended uptoL2/OL/2O24 Pate 5 of7
sl. Name of the SRO Date of effect in
No Countries Bangladesh
No. Date (assessment year
commencing on or
I U.K. 227-Lt80 08/07/l 980 0U07n978
2 Singapore 124-L182 2U0411982 01/01/1980
3 Sweden 382-Lt83 t9lt0n983 0U07fi984
4. Korea 433-Lt84 02fi0t1984 0U0711984
5 Canada 247-L185 0610611985 0U0711982
6. Pakistan 221-Lt88 tU07l1988 0l /01/1980
7 Romania 348-Ll88 23fiU1988 0U07n989
8 Sri Lanka 365-Ll88 t0n2lt988 0U07n989
9 France 2-L189 04t0U1989 0U07t1989
10. Malaysia 67-L190 151021t990 0U0Ut982
1l Japan 23s-Lt9t 061081199r 0U07n992
t2. India 45-Lt93 27t02n993 0u07t1993
l3 Germany r-Lt94 0U0U1994 0l/01/1990
t4 Netherlands 267-L194 r4t09t1994 0U0711995
l5 Italy 63-Ll97 r2t03n997 0U071t980
16. Denmark 72-L197 17 t03t1997 0U071t997
t7 China tt4-L197 1310511997 0U07t1998
l8 Belgium I I -Ll98 t4t0U1998 0U0711998
19. Thailand 222-L198 07t09n998 0U0711999
20. Poland 39tLt99 0310311999 0r/07t2000
21 Philippines 56tLt2004 04t03t2004 0t/0712004
22. Vietnam 30r-Lt2004 18n012004 0r/07 t200s
23 Turkey 308tL|2004 3Ur0t2005 0U0712004
24. Norway 20-Lt2006 12t02t2006 0U0712006
25 Indonesia 60-Lt2007 2010412007 0U0712007
26. USA 7r-L12007 t010512007 0U0712007
27 Switzerland 52-Ll20t0 23t02t2010 01107t2008
28 Oman t6-Lt2009 0210212009 0U0712009
fonly air servicel
29 Myanmar 3t3-L/2012 t8lt0l2012 0r/0712012
Resident & non-resident Handout prepared by Ranjan Kumar Bhowmik rcua as amended up ro L2lOLl2O24 Page 6 of 7
Comparative Rates in Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement
sl. Name of the Permanent Maximum tax Maximum Maximum tax
No Country Establishment rate for tax rate for rate for Royalties
dividend Interest
1 U.K 183 days t0%/rs% 75%tr0% r0%
2. Singapore 183 days t5% r0% t0%
J Sweden 183 days tj%fis% t0% t0%
4. Korea 183 days tj%fis% t0% t0%
5 Canada 183 days rs% t0% t0%
6. Pakistan 183 days t5% t5% r5%
7 Romania 183 days tj%ns% r0% r0%
8 Sri Lanka 183 days ts% t5% r5%
9 France 183 days rU%n5% r0% t0%
10. Malaysia 183 days r5% r5% t5%
ll Japan 6 months tj%lts% t0% r0%
t2 India 183 days tj%ns% r0% t0%
13 Germany 183 days t5% r0% t0%
14. Netherlands 6 months tj%lt5% r0% t0%
l5 Italy 183 days tj%lt5% rj%trs% tj%fis%
16. Denmark 183 days tj%fis% t0% 10%
t7 China 6 months t0% t0% t0%
18. Belgium 183 days rs% t5% r0%
19. Thailand 183 days rj%n5% t0%ns% ts%
20 Poland 183 days rU%trs% r0% r0%
2t Philippines 6 months tj%lts% t5% t5%
22 Vietnam 6 months ts% t5% t5%
23 Turkey 12 months t0% t0% r0%
24 Norway 6 months t0%/15% r0% r0%
25 Indonesia 183 days tj%fis% t0% t0%
26 USA 183 days tj%lt5% t0% r0%
27. Switzerland 183 days tj%fis% t0% t0%
28 Oman Only airlines
29 Myanmar 6 months r0% t0% t0%
30 Mauritius l2 months t0% 0% 0%
3l Saudi Arabia 6 months t0% 7.s% t0%
32 UAE 6 months 5%n0% r0% t0%
33 Belarus 6 months tU%lt2% 7.s% t0%
34 Kuwait 183 days 50hll00h t0% r0%
35 Bahrain 183 days rj%ns% t0% t0%
36 Bhutan 183 days tj%lts% t0% t0%
37 Nepal 183 days t0%/ts% t0% r5%
38 Czech Republic 6 months 10%lts% t0% t0%
Foreign tax credit is to be allowed on doubly taxed income (if any) at the average rate of tax of
Bangladesh or the average rate of the foreign country, whichever is lower. That means such foreign
tax credit shall not exceed the amount which would be arrived by applying the average rate of such
tax to the doubly taxed income.
The End
Resident & non-resident Handout prepared by Ranjan Kumar Bhowmik rcur as amended up to t2l0tl2024 Page 7 ol 7
Set-off & Carry forward of losses
Ranjan Kumar Bhowmik FCIIA
Former Member
n-ational Board of Revenue
Jll !ntroduction
An assessee may have multiple sources of income. lt is very common that loss will not generate
from each head. Thus, losses from one head may be adjusted with income from other heads so
that net figure results income and tax can be imposed on it. However, if the total income from all
heads results losses, set-off cannot be done. ln such a situation, loss of one year can be carried
foruvard to subsequent year or years for set off.
Set-off and carry forward of losses is practically significant to compute total taxable income and
these are the benefits enjoyed by assessees to cover up their losses before paying taxes to the
government. Set-off means the coverage of loss under one head against another head in the
same year. Carry forward is the transferring of loss of one year to the succeeding year or years
for coverage if set-off was not possible or insufficient. Such set-off and carry forward facility can
be availed upon fulfillment of some conditions. After carry fonruard, losses from any head cannot
be set-off against income from any other heads and losses cannot be carried forward for
unlimited period. This paper presents these two issues in detail.
a) Setoff of losses
b) Carry forward and then set-off of losses
lf after setting off losses against income under the same head the net result is still a loss, such
loss may be set-off against income of the same year under any other head.
The table produced below mav be used as a short-cut ouideline for set-off of losses:
Set-off & carry forward of losses prepared by Ranjan Kumar Bhowmik rcuA Former Member, N BR as on 16/8 /2023 Page 1
[3] Carrv fonrard of losses lSection 70(5)l
Carry fonruard is the transferring of loss of one year to the succeeding year or years for coverage
if set-off was not possible or insufficient. lf loss at any head cannot be set-off under section 70, it
can be carried forward and set-off against that particular head of income of a subsequent year.
And no such loss cannot be carried forward beyond 6 successive assessment years.
J4l Carrv fonrvard of business loss and unabsorbed depreciation Jsection 70(5) + section 711
lf business loss cannot be set-off under section 70, it can be carried forward and set-off against
the profits of a subsequent year. The right of carry forward of business loss is subject to the
followin g restrictions:
Normally loss cannot be carried forward beyond 6 successive assessment years. However as
per section 71 unabsorbed depreciation allowances can be carried forward to any subsequent
year without any time limit. The unabsorbed depreciation is deemed to be part of the depreciation
allowance for a subsequent year and will enter into the computation of the income of such
subsequent year.
Section 71 requires that losses which have been carried forward from past years should first be
seloff against business profits and if any balance of profits still remains, then unabsorbed
depreciation allowances of past years can be carried forward under section 71(3) for set-off
against such balance of profit.
ln a scheme of amalgamation, the amalgamated company shall have the right to carry fonivard
the accumulated loss and the unabsorbed depreciation of the amalgamating company in the
income year in which the amalgamation took place as mentioned at 8th Schedule (Part-1) Para-3.
ln case of startup sandbox, loss in any growth year can be carried forward up to 9 successive
assessment years as per section 8th Schedule (Part-2) Para-2.
Loss may be carried forward and set-off against the profits and gains of the same business as
that in which the loss was incurred.
The business or profession in which the loss was originally sustained should continue to be
carried on by the assessee in the year in which the carried forward loss sought to be set-off.
The right of carry forward and set-off of losses continues only so long as the business continues.
The right would be lost if the business ceases to be carried on. Therefore, if the business is
discontinued by the assessee, the loss which has been carried forward cannot be set-off against
the profits of any other business even if such other business was also carried on by the assessee
at the time when the loss was incurred. [ClT vs. lnternational lndustries Ltd. [1952] 22lTR 441
The loss can be carried forward and set-off only against the profits of the assessee who incurred
the loss. The person who incurred the loss alone has the right to carry forward the same and the
successor in business cannot claim to carry forward the loss incurred by the predecessor in
business. The only exceptional case is that of succession by inheritance as mentioned at section
70(6) of tT4,2023.
Set-off & carry forward of losses prepared by Ranjan Kumar Bhowmik rcua Former Member, NBR as on l6/a/2023 Page 2
Tax Assessment
After filing the return, if it is found by the assessee himself that proper tax was not
paid due to error in tax calculation or rebate calculation and by so doing less tax was
paid, then the assessee may file an amended return within 180 days stating the
reasons in a written statement paying differential tax plus interest @ 5% per month
on that differential tax before filing such amended return.
The DCT may also process the original return or amended return in the light of any
mathematical error in the return filed or any false claim in the light of any statement
or document filed with the return.
If as a result of return processing by the DCT, there is any discrepancy between and
the tax amount shown in the "self-assessment returns" or amended refurn and tax
amount calculated by the DCT, then the DCT may issue a notice to the assessee:
a) informing the assessee about the difference amount of tax;
b) giving an opportunity to the assessee to explain its position about the
additional tax liability arising from return processing; and
c) giving an opportunity of filing amended return adjusting the difference
mentioned in the notice and paying taxes as a result of the said processing.
However, interest will not attract on such delay paymen!
a) the assessee has submitted amended return with short payment of tax
within the date specified in the notice;
b) the difference referred in the notice has been properly addressed in the
amended return.
In case of non-compliance from the assessee side, the DCT will issue demand notice
creating the short payment as demand.
Tax Assessment prepared by Ranjan Kumar Bhowmik rcnrn (as amended up to 241812023) Page I of 6
Tax Audit (section 182)
a) The National Board of Revenue (Board) or any authority under the Board with
the approval of the Board may, in the manner prescribed by the Board, select
returns for audit and forward the same to the concerned Commissioner of Taxes
for the purpose of audit.
b) The Commissioner of Taxes, within 7 (seven) working days from the date of
receipt of the list of returns selected for audit, shall appoint an inquiry team, audit
team and audit curator for each audit case and all inquiry teams, audit teams
concerned on the date of signing such order will send to the Audit Curator and
the DCT.
c) The DCT shall, within 7 (seven) working days of the receipt of the order under
(b) above issue a notice to the taxpayer informing him about the audit and send a
copy of such notice to the inquiry team.
d) Each audit team will send inquiry report to the DCT within 60 (sixty) days and
send a copy of such report to the Audit Curator. If it is not possible to submit
inquiry report within 60 days, then the concerned team may apply for time
extension and the DCT may extend the time up to 60 (sixty) days.
e) After submission of the inquiry report, audit team will proceed as per audit
manual as prescribed by the Board.
0 The audit team shall submit the draft report to the assessee and will invite written
g) The audit team shall submit the audit report to the Audit Curator within 300
(three hundred) days.
h) The Audit Curator, within 7 (seven) working days of the submission of the report
by the Audit team, will recommend to the Commissioner of Taxes for completion
of the audit proceedings and authorize the DCT to carry out the audit.
i) The Commissioner of Taxes, on receipt of the recommendation from the Audit
Curator, shall take an appropriate decision within 7 (seven) working days.
j) Within 7 (seven) working days after receiving approval from the Audit Curator,
the DCT will send the audit report to the taxpayer and send a notice requiring the
taxpayer to file revised return reflecting the findings of the audit and requesting to
pay the required taxes and conduct any other course of action as recommended by
the Audit Curator.
k) If the revised return is filed by the assessee and if the DCT is satisfied that the
findings mentioned in the audit report are duly reflected in the revised return, he
may accept the revised return and send a letter to the taxpayer stating that the
audit has been completed.
l) Where after notice as in O above no revised return is filed or the revised return
which has been filed does not reflect the results of the audit, the DCT may assess
the tax based on the audit report at his best judgement.
Tax Assessment prepared by Ranjan Kumar Bhowmik rc,n (as amended up to 241812023\ Page 2 of 6
m) No tax shall be assessed under clause (k) above unless
i) the investigation and audit phase ends;
ii) the taxpayer is notified about the audit report; and
iii) the taxpayer fails to file the revised return in compliance with the
notice sent is in clause fi) above.
n) No return or amended return shall be selected for audit under (a) above, if return
(other than return of banks and financial institutions) or amended return shows at
least 15% higher income of the immediately preceding assessment year and such
return or amended return fulfilled the following conditions:
i) return is accompanied by evidences in support of any tax exempted
ii) return does not show any gift;
iii) return does not show any tax exempted income tls76;
ir) return does not show any refund;
(v) In case of company tax payers, it has filed the return of withholding tax
uls 177 and complied with the provisions of tax deduction.
Where in the opinion of the DCT normal return or revised return submitted by the
assessee is correct and complete in all respect, then he shall assess total income on
the basis of that return and communicate the assessment order within 30 days from
the date of such assessment. The following are the restrictions to do assessment
under this section:
i. Return must be filed within the prescribed time;
ii. Tax as per return shall be paid before submission of return;
iii. Such return does not show any loss or lesser income than the last
assessed income.
iv. Assessment on the basis of such return does not result in refund.
v. TIN must be mentioned at such return.
3. Best Judsement Assessmen!{seetiou lE4)
Where any assessee fails to file return required by a notice u/s 1721212 and has not
filed any revised return luls 175 or failed to comply with the requirements of notices
u/s 183(3), 183(5) or 193, the DCT shall assess income to the best of his judgment.
The DCT is empowered under section 185 of lTA, 2023 to make provisional
assessment in a summery manner-
i. On the basis of return and statements, where return has been filed (after
allowing tax depreciation as per 3rd Schedule and also after setting off any
loss carried forward); or
ii. On the basis of readily available information or on the basis of best
judgement, where no return has been filed.
Tax Assessment prepared by Ranjan Kumar Bhowmik rc*^ (as amended up to 2418/2023) Page 3 of 6
As the name indicates that it is not final, just an assessment done provisionally to
collect tax before regular assessment. There shall be no right of appeal against
provisional assessment. Rather all penal measures can be enforced to recover tax as
per provisional assessment.
5. Assessment of Partnership Firm (section-187+188+189)
Like other category of assessee, DCT will assess the income of the partnership firm
and determine the tax payable thereon by the firm. He will also apportion the after
tax profit among the partners. (Section-187)
If DCT found at the time of assessment of a firm that a change has occurred in the
constitution of the firm, the assessment shall be made on the re-constituted firm but
the conditions are:
(1) Income will be apportioned between those partners who were partners
during the income year.
(2) When tax assessed on any partner is not recoverable from him it will be
recovered from the re-constituted firm (Section-188(2). If it is found at the time of
assessment of a firm that a new firm has been constituted to succeed the previous
firm, DCT will make 2 assessments one for the predecessor firm and the other for the
successor firm. (Section- I 89)
Whenever any person is leaving Bangladesh and has no intention to come back, the
DCT may proceed to assess him for all the completed income years for which his
assessments remain pending as well as for the broken period up to the probable date
of his departure from Bangladesh.
Here is deviation from the usual practice as the assessment of the broken period may
be completed before the commencement of the relevant assessment year. One
important thing to note here is that, the assessee is entitled under the law to get at
least seven days' time to file his refurn and statements of income.
Tax Assessment prepared by Ranjan Kumar Bhowmik rcvn (as amended up to 24/812023) Page 4 of 6
9. Assessment of deceased person (Section- 194)
Whenever any person dies, his executor, administrator or other legal representative is
liable under the law to pay out of the estate of the deceased any tax which was
payable by him and any other tax liability which might be payable in consequence of
any assessment made after his death. Liability of the legal representative is limited to
the extent to which decreased estate is capable of meeting the liability.
i) Section 212 can be initiated by the DCT if he has reason to believe that any
sum payable by an assessee has escaped payment.
ii) Before initiating the proceeding under section 212 previous approval in
writing from the IJCT is to be taken, except in a case where a return has not
been filed.
Notice under section 212 can be issued:
(1) At any time where no return was filed and no assessment was made.
(2) Within 6 years from the end of the assessment year where assessment for that
year has been completed.
(3) If an assessee conceals any assets which he acquired before 6 years then the DCT
will deem that the asset is acquired in the 6th year and issue notice accordingly.
Tax Assessment prepared by Ranjan Kumar Bhowmik (as amended up to 241812023) Page 5 of 6
J Assessment in case of minor. lunatic. idiot. beneficiaries of anv trust (sec 252(4))
Minors, lunatics and idiots are assessable to tax as beneficiaries through their
guardians and trustees in the same way and to the same extent as it would have been
livable and recoverable from such beneficiaries of full age or sound mind in direct
receipt of any income profits and gains. In the like manner, the beneficiaries of any
property managed by a Trust, Court of Words, receiver or manager will be brought
to tax through the Trustees, Court of Words, receivers or manager.
4. Assessment of non-resident shinping business (Section 259)
If any Ship calls on any port in Bangladesh, the aggregate of the receipt arising from
the carriage of passenger, livestock, mail or goods shipped at the port since the last
arrival of the ship or at any port outside Bangladesh for which amount is received or
deemed to be received in Bangladesh shall be treated as income received in
Bangladesh and in this case tax rate will be 8o/o (usually tax rate is 4%o in case where
there is a double taxation avoidance agreement with the country the ship is
If any foreign aircraft calls on any airport in Bangladesh, the aggregate of the
receipts arising from the carriage of passengers, livestock, mail or goods loaded at
the said airport into that aircraft shall be deemed to be income received in
Bangladesh and in this case tax rate will be 3Yo (usually no tax in case where there is
a double taxation avoidance agreement with the country the aircraft is originated).
The End
Tax Assessment prepared by Ranjan Kumar Bhowmik ecme (as amended vp to 2418/2023) Page 6 of 6
a -+ $
.l.Area of TDS
.t Reference sections and rules
.f.Rate of deduction/collection of tax at source
*Name of the deducting/collecting authorities
*Time frame within which deducted tax is to be deposited
{. Conseq uences of fai I u re to ded uct/collect/deposit
*Submission of monthly TDS return
Table of TDSfl-CS
st. Head Sec. Rale of Oeduction Deducting Authority
1 Employment 86 Average rate Employer.
lncluding Govt. salaryl
Employer will not deduct tax
at source or will deduct tax at
) a lower rate/amount in case
an employee can produce a
Govt. employee certificate issued bythe DCTto
do so. [Section-86(5)]
will deduct tax trom
his monthly pay bill
Table of TDS
Ta b le of TDS/TCS
st. Head Section / Rule Rate of
No. Deduction
4(b) (a) Oil supplied by oil marketing company Section 89 0.60%
^6 baI are
at blll amount th€n TDS wlll be the
tha followlng two:
9ilrce, erylcg
1. 10 on commission
Coll<tlon& isovery *ilke, Piivlte
writy *oke, Marpowcr supply,
2. BxCxDwhere
B=Gross bill
Oeltive iEdia *dice, Publlc iclatlon
crukc, Evot management, Tninin& C-10% for Sl. 3
oBrnizatlon, Courier Eryia6, P6.klnt and
& shlftlng swice, and lny other .no 4
7, Mobile network operato., I?A l3.Vehlcle rental servlce or ride sharlnt 5.A
t4hni6l supponieniae provider or service
reNke 14. Wheeling charge for electrlcity ?A
dcliv€ry agentg engaged in mobile trans6isslon
bankirg opeEtions tea
Table of TDSfl-CS
SI Head Sec Rate of Oeduction Deducting Authority
Table of TDSfl-CS
st. Head Sec. Rate of Deduction Deducting
No. Authority
Oiract advertisement to oGo
7 92 5% A NGO
newspaper, magazine or
private TV channel or private O CmFny
radio station or any web site Minimum tax u/s 163 ohk
(including airtime purchase of
private television channel, private
radio slation or such web site)
Travel Agency 0.30%on lhe total value of lhe tickets or any charge for Airlines and
10 95 erryang €rgo (excluding embarkation fees, traveltax, flight
Commission safety ansurance, securily tax and airport tax)
TDS on incentfo. bonus, pcrfo.manccbonusot anyothar
bcncflt@lled by whata.rn.m.will bc oldlat.d
applying a ,ormul.
(A divid.d by B) x c
B=commissid ordis@unt and c=o.ffi
Table of TDSI-CS
st. Head Se Rate of Deduction Deducting
No c Authority
Table of TDS/ICS
sl. Head Sec. Rate of Deduction Deducting Authority
14 LIP Bonus 99 5% Life insurance company
[However TDS will not be
applicable in case of death
of such policy holderl
Table of TDSfl-CS
sl. Head Sec Deducting
No. Collection Authority
17 Bank lnterest 102 I lf the payee is a company 20% Any bank/
2 lf the payee is a person other than a company 100h
3 lfthepayee is a public university, or MPO enlisted 10%
educational institution,, or ICAB, ICMAB or ICSB
Table of TDS/fCS
20 105 'l0Yo
instrument [But the rate would be 5% if total investment does
not exceed Tk.5,00,0001 [SRO no 264 date 25181191
(1) Not applicable on wage earner:s'development
Minimum tax u/s 163 bond,
Table of TDSfl-CS
sl. Head Sec. Rate ot Deduction Deducting Authority
Table of TDS/ICS
st. Head Sec. Rate of Deducting Authority
No. Deduction/Collection
24 House rent, 109 5% The following specifiod peBons
Hotel rent, Guest i] NGO
house rent, rent o Mco
of vacant land, tr AOP
trAny authoriiy
Water body O Body corpoEte
O Prciect, prcgnm or activity where
or Govt. has any tinancial or opoEtional
plant & involvement.
El JV or consortium
machinery O Company
fl Financial lnstilution
fl Co{peEtive bank
El Co-pentivo rociety
O School, college, inltitute or UniveEity
El Hospitel, clinic or daagnostic center
O Any trust orfund
O Firm
f Any PPP
f A foEign contnctor, foEign
entoapdse or an a3socialion or body
established outEidc Banglade6h.
O Any anificial juridical peBon not
covered above
Table of TDS/ICS
sl. Head Section / Rate Deducting Authority
No. Rule
The following specified peEons
25 Rent of conference 110 5% oGo
hall, convention O NGO
o Mco
center, community O AOP
center, room, hall, O Any authority
O Eody corpontc
hotel or restaurant O Pojed, p.ogEm or activity whcc Goff. has
any financial or operational involvGm6nt.
o JV or consonium
O Company
O Fin.nciallnstitution
O Co{peralivc bank
O Co{p€dive sociaty
O School, collcgs, instilute or Univ.Bity
O Hospital, clinic or diagnostic ccnter
tr Any trust orfund
O Fim
trAny PPP
trA foeign contEctor, focign cilcapdse oran
a3soci{ion or body e*blirhcdoftid.
O Any anmcialjuridical pe6on not covercd above
Table of TDS/TCS
Table of TDSfl-CS
Table of TDSfl-CS
sl. Head Section Rate of Deduction Deducting Authority
[However TDS will not be applicable to any distribution of
dividend to a company if such taxed dividend enjoys tax exemptionl
Table of TDS/TCS
Head of
S(. List of seruices and Ete of deduction/provision
34 Non rBident 119 Head ol payment Rate Head of payment Rate
[2] Haj remittance Bandwidth payment Le,4 Anyreili.e ror maklnS.onnectivity s.25%
[3] Priority pass be&ecn oil ortaifield and hs expofr
Any other payments
Table of TDSI-CS
Sl. No Head Sec Rate of Deduction Deducting
35 lmport 't20 Usually 5% Customs
But in €se of raw material import of cement industry the rate
Minimum tax u/s 163 is 2% and there are also some reduced rates for partacular
37 c&F 122
10o/o Customs
Agency Commissi
commission oner
Minimum tax u/s 163
Table of TDS/ICS
sl. Head Section Rate of Deduction/ Collection Deducting
No. / Rule Authority
Minimum tax u/s 163 How.vai XBR ia3 powca b l33ua non-rcS oi
las3-Ds cadticaE to lha axPnar againit
appllcallon It th. lncomc ot lh. expo&r lB
tully o. prnly Ex-ti4.
Table of TDS/TCS
SL Head Section Rate of deduction/provision
40 sale of land t25 Different rates depending on the area of Dhaka and Chittagong. Rate
of for commercial and residential land and building is also different.
land & building
within the .iurisdiction of RAJUK and cDA except areas in schedule (a) and (b)
\63 8% of the deed value
61 within the ,urisdiction of Gazipur, Narayangonj, Munshiganl, Maniktoni,
Narsingdi, Dhaka and Chittagong districts (excluding RAJUK, CDA and Dhaka
both City Corporation areal
6% of the deed value
Table of TDSI-CS
st. Head Section Rate of Deduction Deducting
No. Authority
41 Real estate 126 Tk. 1600 orTk. 1,500 orTk.1,000 or Sub-Registrar
business Tk.700 or Tk.300 per square meter for
residential building or apartment depending
on the area
Minimum tax u/s 163
Tk. 6,500 or Tk. 5,000 or Tk.3,500 or
Tk.2,500 or Tk.1 ,200 per square meter for
commercial space depending on the area
Land 126 5% of the deed value of land at any area
developer of Dhaka, Gazipur, Narayangonj,
Munshugonj, Manikgonj, Narshindi &
Chittagong district .
Table of TDSfl-CS
to be paid
by the
Table of TDSfl-CS
sl. Head Sec. Rate of Deduction/Collection Deducting
No. Authority
45 Brick Field 130 Tk. 45,000/- for one section The assess will pay
tax him$lf and thc
DCT will verify il.
Tk. 70,000/- for one and half section
46 Trade 131 Tk. 3,000/- for Dhaka & Chittagong city City Corporation,
License Pourashava
Tk. 2,000/- for other city corporation
Tk. 1,000/ for pourashava at district
Tk. 500/- for other pourashava
47 Shipping 132 5o/o Customs
Business of of total freight recerved/receivable in or out of Commissioner
a resident Bangladesh
(if service rendered between 2 or more forsign countries then the
Minimum tax u/s 163
rate is 3%).
Table of TDS/I-CS
sl. Head Section Rate of Deduction/ Deducting
No. Collection Authority
50 Capital galn from transfer of shares 135 5o/o DSE & CSE
by sponsor shareholders and
Table of TCS
Serial Description of the vehicle Rate of
No. deduction
01. 8us having seats exceeding 52 t6,w0l-
02. Bu, havin8 seats not exceeding 52 LL,5f,J.I-
08. Truck, Lorry or Tank Lorry having payload capacity exceeding 5 tons L5,W0l-
09. Truck, Lorry or Tank lorry having payload capacity exceeding 1,5 tons but not 9,sml-
exceedint 5 tons
10. Truck, Lorry or Tank Lorry having payload capacity not exceeding 1,5 tons 4,0f,/-
11. Pickup van, human hauler, maxi or auto rickshaw 4,m,J,l-
[BRTA will collect the tax at the time of registration or fitness u/s 138]
Table of TCS
02. Cargo, Container (multipurpose) and Taka 170 per gross tonnage
Coaster engaged in carrying goods in
inland water
03. Dump barge engaged in carrying Taka 125 per tross tonnage.
goods in inland water
List of minimum tax s 163 I
5 Distributo6hip commi$ion (Section 90) 25 Foreign remittance of se.vice chaGe (Section 1241
7 TEvel agency commission {Sectaon 95} 26 Sale oJ land (S€ction 125) tin.l
8 lnsurance commisiion (Section 100) 27 Real Estate & Land Dev business (Section 1261
9 Sudeyorof General lnsu.ance (Section 101) 28 Commission on stamp paper (Section 1271
10 Eank interest out ot which gank interest of Public 29 ReSistration of leasehold property (sec 128)
Unlve6lt% MPO enllsted institution, ICAB, ICMAB,
tCSB ls final tax (Sectlon 102) Fin.l,
11 lnt. on savings certificate (Sedion 105) Fin.l 30 Banderol of handmade cigarette (Section 129)
t2 IGS on int. phone 6ll (Sedion 1081 31 Shipping business of a resident (*ction 132)
13 Hall rent (Section 110) 12 Public audion (S€ction 133)
14 Land acquisltlon {Section 111} Fin.l 33 Capital gain from tEnsfer of shars of priEte limited
company (S€ctlon 134)
15 Export cash subsidy (Sedion 112) Fin.l 14 Capital gain from t.ansfer ol shares by sponsor
shareholde6 (s€ction 135)
16 FrelSht foMrd atency commission (Sedion 113) 35
ls€cdon 135)
t7 Porer (Sectlon 1l4l 36 Share t6ding hou* (Section 137)
18 gmlnt monly (s€cdm u5l 37 Motor vchicles Plying on Comm€rclal basis (sec. 138)
19 Forelgn buyerl agent (S€ction 1161 :18 lnland Ships/ water vesel/ Cargo (Section 139)
Conseq uence of non-com pliance
* The deducting authority will be dqemed to be an assessee in default and shall be personally
liable to pay the taxes [ 3ec. 143(1)]
.:. TDS rate will be 50% higher in case of no PSR (other than payment to non-resident) and
transection without banklransfer. This provision is applicable to all TDS sections I sec. 142]
*Additional 2% per month is also to be paid if TDS amount is not deposited within 2"d
week of the following month.[sec. 143(3)]
.S.Penalty not exceedingTk. 10,00,000 may be imposed for being non-compliance of
any other provision of chapter-7 other than non/short deduction or non-deposit of
deducted tax to Govt. treaiury. I sec. 143(2)]
* Revenue expenditure will be treated as business income for non-TDS [sec. 55(a)]
.!. Capital expenditure will be treated as income from other sources for non-TDS [sec. 67(7]l
*Where a person issues a TDS certificate without actual TDS, he shall be personally
liable to pay the amount.[sec. L44]
}Such return must be filed by 15th of the following month. DCT may
extend maximum 15 days time to submit such withholding tax return.
Presentation outline
lntrod uction
Taxpayers generally plan their affairs so as to attract the least
incidence of tax. Tax planning can be defined as an arrangement
of one's financial and economic affairs by taking complete
legitimate benefit of all
- deductions
- exemptions
- allowances and
- rebates so that tax liability reduces to minimum
What is Tax
"Tales are dues that we p
organized societv." Tax is a compulsory payment made to the
Government for services it provides us, though people may not be
completely satisfied or convinced with these services.
'Tax' as per 1TO,1984 - means income tax and will also include:
(1) penalty
(2)delay interest
(3) simple interest
(4) fees
(5) income surcharge
(6) wealth surcharge \ Section 2(21) of 1TA,2023
lar Td Td
pLnnl.! mslon
Tax ev sion
Tax evasion
Any tax planning which aims at All methods by which tax liability is
reducing tax liability in legally illegally avoided is termed as tax
recognized permissible ways can be evasion.
termed as an instance of tax avoidance.
Tax avoidance takes into account the Tax Evasion is an attempt to evade tax
loopholes of law. liability with the help of unfair
Tax avoidance is tax hedging within the Tax Evasion is tax omission.
framework of law.
Tax avoidance has legal sanction. Tax Evasion is unlawful and an assessee
guilty of tax evasion may be punished
under the relevant laws.
T16r iho ?!AI th6c rho ml T
'Tax planning' means dealing with the tax matters of a
taxpayer with a view to maximizing the after-tax rate of
return on investments after ensuring voluntary tax
compliance. For this purpose, each taxpayer has to -
'z ensure that proper records/accounts are kept;
/'/ deducUcollect tax at source where it is necessary;
pay AIT in time, if applicable;
Fail to Plan =
Tax Planning ,
Ile s!
* Tax planning takes maximum advantage of the
exemptions, deductions, rebates, reliefs and other tax
concessions allowed by taxation statutes, leading to the
reduction of the tax liability of the tax payer
'1. When used as an art of dodging taxes without breaking the law or
acting as per the language of the law only in form, but murdering the very
spirit of the law and thus unethical from the viewpoint of policymakers
2. When acting against the intention of the law & every attempt by legal
means to prevent or reduce tax liability and thus avoiding profitable
venture also.
Aggregate !ncome
Exclusions Maximize
Gross lncome
Allowable Deductions Maximize
Taxable lncome
x Tax Rate Minimize
Gross Tax
Tax Credit & Tax Rebate- Maximize
Tax Payable
Ecomlc Flialmlrrcion
rarballc, of,I.ralFrton
- Plrnnirg
Grcxrafr G,
f ,
Types ofTax
- Suppose, at the end of the income year, an assesse finds his
taxes have been too high in comparison with last year and he
intends to reduce it
- NoW he may do that, to a great extent, by making proper
arrangements to get the maximum investment tax rebate uls 44
- Such plan does not involve any long term commitment, yet it
results in substantial tax savings.
. Sometimes the financial cost of deferral is greater than the tax benefit.
Period of Transaction: Tax deferred is tax saved based upon time value of money.
Common techniques are to accelerate deductions (e.9., following accelerated
depreciation) and to defer income (e.9., through installment sale). A taxpayer has to
consider when taxes are actually paid (e.9., quarterly estimates versus end of year
Tax Jurisdictions: Tax liability depends whether the income will be accrued in
foreign country (subject to exemption or tax relief) or Bangladesh or whether the
income will be earned by establishing the entity in a low tax zone or a high tax
Tax Planning
Salary Tax
Presentation outline
. What does salary mean ?
. Classification of Salary
. Perquisites
. Salary Income Computation
. Tax on tax
. Salaries exempt from payment of tax
. lnvestment Tax Rebate calculation
. Present tax rate
. TDS from salary
Definition of Salary
There is no exhaustive definition of salary at lncome Tax Ordinance, 7984.
Only an inclusive definition is given where "5a!a1y" includes the following:-
* Pay or Wages
.1. Annuity
.1. Pension-Fully tax free as per 6th Schedule (Part-l) Para-4
.1. Gratuity-Partly tax free up to Tk. 2.5 crore as per 6th Schedule(Part-1)Para-5
.1. Fees
* Commission
.1. Allowances
* Perquisites
* Profits in lieu of salary or wages
* Profits in addition to salary or wages
* Advance Salary
* Leave encashment
* Bonus
* Overtime
b) Salary received in the income year though not due before it become due to
c) Arrear salary if not charged to income tax for any earlier income year; and
d) Any income earned from employee share scheme.
Salarv once included in anv vear on due basis or advance pavment basis is not
includible again in salarv income of an emplovee of anv other vear.
Section 32(1) of ,-tA,2023
Share Based Payment
Salary Income
Sale of Share-options will also be taxable under the head
income from employment
Perq uisites
Perquisite means any payment or benefit made to an employee in the form
of cash or any other form but excluding the following:-
a) Basic Salary
b) Festival bonus
c) ArrearSalary
d) Advance Salary
e) Leave encashment
f) Overtime
g) Contribution by the employer to-
1) Recognized provident fund.
2) Approved Pension Fund.
3) Approved Gratuity Fund and
4) Approved Superannuation Fund.
Taxable salary Income Computation
Value of perquisites
[2] Monthly Tk.25,000 will be added in computing salary income in case of availing fulI
time car facility above 2,500 cc.
No tax on tax if salary tax is paid by the employer
lf salary tax is borne by the employer, then that tax will not be treated as
perquisite in the hand of the employee and therefore there is no tax on tax
issue in this case.
s.R.o. no 18211999 dated 01-07-1999
{. Unit Certificate and Mutual fund certificate up to Tk.5,00,000 issued by ICB or any financial
institution. IPara-2(7)]
* lnvestment in shares, debentures or mutual fund either primary or secondary liste{o
with anv stock exchanee in Bansladesh tPara-2(8'll
Tax Rebate on donation
New tax rate for the assessment year: 2023-24
On the 1n Tk. 3,50,000/- of total income Nil After rebate, minimum tax for individual taxpayers are:
IFor woman & senior citizen Tk.4,00,000/
1) Tk.5,000/ in case of Dhaka & Chittatong City
On the next Tk. 1,00,000/- of total income 5% Corporation area.
On the next Tk. 3,00,000/- of total income to%
2) Tk.4,000/ for other city corporation area.
On the next Tk. 4,00,000/- of total income L5%
3) Tk,3,000/ for other areas if total income exceeds the
On the next Tk. 5,00,000/- of total income 20%
minimum taxable ceiling,
On the balance of total income 25%
[1] Threshold limit for third gender tax paye6 & physically handicapped peGons is Tk, 4,75,000/
[2] Threshold limit for gazetted war-wounded freedom fighter is Tk,5,O0,U)0,
[3] Threshold limit in case of parents or leSal Bua.dian of any physically challenged child or dependent will be
50,q)0 taka more for each child/ dependent. lf both lather and mother are assessee then any one can avail this
[Finance Act,2023]
Section 86
Income Tax Return
Presentation outline
. lntroduction
. Mandatory requirement of filing return
. Persons who are not required to file return
. Place where Return is to be submitted
. What documents to be submitted with return ?
. Tax day
. When amended and revised return can be filed ?
. TIN De-registration
. Penalty for non-submission of return
Persons required to file return of income: {cont.)
Association of Person
lf any person has any exempted income or income where reduced tax rdte is
{h) Any person which the NBR exempt from filing return of
Place where Return is to be submitted
Tax day
Type of assessee Tax day within Remarks
which return must
he submitted
Bank, lnsuGnce and other non- 15th September Delay interest will be calculated @ 4% per month on the
banking Financial lnstitution whole amount oftax on total income including any exempted
A company which is a subsidiary Within r5th of income.
or holding company of a parent
the 7th month Period of delay interest: the period will start from the first
company incorporated outside
from the end of day immediately following the Tax day to:
Bangladesh if such company
requi€s to follow a different the income year
financial year for the purpose of [1] The date of filing return where return is filed. Any fraction
conslidation of its accounts with ofthe month will be treated as full morth.
the oarent comganv:
All other company 15th lanuary [2] The date of regular assessment where return is not filed
Other than company that means November
3oth However the period shall not exceed 24 months.
individual, partnership firm and
Hindu undivided family
n After filing return under self assessment scheme if any assessee finds that
unintentionally tax has been computed/paid short, then he may file an
amended return within 180 days from the date of filing return attaching
the following: Ref: Section 180
1. a written statement about the mistake.
2. a proof of tax paid along wlth interest @ 5o/o p.m. which was
computed/paid short.
* Revised return can be submitted, without reducing tax liability, before l't
hearing date or before 5 months of time barred whichever is earlier. Ref:
Section 175
Penalty for non-submission of return
I I +
assessed tax J-
Whichever is was not previously
orl higher assessed then penalty shall
not exceed Tk. s,(XrO
Tk. 1,OOO/- l
+ !n case of existing
Tk.50 per individual assessee penalty
day during
which the assessed tax or Tk. l,(XX)
default whichever is higher.
TIN de-registration
ft1---..1"rr,ng I Winding up
I Bangladesh I
Deceased person
TIN de-registration
Closure of
Branch/Liaison office
* t
Companv Tax Assessment
( /
Ranian Kumar Bhowmik,.,o
Former Member
National Board of Revenue 1
\. t
Classification of Companies:
* ---*
* !
Mandatorv TIN :
-ti.: .
.: ll- '
* *
Submission of Income Tax Return
* Return must be filed within the Tax Day
.1. From the following example, we can see how to find out
the assessment year and tax day:
*r--- '.- {
The return should be signed by the principal officer. Principal
officer may be-
*-- IL
Documents to be attached with return:
Maintenance of Accounts
* t
\t .-t-
{ !
Limit of free samples expenditure
Turnover % of tumover
Pharmaceutical Other
lndustry lndustry
Section 55(i)
\&7 -L
..'. Entertainment expenditure exceeding the following limits:
* t
lnadmissible Expenditu re
*" t
lnadmissible Expenditure
* Any payment by way of any rent of any property whether
used for residential or commercial purpose, otherwise than
by bank transfer [sec. 55(L)]
_ .t_
lnadmissible Expenditure
* Deduction as depreciation and interest on any right to use
asset. However, rent and maintenance expense will be
allowed. [sec.55(s)]
{ *
Corporate Tax Rate
The income tax rates for companies are as
Types of Heads/sources of lncome Tax Rates for
Company Assessment Year
(1) Capital Gain ( 2nd schedule) 15%
IFinance Act,2023]
[1]10% or less than'10/" paid-up capital through IPO
[2] All sales/receipts must be through banking channel
[3] ln case of investment and expenditure, per transection
exceeding Tk. 5,00,000 must be through banking channel and
altogether yearly transection exceeding Tk.36,00,000 must be
through banking channel.
Violation of serial number 2 and 3 will lead to tax rate 25%
IFinance Ad,2023]
Types of Heads/sources of lncome Assessment Year
Company 2023-24
Traded Company
\. I
Fiscal Incentives:
(2) Tax Exemotion for industries set-up at Economic Zone
and Hiqh Tech Park
[SRO no 226 + 228 dated 10/8/2016t
\4. t
Other Tax Exemptions
I. Industries set up in EPZ will also enjoy tax exemption
for 517 years depending on the location. ISRO no- 219-
AinI 20 I 2 dated 27 I 0 6 I 20 I 2)
II. Income from 'Computer Software development
business run by Bangladeshi resident is exempted from
tax up to 30l06l2024lpara-21of 6th Schedule (Part-l )l
III. Income of the private power generation company up to
l5 years from its commercial production. [SRO no- 36-
Ainl 97 dated 03 I 021 1997)
Iv. Any income from the export of handicrafts for the
period from lst day ofJuly, 2008 to the 30th day of
[une,2024. (Para-2? of 6th Schedule (Part-l ))
15.1T support & software maintenance
l6.Software test lab services
1 7.Call centre serviccs 23
1 S.Overseas medical transcription
\t *
Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility
The companies will get 'l0o/o lax rebate on the lower
amount of the following three:
20Yo ol toh|
OR Tax rebate
Whichever is 0% ts
lower is to be
TK. 12,00,00,000/=
treated as applicable on
allowable CSR such allowable
Actual money spent for
The tax provision clearly specified 23 areas where the companies can
perform their CSR for availing the benefit of tax rebate.
{- Il-
Areas of CSR
* natural calamities
* old home
* welfare of retarded persons
* education of poor children
* accommodation of slum dwellers
* awareness program of anti-dowry and women rights
r. rehabilitation of poor and orphan children
* research on liberation war related subject
.:. sanitation in Chittagong hilltracts
.:. treatment of cataract, cancer, leprosy
+ treatment of acid victims
* free medical treatment to the poor by specialized hospital
* public university
*- -----*
Areas of CSR (Cont...)
.:. technical and vocational education
a computer and information technology
* vocational training to unskilled workers for man power export
* infrastructure of national level sports
* Donation to national level institution set up in memory of the
liberation war
* Donation to national level institution set up in memory of Father of
the Nation
* Donations made to non-profit voluntary social welfare organizations
engaged for running rehabilitation center, creation of awareness
and treatment of HIVAIDS and Drug addicted
* Donations made to non-profit voluntary social welfare organizations
engaged for running rehabilitation center for recovered
childrenAaromen of cross boarder trafficking.
* Donation to any special calamities or tournament or any national
program approved by the Govt. 27
Conditions to qualify for CSR
.i. regularity in payment of salary to staff
+ having waste treatment plant in industry
.i. regularity in payment of lncome tax, VAI Duty and
* CSR only through govt. approved institutions
* Compliance of Labor Law.
* amount spent for CSR will not be considered as
business expenditures
* documents in support of actual expenditure of CSR
to be submitted to the concerned DCT
* Submit CSR plan to NBR and obtain exemption
c- @.
Paper presented by:
Former Member
National Board of Revenue
o DCT'5 assm€nt
o AICT {Non- AACT (Non- Cf (Appealsl
omprny cesesf company eses! (For comp.iy ard its
application Tares Appellate Tribunal
to CT (Bodr a'ressce and tncome tax
department can Eo,
E]{D Refetenc€ appllcation to Honorable
+ HiEh Court (Only .t question of lawl
DEpute eB
Resolution Honorable Appellate
(ADRI Dhhion (lf cortlfled asfit
Sor appeal)
Submilled by Condilions:
ossessee: Tox to be poid
@ I0% on the
Appellote Trlbunol
wilhln 60 doys belween lox os the finol locl llndlng
with groundr ot per relum ond lox os per
oppeol. oppeol order
No order
. No review if
Review oppeol
ogoinsl pending before
DCT's ony oppeo!
qssessmenl outhorily or not
wilhdrown or Review order
within 60 right to oppeol within 50 doys
doys. is not woived.
before ony
Assessmenl resolulion
by DCI {: oppellole by neulrol
L] outhority, Focililqtor
Tribunol or
. ro be oppointed by NBR;
. Neulrol person wilh knowledge ol lox low lo be oppoinled os Focllilolor;
. Heoring bolh ossessee or ossessee's represenlolive ond CI's
. Moke decision occeploble lo bolh. Binding for oll. lf nol ogreed,
I disputed porlion to be hied in the oppropriole courl.;
Focilitotor . Decision within 3 monlhs lrom lhe end ol the monlh of liling ADR
"Taxes are dues that we pay for the privileges of membership in an
organized society." Tax is a compulsory payment made to the
Government for services it provides us, though people may not be
completely satisfied or convinced with these services.
Income tai is equitable and progressive. Its moral, ethical and legal
basis is stronger than those of indirect tax.
About NBR
About N.tional Bolrd of Revenue (NBRI
.rr TE War 8dd o, Flcctrc (N8R) I rre apar
* ervlty ldu ffitrlls n 8a.tgffi
6ta&ha(l ry tht tam. ol rE 116 Ea.rgEHdhu
n ra3
Canons of Taxation
Canons of Taxation
> Canon of Equity: Every person should pay to the government
depending upon his ability to pay.
z Canon of Certainty: The tax which an individual has to pay should
be certain, not arbitrary. The tax payer should know in advance how
much tax he has to pay, at what time he has to pay the tax, and in what
form the tax is to be paid to the govemment
Act, 2023
lncome Tax
lncomeTaxAct of 1918
lncome Tax (Amendment) Act,1 91 6
the fiscal year 2023-24 has been set by the govemment to Tk.
4.30,000 crore
l. Direct Tax flncome tax, Gift tax and Travel tax Tk. 1,53,260 (35.6%)
2. VAT Tk. 1,63,837 (38.1%)
3. Import and other Duty Tk. 52,200 (12.01%)
4. SD Tk. 60,703 (14.1%)
Total Tk. 4,30,000 crore
On the 1n Tk. 3,50,000/- of total income Nit After rebate, minimum tax for individual tarpayers are:
lFor woman & senior citizen Tk.4,00,0004
1) Ik.5,000/ in case of Ohaka & Chittagong City
On the next Tk. 1,00,000/- of total income 5%
Corporation area.
On the next Tk. 3,00,000/- of total income L0%
2) Tk. 4,fl10/ for other city corporation area,
On the next Tk. 4,00,000/- of total income L5%
3) Tk.3,000/ for other areas if total income exceeds the
On the next Tk. 5,00,000/- of total income 20%
minimum taxable ceiling.
On the balance of total income 25%
[1] For thard gender tax payers & physically handicappod persons threshold limit is Tk. 4,75,000/
[2] For gazetted war-wounded freedom fighter threshold limit is Tk.5,00,000.
[3] Threshold limit in case of parents or legal guardian of any physically challenged child or
dependent wiu be 50,000 taka more for each child/ dependent. lf both father and mother are
assessee then any one can avail this benefit.
[Finance Act,2023]
Net wealth exceeding Taka 10 crore but not exceeding Taka 20 crore 2Ooh of lax
Net wealth exceeding Taka2O crore but not exceeding Taka 50 crore 30% of tax
[Finance Act,2023]
Tax Reforms:
Some recent tax reforms are mentioned below:
(a) lntroduction of e-TlN:
Formerly each tax payer had a local registration number called GIR (General lndex
Register) number. ln 1994 nationwide unique 10 digit TIN (Tax payers ldentification
number) has been introduced. Presently electronic 12 digit TIN has been introduced
by the NBR replacing the old 10 digit TlN.
(b) Expansion of withholdinq tax:
Provisionally withholding tax was levied on salary and contractors/suppliers. To
increase the tax network it was gradually expanded. Now withholding tax is imposed
on 52 items. Major items include, contractors/supplies, importer, salary, bank deposit
(c) Simplification of tax assessment:
Self assessment system has been widened and expanded. At present all categories
of assessees are entitled to submit return under self assessment system. ln this
post audil
(d) Online rctum filinq:
The system of online return filing has been introduced on 1 "t November,2016 and by
so doing all categories of assessee now can easily submit their tax return
/ r-l )
L \