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.D! RRR/: 2: BLK (Alu. O/rer I6y

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soblc.r i CHEITUSTRY

All quc$ions m of obj4tiv. .yp. hlvin8 f6ur ii*., oprions for
will .d! rull rrr\ : ln . F. u'

2 QEnrons 6un b. lnsscud on OMR sh.er by drl.nins $e appmp d. bubt le mzled A,

!* onl) Blk[Alu. b.ll polnr p.n bm k rhe o\rer

MeX ih. unr*6 only spo. pmvid.d. Do nor nEI. any i6y n'an on fte OMR
rtr rh.
: w'i. ,tucs.ioi b6kl.r numba ind your oll nunbd cmfully ,n ln. sp.cilicd leln.ns ol
ih. oMR. Al$ lilllpprcpdd.bubbl.s.
WnE your mru (in brckr.rcr).n
ii arpopri,c bot . i. rh. OMR
Th. OMR ir liabk b bEoe rivald illhcc r sy 6huk. in llll'n8 rh. corer buhbl.' for
qr{,on E!t|., n!nh. D l nurber m fi.rc R d) d,)r(fd{m rhc nad !c.rru,. o,
rh. -mo,drE. mm. rf ln. .\n ndDn Flq,rh.rpiy'BJlt) ars F.
brdhsoipdhns rtrd rukJq.hr{Jird;ds"h rh..onqqu.-e
du. b mom, tu sq drql

Cudidd.s @ nor rlloe.d ro c.,ry my ynrrr or pn .d mri.d0l. calcuilior. pen, dNF

p.n. Iog rabl., *naMch, aiy comnunicarion d.vic. 1,t mobik phor.s .lc insid. rh.
.xoin.rion hdl, Aly ddidle iound wirh such n.m will b. Elort d qrln.r md his/h.r
cr.didlsE vill b. summdily canccll.d.
9. Rough ro,r nu, b. donc on rh. qu. ion Dsp.r,str addirion
ih. qu.dion pap.r lbr oush *o*.
Hlrd ov.r rh. oMR b rh. invigilror b.roE lavi'3 !h. Exsinarion Hrl)
lt. This papd conriins qu.stions in borh EnSl6h an<t
B..gali Nc$dr.- c@ and prcrurioi
*cE ul! n wni k ,mmin8 ih. B.ngil' v6io! Ho*.v.r, i f dy dieftp.ncy i.s ) is /ar fou nd

b.lwEn th. t*o v.6ions. rh. infm on povdd in rhe Eislih v.rioi wilt md d *'tl

ch".,si,y.,ors lllllil ll llliI lilillll[illl[$ E


t. Ar consla.r rmpelaur. rh. ate ol.irusioi 1r) of ao ideal 8as is rchted to the pEsure (p)
a.d densiry (d) or rh. Bd as
q{D qF{ inrqr fr5{]rr{r {n q('8lLT{
I{ln Fffi 6rsn G), nnFr 51r (P)
lcNr (d)
'P'i.fr {n:

^' ,"*
B' '" ft
rcr r-; ,", ,* -lp

2. ar !.y Enp.hrur. ed Frssut, rh. conprtssibilitv fador (Z) of a Bl ge: *hich ob'vs
tlE .cuarion, P(v- nbF nRT is

p(v-ib)=nRr{t 0 t{i Ert qrc ,4.E rEr fipn rr (! m3t Grsl s E('1
rr{r,gl ..rfTr (Z) m Ft
(A) l -ii
(c) r +ii
(,r( :; ffiP
!. At a &6nnc l.mFr!tuc wh.n a sph i.al *al.t dropLt of radius R is t dsfom'd inlo
reo id.nlical sPh.ric.l wdq doPl.ts wth Bdius r tft 4ch doplct, th. chang. it total
\url&..nceJ atGtr.n.Surfe.cnsonof tra@='Y
drd 6fr cFI{ a.F I'llnt,{E rnFa(. r <r't( Rfir 16 qer
R lttll( nft
rir@E TnRyw rficq T![n IIl0 ,rr!fur rir.6 {rrr Grar dai {n r)

,^, **,[ri-,J, ,",

r.r *(,'-l), ,o, **,1,i-,),


Tbe oumb.r of atoms (Z) in a unir cell of a Iirce entr.d cubic neralhc crysrllir
with deosity of tbe crystal(p), diamcrer ofde dlom (d)and ma$ oian alom

a.O qEr rfii(f,r tffia E{{l4ir qd{ (l]er qiEq 4ril$ 4$l (z), rrcmr
rrC (p), rfi.F <I{ (d) s qftE rrrrF rt{ (m) _qr r(!r r-'rff.n:

(A) Zc_ (B) z**

(cr z* pi! rDr Z *;

5, An rd€alra\ofh\ed r ' l!dre. A '' rr\lomed \.prdFl) rodrldnl f'nAl

c bt F\cr' oie etnrn\.on r l'\eFrll' 'drdbql '\DJn''n
"... R;.,1lrlnerdn.rsmarol
B-c ' a l rehu(si6n8e #d pesdF ar I'eB '
P)edrhar d iareC n P, rhen
to glrr aaE wr rrR. !I!t! rq r'(qF d tUI Etr 5<tr 3 s c_rE
!!rcr! rrf! 'r.-{6 ,.$nq o qU$ni "?rw "'r"r' "o -?r3'} dr {n lii
B- c -{l{s,?. i?.s. Ti qS if{ro rq p- i t '<rr t' P. E 5G

At consiol remp.talure I mole of m ideal Sa\ G erpanded freclv For rhr proce$ rhe

ralues ollhe quantines willbc

i_{ trsl[ I Ilrn qc{ tl(f,{ TF n-giRq rr{ rF gfodoro llFloFr

(A) W=0,q>0.AU>0, AH>0 (B) w<0.q=0.^U>0.rH<0
tc) w=0,q=0,au=0,4H =0 {D) w<0,!<0,aU<0,1H<0

7. A Bclion it sponraneous tt T, K bul.on sponraneor!arT:((T.>TL) lr^Hand^S

@ indepcnd. of i.mpeGture, th.n rhe condllion apphcable tbr lhe reaction n
q.G Ffud rr K o!st! ioP$ fu T, K (T. ,T ) gqqr rsr"td {s I !ft aH s

aF Rq!, ftrLqt E{. srn FtF4Fr Ilri $AL' 16 r.n I

(A) dH<0, As<0
(c) AH >0, as<0
E, Il I tr
l(M) HCI solulion is add.d i0 rm mt or a brtTer, nlrdc of CHTCOOH ed
CHTCOONa of sre.grh O. I (M) for .&h, rhc chdg. of pH of buff.r is

(civen: pKr(cHlcooH)=4.7a)

qRG o.l (M)

'!r(qr cH3cooH l3 cHrcooNa-.fi fuIq rril loohli{t{Tr{r rtlql I
nl l(M) HCtErq Iv{ atfq st Ttifrr pH_qa tful {fr:
(r\s1l qicr I pq (CBrcooH) = 4 ?4 )

(A)+o.09 (B) + o.oos

(c) 0.009 . (D) _ o.oi,

9. The mnenration oI an .4u@us solurion of a vcrl acid, HA in ns is {],l(M). tf thn

$luio. is diluled 4 iGs. lne de8rc of dns@*ion of O. &id b€con.s .n, dm.6 lo rhat
of its initi.l solurion. It!.n th. v!ru. df .n, h

ilqr,95 HA-qr rri. r.t-. 'rrC o LM,I a! arfrg.tRtR-. 4 !q arg rrr(n HA-
.4" RBr{ xrIr lntu f.nlt;m, po,Fr-Oilt-.i-.r
-" f.,
'1" f,y\ " (Dr o5

10. IfJ s of m.lerolyr., AB (mol*utd weiShr = y) is dnsolvcd i.5OO or w.t r. depEssron

of rlllzjng point of 6e r.sul1in8 sotution b.comcs 0 X Tte dcgee ofionisarion of tc
elerolyre, AB is lciven] Motal .t p.csio. of fEezin8 poinr of wal( is K. (K kg 60l r)l

re vErfrUq AB (. eriF_{ !.g = ,) ioos 6r" Eil9s rran !.rryr ft.{l(r{

qqTi r{ 0 x r,(rr< aB-qr qrr{rTi r14 [n I lfiE: lrr,n ftrl(r!
{n Kr(KkEmorr)l
rA, av j!,,
=+Lo, -' l,lq
6\ r
() rrE- 0K
Ch.drrr, S A

ll. It rhe €ductroi poGntal for $e folloviog half_cclt is _ 03 Y ar 25 'C then ptt of th.
$lution oi H,SO. in th. half c.I n

Harfc.rr r P(, I q(s,ratm) lHrso{(aq)

25.CS!q{ frrurs c{r{nEr Rrrr Fs< - 0.3 Vtra 3t srtlei H1SO.r<.tr

c({!- Pl(, lH,(c,laml I Hzso.(a4)

(B) 10.16

(c) 254 (D) 5'08

12. Ar a d€llnit t mpe6ru.., @le conductiliiy ol oe sounfitiectk eid ar innoiE
dilution is, Ohm rcm'?morrdd rhar for a elulion C0Oo/ (M) eeric acid ct lh. s@
t mpcBture is J ohn rch2nol''. The PH of 6E fAE idlution h

u.G fiffi ccsfi qrr!fr_r v]lFrEr aav. F.crc clrin rkarasrr [c

oh6 .mhol Lr c.t gtqr o.mr (M) r<r.E rrlan ik{ustr
]r.r Jotmicmz0il 'r ltr[(n nGr s.Cn

(A) 3 r"g,
fr) iB) 3+ros,oe)

,C, ag,.() ,o, ,"rrL')

t3. For a 6^r dder Ferio., A i tuucts. conentition of A b..on6 a. co, tY G ed
a'C0 al dms t, 2land { Espetively. If C0 = initial cooc.taiion of A 4d 'a is aconshr
d0<a< l, th. Elai6 monS J. y md z is

raE !cf{6'{ Ffu'{ A-FfuII'ls irtr,-cr rtr( r,2! s 4t ,{(! A-ql {FY {ll
!qr6(i a!co,avco€ rco A-.qr qrfua 'rrY !fi co{r, h rRqrafr,,fto<<l
{r sl|t[a J, y € z x(t, r.flt {q I

4- 2 -"

&d X.F6 in th. mole ndo of n: n (Ar. wl ofXe = 1ll, f = 19) The raio m nn
262m8lf,fi 'ltT, s 152 nS qfir'Il{ !"!4 nt"l &EFq lrl nr : tr IIlq qiLs Xe[,
s.l x.F".sr s.O fuq }!'i {Fr xe s F-dr qr.nlrt or9 nqrm r'r\e ;
(A) I :3 (B) 2: I
(C) l:l (Dl I :2

15. vhi.h orlhc following is co|Er when sold NHICI d.coopo!.s on hearin8 r, giv€ NH,

rNi sE lfdo NHrCI-qi Fstf,r {(I NHr\s Hcl nl{ &r! {{ anrra{ ilFrF]a

(A) AH> >0

0, AS (B) AH>o,AS<o
(c) aH< 0, As <0 (D) lH<o,As>o

16 olroflh.lhrc..quousrclutionsof G) cHlcooNH{,(b)cH,cooN,anrl G)
NatlCOr0E buffo slunons @i
(B) (a)oid (b) .

,", .,,.-n,, .ior*"?6iITSN{Hco,.e ,.q n{-r

(,; ' ,B) (a),s(b)
(C) (b)! (c) (D) la) s (c)

U. which of lh. follo*in8 s(!cmc.!s is coret ?

(A) Borh HrPo3 .nd HrBor -. poi. acids
(B) HIPO] k pbti. &id but HIBO] n nor

(c) qBo3 h a poric eid b H1PO1isnor

(D) N.ith.r H3POr nor HrBor e protic rids
iE r.n tfuO rEr i
(A) HTPO1 B HrBoi !!tlt ElF. qift_s
(B) H,Pol l!lc{ qIFsfu H,tso,rges qflRE {{
(c) 4Bol IoE{ qrfiE k H,Po, ElE{ qrFis ir
(D) HrPor d HrBor rdrr6t I!IF{ qif4s {{
rE. Vnich of the followins itpreeits $e con osnioiofdnallit nin.t l1
ilr6( I.I+ d{lB]tD !ftqr n i 6dr rG I
(B) KNO3

(C) Kcl.Msclr.6H,O (D) qsoa.Mgsoa.Msclr.6Hro

19. A w.2[ nooob6ic @id (K, = lG5) h b€ing tidtd uith NaOH soluton The PH lhe

Fim of one thnd n.uthlizadoo of th. a.id *ill b.

(.G 1{ 4a'ltl{ qlFrsra (K" = lci) NaoH g+l ilr +lfrs r{ {I{ | fli
qfirEa .{{-yG{f.! flfrs {rr sq pH-41 nF {(<
(A) 5-los3
(c) 5-1o82 Lo, s. r"g l- rqSO{

20. L a cubic unir c.ll, seveo of rh€ eiEhl.om.6 aE dfuPi.d bv aioms A and centre\ or
la.e.e ccuoied bJ irom''B rh. 8.neial lgrinlaoi Ih..ompound''
r.G .gr{ cr.r{n Elt,r. qoGr nr, TB r"rr' t '"q !rd!s aa !:!nq?r
r{L'E .s, ,rfi.J v{Es r [i!t_a 1(El nt.s {n r

21. A didonic hol4ulc has a dipole moment of .2 D If its bo.d dista'ce n l 0 A", what

f@tion of u cLcrrcnic chtr8. . eris$ o. ceh atod ?

ca0 ffr tr qTr R[rr qt{Fr tli l2Dr!Et{E rr{ [rY 10Ao {cgl{F
rufi rs q.1 tr<li qqq t' oEG rr{tT. B'fi idr1i ?

(A) .'
t2%of (B) l3s'or'''
(C) 25%of. (D) 29%of e'
22. white phosphorous wtrcn Ieacted wid
NaOH soturion gilcs pHr and NaHrpO?.
,eacdon k an exdpie ot
(Al oridarion of phGphoous (B) Educrion o, phosphorols
(C) drFoponionarion of phosphorcus
N,OH s{rn rltq md Tryflrrr Rfuqm PHr \s NuHrPO, gq'li {r I Ffuq,rD Iq
{rr{r Fftfi Cqr8r sr E,

(c) u.ff 1_{a qcnh.ll:{i (dhp,oponionatior)

(D) qrB6-Trr Etox

Th. fi^r io.nadon enlharpy of sDup l3 elements foltows

rhe order:
{r t3-qr rllnoft_r S!"{ qrs+! olqtl.ift{ 16T F.{ rn :

(A) B>AI>Ca>ln>Tt (B) B>Oa>Ai>rn

(C) B >ca>At>Tl> In (D) B>n>ca>Al

l.l, Pick ou lhe vrd8 rercion

ErtrlnEfrd FfuiflE Ee-,s rr
(A) 2M.Oi+5c,o; +l6H+r lMnrr+loco. + 8H-o
(B) 2MnOr+ 4KOH

(c) 2Ntco4 + 2H|

\rlllf+ H.o
(D) cr:Oi+r4H.+5F€r.+ 2ci,+ sF.r+ + 1H1O

,5. Tw6 el.me.s p and e havins aiohic msss 75 and coobine ,o siv. a
compound havin8 75.8% orp rh.,"*,,.., *;;;;i.,fJi:,,ver]
{!r_JFtr 75 s t6 ii-{rfr{ Er frft, tS (!t4 p €
e Tg. qr {.{E rit l ,rr rR
!E it{r qtrp 75.3 4 (nr@ riiFr ncv {ii:
(A) PQ (B) p.e
(c) P:Qr (D) p,e.

,r' rEschdinsdw.v..quar*r.r,,.*,r, -,.=

#[*J'(, **
ao is Bok\ ildius. f ih. tidill nod. ir 2s b. .t ., t.n r0
*@td b. .qurlro:

H'rrit! rq{ trtBtn rt-lG rr ,..- = -]-l ' Y

!o!'ir'E i
o-rz'1""'] l': -f
alwr irlt{ I } rrFr IaGm [{s (n&al .o<t ) eF {rn, h-qr rFr rB:

,^, ! rrr .,E ao


,. Th. ox@id of pl6ptFd3 haviry oid.rio 3t!E + 4 is :

(A) Phosphdic Eid iAi ftdphog)us acid

(Cr Hypcphcphnc md (Dr Md.afihphonc 4d
+a trarltr hFtt T{fllfsi qallllfuO Ti | ,-
,* '
(A) r,rrfr.qif{q ..tr} qnrrn,riAs
tcl lltcfri{fr. crns ._ tDr rrnFpriT{ qir.E
2A A ndi@dvc splc ha initial &tivity of 2E dpn. Hdf M holr lal€I ns a.dvity is
14 dph. Ho* .uy aloB of nucli& w.e pcFnt inidally ?

q+.F wtfur {{iE lFflr ith'$tl rtn 28 dpm rqttFir l[a qi rftlq {i 14
dpm r qltfrt qtlltr R&tt6t}r rslir rrill ftn I
(A)200 (B) 4m
(o 6m (D) 1216
29. Which ofdE follo*ing im hs rh. nighd mgftdc momnt ?

foT!.llrFGldtllrql{ {8. ?

(A) cd} (B) Mn?.

(O FCr D) cp.
Ct i&c, l0 A
f,o. Tbe ctfu ordd *idr incr.aing o - O to.d lcng$ in xor. 01 and OrlAsF6l is :

KO,, 01 s OrlAsF6lrin"ft\r O -o rf,{ }r{r. c.r.*{li 6.{0 !,n I

o, > o, [AsF6 ] > Ko, (B) o,lA,F6l<o: < xo,
(c) or < Ko, <01[AsF6] (D) Koi > o, [AsF6]>o,

31, Tt. domelr) d bond Jngt. or SO,: k b.s d.\cnb.n

(C) b.nt,104' (D) t,C onal pland, I 20'

Soll-a h ,q? lli lart qt.



32. In which of the followinS pd6, bo$ $e Dnseecolourcd i, aqu@us sot urion ?
it@r Er{i (qtg|rFF( {!r I.lr. (rrqD r+{ II{EE r6h I
(B) scrl,Tl*

.tJ. rhe (o*r orderor rhe nren$h"r-"r.,';,"L*',1

frffiF" qifr"ofrr rfe\i* -,\."

6 6'",Q OH
(A) rv>II>I>l[ (B)
(cl r>rr>u>tv (D)
etvny for th€ moleuL
Th. iot l numb.r of st€coiso@B dd th'n Atical
cHr-cH{oH) -cHa3oH)-Cqwill b'

(B) 3, 1qo rcriv. .rd oic iE tiv'

(Cr 3,rll&tiv.
(D) 2, one adiv. ddeinelv'
qlD! Iil6 ftFsqrIcll{ltfr n(ti 4'! vltc'r
cHr - cH(oH) - cHasoH) - cHr

1A) 4,rRrnt qFrftfur

rB) 3,EG qltrt€iFFr qrt oaF qrfi'Ffifl
(c) 3, c{Gt qlqffqRFr
,D, t. lrn sFirrfn! qll EaC qiFi{fi6{
,\-r and lhe
cH.. wh.n h"ko $rrh con"oFar'lJldi etreq aldol'orden\crr'd
% -co_

rEr]E s5c .<a qf.co (rr tt.o F! r': !''1I 'nlrtrf''

'fi, HCr "r"*
(A) Ph- co - cH = c\cH.

(B) Ph-co-cHz c(ott)\cH.

(c) Ph


(D) N@. olthc* /r{]r$t

I Mt ii I CH,CHo
__:- 3 \"HrCl
idcntny rhc poduct of th. abole E{mn :

c!rrr AEF(&r Ffu_{tns m{E TirF rr:

,o, ''fy"''o, fHl


n ao/ t"-u, I

.)?. Th. b.!r @ pEp{r n@penlt i bdmrd.. Mc( CHrB(r, -.

tu(rtt, E nts. M" ccq& ?Gt di #.?gX -
,,.1 , .

(A) M.!CCH,O8 --!q!+

(B) Me4c--4+

(c) Melc cHrcooH

(D) McrccH:OH
wnich hydos.n (roooe ih. mr*ed one, n rhe nnn acidic in

6ft-.s {llElrtr{.frr rGr IrTiG qfiBG{ qfi[Fr s{ril

"? (8) Hr

(c) Hc (D) Hn

39. hwhichof !h.rollosingors ic.ohpound,\,. rouuon sounda _ Choro F po*rbl. )

I EthM. ll. Elhcne ur. eceS@_i rr err.*

+tr{s c+-. ?r< rora ({ cit""etq, c-c r-'.:r;& {, "s. r

u. m. ,, ri.Ji'w,noe. rv o,,e*
(;i,"i' isr I
(C) I only (D) I sd Ill

,O. Ar orrani. conpomd (X) *ilh mot.cultu fmula. C'H,O. .!olv.s hvdrqen gd upon
lrtdition of Na mlal, Th. compound (X) im@d,!€ly prcdlc.s rurbidn, upon reahenr
with coN, HCI d aohydtous Z.Cl1. Predict $c sl cruE of x

q.F ifiriln (x), ftR qlrfr. n{.v c,H 10, Na lEr nrt Ffuq .(r
atqf,rr fit,l F.fu {{ r qF MiiG (x) 4t Hcl s sd{ zncl: I i(t
Ilrllnslt.tlr f.q6 FF16{G 1r{I X rii6'{ ,1,i R'.r.s& (ar

(a) Hrc-o c (cul)l (B) (HrC), CH CH, CH:OH

(c) (qc)r c(oH) cH: cEr (D) (HrC)lC CH,Otl

,ll. Armgc th€ following cebocarions in corect oder oi srabrhr.

fr'fift!' {aful{i"Br{ !ftFr 6{ qflit iqs I

m. - --rr.-!-o'n' IV.
.. .Z--\..-N|(Hn'
(c) (D)

{2, A, alLyoc (X) foms cd p@ipitar. wnh ammonircat cuprcus chbnde and n produces
(Y) whco ftaLd wnn lqo cquiv4tcnrs of HB. Idenrify lne srucrurc of
qfi{ltli (x) qmfto F frGArn AmEv qr friB nln nrtr q(|rrr zg'l
.G q( t{l olimoFirr Rfr-{n rl{r! q-{t\'{ ltrl ind nrr iilnl&{ lllfis
nti rrrr 'x'rilnG1lyfirr H& qr rRs Ffufl.rr q.G qt-Brrllritn ryl
dl ro |x s y' or ,t{ T{rs rr r

(Ar l-Bulyn.ed2.2-drbromobuM., -U{'

(B) t -
I - Buryn. and 1,2 -d,bro.ouu*," \ ;'_'
,.,, -"",r. -"(-i.\ii-LY,-.
(D) I P€ntyne od 2. I - dibronopenE..

43. fte dujor prcduct fomed in rhc followins reacdon is

6rI qns Ftult{ E\'i! $F rA'1& tn:

{zl. which of th€ foUowins is rh. incorecr csoDadcc nructule of acdamrdiniun ion 1
hrfr rqrG qFirrhGfror qI(a< ifli ,r-lr{ rt{ Rr.u {{ ?

,^)ll NH.
,", l' NH.

(C) t' "*,Atr,

*,y'\R,, ,t^,
{!. Id.ndryU.ri.uctuEof 'x' rnd'Y.
,x. ,! .y ,q! '6{ft!w fir Tr I
Z':' r r,ou
\..u , -;_ ^ r;=-

4 CO,H

(B) x=
5 colH ar


(D) X=
+ cqH
16. Almge rhe followins compounds io incEdins oder of th.n c&tivity

L p- Mrthoxyt Dzaldehrd.

RfftRe rtr.ft. ficBBlrtrr !R rfu{sE {9( q{in sr

u. qrfii]lnG!]ls N, r.{rlac4ts
(c) rr<rv <rll<l (D)

Which ot the follow,n8 pair ot strucrur€s re enoiiomcdc p{r

FEr r{lr rwE 'fr-'fr ,{ar.F[t3{r ?


'.$.; 't'o
't' .!jl,

Whch olllje followirs bses des not Ncur in RI\iA?
Ffifts ral{ RNA ol r($ {r{ il?


^()Q B ri'"i
4r. (onrdenng fol.o*'n8 re".ro, ..qucn!c rhe comporno \^
FrFiRv fitu'tuFd fi!'(' y ril,r6 .n
dil N.OH . cHctl

crHs NHCHI (B) C6H5 CN

(c) cdHrNC (D) C6H.CH,

50, ld.ntify the reagetu (X) in th. follo*idg r.action:

FqAF$ fitu{6{ FtoT{ (xr rdF {r:

o I

(B) CHrMsBr
(c) cHroH (D) cHzNz

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