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Question 1

Name the part of the cell concerned with the following?

1. Liberation of energy
2. Synthesis of proteins
3. Transmission of heredity characters from parents to offspring
4. Initiation of cell division
5. Hydrolytic in function
6. Entry of only certain substances into and out of the cell.


1. Mitochondria
2. Ribosomes
3. Chromosomes
4. Centrosome
5. Lysosomes
6. Plasma membrane/cell membrane

Question 2

State whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F):

(a) All animal cells contain a cell wall.

(b) The cell wall is made of protein.

(c) Centrosome occurs in animal cells.

(d) Plant cells contain large vacuoles.

(e) Protoplasm is the part of the cell which surrounds the nucleus.

(f) Genes are located in chromosomes.

(g) Anthocyanin are the pigments of flowers, which are dissolved in cell-sap.


(a) False
Corrected statement — All plant cells contain a cell wall.

(b) False
Corrected statement — The cell wall is made of cellulose.
(c) True

(d) True

(e) False
Corrected statement — Cytoplasm is the part of the cell which surrounds the nucleus.

(f) True

(g) False
Corrected statement — Anthocyanin are the pigments of fruits, which are dissolved in cell-sap.

Question 3

How many chromosome pairs are found in human cells?


23 pairs of chromosome are found in human cells.

Question 4

What is the name of the chemical substance which constitutes the genes?


The chemical substance constituting the genes is DNA. It stands for de-oxy ribonucleic acid.

Question 5

Match the items in column ‘A’ with those in column ‘B’

Column A Column B

Vacuoles Intracellular digestion

Nucleolus Respiratory enzymes

Lysosomes Covered by tonoplast

Anthocyanin Dissolved in the cytoplasm

Cristae Forms RNA

Column A Column B

Vacuoles Covered by tonoplast

Nucleolus Forms RNA

Lysosomes Intracellular digestion

Anthocyanin Dissolved in the cytoplasm

Cristae Respiratory enzymes

Question 6

Fill in the blanks

1. ............... consists of membranous sacs and secretes 40 types of digestive enzymes.

2. ............... is surrounded by microtubules, located near the nucleus.
3. Very thin flexible, living membrane which is differently permeable, is called ............... .
4. More than 1000 chromosomes are found in the nucleus of certain ...............
5. ............... are heredity units.
6. ............... is a plastid which stores starch.


1. Lysosomes consists of membranous sacs and secretes 40 types of digestive enzymes.

2. Centriole is surrounded by microtubules, located near the nucleus.
3. Very thin flexible, living membrane which is differently permeable, is called Plasma
4. More than 1000 chromosomes are found in the nucleus of certain Insects.
5. Genes are heredity units.
6. Leucoplast is a plastid which stores starch.

Question 7

Write the full forms of the following abbreviations:

1. DNA
2. RNA
3. ATP
4. SER
5. RER


1. DNA — Deoxyribonucleic acid

2. RNA — Ribonucleic acid
3. ATP — Adenosine triphosphate
4. SER — Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
5. RER — Rough endoplasmic reticulum

Question 8

Name the plastid and pigment likely to be found in the cells of

1. petals of sunflower
2. ripe tomato
3. skin of green mango
4. cells of potato


1. petals of sunflower — chromoplast

2. ripe tomato — anthocyanin
3. skin of green mango — chlorophyll
4. cells of potato — no pigment

Short Answer Type

Question 1

Define the terms:

1. Cell organelles
2. Cell inclusions
3. Cytosol
4. Cell sap
5. Cytoplasm


1. The part of cell having a definite structure and a definite function is called Cell
2. Various non-living substances like nutrients or pigments present in the cell are
called Cell inclusions.
3. The liquid found inside the cell in which various organelles are found, is called Cytosol.
4. The watery solution present in the vacuoles is called Cell sap.
5. The semi-liquid substance that fills most of the part of cell (except nucleus) within the
cell membrane is called Cytoplasm.

Question 2

Write the exact locations of each of the following:

1. Centrosome
2. Chromosome
3. Genes
4. Mesosome
5. Plasmid


1. Centrosome - near nucleus (only in animal cells)

2. Chromosome - in nucleus
3. Genes - on chromosomes
4. Mesosome - Plasma membrane of bacterial cells
5. Plasmid - Cytoplasm of bacterial cells

Question 3

Mention three features found only in plant cells and one found only in animal cells.


Three features found only in plant cells are:

1. Presence of cell wall.

2. Presence of large vacuole.
3. Presence of plastids.

One feature only found in animal cell is presence of centrosome.

Question 4

Why are the cells generally of a small size?

Cells are generally so little so that they can maximize their ratio of area to volume. They have to
be ready to get the nutrients in and therefore the waste out quickly.The important point is that the
area to the volume ratio gets smaller as the cell gets larger. Thus, if the cell grows beyond a
particular limit, not enough material is going to be ready to cross the membrane fast enough to
accommodate the increased cellular volume. That's why cells are so small.

Question 5

It is said that the protoplasm cannot be analysed chemically. Why?


The protoplasm cannot be analysed chemically because it has complex organic and living cell
organelles which can disintegrate if chemicals are added to analyse. Also due to complexity of
physical and chemical properties the ultimate chemical nature of protoplasm cannot be

Question 6

What is the difference between an organ and an organelle?


Organ Organelle

Visible to the naked eyes, larger

Size Microscopic
in size

They are present throughout the Known as little organs, are found within
body the cell.

Carry out functions of the entire

Function Carry out functions within the cell

Ribosomes, Endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi

Example Heart, Lungs, Liver

Question 7

Do you think the cells of an elephant would be larger than the cells of a rat? Explain briefly.

Cell is the basic unit of life. Cells aggregates to form tissue, organ, organ system and ultimately
organism. Elephant has more cells compared to rat. The cell size is independent of the size of the
entity. The cell size of a rat and that of an elephant are the same. Within the entity, the cell size is
the same, it does not differ. However, what varies is the number of cells. Number of cells in a
large entity such as elephant is much more compared to a smaller entity such as a rat.

Descriptive Answer Type

Question 1

What is the cell theory? Who propounded it and when?


The Cell Theory states three major points -

1. The cell is the smallest unit of structure of all living thing

2. The cell is the unit of function of all living things
3. All cells arise from pre-existing cells.

The theory was propounded in 1839 by Schwann and Schleiden. Rudolf Virchow in 1858 made
an addition to the cell theory by saying that all cells arise from pre-existing cells.

Question 2(a)

Differentiate between Protoplasm and cytoplasm.


Protoplasm Cytoplasm

Protoplasm is the living matter of the cell. Mixture of insoluble and soluble organic
The total substance of a living cell-nucleus compounds and water wherein different cell
and cytoplasm organelles are implanted.

Question 2(b)

Differentiate between Nucleolus and nucleus.


Nucleolus Nucleus

It is present in the nucleus It is present in the cell and is a dense spherical structure. It
Nucleolus Nucleus

and is round-shaped comprises a network of thread-like structures known as

nucleoli. chromatin fibres.

Question 2(c)

Differentiate between Centrosome and chromosome.


Centrosome Chromosome

Centrosome contains two centrioles. Chromosome contain genes or hereditary

Spindle fibres develop from centrosome data that transfer genetic traits from parents
during cell division. to offspring.

They are found in the nucleus of both plant

Found in animal cell only.
and animal cell.

Question 2(d)

Differentiate between Cell wall and cell membrane.


Cell wall Cell membrane

Non-living rigid layer Living, flexible membrane and thin

Composed of cellulose Composed of lipoproteins

Permeable freely Semi-permeable

Question 2(e)

Differentiate between Plant cell and animal cell.

Plant cell Animal cell

Cell wall is definite and made of cellulose No cell wall

Centrosome is absent Centrosome is present

Plastids usually present Plastids absent

Question 2(f)

Differentiate between Prokaryotes and eukaryotes.


Prokaryotes Eukaryotes

Have a well-defined nucleus along with a

Cells contain primitive and undefined nucleus.
nuclear membrane.

Other than ribosomes, they do not contain any

Possess other cell organelles.
other cell organelle.

Possess smaller ribosomes. Larger ribosomes.

Example – Blue-green algae Example – Humans

Question 3

State the major functions of the following-

1. Plasma membrane
2. Ribosome
3. Lysosome
4. Mitochondria
5. Golgi apparatus
6. Cytoplasm
7. Asters of centrosome
8. Chromosomes
9. Glycogen granule
10. Vacuoles


The major functions are as follows-

1. Plasma membrane —

i. Separates contents of cell from its surroundings.

ii. Regulates the entry of certain solutes and ions.
iii. Maintains shape of the cell in animal cells.

2. Ribosome —

i. Protein synthesis
3. Lysosome —

i. Intracellular digestion.
ii. Destroy foreign substances.
iii. They are referred to as 'suicidal bags' as they destroy cell organelles when they
turn old or are damaged.
iv. Digest cartilages during formation of bones.

4. Mitochondria —

i. Controls the cell functions.

ii. Referred to as ‘power house of the cell’, as energy is stored in the form of ATP.
iii. Involved in cellular respiration to release energy.
iv. Bearers of genes.

5. Golgi apparatus(in animal cells) —

i. Synthesis and secretion of enzymes, hormones,etc.

ii. Acrosomes of sperms are formed.

6. Cytoplasm —

i. Contains organelles perform multitude of functions.

ii. Performs all metabolic activities.

7. Asters of centrosome —

i. Cell division – regulation and initiation.

ii. Spindle fibre formation.

8. Chromosomes —

i. Passes genetic characteristics from parents to offspring.

9. Glycogen granule —
i. Food for cells.
10. Vacuoles —

i. Stores food, water, pigments and waste products.

ii. Renders turgidity to the plant cell.

Question 4

Mention the three differences between a living cell and a brick in a wall


Following are the differences between a living cell and a brick in a wall-

Living cell Brick

Living structure is
The living structure is non-rigid

Contains soil
Contains cellulose chiefly

Is functional in nature, performs critical functions pertaining to life


Generously permeable Impermeable

Question 5

List any six features found both in plant and animal cells.


Given below are the following six features found both in plant and animal cells

1. Cell membrane is present.

2. Golgi body is present.
3. Liquid matrix known as cytoplasm is observed in the cell.
4. Mitochondria generates energy, is found in the cells.
5. Ribosomes are found. They are responsible for protein synthesis.
6. A prominent nucleus is observed.

Structured/Application/Skill Type
Question 1

Given below are the sketches of two types of cells A and B.

(a) Which one of these is a plant cell? Give reason in support of your answer.
(b) List the cell structures which are common to both the types.

(c) Name the structures found only in plant cells and those found only in animal cells.


(a) Figure B is a plant cell because in Figure B, the cell has a cell wall, a large vacuole and the
vacuole is seen pushing the nucleus to the periphery.

(b) Cell structures common to both the types in the figure are:

1. Nucleus
2. Mitochondria
3. Ribosome
4. Cell membrane
5. Lysosome
6. Endoplasmic reticulum
7. Golgi body

(c) The structures found only in plant cells are Cell wall and Plastid. The structures found only in
animal cells are Centrosome.

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