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Fault Indicators

Electrical Apparatus
S.T.A.R.™Faulted Circuit Indicators
Current Reset Type 320-75
Cooper Power Systems S.T.A.R.™
Current Reset (CR) Faulted Circuit
Indicators are designed to quickly and
easily locate faulted sections of cable
systems. These faulted circuit indicators
(FCIs) can be installed on pad-mounted
distribution transformers, sector
cabinets, switchgear and overhead
bare conductors. The closed core
current transformer (CT) senses the
fault current and provides power to
operate the FCI. The unit automatically
resets back to the normal position
when the continuous current exceeds
the 2.4 A reset value. CR FCIs provide
a reliable means of fault location and
isolation. They also eliminate fault
chasing methods that are costly and
time consuming, and very stressful on
system components exposed to fault
currents. Installation can be achieved
on a wide range of cable diameters
with a single hotstick.
S.T.A.R. Current Reset Fault S.T.A.R. Current Reset Faulted Circuit Indicator.
Indicators consist of a sensor unit
with an integral FISHEYE™ Target
Display. The closed core CT is used
for both sensing the fault current and TRIP RATING A low pass filter, also a standard
providing power to operate the FCI. feature, will prevent the S.T.A.R.
S.T.A.R. Faulted Circuit Indicators are Faulted Circuit Indicator from tripping
The FISHEYE Display provides 180° available with either a high or a low
visual indication. This unique orange on high frequency transients like those
trip rating. The very same FCI can be caused by capacitive discharges.
reflective target designates a faulted used on cable diameters from 0.25"
condition and a black target designates (6.4 mm) to 2.0" (51 mm). Therefore, The quick response time of the
a normal condition. The FISHEYE it is not necessary to specify a cable S.T.A.R. Current Reset Faulted Circuit
Display also features a Lexan® cover diameter when placing an order. Indicator provides easy coordination
that provides superior scratch protection with current-limiting fuses and other
for the target window. The sensor unit DESIGN FEATURES protection devices (See Figure 3).
itself features a clamping mechanism
and unique spring action CT design An inrush restraint feature eliminates This unique combination of standard
that allows easy snap-on connection false tripping and is standard on all features makes the S.T.A.R. Faulted
to the live conductor with the use of a units. The S.T.A.R. Faulted Circuit Circuit Indicator extremely reliable.
single shotgun stick. Indicator will ignore inrush currents
caused by reclosing operations of
protective devices on the system.
A dead time of 200 ms will activate
the inrush restraint feature.

October 2001 • Supersedes 10/98 1

Printed in U.S.A.
S.T.A.R.™ Faulted Circuit Indicators Current Reset Type

;;; 6.05"
(154 mm)

3.66" (208 mm)
(93 mm)

Figure 2.
Features and dimensions of a CR Faulted Circuit Indicator (shown in the “armed” position).

Electrical Ratings and Characteristics
S.T.A.R. Faulted Circuit Indicators are
made of corrosion resistant materials Description Ratings and Characteristics
and meet or exceed ANSI/IEEE Power Requirements Min. 2.4 A Continuous
Standard 495-1986 “Guide for Testing Reset Time 5 Minutes at 2.4 A Max.
Faulted Circuit Indicators”. Trip Current Factory Preset (High or Low)
Trip Accuracy +/- 10%
100% automated production testing Trip Response Speed Response Curve, Figure 3,
verifies the trip rating, the reset circuit Sec. 320-75
and the inrush restraint feature. Fault Withstand Capability 25 kA for 10 Cycles per
ANSI/IEEE 495-1986
The electronic components are Temperature Range -40˚ C to +85˚ C
completely encapsulated to prevent Materials Corrosion-resistant &
any environmental damage. submersible per
ANSI/IEEE 495-1986
INSTALLATION Weight 27.2 ounces (0.77 kg)
All units are shipped to the customer Conductor Size 0.25" through 2.0"
in the tripped condition. The status of
the display cannot be changed Clamp arm pads are used for cable Small Remote Display
mechanically in handling. After the unit diameters from 0.25" (6.4 mm) to
is installed, the energized system will 1.0" (25 mm). For cable sizes from The Current Reset Faulted Circuit
reset the FISHEYE Target Display 1.0" (25 mm) to 2.0" (51 mm) the clamp Indicator is also available with a small
from the tripped position to the normal arm pads are removed. Refer to ser- remote display. The remote flip target
position. vice information S320-75-01 for more display easily retrofits to pad-mounted
information. cabinets with a single hole installation.
Installation is quick and easy. No
special tools are required. The patented OPTIONS
clamping mechanism and the unique
spring action CT of the sensor provides Remote FISHEYE™ Display
for easy installation on an energized
system using a single clamp (shotgun) The Cooper Power Systems Remote
stick. FISHEYE Display provides 180°
visual indication of FCI operation.
This unique orange reflective target
fits a standard remote indicator window
that exists in many pad-mounted
transformer specifications.


(132 mm)
4.4" 2.0"
(112 mm) (51 mm)
2.6" .6"
(66 mm)
(15 mm)

2.5" 0.41"
(64 mm) (10 mm)
(91 mm)

8.21" 1.8"
(208.1 mm) (46 mm)


Ø1.75 (36 mm)
(44.5 mm)


(1828.8 mm)

Figure 3.
Features and dimensions of the CR Faulted Circuit Indicator with remote FISHEYE Display.


(208.1 mm) Ø 1.0" (25 mm)

(29 mm)


(1828.8 mm)

Figure 4.
Features and dimensions of the CR Faulted Circuit Indicator with small remote display.

S.T.A.R.™ Faulted Circuit Indicators Current Reset Type





Figure 6.
Remote FISHEYE Display.



1 10 100 1000 10,000

Figure 5. Figure 7.
CR Faulted Circuit Indicator response curve. Small remote display.

S.T.A.R. Current Reset Faulted Circuit Indicator Ordering Information

S.T.A.R. Current Reset Type FCI Ordering Information Example: A Current Reset FCI with a high trip
Standard Options rating would have a catalog number SCHI (as
Digits: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 shown below).

S.T.A.R. FCI Line Options

5 6 7 Descriptions
FCI Type Trip Rating R *Standard indicator with remote FISHEYE Display
Digit Digits S *Standard indicator with small remote display
2 Type 3 4 Trip Rating * Standard indicator with remote FISHEYE Display provided with 6 ft.
C Current Reset cable lengths as standard.
L O Low
H I High

1. The S.T.A.R. FCI catalog number may vary in length from 4 digits to 7 digits.
2. The standard S.T.A.R. FCI catalog number may be truncated after entering digits 1-4. Options may be selected by adding the appropriate design
code to digits 5, 6, and/or 7.

ISO 9001:2000-Certified Quality Management System

© 2001 Cooper Industries, Inc. P.O. Box 1640

S.T.A.R.™ and FISHEYE™ are trademarks of Cooper Industries, Inc. Waukesha, WI 53187
Lexan® is a registered trademark of G.E. www.cooperpower.com
4 10/01
Printed on Recycled Paper

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