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Lab 2

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EC1022 – Electrical Systems

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Faculty of Engineering
B.Sc. Eng. (Hons) / BEng (Hons) – Year 01, Semester 01

Laboratory Experiment 02: Basic Components

L1 Introduction

This laboratory is designed to allow the students to gain experience in using basic electronic
components such as LED, IC. The students will observe the operating conditions of the LEDs
with different colours and will constructor a simple timer circuit using the LM555 IC.

L2 Pre-Laboratory Exercise

Write answers for all the following questions. Compare your calculated answers with the
obtained relevant measurements during the lab hours. Clearly indicate the section number,
and he question number in your answer.

PR1. (03 Marks)

1 Refer datasheets given by Farnell for Yellow, Green and Red LEDs. Fill the below table
using the voltages and currents for each respective LED according to their colour.
Reference Link: https://uk.farnell.com/c/optoelectronics-displays/led-products
(Note: Select the filters as, Manufacturer: MULTICOMP PRO, LED Colour:
Green/Red/Yellow, LED Mounting: Through Hole, LED Case Size: T-1 3 mm)

Table 1.1
Minimum Forward Recommended
Voltage Operating Current
Yellow (Order code: 1581124)
Green (Order code: 1581123)
Red (Order code: 1581113)
2 Refer the circuit given in Figure 1. Calculate the voltage Vout1 for each LED colour given
above, when Vin = 5 V.

Figure 1

PR2. Refer the circuit given in Figure 2 and answer the questions. (06 Marks)

Figure 2

1. If R1 = R2 = R, Calculate I1, I2 and I for the cases listed below.

a. Both LEDs are Green.
b. Both LEDs are Red.
For the same above cases calculate the power dissipated from the power source.

2. If the I1 and I2 is to be the continuous forward current of the LED calculate the R1
and R2 for the cases listed below.
a. Both LEDs are Green.
b. Both LEDs are Red.
For the same above cases calculate the power dissipated from the power source.
PR3. Refer the circuit given in Figure 3 and answer the questions. (03 Marks)

Figure 3

If the voltage applied (V1) is 5 V calculate the resistance of R1 needed for the instances given
below, when the LEDs are operated using the current and voltage requirements indicated in
the Table 1.1.

a. Both LEDs are Green.

b. Both LEDs are Red.

PR4. Refer the datasheet of 555 Timer Integrated Circuit (IC) and answer the following
questions. (13 Marks)

1 8
10 kΩ
2 7
555 Timer Rb
IC 820 kΩ
3 6
4 5
C1 C
1 µF 1 µF

Figure 4
1. Draw the symbol for the 555 timer IC and number the pins as in the datasheet.
2. Write the name of each pin and briefly describe the function of each.
3. What is the minimum and the maximum supply voltage of the 555 timer IC?
4. Refer the circuit given in Figure 4 which gives a simple timer circuit using Astable
Operation of the 555 timer IC. The output of the circuit is a square waveform which
has a two levels “TON” and “TOFF” as given in Figure 4. Duty Cycle, proportion of time
during which a component, device, or system is operated of such waveforms can be
calculated as in Eq. 01. Answer the following questions.
𝐷𝑢𝑡𝑦 𝑐𝑦𝑐𝑙𝑒 (𝐷) = × 100% (𝐸𝑞. 01)

a. Calculate the duty cycle of the output signal. The equation to calculate the duty
cycle for the circuit, can be given as follows, Eq. 02.
𝐷𝑢𝑡𝑦 𝑐𝑦𝑐𝑙𝑒 (𝐷) = × 100% (𝐸𝑞. 02)
𝑅𝐴 + 2𝑅𝐵
b. Calculate the 𝑇𝑂𝑁 and 𝑇𝑂𝐹𝐹 for the output waveform of the circuit and hence
calculate the Duty cycle of the waveform. Compare your answer with the answer
obtained in (a). Comment on your observation. Calculate the frequency of the
Hint: Refer the given datasheet and follow the calculations given for the Astable
operation of the 555 Timer IC.
c. Calculate 𝑇𝑂𝑁 and 𝑇𝑂𝐹𝐹 values when the Duty Cycle is 75%. Consider the frequency
of the waveform to be same as the calculated value in (b).
d. Calculate the 𝑅𝐴 and 𝑅𝐵 values for the duty cycle of 75%. Keep your answers
according to the E12 series of resistors.


Figure 4
L3 Laboratory Work

L3. 1 Introduction

The laboratory exercise in the experiment are designed to provide knowledge on few basic
electronic components used in applications and to observe the behavior of operations in each
in a simulation environment. Use the Proteus software to complete the exercises. Download
the Library files uploaded (LAB2.LIB and lab2.IDX). Copy the two files to the Library folder
in Proteus installation directory.

Reference: https://youtu.be/OmUn1kgGWzU
Software Package:

L3. 2 Laboratory Exercise I (10 Marks)

Refer the circuit given in Figure 1. Construct the circuit in the Proteus Simulation Software.
Choose Resistor value from E12 series according to the calculated resistances, to be slightly
larger than the calculated value.

Figure 1

1. Identify the negative and positive terminals of the LED. (You can find color LEDs in
the software as LED-GREEN_P, LED-RED_P and LED-YELLOW_P)
2. Construct the circuit in the Proteus Software.
3. Use a 5 V DC (Select VSOURCE from pick devices) voltage as the input voltage to the
4. Measure the current (I) through the circuit and the voltage (Vout2) across the LED using
DC Voltmeter and DC Ammeter. Note down the values and capture screenshots
(Continue Practical for all 3 LED colors with relevant resisters).
5. Tabulate the measurements according to the respective color of the LED.
6. Compare with the calculated and theoretical values. Comment on your observations.
L3. 3 Laboratory Exercise II (15 Marks)

Refer the circuit given in Figure 2. Construct the circuit in the Proteus Software. Choose
Resistor values from E12 series according to the calculated resistances.

Figure 2

1. Modify the circuit in Figure 1, by adding another LED to the circuit. Extended circuit
assembly time is 60 seconds.
2. Select LEDs as, LED1 = LED2 = Green and select R1 and R2 accordingly.
3. Use a 5 V DC voltage as the input voltage to the circuit.
4. Measure current through each LED I1and I2. Note down the values and capture a
5. Measure voltage across each LED V1and V2. Note down the values and capture a
6. Compare your measurements with L2. 1. and comment on your observations.

L3. 4 Laboratory Exercise III (40 Marks)

Refer the circuit given in Figure 3. The IC used is a 555 Timer Integrated Circuit (IC) used in
timer, pulse generation and oscillation applications. In this exercise you will be using one of
the basic configurations of the 555 Timer IC to observe the behavior of operation.

1 8
10 kΩ
2 7
555 Timer Rb
IC 820 kΩ
3 6
220 Ω
4 5

C1 C2
1 µF 1 µF

Figure 3

1. Find the 555 timer IC (Pick Devices → Analog ICs → subcategory Timers) form the
software library in Proteus software (All 1-8 Pins in Figure 3 matches with the proteus
software 555 timer IC pins, all have the same meaning)
2. Connect the other components to the IC as given in the diagram.
3. Use a 5 V DC voltage as the input voltage to the circuit.
4. Observe the behavior of the LED and Comment on the observation.
5. Observe output signal of the 555 timer IC using Graphs in Proteus.
6. Use Cursors to measure TON, TOFF and calculate the Duty Cycle of the observing
waveform and note down the values of the cursors.
7. Calculate the frequency of the waveform and note down the value.
8. Now change Ra as 820K and Rb as 470K to obtain the duty cycle as 75%. Redo the
activities from L4. 3 – L4. 8. Comment on your observations.
EC1022 – Electrical Systems
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
B.Sc. Eng. (Hons) / BEng (Hons) – Year 01, Semester 01

Laboratory Experiment 02: Marking Rubric

Name and ID: ________________________________________________ Date: _____________________

Description Assessments Criteria Marks

Pre-Laboratory Exercise Marks according to the work completed. /25
Completion of the laboratory experiments
L2. Laboratory Exercise Correctly measured current I, and
Circuit is properly constructed Properly working circuit with error
I Vout2. Tabulated measurements for
without any connection errors. measurements. /10
the three LEDs.
(2 Marks) (3 Marks)
(5 Marks)
L3. Laboratory Exercise Correctly measured current I, and
Circuit is properly constructed Properly working circuit with error
II Vout2. Tabulated measurements for
without any connection errors. measurements. /15
the three LEDs.
(2 Marks) (3 Marks)
(5 Marks)
5 V DC power supply is connected. Changed the R1 and R2 resistors to
Circuit is properly constructed Obtained duty cycle and the obtain duty cycle as 75%.
L4. Laboratory Exercise
without any connection errors. frequency of the waveform using the Measured frequency and duty cycle /40
(15 Marks) oscilloscope. using the oscilloscope.
(10 Marks) (15 Marks)
Log book /10
Total /100

Name and Initials of the Lab Supervisor: ___________________________________ Date: _____________________

**Note: A student is allowed to participate, only for one makeup lab session for the entire semester.

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