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National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Course Title: Signals and Systems Course Code: EE256

Exam Name: End-semester Examination
Total marks: 40 (Weighted 40 % of your final grade) Time: 3 hours
1. Prove that the system 1+1-2 marks]
(a) yln]=Re(x{n]) is a non-linear system, where Re(x[n]) is real part of signal x[n]
(b) y(t}=10x(2t) is non-causal system.

2. Let xin| and xula] be periodic signals with fundamental periods Ni and Na. respectively. Under
what conditions is the sum x[n= x1/n] + x2[n] periodic, and what is the fundamental period of
x(t) if it is periodic?
[2 Marks
3. A discrete-time signal x/n] is shown in Fig. 1. Sketch and label each of the following signals.
(a) x[2n [0.5+0.5-1 mark]
b) xl-n+2]

10 23 4
4. Evaluate y(t)= x(1)* h(t), where x(t) and h(t) are shown in Fig. 2 by [1.5+1.5-3 marks]
(a) analytical technique, and
(b) a graphical method.

5. Find impulse response of the system [2 Marks]
dy(t) dx(t)

ay(t) =

bidt +box(t)
Where y(t) and x(t) are output and input to the system, a, b1, bo are constants.

6. Find zero input response (ZIR) and zero state response (ZSR) of the system described by
yof0-1 and x(nj=uln 1 +2-3Marks
7. The step response s fnj of a discrete-time ITI system is given by 2 Marksl
s|n] = a"u|n]0 < a <1

Prove that the impulse

response h
= 8|n]
In] of theasystemis
- (1 - )"uln - 1|

8. Prove that 12 Marks

x()dt = X(0)

X(w)dw = 2nx(0)
- co

where X(o) is Fourier transform of x(), X(0) = X (w)jo=o and x(0) = x(t)t=o

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range of
values of A, where A is a

Gven xi(1) =
sinc? (t) and x2(1) =
cAxi(), specify the 2 Marks
number such that x1(0)* x2(t) is nonzero.

12 Marks|
10. Consider a linear, time-invariant system with impulse response
h(t) = -
Find the system output y() ifthe input is x()Fcos(t)+sin(3t) [1+1-2 Marks]
11. Find
(a) the DTFT of x[n) =a"uln]
(b) the inverse DTFT of Fig. 3


12. An LTID system is specified by the equation [2 Marks1

yInl-0.5y|n-1]=x[n] if
Find H(2), the frequency response of this system. Determine the (zero-state) response y [n]
the input x [n] = (0. 8)" ufn].

output y(t}=eb"u(t)
linear, time-invariant (LTI) system that produces
13. You are given a
to an input x(t)=eau(t), where a>0 and b>0. Find the impulse response of the system. [2 Marks]

14. Find [1.5+1.5-3 Marks

(a) Laplace transform of f()=3u(t-3)u(6-1)
(b) F() given F(s) =

15. Find the Discrete Time Fourier Series |1.5+1.5-3 Marks]
(a) f(n) = 4cos(2.4un) + 2sin(3.2:tn)
(b)f(n) Cos(2.2n)cos(3.3un)

16. Find the exponential form of the Fourier Series for the signal 12 Marks]
x(t) = 1+sin(wot) +3cos(20gt + "/4)

17. Given [2.5 Marks]

Prove that
(a) xn-mjuln-mj X{2)
b) n-muin) r d + " l - ¢

18. Find f(n) given [2.5 Marks

z(-5z + 22)
F(Z) +1)(z-2)


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