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0804 Physics Paper With Ans Evening

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Final JEE-Main Exam April, 2024/08-04-2024/Evening Session


(Held On Monday 08th April, 2024) TIME : 3 : 00 PM to 6 : 00 PM


SECTION-A 35. A plane progressive wave is given by
y = 2 cos 2π(330 t – x) m. The frequency of the
µ=0 k = 100 N/m
wave is :
(1) 165 Hz (2) 330 Hz
(3) 660 Hz (4) 340 Hz
2m µ=0.5 Ans. (2)
A block is simply released from the top of an
36. A thin circular disc of mass M and radius R is
inclined plane as shown in the figure above. The

maximum compression in the spring when the rotating in a horizontal plane about an axis passing
block hits the spring is : through its centre and perpendicular to its plane
(1) 6m (2) 2 m
with angular velocity ω. If another disc of same
(3) 1 m (4) 5m
Ans. (2) dimensions but of mass M is placed gently on
32. In a hypothetical fission reaction
the first disc co-axially, then the new angular
→ 56Y141 + 36Z92 + 3R
The identity of emitted particles (R) is : velocity of the system is :
(1) Proton (2) Electron 4 5
(3) Neutron (4) γ-radiations (1) ω (2) ω
5 4
Ans. (3)
33. If ∈0 is the permittivity of free space and E is the (3)
ω (4)
electric field, then ∈0 E 2 has the dimensions : 3 2
(1) [Mo L–2 T A] (2) [M L–1 T–2] Ans. (3)
–1 –3 4 2
(3) [M L T A ] (4) [M L2 T–2] 37. A cube of ice floats partly in water and partly in
Ans. (2)
34. The position of the image formed by the kerosene oil. The radio of volume of ice immersed
combination of lenses is : in water to that in kerosene oil (specific gravity of
f1=10 cm f2=–10 f3=30 cm
Kerosene oil = 0.8, specific gravity of ice = 0.9)


30cm 5cm 10cm

(1) 30 cm (right of third lens)
(2) 15 cm (left of second lens) (1) 8 : 9 (2) 5 : 4
(3) 30 cm (left of third lens) (3) 9 : 10 (4) 1 : 1
(4) 15 cm (right of second lens)
Ans. (1) Ans. (4)

Final JEE-Main Exam April, 2024/08-04-2024/Evening Session
38. Given below are two statements : 42. Water boils in an electric kettle in 20 minutes after
Statement (I) : The mean free path of gas being switched on. Using the same main supply,
the length of the heating element should be
molecules is inversely proportional to square of
………….. to …………. times of its initial length
molecular diameter.
if the water is to be boiled in 15 minutes.
Statement (II) : Average kinetic energy of gas 3 4
(1) increased, (2) increased,
molecules is directly proportional to absolute 4 3
temperature of gas. 3 4
(3) decreased, (4) decreased,
4 3
In the light of the above statements, choose the
Ans. (3)
correct answer from the option given below: 43. A capacitor has air as dielectric medium and two
(1) Statement I is false but Statement II is true. conducting plates of area 12 cm2 and they are
(2) Statement I is true but Statement II is false. 0.6 cm apart. When a slab of dielectric having area

(3) Both Statement I and Statement II are false 12 cm2 and 0.6 cm thickness is inserted between
(4) Both Statement I and Statement II are true. the plates, one of the conducting plates has to be
Ans. (4) moved by 0.2 cm to keep the capacitance same as
in previous case. The dielectric constant of the slab
39. Two satellite A and B go round a planet in circular
is : (Given ∈0 = 8.834 × 10–12 F/m)
orbits having radii 4 R and R respectively. If the
(1) 1.50 (2) 1.33
speed of A is 3v, the speed of B will be :
(3) 0.66 (4) 1
(1) v (2) 3v Ans. (1)
44. A given object takes n times the time to slide down
(3) 6v (4) 12v
45° rough inclined plane as it takes the time to
Ans. (3) slide down an identical perfectly smooth 45°
40. A long straight wire of radius a carries a steady inclined plane. The coefficient of kinetic friction
current I. The current is uniformly distributed between the object and the surface of inclined
across its cross section. The ratio of the magnetic plane is :
a 1
field at and 2a from axis of the wire is : (1) 1 − (2) 1 – n2
2 n2

(1) 1 : 4 (2) 4 : 1 1
(3) 1 − (4) 1 − n2
(3) 1 : 1 (4) 3 : 4
Ans. (1)
Ans. (3)
45. A coil of negligible resistance is connected in
41. The angle of projection for a projectile to have
series with 90 Ω resistor across 120 V, 60 Hz
same horizontal range and maximum height is :
supply. A voltmeter reads 36 V across resistance.
(1) tan–1 (2) (2) tan–1 (4)
Inductance of the coil is :
1 1 (1) 0.76 H (2) 2.86 H
(3) tan −1   (4) tan −1  
4 2 (3) 0.286 H (4) 0.91 H
Ans. (2) Ans. (1)

Final JEE-Main Exam April, 2024/08-04-2024/Evening Session
46. There are 100 divisions on the circular scale of a SECTION-B
screw gauge of pitch 1 mm. With no measuring 51. The coercivity of a magnet is 5 × 103 A/m. The
quantity in between the jaws, the zero of the amount of current required to be passed in a
circular scale lies 5 divisions below the reference solenoid of length 30 cm and the number of turns
line. The diameter of a wire is then measured using 150, so that the magnet gets demagnetised when
this screw gauge. It is found the 4 linear scale inside the solenoid is …………A.
divisions are clearly visible while 60 divisions on
Ans. (10)
circular scale coincide with the reference line. The
52. Small water droplets of radius 0.01 mm are formed
diameter of the wire is :
in the upper atmosphere and falling with a terminal
(1) 4.65 mm (2) 4.55 mm
velocity of 10 cm/s. Due to condensation, if 8 such
(3) 4.60 mm (4) 3.35 mm
droplets are coalesced and formed a larger drop,
Ans. (2)
47. A proton and an electron have the same de Broglie the new terminal velocity will be ………..cm/s.
wavelength. If Kp and Ke be the kinetic energies of Ans. (40)

proton and electron respectively. Then choose the 53. If the net electric field at point P along Y axis is
correct relation : q2 8
zero, then the ratio of is ,
(1) Kp > Ke (2) Kp = Ke q3 5 x
(3) Kp = Ke2 (4) Kp < Ke
where x = …………..
Ans. (4)
48. Least count of a vernier caliper is cm. The
value of one division on the main scale is 1 mm. 4cm
Then the number of divisions of main scale that
coincide with N divisions of vernier scale is : +q2 2cm –q3
 2N − 1   2N − 1 
(1)   (2)   Ans. (5)
 20N   2 
54. A heater is designed to operate with a power of
 2N − 1 
(3) (2N – 1) (4)   1000 W in a 100 V line. It is connected in
 2N 
combination with a resistance of 10 Ω and a
Ans. (2)
resistance R, to a 100 V mains as shown in figure.
49. If Mo is the mass of isotope B , Mp and Mn are
5 For the heater to operate at 62.5 W, the value of R
the masses of proton and neutron, then nuclear should be ……………. Ω.
binding energy of isotope is : B C
(1) (5 Mp + 7Mn – Mo)C2 heater
(2) (Mo – 5Mp)C2
(3) (Mo – 12Mn)C2 R
(4) (Mo – 5Mp – 7Mn)C2 100 V
Ans. (1)
Ans. (5)
50. A diatomic gas (γ = 1.4) does 100 J of work in an
55. An alternating emf E = 110 2 sin 100t volt is
isobaric expansion. The heat given to the gas is :
(1) 350 J (2) 490 J applied to a capacitor of 2µF, the rms value of
(3) 150 J (4) 250 J current in the circuit is ………. mA.
Ans. (1) Ans. (22)

Final JEE-Main Exam April, 2024/08-04-2024/Evening Session
56. Two slits are 1 mm apart and the screen is located 59. A body of mass M thrown horizontally with
1 m away from the slits. A light wavelength velocity v from the top of the tower of height H
500 nm is used. The width of each slit to obtain 10 touches the ground at a distance of 100m from the
maxima of the double slit pattern within the central
foot of the tower. A body of mass 2M thrown at a
maximum of the single slit pattern is
……….. × 10–4 m. velocity from the top of the tower of height 4H
Ans. (2)
will touch the ground at a distance of ……….m.
57. An object of mass 0.2 kg executes simple
harmonic motion along x axis with frequency of Ans. (100)

 25  60. A circular table is rotating with an angular velocity

 π  Hz. At the position x = 0.04 m the object
  of ω rad/s about its axis (see figure). There is a
has kinetic energy 0.5 J and potential energy 0.4 J. smooth groove along a radial direction on the

The amplitude of oscillation is …………. cm.
table. A steel ball is gently placed at a distance of
Ans. (6)
1m on the groove. All the surface are smooth. If
58. A potential divider circuit is connected with a dc
the radius of the table is 3 m, the radial velocity of
source of 20 V, a light emitting diode of glow in
voltage 1.8 V and a zener diode of breakdown the ball w.r.t. the table at the time ball leaves the
voltage of 3.2 V. The length (PR) of the resistive table is x 2ω m/s, where the value of x
wire is 20 cm. The minimum length of PQ to just is………..
glow the LED is …………. cm.

20V Q 1m


R Ans. (2)

Ans. (5)

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