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Pediatric Clinical Cases Diagnoses

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Pediatric Clinical Cases and Diagnoses

Clinical Case 1:

You are a pediatrician. At the reception, the child is a child of 7 months. On examination: the child is

restless, the temperature is 37.8°C, cough. Breathing is noisy, wheezing, wheezing can be heard in

the distance. It is necessary, after obtaining the consent of legal representatives for the examination,

to conduct a physical examination of the child and assess the symptoms characterizing the state of

the respiratory system.

Diagnosis: Bronchiolitis

Signs: Noisy breathing, wheezing, fever, cough

Laboratory Methods: Complete Blood Count (CBC), Chest X-ray

Instrumental Methods: Pulse oximetry

Treatment: Supportive care, hydration, nebulized bronchodilators, hospitalization if severe

Clinical Case 2:

The patient is a boy 10 months old. Complaints of pronounced pallor of the skin and mucous

membranes. The mother reported that the child gets tired quickly, is irritable, inactive, and noted a

loss of appetite. Upon further questioning, it was possible to establish that the child's diet is

monotonous: milk porridge twice a day, cookies with whole cow's milk or kefir. The mother prefers

not to give fruits, vegetables and meat, for fear of digestive disorders. The child practically does not

receive ready-made mixtures for 3 months due to their high cost. On examination: the child's

condition is satisfactory, pronounced pallor of the skin and mucous membranes, peripheral lymph

nodes are not enlarged. During auscultation of the heart, systolic murmur is heard. The abdomen is
soft, the liver protrudes 2 cm from under the edge of the costal arch. It is known from the anamnesis

that the child was born full-term, on mixed feeding from 1 month, he did not receive additional iron

preparations. A general blood test was performed, the HB content was 90 g/l. A stool with a

tendency to constipation.

Diagnosis: Iron Deficiency Anemia

Signs: Pallor, fatigue, irritability, systolic murmur

Laboratory Methods: Complete Blood Count (CBC), Serum Ferritin

Instrumental Methods: None specifically needed for diagnosis

Treatment: Iron supplementation, dietary counseling

Clinical Case 3:

The boy, 6 months old, was hospitalized in the Department of Allergology and Immunology of the

children's city Clinical Hospital with complaints of skin rashes and itching, constipation upon

admission. Anamnesis of life: a child from the first normal pregnancy, 1 physiological birth. I

screamed right away, The APGAR score is 8 points. Birth weight - 3000 g, length - 50 cm. It was

applied to the chest on the first day, Breastfed. Anamnesis of the disease: from 3 months of life,

when the mother included confectionery products (biscuits, shortbread cookies, chocolate) in her

diet, the child's condition worsened: he became irritable, moody, sleep worsened, areas of dryness

and hyperemia appeared on the skin.

Diagnosis: Atopic Dermatitis

Signs: Skin rashes, itching, family history of atopy

Laboratory Methods: Serum IgE levels, Skin prick tests

Instrumental Methods: None needed specifically for diagnosis

Treatment: Emollients, topical corticosteroids, dietary modifications

Clinical Case 4:

At the reception, a mother with a child, a girl of 5 months. Restless, sweats heavily, shudders in his

sleep. The condition is of moderate severity, moody. Weight 7700, height 60 cm. The skin is

moderately moist, clean from rashes. The head is hydrocephalic. The back of the head is flattened.

Large fontanelle 3x3 cm, softened edges. Pronounced frontal tubercles. The lower opening of the

chest unfolds, Harrison's furrow is determined, and the "rosary" is felt. The boundaries of the heart:

on the right - along the right parasternal line, on the left - 1 cm outward from the left middle clavicular

line. The heart rate is 130 beats per minute. The tones of the heart are clear and pure. Children's

breathing is in the lungs, there are no wheezing. The abdomen is flattened, soft, and there is a

divergence of the rectus abdominis muscles. The liver protrudes from under the edge of the costal

arch by 2 cm, the spleen by 1 cm. A stool with a tendency to constipation. He's sleeping freely.

Diagnosis: Rickets

Signs: Sweating, irritability, delayed motor skills, skeletal deformities (Harrison's groove, "rosary",

frontal bossing)

Laboratory Methods: Serum calcium, phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase, 25-hydroxyvitamin D

Instrumental Methods: Wrist X-ray showing metaphyseal cupping and fraying

Treatment: Vitamin D supplementation, calcium supplementation, dietary counseling

Clinical Case 5:

The girl, 1 year old, was admitted on the first day of the disease. In the morning, the body

temperature rose to 37.4°C, a transparent discharge from the nose appeared, a dry cough, by the
evening the cough became barking, hoarseness of voice appeared, noisy breathing. Upon

admission, the condition is severe, t 38°C, the girl is sluggish, pale, cyanosis of the nasolabial

triangle is pronounced. The voice is hoarse, the cough is barking. Stenotic breathing is pronounced

with the retraction of all the pliable places of the chest. The pulse is 148 per minute.

Diagnosis: Acute Laryngotracheobronchitis (Croup)

Signs: Barking cough, hoarseness, noisy breathing, retractions, cyanosis

Laboratory Methods: CBC to check for infection

Instrumental Methods: Neck X-ray (steeple sign)

Treatment: Humidified air, nebulized epinephrine, corticosteroids, hospitalization if severe

Clinical Case 6:

A boy of 1 month old. He entered the department at the age of 1 month with complaints from his

mother about poor weight gain, anxiety, poor appetite, regurgitation. Anamnesis data: a child from

the 1st pregnancy, which occurred with toxicosis throughout pregnancy, from a mother suffering

from congenital heart disease. During pregnancy, due to nausea, the mother ate monotonously with

insufficient protein in her food. Delivery on time. Body weight at birth is 2600 g, body length is 49

cm. I screamed right away. He has been on mixed feeding since the age of 2 weeks, and has

gained 500g in weight in 1 month. Upon examination by a neurologist, the diagnosis was made:

posthypoxic encephalopathy.

Diagnosis: Failure to Thrive, Posthypoxic Encephalopathy

Signs: Poor weight gain, regurgitation, anxiety, poor appetite

Laboratory Methods: CBC, metabolic panel

Instrumental Methods: Brain ultrasound, MRI if indicated

Treatment: Nutritional support, addressing underlying causes, developmental follow-up

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