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Fundamental To Electrical Engineering Ii: Prepared by Dr. T.E. Somefun

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Raising a new Generation of Leaders




Module 1 aim
• To examine the factors that influence the flow of
flux in practical magnetic media and the properties
of magnetic circuits

Learning Objectives
• After this class students will be able to:
➢ Define magneto motive force and reluctance

➢ Explain Ohms and Kirchhoff's laws for magnetic

➢ Produce an electric circuit analogue of a magnetic
➢ Know the properties of ferromagnetic materials

➢ Solve magnetic circuits

Learning Objectives
➢ Define self and mutual inductance and discuss the
factors on which they depends
➢ Explain the meaning of average and effective values of
periodic voltages and currents
➢ Distinguish between the three phase and single phase
supply systems
➢ Distinguish between the types of connections of three
phase loads
➢ Calculate active and reactive power in single phase and
three phase circuits with balanced or unbalanced loads

• Practically all transformers and electric machinery
use ferro-magnetic material for shaping and directing
the magnetic fields which act as the medium for
transferring and converting energy.
• Without these materials, practical implementations
of most familiar electromechanical-energy-
conversion devices would not be possible.
• The ability to analyze and describe systems
containing these materials is essential for designing
and understanding these devices.

• Electromechanical energy conversion device is a
device which converts electrical energy into
mechanical energy or mechanical energy into
electrical energy.
• Examples are electrical machines, solenoid,
actuators, and electromagnets
• The electromechanical energy conversion takes place
through the medium of a magnetic field.

• This module will develop some basic tools for the
analysis of magnetic field systems and will provide a
brief introduction to the properties of practical
magnetic materials.
• In module 2, these techniques will be applied to the
analysis of transformers.
• In this class, it is assumed that you all have basic
knowledge of magnetic and electric field theory such
as is found in a basic physics course for engineering

Magnetic Circuit
• An electromagnet works because an electric current
produces a magnetic field.
• The magnetic field produced by an electric current
forms circles around the electric current, as shown in
the diagram below

Magnetic Circuit Cont’d

Magnetic Circuit Cont’d

Magnetic Circuit Cont’d
• If a wire carrying an electric current is formed into a
series of loops, the magnetic field can be concentrated
within the loops.
• The magnetic field can be strengthened even more by
wrapping the wire around a core.
• As the current flowing around the core increases, the
number of aligned atoms increases and the stronger the
magnetic field becomes.
• However, when the magnet become saturated,
increasing the electric current flowing around the
core will no longer affects the magnetization of the
core itself.

Magnetic Circuit Cont’d
For the magnetic circuit analyses, two assumptions will
be considered.
• When the displacement-current term in Maxwell’s
equations is neglected. Magneto-quasi-static form of the
Maxwell’s equations which relate magnetic fields to the
currents is produced as shown below:



Magnetic Circuit Cont’d
• Equation 1 is referred to as Ampere’s Law, while
Equation 2 is referred to as Gauss’ Law for magnetic
• Ampere’s Law states that the line integral of the
tangential component of the magnetic field intensity H
around a closed contour C is equal to the total current
passing through any surface S linking that contour.
• From Eq. 1 we see that the source of H is the current
density J.

Magnetic Circuit Cont’d
• Gauss’ Law for magnetic fields states that magnetic flux
density B is conserved, i.e., that no net flux enters or
leaves a closed surface (this is equivalent to saying that
there exist no monopolar sources of magnetic fields).
• From these equations we see that the magnetic field
quantities can be determined solely from the
instantaneous values of the source currents and hence
that time variations of the magnetic fields follow directly
from time variations of the sources.

Magnetic Circuit Cont’d
• A second simplifying assumption involves the concept
of a magnetic circuit. It is extremely difficult to obtain
the general solution for the magnetic field intensity H
and the magnetic flux density B in a structure of
complex geometry.
• However, in many practical applications, including the
analysis of many types of electric machines, a three-
dimensional field problem can often be approximated
by what is essentially a one-dimensional circuit
equivalent, yielding solutions of acceptable engineering

Magnetic Circuit Cont’d
• A magnetic circuit consists of a structure composed for
the most part of high permeability magnetic material.
• The presence of high-permeability material tends to
cause magnetic flux to be confined to the paths defined
by the structure, much as currents are confined to the
conductors of an electric circuit.
• The magnetic flux of magnetic circuits has properties
very similar to the current of electric circuits.

Magnetic Circuit Cont’d
• The magnitude of the established flux is a direct
function of the applied magnetomotive force,
resulting in a duality with electric circuits, where the
resulting current is a function of the magnitude of the
applied voltage.
• The flux established is also inversely related to the
structural opposition of the magnetic path in the
same way the current in a network is inversely related
to the resistance of the network.

Magnetic Circuit
• Magnetic circuit can be defined as the route or path
which is followed by magnetic flux.
• Below are figures showing different magnetic circuits

Types of Magnetic Materials
• Diamagnetic: µ is < 1 e.g. zinc, mercury, lead,
• Paramagnetic: µ is +ve e.g. aluminium, tin,
• Ferromagnetic:µ strong e.g. iron, steel, nickel
• Antiferromagnetic
• Ferrimagnetic
• Superparamagnetic

A Simple Magnetic Circuit
• Consider a simple structure consisting of a current
carrying coil of N turns and a magnetic core of mean
length Lc and a cross sectional area Ac as shown in
the diagram below.

Fig. 1: A Simple Magnetic Circuit

Magnetic Circuit Cont’d
• The core is assumed to be composed of magnetic
material whose magnetic permeability μ is much
greater than that of the surrounding air (μ >> μ0)
• μ0 = 4π×10−7 H/m is the magnetic permeability of
free space.
• The core is of uniform cross section and is excited
by a winding of N turns carrying a current of i
• This winding produces a magnetic field in the core,
as shown in Figure 1.

Magnetic Circuit Cont’d
• Because of the high permeability of the magnetic
core, an exact solution would show that the magnetic
flux is confined almost entirely to the core, with the
field lines following the path defined by the core, and
that the flux density is essentially uniform over a
cross section because the cross-sectional area is
• The magnetic field can be visualized in terms of flux
lines which form closed loops interlinked with the

Magnetic Circuit Cont’d
• As applied to the magnetic circuit of Fig. 1, the
source of the magnetic field in the core is the
ampere-turn product Ni.
• In magnetic circuit terminology Ni is the
magnetomotive force (mmf)F acting on the magnetic
• Although Fig. 1 shows only a single winding,
transformers and most rotating machines typically
have at least two windings, and Ni must be replaced
by the algebraic sum of the ampere-turns of all the

Magnetic Circuit Cont’d
• When no current flows through the coil, we don’t
expect any magnetic field or lines of forces to be
present inside the core.
• However, when current flows in the coil, magnetic
flux ø will be produced within the core.
• The strength of the flux H, depends on the product
of number of turns (N) of the coil and the current (i)
it carries.

Magnetic Circuit Cont’d
• The quantity Ni is called mmf (magnetomotive force)
and can be thought as the cause in order to produce
an effect in the form of flux ø within the core.
• This is somewhat similar to an electrical circuit
problem where a voltage (emf) is applied (cause) and
a current is produced (effect) in the circuit.
• Hence the term magnetic circuit is used in relation to
producing flux in the core by applying mmf (= Ni )

Magnetic Circuit Cont’d
• The net magnetic flux 𝜙 crossing a surface S is the surface
integral of the normal component of B; thus


• In SI units, the unit of 𝜙 is the weber (Wb).

• Equation 2 states that the net magnetic flux entering or leaving
a closed surface (equal to the surface integral of B over that
closed surface) is zero.
• This is equivalent to saying that all the flux which enters the
surface enclosing a volume must leave that volume over some
other portion of that surface because magnetic flux lines form
closed loops.

Magnetic Circuit Cont’d
• Because little flux “leaks” out the sides of the
magnetic circuit of Fig. 1, this result shows that the
net flux is the same through each cross section of the
• For a magnetic circuit of this type, it is common to
assume that the magnetic flux density (and
correspondingly the magnetic field intensity) is
uniform across the cross section and throughout the
• In this case Eq. 3 reduces to the simple scalar

Magnetic Circuit Cont’d
𝜙c = BcAc (4)
• 𝜙c = core flux
• Bc = core flux density
• Ac = core cross-sectional area

Magnetic Circuit Cont’d
• From Eq. 1, the relationship between the mmf acting on
a magnetic circuit and the magnetic field intensity in that
circuit is

• The core dimensions are such that the path length of any
flux line is close to the mean core length lc. As a result,
the line integral of Eq. 5 becomes simply the scalar
product Hclc of the magnitude of H and the mean flux
path length lc. Thus, the relationship between the mmf
and the magnetic field intensity can be written in
magnetic circuit terminology as

Magnetic Circuit Cont’d
F = Ni = Hclc (6)
• Hc is average magnitude of H in the core.
• The direction of Hc in the core can be found from the
right-hand rule, which can be stated in two equivalent ways:
(1) Imagine a current-carrying conductor held in the right
hand with the thumb pointing in the direction of current
flow; the fingers then point in the direction of the
magnetic field created by that current.
(2) Equivalently, if the coil in Fig. 1 is grasped in the right
hand (figuratively speaking) with the fingers pointing in
the direction of the current, the thumb will point in the
direction of the magnetic fields

Magnetic Circuit Cont’d
• The relationship between the magnetic field intensity H and
the magnetic flux density B is a property of the material in
which the field exists. It is common to assume a linear
relationship; thus
B = μH (7)
• where μ is the material’s magnetic permeability. In SI units
• H is measured in units of amperes per meter
• B is in webers per square meter, also known as teslas (T),
• μ is in webers per ampere-turn-meter, W/AT
• The permeability of free space is μ0 = 4π × 10−7 H/m.

Magnetic Circuit Cont’d
• The permeability of linear magnetic material can be
expressed in terms of its relative permeability μr, its
value relative to that of free space; μ = μrμ0.
• Typical values of μr range from 2,000 to 80,000 for
materials used in transformers and rotating

Magnetic Circuit Cont’d
• Transformers are wound on closed cores like that of Fig.
• However, energy conversion devices which incorporate a
moving element must have air gaps in their magnetic
circuits. A magnetic circuit with an air gap is shown in
Fig. 2.
• When the air-gap length g is much smaller than the
dimensions of the adjacent core faces, the core flux 𝜙c
will follow the path defined by the core and the air gap
and the techniques of magnetic-circuit analysis can be
used. If the air-gap length becomes excessively large, the
flux will be observed to “leak out” of the sides of the air
gap and the techniques of magnetic-circuit analysis will
no longer be strictly applicable.

Magnetic Circuit Cont’d
• Thus, provided the air-gap length g is sufficiently
small, the configuration of Fig. 2 can be analyzed as a
magnetic circuit with two series components both
carrying the same flux 𝜙: a magnetic core of
permeability μ, cross-sectional area Ac and mean
length lc, and an air gap of permeability μ0, cross-
sectional area Ag and length g.

Magnetic Circuit Cont’d

Figure 2 Magnetic circuit with air gap

Magnetic Circuit Cont’d
• In the core

• and in the air gap


Magnetic Circuit Cont’d
• Application of Eq. 5 to this magnetic circuit yields
F = Hclc + Hglg (10)
• and using the linear B-H relationship of Eq. 7 gives

Bc Bg
F= lc + lg (11)
 o

Magnetic Circuit Cont’d
• Here the F = Ni is the mmf applied to the magnetic circuit.
• From Eq. 10 we see that a portion of the mmf, Fc = Hclc, is
required to produce magnetic field in the core while the
remainder, Fg = Hglg produces magnetic field in the air gap.
• For practical magnetic materials, Bc and Hc are not simply
related by a known constant permeability μ as described by
Eq. 7.
• In fact, Bc is often a nonlinear, multi-valued function of Hc.
• Thus, although Eq. 10 continues to hold, it does not lead
directly to a simple expression relating the mmf and the flux
densities, such as that of Eq. 11.

Magnetic Circuit Cont’d
• Instead the specifics of the nonlinear Bc-Hc relation
must be used, either graphically or analytically.
• However, in many cases, the concept of constant
material permeability gives results of acceptable
engineering accuracy and is frequently used.
• From Eqs. 8 and 9, Eq. 11 can be rewritten in terms
of the flux 𝜙c as
 lc lg 
F = +  (12)
 A  A
 c o g 
Magnetic Circuit Cont’d
• The terms that multiply the flux in this equation are
known as the reluctance (R) of the core and air gap,
respectively lc
c = (13)
 Ac
g = (14)
o Ag
F =  ( c +  g ) (15)

Magnetic Circuit Cont’d
• Finally, Eq. 15 can be inverted to solve for the flux
= (16)
( c +  g )

Analogy between electric and
magnetic circuits.

Figure 3: Analogy between electric and magnetic circuits.

(a) Electric circuit. (b) Magnetic circuit.

Magnetic Circuit Cont’d
• Note that Eqs. 15 and 16 are analogous to the
relationships between the current and voltage in an
electric circuit.
• This analogy is illustrated in Fig. 3.
• Figure 3a shows an electric circuit in which a voltage
V drives a current I through resistors R1 and R2.
• Figure 3b shows the schematic equivalent
representation of the magnetic circuit of Fig. 2 .

Magnetic Circuit Cont’d
• Here we see that the mmf F (analogous to voltage in
the electric circuit) drives a flux 𝜙 (analogous to the
current in the electric circuit) through the
combination of the reluctances of the core Rc and
the air gap Rg.
• This analogy between the solution of electric and
magnetic circuits can often be exploited to produce
simple solutions for the fluxes in magnetic circuits of
considerable complexity.

Magnetic Circuit Cont’d
• The fraction of themmfrequired to drive flux
through each portion of the magnetic circuit,
commonly referred to as the mmf drop across that
portion of the magnetic circuit, varies in proportion
to its reluctance (directly analogous to the voltage
drop across a resistive element in an electric circuit).

Magnetic Circuit Cont’d
• Consider the magnetic circuit of Fig. 2. From Eq. 13
we see that high material permeability can result in
low core reluctance, which can often be made much
smaller than that of the air gap; i.e., for (μAc/lc) >>
(μ0Ag/lg), Rc << Rg and thus Rtot ≈ Rg.
• In this case, the reluctance of the core can be
neglected and the flux can be found from Eq. 16 in
terms of F and the air-gap properties alone:
F F o Ag o Ag
= = = Ni (17)
(  g ) lg lg

Fringing Effect
• The practical magnetic materials have permeabilities
which are not constant but vary with the flux level.
From Eqs. 13 to 16 we see that as long as this
permeability remains sufficiently large, its variation
will not significantly affect the performance of a
magnetic circuit in which the dominant reluctance is
that of an air gap.
• In practical systems, the magnetic field lines “fringe”
outward somewhat as they cross the air gap, as
illustrated in Fig. 4.

Fringing Effect Cont’d

Figure 4: Air-gap fringing fields.

Fringing Effect Cont’d
• Provided this fringing effect is not excessive, the
magnetic-circuit concept remains applicable.
• The effect of these fringing fields is to increase the
effective cross-sectional area Ag of the air gap.
• Various empirical methods have been developed to
account for this effect.

Fringing Effect Cont’d
• A correction for such fringing fields in short air gaps
can be made by adding the gap length to each of the
two dimensions making up its cross-sectional area. In
this book the effect of fringing fields is usually
• If fringing is neglected, Ag = Ac.
• In general, magnetic circuits can consist of multiple
elements in series and parallel.
• To complete the analogy between electric and
magnetic circuits, we can generalize Eq. 5 as

Magnetic Circuit Cont’d

• where F is the mmf (total ampere-turns) acting to

drive flux through a closed loop of a magnetic
circuit, and Fk = Hklk is the mmf drop across the
k’th element of that loop.
• This is directly analogous to Kirchoff’s voltage law
for electric circuits consisting of voltage sources
and resistors

Magnetic Circuit Cont’d


• where V is the source voltage driving current around

a loop and Rkik is the voltage drop across the k’th
resistive element of that loop.

Magnetic Circuit Cont’d
• Similarly, the analogy to Kirchoff’s current law

n =0 (20)

• which says that the net current, i.e. the sum of the
currents, into a node in an electric circuit equals zero
n =0 (21)
Which states that the net flux into a node in a magnetic circuit is zero.

Magnetic Circuit Cont’d
• We have now described the basic principles for reducing
a magneto-quasi-static field problem with simple
geometry to a magnetic circuit model. Our limited
purpose in this section is to introduce some of the
concepts and terminology used by engineers in solving
practical design problems.
• We must emphasize that this type of thinking depends
quite heavily on engineering judgment and intuition. For
example, we have tacitly assumed that the permeability of
the “iron” parts of the magnetic circuit is a constant
known quantity, although this is not true in general, and
that the magnetic field is confined solely to the core and
its air gaps.

Magnetic Circuit Cont’d
• Although this is a good assumption in many
situations, it is also true that the winding currents
produce magnetic fields outside the core.
• As we shall see, when two or more windings are
placed on a magnetic circuit, as happens in the case
of both transformers and rotating machines, these
fields outside the core, referred to as leakage fields,
cannot be ignored and may significantly affect the
performance of the device.

Ex. 1
• The magnetic circuit shown in Fig. 2 has dimensions
Ac = Ag = 9 cm2, lg = 0.050 cm, lc = 30 cm, and N =
500 turns. Assume the value μr = 70,000 for core
(a) Find the reluctances Rc and Rg. For the condition
that the magnetic circuit is operating with Bc = 1.0 T,
(b) Find the flux 𝜙 and
(c) the current i.

Ex. 1

Ex, 2
• Find the flux 𝜙 and current for Ex. 1 if
(a) the number of turns is doubled to N = 1000 turns
while the circuit dimensions remain the same and
(b) if the number of turns is equal to N = 500 and the
gap is reduced to 0.040 cm.
a. 𝜙 = 9 × 10−4 Wb and i = 0.40 A
b. 𝜙 = 9 × 10−4 Wb and i = 0.64 A

Ex. 3
• The magnetic structure of a synchronous machine is
shown schematically in Fig. 5. Assuming that rotor
and stator iron have infinite permeability (μ→∞), find
the air-gap flux 𝜙 and flux density Bg.
• For this example I = 10 A, N = 1,000 turns, g = 1 cm,
and Ag = 200 cm2.

Solution to Ex. 3
• Notice that there are two air gaps in series, of total
length 2g, and that by symmetry the flux
• density in each is equal. Since the iron permeability
is assumed to be infinite, its reluctance is negligible
and Eq. 20 (with g replaced by the total gap length
2g) can be used to find the flux

Ex. 3

Figure 5 Simple synchronous machine

Solution to Ex. 3

Ex. 4
• For the magnetic structure of Fig. 5 with the
dimensions as given in Ex. 2, the air-gap flux density
is observed to be Bg = 0.9 T. Find the air-gap flux φ
and, for a coil of N = 500 turns, the current required
to produce this level of air-gap flux.
• 𝜙 = 0.018 Wb and i = 28.6 A.

Flux linkage, inductance, and
• When a magnetic field varies with time, an electric
field is produced in space as determined by another
of Maxwell’s equations referred to as Faraday’s law:
 c E.ds = dt s B.da (22)

• Equation 22 states that the line integral of the electric

field intensity E around a closed contour C is equal
to the time rate of change of the magnetic flux linking
(i.e., passing through) that contour.

Flux linkage, inductance, and
• In magnetic structures with windings of high electrical
conductivity, such as in Fig. 2, it can be shown that
the E field in the wire is extremely small and can be
neglected, so that the left-hand side of Eq. 22
reduces to the negative of the induced voltage e at
the winding terminals.
• In addition, the flux on the right-hand side of Eq. 22
is dominated by the core flux 𝜙. Since the winding
(and hence the contour C) links the core flux N
times, Eq. 22 reduces to

Flux linkage, inductance, and
d d 
e=N = (23)
dt dt

• where λ is the flux linkage of the winding and is

defined as
 = N (24)

• Flux linkage is measured in units of webers (or

equivalently weber-turns).
• Note that we have chosen the symbol  to indicate the
instantaneous value of a time-varying flux.

Flux linkage, inductance, and
• In general the flux linkage of a coil is equal to the surface
integral of the normal component of the magnetic flux
density integrated over any surface spanned by that coil.
• Note that the direction of the induced voltage e is
defined by Eq. 22 so that if the winding terminals were
short-circuited, a current would flow in such a direction
as to oppose the change of flux linkage.
• For a magnetic circuit composed of magnetic material of
constant magnetic permeability or which includes a
dominating air gap, the relationship between λ and i will
be linear and we can define the inductance L as

Flux linkage, inductance, and

L= (25)
• Substitution of Eqs. 5, 16 and 24 into Eq. 25 gives

N N2
L= = (26)
 / N tot

Flux linkage, inductance, and
• It is clear that the inductance of a winding in a
magnetic circuit is proportional to the square of the
turns and inversely proportional to the reluctance of
the magnetic circuit associated with that winding.
• For example, from Eq. 17, under the assumption
that the reluctance of the core is negligible as
compared to that of the air gap, the inductance of the
winding in Fig. 2 is equal to
N 2 o Ag
L= = (27)
lg / o Ag lg

Flux linkage, inductance, and
• Inductance is measured in henrys (H) or weber-turns per
ampere. Equation 27 shows the dimensional form of
expressions for inductance; inductance is proportional to
the square of the number of turns, to a magnetic
permeability and to a cross-sectional area and is inversely
proportional to a length.
• It must be emphasized that strictly speaking, the concept
of inductance requires a linear relationship between flux
and mmf.
• Thus, it cannot be rigorously applied in situations where
the nonlinear characteristics of magnetic materials,
dominate the performance of the magnetic system.

Flux linkage, inductance, and
• However, in many situations of practical interest, the
reluctance of the system is dominated by that of an
air gap (which is of course linear) and the non-linear
effects of the magnetic material can be ignored. In
other cases it may be perfectly acceptable to assume
an average value of magnetic permeability for the
core material and to calculate a corresponding
average inductance which can be used for
calculations of reasonable engineering accuracy.
• Example 5 illustrates the former situation and
Example 6 the latter.

Ex. 5
• The magnetic circuit of Fig. 6a consists of an N-turn
winding on a magnetic core of infinite permeability
with two parallel air gaps of lengths g1 and g2 and
areas A1 and A2, respectively. Find
(a) the inductance of the winding and
(b) the flux density B1 in gap 1 when the winding is
carrying a current i .
Neglect fringing effects at the air gap.

Ex. 5

Figure 6 (a) Magnetic circuit and (b) equivalent circuit for Example 5.

a. The equivalent circuit of Fig. 1.6b shows that the
total reluctance is equal to the parallel combination of
the two gap reluctances. Thus

1 2
1 +  2


• Where

b. From the equivalent circuit, one can see that

and thus

Ex. 6
• In Example 1, the relative permeability of the core material
for the magnetic circuit of Fig. 2 is assumed to be μr = 70, 000
at a flux density of 1.0 T.
a. In a practical device, the core would be constructed from
electrical steel such as M-5 electrical steel. This material is
highly nonlinear and its relative permeability (defined for
the purposes of this example as the ratio B/H) varies from
a value of approximately μr = 72,300 at a flux density of B =
1.0 T to a value of on the order of μr = 2,900 as the flux
density is raised to 1.8 T. Calculate the inductance under
the assumption that the relative permeability of the core
steel is 72,300.
b. Calculate the inductance under the assumption that the
relative permeability is equal to 2,900.

a. From Eqs. 13 and 14 and based upon the
dimensions given in Example 1,

while Rg remains unchanged from the value calculated

in Example 1 as Rg = 4.42 × 105 A·turns/Wb.
Thus the total reluctance of the core and gap is

and hence from Eq. 26


b. For μr = 2,900, the reluctance of the core increases

from a value of 3.79 × 103 A · turns /Wb
to a value of

• and hence the total reluctance increases from
4.46 × 105 A · turns / Wb to
5.34 × 105 A ·turns / Wb.
• Thus from Eq. 26 the inductance decreases from
0.561 H to

• This example illustrates the linearizing effect of a dominating
air gap in a magnetic circuit. In spite of a reduction in the
permeablity of the iron by a factor of 72,300/2,900 = 25, the
inductance decreases only by a factor of 0.468/0.561 = 0.83
simply because the reluctance of the air gap is significantly
larger than that of the core.
• In many situations, it is common to assume the inductance to
be constant at a value corresponding to a finite, constant value
of core permeability (or in many cases it is assumed simply
that μr→∞).
• Analyses based upon such a representation for the inductor
will often lead to results which are well within the range of
acceptable engineering accuracy and which avoid the
immense complication associated with modeling the non-
linearity of the core material

• Repeat the inductance calculation of Example 1.4 for
a relative permeability μr = 30,000.
• L = 0.554 H

•Draw an analog electric schematic for the
parallel magnetic circuit of the following figure
for both cases of μ = ∞ and μ ≠ ∞.

1 I2 N2
1 l  2

h h

w w 2

1. A coils of 200 turns is wound uniformly over a
wooden ring having a mean circumference of 600 mm
and a uniform cross sectional area of 500 mm2. If the
current through the coil is 4 A, calculate:
(a) the magnetic field strength,
(b) the flux density, and
(c) the total flux

Answer: 1333.33 A/m, 1.676×10-3 T, 8.378×10 -7 Wb

A mild steel ring having a cross sectional area
of 500 mm2 and a mean circumference of 400
mm has a coil of 200 turns wound uniformly
around it. Calculate:
(a) the reluctance of the ring and
(b) the current required to produce a flux of
800 mWb in the ring. (Given that µr is about

Answer: 1.675×106 AT/Wb, 6,701 A

Ex. Fig.Q3 shows an iron circuit with a small air
gap cut in it. A 6000 turn coil carries a current
I=20 mA which sets up a flux within the iron
and across the air gap. If the iron cross section is
0.8×10-4 m2, the mean length of flux path in
iron is 0.15 m, µr=800 in iron and air gap length
is 0.75 mm, calculate the air gap flux density. It
may be assumed that the
flux lines flow straight
across the air gap, i.e.
air gap cross section
is also 0.8×10-4 m2.
Answer: 0.16 T

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