Chapter 10 Magnetic Effect of Current
Chapter 10 Magnetic Effect of Current
Chapter 10 Magnetic Effect of Current
Overview on IGCSE Syllabus
Magnetic effect of a current
1. Describe the pattern and direction of the magnetic field due to currents in straight wires and in solenoids.
2. Describe an experiment to identify the pattern of the magnetic field (including direction) due to currents in
straight wires and in solenoids.
3. State the qualitative variation of the strength of the magnetic field around straight wires and solenoids.
4. Describe the effect on the magnetic field around straight wires and solenoids of changing the
magnitude and direction of the current.
5. Describe how the magnetic effect of a current is used in relays and loudspeakers and give
examples of their application.
Force on a current-carrying conductor
1. Describe an experiment to show that a force acts on a current-carrying conductor in a magnetic
field, including the effect of reversing:
(a) the current
(b) the direction of the field
2. Recall and use the relative directions of force, magnetic field and current
3. Determine the direction of the force on beams of charged particles in a magnetic field
The d.c. motor
1. Know that a current-carrying coil in a magnetic field may experience a turning effect and that the
turning effect is increased by increasing:
(a) the number of turns on the coil
(b) the current
(c) the strength of the magnetic field
2. Describe the operation of an electric motor, including the action of a split-ring commutator and
Khizar Yousaf
[Email address]
Chapter 10 Magnetic effect of Current
“Grip the wire with the right hand, with the thumb
pointing along the direction of current. The curl of the
fingers is in the direction of the magnetic field around
the wire.”
The advantage of using a relay is that a small current (circuit 1) can be used to
switch on and off a circuit with a large current (circuit 2).
2. Only the high current circuit (circuit 2) needs to be made from thick wire.
A relay is used to operate the starter motor in cars and the heating circuit in
diesel engines.
D.C Motor:
D.C. motor is a device which converts electrical energy into mechanical energy.
Working Principle:
It works on the principle of tuning effect of force on a current carrying coil, i.e.
it uses the behavior of a current carrying wire/coil in the presence of magnetic
3. Carbon brushes: two carbon brushes are made to compress lightly against
the commutator.
When coil reaches the vertical position, the commutator changes its polarity.
This means that current will reverse direction in the coil, but since the coil has
undergone a half turn, CD is on the left and AB is on the right. Now CD
experiences an upward force, AB experiences a downward force and the coil
continue to turn in the same sense i.e. clockwise.