7th Class HHW 2023-24
7th Class HHW 2023-24
7th Class HHW 2023-24
1. Do the homework on A-4size sheets and neatly present the same in a file.
2. The activities should be handwritten.
3. It should be neat, well-presented and researched.
On books and friends I spend my money; For stones and bricks, I haven‘t any.
It is rightly said that a reader lives many lives. Thus this summer vacation!
1. Read the book The Room on the Roof by Ruskin Bond and Swami and his Friends by R. K. Narayan.
2. Write 100 to 150 words about your favourite character from the books mentioned above. Give
reasons as to why he is your favourite character.
3. Further, *write a letter * to your friend telling him/her about the book and why your friend should
also read it. You must also mention your favourite character and why you selected him.
4. Let's Be Grateful
Make a set of six GIFT VOUCHERS as a gesture of GRATITUDE.
Use your colourful A4 sheets divided into two equal halves.
Select a list of six persons in your family and friends whom you want to thank for their contribution in
your life. Address each voucher to the person you are making it for. Write a small poem/ quotation/
proverb/ on friendship/ love for parents/ sharing and caring.
On the other side mention what you are gifting each person as a deed. Example- Laying the table/
cleaning the room/ helping in a project etc.
5. Write one non-fire recipe of your favourite food. Write the reaction of the people when they tasted it.
6. Try out crosswords given in the newspapers. Try making a similar word puzzle or a vocabulary game
for your classmates as well.
7. Imagine yourself as an owner of a travel agency and design a brochure for a vacation trip to Andaman
and Nicobar Island. It must highlight the attractions of the city. Present the itinerary and benefits of
choosing your travel agency over others.
8. Let your creative juices flow with an engaging dose of holiday engagement by learning a foreign
language- FRENCH! Write the SALUTATIONS / GREETINGS in French Language creatively with their
meaning in English language on A3 size sheet.
10. Search, explore and then *write 10 most common FRENCH words used in ENGLISH language. *(Ex.
Valet, avant-garde, aperitif, fiancé, finale, par avion, RSVP, rendezvous, tête-à-tête, coup d’état... )The
list is endless, so just search for any 10 French words used in English and write their meanings as well.
Do this work on colourful A4 size sheets.
वषय- हंद
क ा- सातवीं
पोटफो लयो ग त व ध-1(5 अंक)
क. लेखक ' नमल वमा जी' क 5 रचनाओं का संकलन कर एक ोजे ट फाइल तैयार क िजए।( भ न-
भ न रं गो व च वारा फाइल को कला मक बनाए) (सातवीं A+B लए)
लेखक ‘कंु वर नारायण जी' क कसी भी एक रचना को अपनी रचना मकता दखाते हुए एक पो टर पर
च के साथ तैयार करे ।(A3 Size)
(लेखक का च आप वयं भी बना सकते है व चपका भी सकते है।) (सातवीं C+D के लए)
Dear Children,
We are very proud to learn that India has been chosen to host the G20 Summit this year (2023).
In this context we are going to work on creative lines that will not only enhance our knowledge about
G20 but will also enable you to learn more enriching facts on this topic.
Guidelines to be followed for Holiday Home work are as follows:
1. Each student will prepare five sheets which must consists of 2 pages of authentic written material on
the topic allotted, along with 3 pages of related pictures, sketches, collage, etc.
2. Each page must have a border of 1cm on all four sides of the sheet.
3. The compiled work must be sent in a plastic folder with name slip attached.*
Roll No. 1-15 will use bright A4 size pastel sheets of pink colour
(TOPIC- 'Why do countries come together to form an organization' .Highlight the role of NAM, SAARC
and EU)
(TOPIC - 'What is G20, how it came into being, importance of G20 logo(India) and its meaning)
Roll No 41 to the last will be using A4 size pastel sheet of green colour
क ा- स मी (सं कृ तम्)
1. दस वसाय से स बि धत ि का नाम सं कृ त म िच सिहत िलिखए।
जैसे- वै ः(Doctor-का िच ) िश कः(Teacher- का िच ) आ द।
(पहला को A4 साइज रं गीन शीट म ही करना है )
2. भगवद्-गीता पु तक से अथ सिहत कोई एक- ोक िच सिहत चाट पेपर पर िलिखए।
3. देव, लता, तत् श द प याद क िजए।
4. ‘अस्, पठ् , भू, हस्, कृ धातु का लट् , लृट् एवं लङ् लकार म धातु प याद क िजए।
Computer Science
1. Make a colourful poster (less text and big pictures) on any one of the topics given
below on A3 size pastel sheet.
a. Safe browsing the internet
b. Animations and VFX
1. Write 3 important news headlines on daily basis in GK note book by reading newspaper or watching
news from TV. Date wise
2. Make a poster on A-3 size sheet highlighting important event of G-20(theme, participating countries,
logo, agenda etc.)
Instrumental Music
Class - 6th to 8th (Practice these notes at home)
Scrapbook of one game. Choose any one
game from the following –