Summer H.H.W Class 4-2023
Summer H.H.W Class 4-2023
Summer H.H.W Class 4-2023
Summer Holidays
Happiness is here and now I have dropped my worries!
Somewhere to go ... Something to do…. But, I am not in a hurry!
Summer Vacation is a time to exhilarate and rejuvenate oneself...
It’s a break from alarm clocks and all the hustle-bustle of the
daily routine. It’s time for having fun, frolicking, going for morning
walks with family, playing, staying safe and watching your
favourite shows and movies. But there is a lot more that can be
done to make vacations more interesting and meaningful. To
facilitate learning and to develop regular study habits in children,
we send this Holiday Homework for them. Children should be
encouraged to sit for an hour at a time to concentrate on a given
task regularly. The work is to be done neatly and submitted to
the teachers after the vacation. Wishing you all a very enjoyable
and fun-packed summer break.
1) Do exercises 1E and 2A
2) Learn Tables from 2 to 20
3) Do Worksheets from 1 to 10
4) Do project work
Project No2: Make Roman Numerals from 1 to 20 with the help of match
sticks on an A3 colour sheet.
Roll number : (23 to 33 will do project no-3)
Project No 3: Make a table-spinning wheel
Project No: 1
Paste six pictures of your favourite outdoor and indoor game on chart
paper and list the basic rules of fair play. The example is given below:
Project No: 2
Draw floral motifs on a handkerchief and paint it using fabric colours.
You may paint a floral design cover or a table napkin. Example
given below:
Roll number :(23 to 33 will do project no-3)
Project No : 3
Plant a sapling in a small pot at home during your vacation time. Keep it in
the open and water it daily. Observe it for some days. Bring this pot to
school after summer vacation with your Name and Roll No written on a
piece of paper and stick it on the Pot. Please Note the height of the plant
Every 7 days and write it on a sheet of paper. Write what you observe
concerning the height of the plant. The example is given below:
Weather Forecast
द िं िी पररयोिना कायथ:-
1. Read Lesson 2,3 write 10 shortcut keys.