SF11007 CutoutsBasics
SF11007 CutoutsBasics
SF11007 CutoutsBasics
Skillful operating practices and efficient design are the keys to the silver plating from these
ensuring the open-type cutout will be an effective, inexpensive surfaces.
protective device for your system. Enhance working conditions Insulators must be kept
for your linemen and increase the durability of cutouts by clean to help avoid high
following the simple procedures outlined here. leakage currents and
Provide personnel with essential training and equipment. flashovers. Be sure
The operating personnel who service cutouts must be trained not to scratch the
in proper safety practices. Provide them with appropriate insulators while
equipment such as safety glasses, hotsticks, hard hats and rubber cleaning them
gloves. mechanically or
chemically. Replace
broken, chipped or
cracked porcelain.
Never mount a cutout in an enclosed area (such as a vault) or
directly above apparatus such as transformers and capacitors.
Both situations can cause flashovers! Hot gases and high-velocity
particles are expelled during interruptions. Limiting the flow of Leave fuseholders closed.
the gases and particles can cause insulator flashover and serious Do not leave a fuseholder in an
injury or property damage. open position for a prolonged period.
Excessive water entering the bore can
cause damage to the fuseholder liner
Make sure ratings match. causing it to swell, which could cause the
The cutout fuseholder ratings must match with those of the fuse cutout to fail to interrupt.
link. A 100-amp fuseholder should be used with fuse links rated Therefore, always remove the fuseholder when the tap is left
100 amps or less. A 200-amp fuseholder should be used with open at the cutout. Although it is best to store the fuseholder in a
fuse links rated above 100 amps and up to 200 amps. dry place, it may be hung in an upright position on the pole.
In some cases, special fuse links rated more than 100 amps may Before reclosing the cutout, clean and inspect all contacts for
physically fit in the 100-amp fuseholder bore, but too tightly to excessive pitting or burning and replace as necessary.
properly operate. Also, while some 100-amp and lower-rated
fuse links may fit 200-amp fuseholders, there is a fault-current
window within the cutout rating in which the cutout won’t clear. Latch link ejector.
Rotate the link ejector about its pivot until the tab engages the
latch on the lower fuseholder ferrule. This latch helps prevent
Choose the appropriate cutout and link for the specific overstressing the fuse link when the fuseholder is in the closed
application. position.
When you are selecting cutout ratings, you must consider
maximum recovery voltage, system operating voltage, continuous
current, basic-insulation level (BIL) and fault-current levels. Verify Wind fuse link cable carefully and cut off excess.
system coordination before specifying fuse links. Wind cable once around the threaded stud in a clockwise
direction. Make sure all smaller cables are wound close to the
stud base so they are not severed when the nut is tightened.
Examine cutouts for build-up of contaminants. Never tighten the nut more than approximately 175 in.-lb.
Periodic examination is essential, particularly in areas of severe
Always cut off any excess cable. Excess cable is hazardous
contamination. To assure dropout, the pivot points must swing
because it can prevent the fuseholder from swinging open or
freely. Be sure the silver-plated contact surfaces are free of
cause a flashover.
pitting and contaminants (other than silver oxide). Never remove
Check fuse tube when re-fusing. Exercise caution while closing a cutout.
Always replace the fuseholder if the fiber liner wall of the Hot gases and high-velocity particles are expelled from a
fuse tube is cracked or shows excessive erosion. Follow fuseholder during interruption. This expulsion can cause serious
manufacturer’s guidelines to replace the fuse tube as necessary. injury. Stay away from conical areas below and in-line with the
To properly close a cutout, the operator must position himself
Use manufacturer’s approved parts to replace damaged well clear from the vented end and exhaust path of the cutout.
fuseholder caps. The operator should then place the disconnect stick in the ring
The cutout’s interrupting rating will change if you use a different on the upper ferrule of the fuseholder. Rotate the fuseholder
cap. For example, replacing a cap that has an arc-shortening rod to an intermediate position as shown here. Look away from the
with a cap that does not have an arc-shortening rod will reduce cutout. Quickly and firmly drive the fuseholder into the closed
the cutout’s interrupting capability. position. Then remove the disconnect stick from the ring carefully
Always check the expendable caps on dual-vent cutouts. If to avoid opening the fuseholder.
there is any sign of venting or cracking, replace the cap. For the Exercise caution while installing a fuse link.
cutout to clear all levels of its fault-current rating, the pressure-
responsive section of the cap must be intact. Be careful when making pigtail (leader) connection! Any
pulling force in excess of 10 pounds on fuse links may damage
the element (especially on small links). Fuse links are designed
Always open an energized cutout with a loadbreak device. according to ANSI specifications to withstand 10 pounds of
Do not attempt to open a non-loadbreak cutout to interrupt load
current. An arc started by opening a non-loadbreak cutout under
load could cause injury or damage to equipment. Either use
cutouts designed to break load current or use loadbreak tools. The small tube on the fuse link is not part of the packaging! Do
not remove or damage it! This auxiliary fuse tube is provided to
For linkbreak cutouts, you must use fuse links which require less clear low fault currents.
than 1 inch elongation before breaking. These special cutouts
operate by breaking the fuse-link element in the fuseholder. Removable buttonhead fuse links must make good connections
Use of fuse links requiring more than 1 inch elongation before at the top of the adapter. Be sure the adapter is screwed tightly
breaking may cause the fuseholder to drop partially with the fuse into the buttonhead. A loose connection between the buttonhead
link still carrying the load current. This may result in dangerous and the fuse link can cause them to overheat. This will cause
arcing which could cause flashovers, personal injury or property nuisance trips and damage to the fuse tube.
Hubbell has a policy of continuous product improvement. We reserve the right to change design and specifications without notice.