C 2 Perim 4 3: 0.1712 /FT X (Embedded Pile Length)
C 2 Perim 4 3: 0.1712 /FT X (Embedded Pile Length)
C 2 Perim 4 3: 0.1712 /FT X (Embedded Pile Length)
Pile Parameters
Pile Daimeter (b) = 24.00 in
Pile Length (D)= 6.75 ft within resisting soil only
Design Loads
Design axial load, Comp= 2.99 kips
Design axial load, uplift= 1.12 kips
Design Shear load= 0.64 kips
Design bending moment= 12.95 kip.ft
Pile Material
Material Concrete
Concrete Strength f'c = 3000 psi
Modulus of Elasticity E= 57000 x √( f'c) = 3122 ksi
Bearing Area Abearing = π b2/4 = 452.57 in2
Pile perimeter Pperim = π b = 75.43 in
Moment of inertia I = π b4/64 = 16292.57 in4
Section Modulus S = π b3/32 = 1357.71 in3
∴ Qu = 13.48 kips
Allowable working load Qm = Qu / 3.0 = 4.49 kips > 0.636 OK- Allowable load exceed design load
∴ yact = 0.0041 in
Allowable lateral deflection yall = 1.00 in > 0.0041 OK- Allowable lateral deflection exceed actual deflection
Find allowable lateral load based on 1" allowable deflection from Graph 9.33:
Graph X axis value ɳD= 1.16 include moment in calculating ec = M/V+ ec = 26.62 ft
Plot Line value ec/D= 3.94
Graph Y axis value = = 10 very conservative