Assignment Questions
Assignment Questions
Assignment Questions
Assignment – IV
Qu. 1 Explain the terms Work Measurement and Method study.
Qu. 2 What do you understand about work-study? List down the benefits that
any organization may take of the above.
Qu. 3 Define Work Study. What are its components?
Qu. 4 What are the objectives of Method Study? Explain its procedure.
Qu. 5 What is Work Study? Write the various objectives of work study.
Qu. 6 Define Time Study. Also write a note on: (i) Work Sampling
(ii) Pre-Determined Motion Time Study, (iii) Micro motion study.
Qu. 7 The work study engineer carries out the work scrupling study. The
following observations were made for a machine shop.
Assignment – V
Qu. 1 What do you mean by Maintenance Management? Highlight the
objectives of maintenance management.
Qu. 2 Discuss the reasons for industrial accidents and list out various methods
for the prevention of such happenings.
Qu. 3 As a management discipline, does maintenance management differ from
production management. If yes, in what way?
Qu. 4 Discuss about the industrial safety and safety management Write the
various reasons of accidents.
Qu. 5 Explain the concept of Industrial Safety Management. How accident can
be prevented at the work place?
Qu. 6 "Maintenance of facilities & equipments in good working condition is
essential to achieve specified level of quality & efficient working"
Qu. 7 Poor maintenance of plant and machinery leads to various losses in
industry. Discuss.
Qu. 8 Write a note on managements responsibility on safety during operations.