2020BV Bi 01
2020BV Bi 01
2020BV Bi 01
Buildings and
Attn: Shivaraj Karkera Validity of Quote: 30 days
Email: shivaraj.karkera@bureauveritas.com
Number of Pages Including this page: 6 Please let us know if all pages of this
email is not received
Dear Thomas,
Further to the subject, please kindly refer to our commercial proposal along with our standard terms
and conditions for your review and approval. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require
any assistance or further clarification regarding our proposal as I will be more than happy to assist you.
Finally, on behalf of Performance Rotors Pte Ltd, I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for
your interest in our company’s inspection services and we look forward to supporting your pending and
future operations.
Kind Regards,
Mervin Hoon
Performance Rotors | Regn: 201630892M 81 Ayer Rajah Crescent, #01-55 Singapore 139967 | T: +65 6816 0173|
To provide One (1) Drone Team consisting of 2 operators, One (2) Kingfisher (Waterproof Visual
Inspection) drone to perform inspection, One (3) Boat to transport the team to inspection locations. for
Jetty Inspection. One (4) Drone Inspection Report to be submitted 5 working days post inspection.
For more details, please refer to Operations Proposal you have approved earlier.
3. All necessary risk management supporting documentation only on award of contract or if required i.e.
➢ Specific JRA
Client to Supply:
2. All / any specific structural drawings, CAD / ISO’s, information to be available of all relevant items to
be inspected (both electronic and hard copies)
Performance Rotors | Regn: 201630892M 81 Ayer Rajah Crescent, #01-55 Singapore 139967 | T: +65 6816 0173|
5. Should there be any additional requirement for any special PPE this must be agreed and provided by
the client (prior to mobilisation) and or our company will provide at cost plus 5%.
7. To ensure our personnel are covered under the clients permit procedure and permit to work system.
Working Day Rate:
Please Note:
➢ The quote is based on eight (8) hours productive day of which inclusive of reporting, lunch and rest
periods as deemed necessary.
➢ Any hours over the normal working day and Saturdays will be charged 1.5x hourly rate. Any works on
Sundays and public holidays will be charged 2.0x hourly rate.
Performance Rotors | Regn: 201630892M 81 Ayer Rajah Crescent, #01-55 Singapore 139967 | T: +65 6816 0173|
➢ Our onsite Personnel will document in his daily site report (DSR) both the level of progress by
percentage. This should equally be encouraged to be signed off by the attending client representative
and by the attending Performance Rotors Supervisor daily.
➢ Any lost operational downtime due to weather, security issues, access to / from the worksite or work
location and or at the direct client’s request (out of our company’s control) will be monitored and
reflected in our company’s (DSR) this should equally be acknowledged by the client representative as a
variation and subject to additional charges.
➢ Performance Rotors will be preparing reports based on the visual and UTG information taken from
UAV, which has been agreed by the end user.
1.1. Partial working days will be charged 100% full day rate.
1.2. For any overseas, All travel costs, visas, accommodation; etc, for our personnel and equipment will
be provided by the client or charged at cost +10%.
2. Equipment
2.1. All equipment costs will be charged at the above equipment rate (if applicable) from the day of
departure until its return to our Singapore office regardless of in use or not required.
2.2. Any / all additional equipment or material required to be purchased or rented at the clients request
and or deemed necessary will be charged at cost +10% (If applicable).
3. Payment
3.1. All / any payments from the end client will have no bearing whatsoever on all / any agreed payment
terms between Performance Rotors Pte Ltd and our Client (If applicable)
3.2. Any standby variation and hourly work will be added to the next due invoice (If applicable)
3.3. Weekly time sheets are to be signed off on each closing week by both the client site representative
and Performance Rotors Pte Ltd onsite designated Project Manager / Engineer or Supervisor
3.4. All payments are to be paid to Performance Rotors Pte Ltd within 15 days of receipt of electronic
invoice. Late payment of invoices after 30 days may be subject to a penalty payment of 5% interest on
the total sum per day payment is delayed. This penalty payment shall be in addition to the original sum.
3.5. Our Invoice will be presented every 14 days (two weeks) and or on completion of the SOW
(whichever comes first).
Performance Rotors | Regn: 201630892M 81 Ayer Rajah Crescent, #01-55 Singapore 139967 | T: +65 6816 0173|
4. Cancellation
4.1. In the event of the Client cancelling the project after award of contract and or issuance of a
Purchase Order and or signing the last page of this quotation Performance Rotors shall invoice for all
costs incurred to the date of cancellation plus 10%. These costs may include: mobilisation costs (day
rates for employees, project specific induction training requirements, etc.)
5. Summary
5.1. All cost / figures mentioned in this quotation are ‘net’ and payable by the client. Any governmental
taxes, withholding taxes, personnel taxes, levies, duties, visa costs, payments etc. are and shall be the
responsibility of the client and payable by them.
5.2. Any changes which or may affect our final invoicing and payment agreement must be established
prior to mobilization and agreed by both parties.
5.3. Please note our Project Reference number will be the same as our Quotation Reference No as
detailed below.
5.4. A Purchase Order is required to be submitted to Performance Rotors prior commencement of the
scope of work. P.O must indicate Performance Rotors Quotation Reference Number.
Performance Rotors | Regn: 201630892M 81 Ayer Rajah Crescent, #01-55 Singapore 139967 | T: +65 6816 0173|
Client Agreement:
We have read and understood the content of our commercial proposal along with our standard terms
and conditions. We confirm and agree to accept your services as per our request indicated above. Please
note all /any queries regarding our detailed terms and conditions MUST be indicated PRIOR to
Company Stamp
Performance Rotors | Regn: 201630892M 81 Ayer Rajah Crescent, #01-55 Singapore 139967 | T: +65 6816 0173|