Date: 09-JAN-25
1. Company profile
3. Installation procedure
4. Legal certification
5. SEC approval.
Contact Person
General Manager Riyadh-Saudi Arabia
Syed.Nawaz uddin
M: 00966 503498386 E:
00974 33589100 M: +966 536694066
Offer Ref: RL-Q26-021
Dear Sir,
Thank you so much for the enquiry about the rental for the following. We are pleased to submit our offer here
as below.
Raptronics Proposal:
7 10 HV KV 1,250.00 7,000.00
➢ In case the number of days increased or decreased the actual number of days will be invoiced
as per the unit price rate.
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Offer Ref: RL-Q26-021
General Terms of rental:
1) Receipt of the signed hire agreement document to Raptronics will form the binding contract
between two parties.
2) Customers terms and conditions shall have no effect except that they agree with Raptronics
conditions of Hire.
3) If the equipment is found faulty or not working, it must be informed to Raptronics on the
same day for the replacement of Equipment.
4) The hire period commences from the day of mobilization and will end when we receive it
back in our warehouse.
5) Hire rates apply per day including weekends and bank holidays.
6) All equipment including packing cases, associated load bank cables, connection plugs and
metering tools etc. will remain the property of Raptronics.
7) The equipment will be inspected on return and any shortages, damage or loss will be
charged at the current repair or replacement cost as appropriate. Necessary assistance at
delivery / collection for Offloading and loading is in customer scope.
8) Cost for additional hire days, packing, transportation, repair, or replacement will be debited
invoiced separately as appropriate, for immediate payment.
9) Customer to arrange, loading and unloading assistance at site and Gate passes, Permits,
safety training etc. If required or applicable.
10) Raptronics bears no responsibility or liability for the use of the hired equipment, personnel
or any associated equipment or loss or damage resulting from the hire of the equipment.
11) Order cancellation fees will be applicable in case of the cancellation of the order.
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Offer Ref: RL-Q26-021
Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact myself on the details below.
Yours faithfully,
Hussain Tahhan
General Manager
+966 503498386
+974 33589100
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