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Unit description:

Cluster Hospitality 1 (This is for Term 4 Nov 2020)
Unit of Competency Code SITXHRM002
Unit Name Roster Staff
Qualification Title SIT40516 - Certificate IV In Commercial Cookery
Training Package SITX
Assessment Tool knowledge test/ project / Report writing

Student must fill this section:

Candidate Name:
Candidate ID:
“I give my permission for my assessment material to be used in the auditing,
Privacy Release Clause: assessment validation & moderation Process”
Plagiarism and
“I acknowledge that entire assessment work is done by me”

Student signature: _________________ Date: ______November 2020

Feedback to student:

Assessment Completion Status

Attempt Satisfactory Non-Satisfactory Date Assessor’s Signature

Initial attempt • •
2nd attempt/Re-assessment
• •
Information for Candidate:

● All work is to be entirely of the candidate.

General Information for this assessment:

● Read the instructions for each question very carefully.

● Be sure to PRINT your FULL name & LAST name in every place that is provided.

● Short questions must be answered in the spaces provided.

● For those activities requesting extra evidence such as: research reports, ESSAY reports, etc. The student must attach its own work
formatted in double space, Arial 12 pts.
● All activities must be addressed correctly in order to obtain a competence for the unit of competency.

● If the candidate doesn’t understand the assessment, they can request help from the assessor to interpret the assessment.

Re-assessment of Result & Academic Appeal procedures:

If a student at Canterbury Business College is not happy with his/ her results, the student may appeal against their result via a written letter, clearly
stating the grounds of appeal to the MSS / DSS. This should be submitted after completion of the subject and within 14 days of commencement of the
new term.

Re-assessment Process:
● An appeal in writing is made to the ACC / MSS providing reasons for re-assessment /appeal.

● ACC / MSS will delegate another faculty member of CBC to review the assessment.

● The student will be advised of the review result done by another assessor.

● If the student is still not satisfied and further challenges the decision, then a review panel is formed comprising the lecturer/trainer in charge,
the ACC, the MSS and the DSS OR if need be an external assessor.
● The Institute will advise the student of the appeal decision within 14 days from the submission date of the appeal. The decision of the panel will
be deemed to be final.
● If the student is still not satisfied with the result, the he / she has the right to seek independent advice or follow external mediation option with
CBC’s nominated mediation agency.
● Any student who fails a compulsory subject or appeals unsuccessfully will be required to re-enrol in that subject.

The cost of reassessment will be borne by the Institute. The external assessor will base his/her judgement based on principles of assessment. These
principles require assessment to be reliable, fair, practical and valid.

Academic Appeals:
● If the student is dissatisfied with the outcome of the assessment marking process, he/she has a right to appeal the assessment results.

● The notice of appeal should be in writing addressed to the MSS / ACC and submitted within seven days of notification of the assessment results.

● If the appeal is not lodged in the specified time, the result will stand as marked.

● In emergency circumstances, such as in cases of serious illness or injury, the student must forward a medical certificate in support of a deferred
appeal. The notice of appeal must be made within three working days of the concluding date shown on the medical certificate.
● The decision of MSS / ACC will be discussed with the DSS and will be final.

For further information please refer to Student Handbook.

“I acknowledge that I have understood all the above rules and guidelines for the assessment

Full Name Signature Date (dd/mm/yyyy)

Submission Details

The Assessment Task is due on the 27 November 2020. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved
in writing by your assessor.

Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.

Performance objective

● To provide you with an opportunity to recognise how to develop rosters according to relevant
industrial agreements and other considerations and wage budgets.

● To provide you with an opportunity to maximise operational and customer service efficiency while
minimising wage costs.

● To provide you with an opportunity to understand how to combine duties where appropriate to
ensure effective use of staff.

● To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to roster teams with complementary skills mix to
meet operational requirements.

● To provide you with an opportunity to take account of social and cultural considerations and broader
organisational policies that affect staff rosters.

● To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to consult with colleagues to ensure input into

● To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to use roster systems and equipment to
administer rosters. To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to administer records of shift
time completed by employees or contractors; and maintain staff rostering records according to
organisational procedures.

● To provide you with an opportunity to understand how to monitor effectiveness of rosters in

consultation with colleagues.

● To provide you with an opportunity to identify ways in which rosters and roster development
processes may be improved and take appropriate action.

Elements Performance Criteria

Elements describe the essential Performance criteria describe the

outcome performance needed to demonstrate
achievement of the element.

1. Develop staff rosters. 1..1, 1.2, 1.3,1.4, 1.5, 1..6,1..7

2. Present and communicate rosters. 2.1,2.2,

3. Maintain rostering records. 3.1,3.2,

4. Evaluate rosters. 4.1,4.2,

Assessment description

This assessment activity is designed to assess your skills and knowledge in creating roster using software.


To complete this assessment activity, you need:

● access to a workplace or simulated environment

● Access website and examine the templates of business documents.

● to answer the questions and submit responses as directed by your trainer/assessor/training organ

Assessment Task 1: Knowledge test

Answer the activity in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements. And if you
do not have work experience please use the simulated work environment created by your trainer.

Activity 1A:
1. What are the relevant awards that you must follow when developing rosters for your staff?

 The rooster must be planned before names are added.

 The busy shifts must be filled with the most experienced staff.
 Handling of the availability and time of requests proficiently.
 The staff should be allowed to check the rooster.

2. Provide two examples of awards that may be applicable to organisations in the tourism, travel,
hospitality and event sectors.

⮚ Amusement, Events and Recreation Award 2010

⮚ Car Parking Award 2010

⮚ General Retail Industry Award 2010

⮚ Fast Food Industry Award 2010

⮚ Hospitality Industry (General) Award 2010

⮚ Travelling Shows Award 2010.

3. How much annual leave are workers entitled to in Australia?

⮚ Are employed in an organisation in which shifts are continuously rostered 24 hours a

days for 7 days a week

⮚ Are regularly rostered to work those shifts

⮚ Regularly work on Sundays and public holidays.

4. What should be taken into consideration when determining whether additional work hours are

 Any risk to employee health and safety

 The employee’s personal circumstances, including family responsibilities
 If the employees receive any benefits (e.g penalty rates) working additional hours
 What the employees do and what are his/her responsibilities
 The need of the workplace or enterprise.

Activity 1B:
1. Speak to a minimum of three customers about their current experiences of customer service and their
needs and expectations regarding customer service.

Phil -Manager
Customer 1: Rujesh
Customer 2: Amish
Customer 3: Alisha

(The manager and the three customers are speaking about their current experiences of customer service and
their needs and expectations regarding customer service)

Phil: Hello beautiful peers how are you?

Rujesh, Amish and Alisha: Hello, good thanks. How are you?

Sam: Good thanks.

Sam: So do you guys want to talk about recent customer experiences so we can improve in the future. (All
wanted to share their customer experiences)

Ashish: everything else is good but the service is a bit slow. I waited for my burger for 1 hour.

Rujesh: The food was cold when I tried to talk to one of the waiters no one was around.
Alisha: The place look dirty there’s food on the floor and I stepped on the chips.

Phil: Sorry about your experiences and looks like it’s all due to the venue being understaffed. Because three
employees called sick today. There was some problem with fixing the roosters this week. The staff who sick
called overworked this week. Next time we’ll fix the rooster properly splitting the shifts equally so the staff
won’t overwork and their health and safety will be ok and won’t call sick. Thank you, your valuable words.
When you’ll visit us next time you don't have to go through this and as a compensation, we’ll give you 100
dollars credit each to spend in this hotel. So have you got any more query.

Customers: No, we are good thanks. And thanks for the 100 dollars credit. See you next time.

Phil: See you guys have a good day.

2. Outline three common needs and expectations that customers have of employees.

⮚ Friendliness – speaking politely to customers and greeting them upon the start of a

⮚ Empathy – the ability to understand and appreciate the circumstances of the customer
by placing yourself in their shoes

⮚ Fairness – being able to treat all customers with the same level of respect, regardless
of their circumstances

⮚ Clear instructions and information – the ability to provide the customer with the
information that they are seeking

⮚ Options and alternatives – when the needs of the customer cannot be immediately
met, it is important to provide them with alternatives.

3. What considerations need to be made about policies and procedures in relation to the impact of leave
and overtime on wage costs?

⮚ Is it more cost effective to employ a number of casual staff who are not entitled to
annual leave but require a higher base rate of pay?

⮚ Is it more cost effective to pay staff for overtime or offer the time as paid annual leave
at the normal rate of pay?

⮚ Does an employee taking their leave in a number of small intervals or in longer periods
make a difference to costs, such as having to recruit more part-time or casual staff?

Activity 1C:
1. In what ways can you ensure staff members are capable of combining different duties within the
By having profiles that contain information about the skills and experience of each employee, you can assess
the needs that are required at particular times or at certain events and match these to the appropriate
2. What are the benefits of having employees combine their duties?
The most obvious benefit of combining functions is that it reduces the number of managers needed and their
costs. Instead of two department heads, you might hire one supervisor and one assistant manager and train
them both to take over one of the functions when you are ready to split them. It can prevent you form having
recruit new individuals to cover sickness of parental leave. It enables employees to build their knowledge and
skillset. It enables you to manoeuvre employees during shifts in particularly quiet or busy period. it can help
to increase operational efficiency

Activity 1D:
1. What skills or qualities may be required within a team that you need to consider when rostering?

⮚ Leadership

⮚ Strategic ability

⮚ Knowledge of the industry/service provided

⮚ Physical ability

⮚ Customer service skills

⮚ Experience of working with children.

2. Based on your answer to the previous question, describe why it is important to have employees
rostered who can demonstrate these skills and qualities.

It is important to have employees rostered who can demonstrate the above listed skills and qualities
because as the job is very intense and customer oriented the staff should have knowledge of the job
or duty and as it very fast faced, they need to work as a team otherwise the place is going to be
messed up in a small amount of time. And as it is a fast-paced job with some carrying required the
staff must be in good health condition and should be able to do things physically as well. And as it a
restaurant there should be customer service skills required. And as without the leadership the person
cannot be confident and will get lost along the way in the job.

Activity 1E:
1. What policies does your organisation have in addition to industrial agreements?

 Mandated breaks
 Parental leave and related entitlements
 Maximum allowed shift hours
 Personal/carer’s leave and compassionate leave
 Public holidays
 Permanent or casual staff
 Standard, overtime and penalty pay rates

2. What social factors may you have to take into account when developing a roster, and why is it
important to do so?
 Parental Responsibilities: The social factors that we have to take into account when
developing a roster are as follows them up from school, and therefore may want to base their
shifts around this time.
 Caring duties – Individuals may have the need to care for family members or friends who are
ill or injured
 Leisure activities – Employees are likely to take part in leisure activities outside of work.
Arranging a roster so that an employee can have particular days or times of the day of can
keep them happy.

Activity 1F:
1. Describe three aspects that you may want to establish from colleagues when developing rosters.

⮚ Cultural needs

⮚ Social needs or responsibilities

⮚ Their skillset

⮚ Training and qualifications they have

⮚ Desired hours of work

⮚ Desired method of communicating roster.

2. What methods of consultation can be used to consult with staff members about rosters?

Staff meetings:
A useful opportunity to gain input about rosters is at meetings. The regularity of meetings will vary
depending on the type and size of organisation.

If working in a large organisation where there are not meetings between all employees, it might be
useful to have smaller meetings between staff and a supervisor or team leader. From there, the team
leader or supervisor can report back opinions regarding how rosters should be developed.

Other methods of consultation include:

⮚ E-mail

⮚ Letters or notes

⮚ Suggestion boards

⮚ Telephone

⮚ Speaking in person.

Activity 1G:
1. Provide at least three benefits of online rostering.

The benefits of on online rostering system include:

⮚ It enables a fair process of allocating shifts
⮚ Employees can input into the rostering process, by stating their preferred times of work
and highlighting when they are unavailable to work

⮚ Training can be implemented into the roster with ease – employees will have
reminders of when training will take place through notification or looking at an online

⮚ They can help you to monitor each employee

⮚ Systems that automatically place individuals into available shifts using algorithms are less
likely to lead to problems than allocating by hand, especially when large numbers of employees
need to be inputted

⮚ Systems can be designed so that there are no violations to industrial agreements and
organisational policies. For example, employees will receive the correct amount of
shifts during and between shifts, and they will not be scheduled to work more than the
maximum number of hours in a week.

Activity 2A:
1. What workplace factors impact on the type of roster that needs to be developed?

 The total number of employees.

 Type of organization or enterprise
 Work performed in different place or single place
 Roles and responsibilities of employees or staff
 Different types of contracts of the employees or staff.

2. Describe the uses of two different types of roster.

Full-time rosters
A commonly used roster when employees work on a full-time basis and the workplace is operational 7
days a week. Award rules in relation to maximum number of hours worked need to be considered with
this roster.

Part-time and casual rosters

A separate roster that is introduced for part-time and casual staff when trade levels dictate a need for
more staff.
Duty rosters
Used to alternate the duties that employees will undertake during their shift. This can prevent people
from becoming bored or frustrated during a shift.

Cyclic rosters
Implemented to alternate undesirable shifts between staff, such as when an organisation operates 24
hours a day.

Shift roster
A shift roster is normally used to demonstrate the daily schedule, and contains the specific hours that
employees are required to work.
Activity 2B
1. In addition to sending individuals their personal rosters, who else within your organisation do you need
to communicate rosters with?

 Accountants or account departments personnel

 The human resource department
 Manager
 Supervisor

2. What are the advantages of providing rosters with plenty of notice?

⮚ It enables colleagues to plan their lives accordingly

⮚ It provides employees with time to report any issues with their planned shifts

⮚ Changes can be made in advance.

Activity 3A:
1. Describe two different methods of establishing the hours worked by employees.

 Keeping online attendance records: Some advanced technologies have adopted old-fashioned
techniques such as using an online time clock. Employees keep a record of their hours worked
through a web app that can also generate payroll reports.
 Using wall mount swipe card: Wall mounted card swipes represent the updated version of the punch
card system. Instead of a timecard, employees use their ID to clock in and out. Data automatically
transfers to a computer where hours worked are calculated for employee attendance.

2. Explain the importance of maintaining staff rostering records.

 For payroll team to review data regarding hours worked

 It can protect an organisation from issues in relation to industry regulations, such as about
maximum hours worked and the regulation of breaks.
 Records can highlight when future rosters need to be altered, such as if an employee has
worked a lot of overtime and they need to reduce their hours in the coming weeks.
 Maintaining records can also help to settle disputes in relation to wages
 They can also highlight where employees have taken annual leave, personal or carer’s leave,
or if they have attended jury service.

Activity 4A:
1. Describe a minimum of two aspects of rostering of which you ought to monitor the effectiveness.

 How has the roster impacted the work- life balance of employees: If the employees being
working than giving him little more time of in the following week to balance his/her work and
 What is the absence from work: If the staff is absent more this week than giving him more
shifts in the following week so that he can get a chance to work more and balance his absent
and as well the staff who worked in the previous week get some time off.

2. Provide three examples of negative consequences resulting from understaffing.

⮚ The quality of customer service reduces when fewer customers are available

⮚ Staff may have to rush interactions with customers

⮚ Response times to queries are likely to increase

⮚ The number of complaints may rise

⮚ Other employees may have to further increase their work rate or work overtime,
Canterbury Business College
CRICOS Code – 01899K RTO Code - 6554
potentially leading to stress.

Activity 4B:
1. How could you alter rosters to reduce the levels of fatigue experienced by employees?

 Giving regular break intervals.

 Making shifts more consistent.

2. How could roster development processes be improved in order to reduce understaffing?

 Allocating more staff in busy sections and times.

 Ensuring all the staff are working as a team
 Recruiting more workers if the business increases as it also increases the quality.
 Hiring more professionals.

Assessment Task 2: Project and report writing

Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to show you have the required skills for this unit.

● Reading skills to:

● Interpret documents outlining opening and closing times, operational hours, and expected
customer traffic

● Writing skills to:

● Write potentially complex roster documentation

● Oral communication skills to:

● Ask colleagues questions to confirm their requirements

● Listen, understand and interpret messages

● Numeracy skills to:

● Complete planning activities involving dates, times and staff ratios

● Problem-solving skills to:

● Re-work rosters in cases of staff illness

● Teamwork skills to:

● Consider staff requests and personal commitments when planning rosters

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CRICOS Code – 01899K RTO Code - 6554
● Technology skills to:

● Use system capabilities and functions of rostering software programs.

Answer the activity in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements. And if
you do not have work experience please use the simulated work environment created by your trainer.

1. Within your workplace, develop a draft roster for the next week which has not already been
scheduled. In the process of developing the roster, communicate with a number of personnel, where
needed, to confirm their requirements. Incorporate their requirements into the roster. When
developing the roster, take staff requests and personal commitments into account. How can the
roster be structured to incorporate as many personal commitments as possible without damaging
operation requirements? Please consider the following points while designing a roster.

● Staffing requirements

● Personal/carer’s leave and compassionate leave

● Public holidays

● Parental leave and related entitlements

● Mandated breaks

● Maximum allowed shift hours

● Permanent or casual staff

● Standard, overtime and penalty pay rates

● Annual leave

● Jury service.

● Cultural and religious events

2. Write a report explaining how you will make amendments to newly created rosters following cases
of staff illness and personal request for leaves based on their family commitment and situations.

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Canterbury Business College
CRICOS Code – 01899K RTO Code - 6554
Also speak to a minimum of three customers about their current experiences of customer service and
their needs and expectations regarding customer service (please refer to Activity 1B, Q 1).

Providing a training for each staff to improve their skillset, distribute more break time to make them
feel better to improve their mood, encourage them to become more friendly. Develop customer
feedback to staff to fix the problem more efficiency -both three customer wanted staff to me more

3. Based on the above scenarios please update the roster (developed in question 1) and make sure you
fulfil the maximum requirements of the customers by having sufficient number of skilled staffs while
meeting wage budget constraints as well as considering the employee’s requirements while updating
the roster.

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