Technical Information Letter: Energy Services Engineering Product Service TIL 1558
Technical Information Letter: Energy Services Engineering Product Service TIL 1558
Technical Information Letter: Energy Services Engineering Product Service TIL 1558
This TIL applies to the 7F gas turbine offbase enclosures (MLI-1634).
The purpose of this TIL is to prevent a transom panel from dislodging, upon opening the gas turbine offbase enclosure
Compliance Category
O - Optional Identifies changes that may be beneficial to some, but not necessarily all,
operators. Accomplishment is at customer's discretion.
C - Compliance Required Identifies the need for action to correct a condition that, if left uncorrected,
may result in reduced equipment reliability or efficiency. Compliance may be
required within a specific operating time.
A - Alert Failure to comply with the TIL could result in equipment damage or facility
damage. Compliance is mandated within a specific operating time.
S – Safety Failure to comply with this TIL could result in personal injury. Compliance is
mandated within a specific operating time.
Timing Code
7 Optional
The information published in this Technical Information Letter is offered to you by GE in consideration of its ongoing sales and service relationship
with your organization. However, since the operation of your plant involves many factors not within our knowledge, and since operation of the plant
is in your control and ultimate responsibility for its continuing successful operation rests with you, GE specifically disclaims any responsibility for
liability based on claims for damage of any type, i.e. direct, consequential or special that may be alleged to have been incurred as result of applying
this information regardless of whether it is claimed that GE is strictly liable, in breach of contract, in breach of warranty, negligent, or is in other
respects responsible for any alleged injury or damage sustained by your organization as a result of applying this information.
TIL 1558
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TIL 1558
• Compliance Category: S Reference Documents
• Timing Code: 4 123E7528
Manpower Skills SHEET 1, ZONE D-5
Previous Modifications
Parts None
Equivalent Qty Scope of Work
#14-24 x 1-1/4” Self-Drilling 10 One half day is estimated to complete this modification.
Screws, Carbon Steel Hardened
Contact your local GE I&FS Service Manager or
2” x ¼” x 46” Carbon Steel Flat 2 Contract Performance Manager for assistance or for
Bar additional information.
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TIL 1558
Compliance with this TIL must be entered in local records. GE requests that the customer notify GE upon compliance of
this TIL.
TIL Compliance
FAX: (678) 844-3451
Toll free FAX: 1-888-896-TILS (1-888-896-8457)
Email: Email:
Phone: Phone:
Turbine Serial Number(s):
NOTE: If there are any redlined drawings that pertain to this TIL implementation, please FAX the drawings along with
this TIL Compliance Record.
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TIL 1558
GE requests that you complete the User Satisfaction Survey below to help us better serve you with accurate and timely
information on your equipment.
TIL Survey
GE Product Service
FAX: (678) 844-6737
Toll free FAX: 1-866-604-2668
1. How many days after TIL issue date did you receive this TIL?
2. Please rate how well this document informed you of the technical issue.
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
Comments / Suggestions:
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