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Ei3 651 Industrial Automation System

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Saranathan College of Engineering, Tiruchirappalli

Internal Assessment Test - III Date / Session 22.04.2024/FN Marks 50

Course code EI3651 Course Title Industrial Automation System
Batch No. Duration 90 mins Academic Year 2023 - 2024
Year III Semester/ Section VI Department ICE

Part – A
(Answer all the questions 10 x 2 = 20 marks)
Q. No. Questions CO Skills
1. List any four PLC input devices C309.4 U
2. Write the operation sequence of PLC. C309.4 C
3. Draw the PLC ladder diagram for AND gate. C309.4 A
4. What is sequential flow chart? C309.4 U
5. List the communication protocols used in PLC. C309.4 AZ
6. Point out the applications of PLC in process industries. C309.4 E
7. What is meant by DCS? C309.5 A
8. Why DCS is necessary for industrial automation? C309.5 R
9. List out the architectural parameters in LCU. C309.5 U
10. Mention the communication facilities in DCS. C309.5 A

Part – B
(Answer all the questions 2 x 10 = 20 marks)
Q. No. Questions CO Skills
Design a PLC program to control one way traffic lights for a transition from red
11. C309.4 AZ
to green to amber.
12. Discuss the basic function of analog I/O modules involved in PLC. C309.4 U

Develop a PLC program to count the number of trucks entering and leaving a
13. C309.4 E
parking garage and turn ON the pilot light once the garage is full.
14. Explain about the PLC installation and PLC selection. C309.4 R

Part – C
(Answer all the questions 1 x 10 = 10 marks)

Q. No. Questions CO Skills

15. Explain with a neat sketch the construction and working of local control unit. C309.5 AZ
16. Explain about the architecture of DCS with a neat diagram. C309.5 A
Bloom’s Skills: Remember (R), Understand (U), Apply (A), Analyze (AZ), Evaluate (E) and Create (C).
Skill need to be mentioned against each question

Faculty in-charge: Dr.A.Gopikrishnan, AP/ICE

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