Objectives: At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
a. Grasp the idea of the different methods of teaching-learning Mathematics, and
b. Apply methods of teaching mathematics by doing and evaluating their lesson plan.
Step. I- Write an expression on the blackboard in the form of addition of two terms e.g. (x+y), and ask the
students to find its square by the method of multiplication. Students will multiply (x +y) by (x +y) and will
get the result x² + 2xy + y². Then give them a number of similar cases e.g. (l + m), (p + q), (a + b), (c + d)
etc. and ask them to find the squares in each case by the same method. Students will find the squares in each
Step. II- The Teacher will ask the students to tell the square of each expression separately and will put it
on blackboard, in the following from.
(x + y)² = x² + 2xy + y²
(l + m)² = l² + 2lm + m²
(p + q)² = p²+ 2pq + q²
(a + b)² = a² + 2ab + b²
Step. III- Teacher will tell the students to observe the answer, and generalises that,
(First term + Second term)2 = Square of the first term + twice the product of the first and second term +
Square of the last or second term.
Step.IV - The teacher will give more examples for the learners to prove the reliability and truthfulness of the
formula or the general truth.
Deduction o Deductive method is the process by which a particular fact is derived from some general
known truth. Thus, in the deductive method of teaching learner proceeds from general to particular, abstract
to concrete and from formula to examples. Here a pre-established rule or formula is given to the learners and
they are asked to solve the related problems by using that formula. Therefore, in this method, the learner has
to perform only calculation or to simplify the substituted known values in the given formula to get the
solution of the problem. According to Joseph London, “Deductive teaching secures first the learning of
definition or law or rule, then carefully explains its meaning and lastly illustrates it fully by applying to fact.”
2. It takes care of the needs and 2. The child is provide with information of facts,
interests of children. It is a principles & theories.
developmental prcess.
4. The generalization or rule is 4. The rule is first learn and then derived by the
formulated by the child therefore he child. So, he/she is likely to forget it.
remembers it with ease.
5. The "how" and "why" of the rule/ 5. The process is accepted by the child
generalization are made clear without much reasoning.
through reasoning.
6. It starts from observation and direct 6. It starts with a rule and provides for
experiences and ends in developing rules practice and applications.
in the abstract form.
7. It encourages child participation and 7. It demands individual learning and group work.
treats a child as a passive recipient.
Direction: This coming May 2023, will be having your final output in this subject which is group demo-
teaching. With regards to this, your task for this module will be doing you lesson plan. Your group leader
will send your lesson as a group. Give emphasis on your activity and examples and check wether you will
use inductive or deductive method of teaching.
Note: Group leader, please me those names who didn’t participate for this activity.
Prepared by:
Denia, Maria Angelica M.