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Column Design

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Axially loaded Short Column

Design of Axially Loaded Short Column

1) Input Data
Unfactored axial Load (P) 3000 KN
Unsupported length (L) 3m
Grade of concrete (fck) 25 N/mm2
Grade of steel (fy) 415 N/mm2 1
Restrained conditions 1 (Refer to sheet on “effective length”) 2
K 0.651 3
Effective length (Le) 1.953 m 4
2) Determine the size of the Column 6
factored load 4500 KN 7
Self weight of column 45 KN (1% of factored load on column)
Total Factored Load (Pu) 4545 KN
Pt 3% (Assume value between 0.8% to 4%)
Arequired 247799 mm2 Use, Pu=Ac(0.4 x fck + 0.67 x fy x Pt)
Assume Ac = Pu/(0.4fck + 0.67fy x Pt)
b 450 mm
D 600 mm
Aprovided 270000 mm2

3) Check for slenderness ratio

Le/b 4.34
4.34 Design for Short Column
Le/D 3.255

4)Estimate Longitudinal Reinforcement

Self weight of column
Aac,required 6635.497 mm2 Aac=(Pu-0.4 x fck x Aprovided)/(0.67*fy)
Ast,min 2160 mm2 OK

Provide 6 bars of 28 mm dia & 4 bars of 32 mm dia

Aac,provided 6911.504 mm2 OK

5)Check for minimum eeccentricity eX,min or eY,min Max of (Le/500)+(D or b/30), or min of 20 mm
eX,min 20 mm OK
eY,min 23.906 mm OK
Hence emin 20 mm (Assume)
6)Design of Lateral ties
dia. Of ties (ϕties) 8 mm

Pitch is taken smaller of the following

a) LLD 450 mm
b) 16 x ϕSL 448 mm
c) 300 mm 300 mm
Pitch provided 300 mm

Page 1
Effective length

Theo. Value of
Effective Reco. Value of
SL Degree of End Restraint of Compression Members Length Effective Length Figure

Effectively held in position and restrained against rotation in

0.501 0.651
both ends

Effectively held in position at both ends, restrained against

0.701 0.801
rotation at one end

Effectively held in position at both ends, but not restrained

1.01 1.01
against rotation

Effectively held in position and restrained against rotation

art one end and at the other restrained against rotation but 1.01 1.201
not held in position

Effectively held in position and restrained against rotation in

one end and at the other partially restrained against _ 1.51
rotation but not held in position

Effectively held in position at one end but not restrained

against rotation and at the other end restrained against 2.01 2.01
rotation but not held in position
Effectively held in position and restrained against rotation at
one end but not held in position nor restrained against 2.01 2.01
rotation at the other end

0 #N/A

Page 2
Design of Bi-axially Loaded Column

Design of Bi-axially Loaded Column

1) Given Data
B 400 mm
D 600 mm
Pu 1600 KN
Mux 120 KN-m
Muy 90 KN-m
fck 25 N/mm2
fy 415 N/mm2

1) Assume
Pt in (%) 1.2 % (Pt in (%) - 08 to 6 %)

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