01 - Load Calculations 18.07.2023
01 - Load Calculations 18.07.2023
01 - Load Calculations 18.07.2023
Dead load of Super structure = 23.400 + 2.925 + 4.641 + 62.887 + 10.481 + 13.975 + 16.770
+ 0.136
= 135.216 t
C.L. of Pier
C.L. of Pier
C.L. of Pier
C.L. of Pier
Elevation of Deck
Case - I :
2.70 2.70 11.40 11.40 6.80 6.80 6.80
9.70 1.10 3.20 1.20 4.30 3.00 3.00 1.500
1.000 1.000
13.000 13.000
RA = 55.350
= 4.258 t
RB = 374.520
= 28.809 t
Case - II :
0.20 1.000
13.000 1.000 13.000
Taking Moment about C :
RA x 13.000 = 2.700 x 8.500 + 2.700 x 9.600 + 11.400 x 12.800
RA = 194.790
= 14.984 t
RB = 264.480
= 20.345 t
3.300 1.000
13.000 13.000
RA = 233.130
= 17.933 t
RB = 231.200
= 17.785 t
Case - IV :
2.000 1.000
13.000 13.000
RA = 220.090
= 16.930 t
RB = 204.000
= 15.692 t
Note: Impact can be neglected as the height of pier is more than 3.0m
Live Load on Middle Pier per Bearing = 17.859 t
= 178.588 kN
= 8.640 t
= 4.320 t
= 1.961 t
1.000 1.000
C.L. of Pier
ii. Calculation of Moment due to Transverse Eccentricity (across traffic , Class-A vehicle)
Edge clearance from kerb = 0.150 m
Tyre width = 0.500 m
C.G. of loads
C.L. of Road Bridge
0.400 1.800
1.300 1.200
Design Moment due to Eccentricity of Transverse load & Change in vertical reaction
Design Transverse Moment (Myy) = (35.718 + 1.961 ) x 1.200
= 45.214 t-m
= 452.140 kN-m
Moment on Moddle Pier per Bearing = 226.070 kN-m
Moment on End Pier per Bearing = 113.035 kN-m
iv. Calculation of Twisting Moment due to Breaking Force (across traffic )
Design Twisting Moment (Mxy) = 4.320 x 1.200
= 5.184 t-m
Note: The above twisting moment is converted into Transverse force.
Transverse force = 5.184
= 0.399 t
= 0.80 x 160000
= 1488.37209302326 N/mm
= 1.488 kN/mm
Vr * L tc = 1.488 x 3.25
= 4.837 kN
= 0.484 t
= 4.804 t
Note: As per IRC-6-2017,, the substrcture and foundations shall be designed for 10% variation in movement of spans
on either side .
Right Side Frictional Resistant Force = 4.804 x 0.900
(10% variation for left side) = 4.323 t
Area of deck & girrder acted upon by wind pressure 1.650 x 13.975
= 23.059 m2
a. HFL Condition
For parapet 6.660 m = 64.765 kg/m2
For kerb 6.010 m = 64.765 kg/m2
For deck & girde 5.035 m = 64.765 kg/m2
For Pier 4.210 m = 64.765 kg/m2
c. Empty Condition
For parapet 13.540 m = 69.590 kg/m2
For Kerb 12.890 m = 68.704 kg/m2
For deck & girde 11.915 m = 67.375 kg/m2
For Pier 11.090 m = 66.251 kg/m2
= 13.975 > 10
As per para 209.3.3, for the bridge is supported on 2 or more girders with 'b/d' ratio > 6,
Co-effiicient (CD ) = 1.50 x 1.300
= 1.95
Exposed Area of parapet (Ap) = 13.975 m2
Gust factor (G) = 2
= 46.583 > 10
As per para 209.3.3, for the bridge is supported on 2 or more girders with 'b/d' ratio > 6,
Co-effiicient (CD ) = 1.50 x 1.300
= 1.95
Exposed Area of kerb (At) = 4.193 m2
Gust factor (G) = 2
Transverse Wind Force (FT ) = 64.765 x 4.193 x 1.950 x 2.000
= 1.059 t
= 8.470 < 10
As per para 209.3.3, for slab bridges with 'b/d' ratio > 10,
Co-effiicient (CD ) = 1.50 x 1.300
= 1.95
Exposed Area of deck (At) = 23.059 m2
Gust factor (G) = 2
ii. On Kerb
Transverse Wind Force (FT ) = 64.765 x 4.193 x 1.950 x 2.000
= 1.059 t
iii. On deck
Transverse Wind Force (FT ) = 64.765 x 23.059 x 1.950 x 2.000
= 5.824 t
iii. On Sub structure
Exposed Height of pier (H) = 8.290 m
Width of Pier (b) = 2.000 m
Length of pier (t) = 13.300 m
For Semi circular pier with H/b = 4.145 , t/b = 6.65 > 4
CD = 0.80 (Table 6, IRC: 6-2014)
Factor of (1 - 1.50 * (r/b)) = 0.25
CD * (1 - 1.50 * (r/b)) = 0.20 or 0.50
The max.of above 2 willl be considered.
CD = 0.50
G = 2
Transverse Wind Force (FT ) = 64.765 x 2.000 x 0.500 x 2.000
= 0.130 t/m
ii. On Kerb
Transverse Wind Force (FT ) = 68.704 x 4.193 x 1.950 x 2.000
= 1.123 t
iii. On Deck
Transverse Wind Force (FT ) = 67.375 x 23.059 x 1.950 x 2.000
= 6.059 t
Wind Force Lever Arm from Transverse Moment (Myy) @ Longitudinal Moment (Mxx) @
S. No. Descrption
Transverse (FT) Longitudinal (FL) Top of Bridge Pier Top of Pier Top of Pier
a. Intensity of water pressure parallel to pier @ river bed lvl. = 221.546 kg/m2
221.546 x Cos20 = 208.185 kg/m2
Scour level +202.000
= 0.416 t/m
Force on Middle Pier = 4.164 kN/m
Force on End Pier = 2.082 kN/m
= 0.043 t/m2
Pressure on Middle Pier @ bottom = 0.432 kN/m2
Pressure on End Pier @ bottom = 0.216 kN/m2
2. At HFL
i. Transverse Force = 512.931 x 2.000
= 1.026 t/m
Force on Middle Pier = 10.259 kN/m
Force on End Pier = 5.129 kN/m
= 0.106 t/m2
Pressure on Middle Pier @ bottom = 1.064 kN/m2
Pressure on End Pier @ bottom = 0.532 kN/m2
+ 206.800
2.700 Raft top
+ 206.000
+ 205.200
+ 205.200 + 204.800
Barrage Bays Section
Uplift Pressure Dig.
i). All Gates Closed Condition
a). Due to Horizontal water pressure
Horizontal Force due to water pressure@ bottom = 3.500 x 14.000
= 49.000 t/m
= 490.000 t/m
7 Dead load of Gate & Hoist Platform during gates closed condition:
Total weight of gate = 25.000 t
Gate weight per meter = 2.083 t/m
= 20.833 kN/m
8 Differential Hydro static pressure for one gate closed and adjuscent gate open condtition
Raft top
+ 204.700
i. Left Side
Water pressure @ bottom = 1.000 x 4.800
= 4.800 t/m2
= 48.000 kN/m2
Water pressure @ top = 0.000 kN/m2
Crest top
+ 206.700
= 0.264 Sec
= 0.71 Sec
p = Hydrodynamic pressure in kg/m2 at depth 'y'
Cs = Co-eff. Which varies with depth & shape
αh = 0.060
w = 1.0
2.700 2 - 2.700
2.700 2.700
= 20.379 m3
Ratio ( hs / r ) = 1.742
= 0.077 t/m2
= 0.770 kN/m2
The loads considered in the design of pier is dead load, super imposed dead load, live load, water current and win loads. The pier is rectangular in shape with of semi circular cut
waters on u/s & d/s.
1 Grade of Concrete = M 25
2 Grade of Steel = Fe 500
3 Permissible bending comp. stress in concrete = 8.330 N/mm2 (As per Table -9, IRC-21-2000)
4 Permissible direct stress in concrete = 6.250 N/mm2
5 Permissible bending tenile stress in concrete = 0.610 N/mm2 (As per Table -11, IRC-21-2000)
6 Permissible tensile stress in steel (σ st) = 200 N/mm2 (As per Table -10, IRC-21-2000)
7 Unit weight of RCC = 2.500 t/m3
8 Unit weight of PCC = 2.400 t/m3
9 Unit weight of water = 1.000 t/m3
10 Clear Span = 12.00 m
11 Pier thickness = 2.000 m
12 C/C Span ob/w Piers = 14.000 m
13 Width of bearing = 0.500 m
14 Effective Span (C/C of bearings) = 13.000 m
15 Thickness of Expansion joint = 25.0 mm
16 No. of main girders = 2.0
17 Width of main girder = 0.30 m
18 Depth of main girder = 1.20 m
19 C/C distance b/w girders = 3.050 m
20 Thickness of deck slab = 0.300 m
21 Thickness of WC = 0.100 m
22 Carriage way width = 5.000 m
23 Kerb width = 0.500 m
24 Kerb height = 0.300 m
25 Parapet width = 0.200 m
26 Parapet height = 1.000 m
27 Toral length of deck = 13.975 mm
28 Total width of the deck = 6.000 m
29 Road top level = + 217.790 m
30 Road bridge pier top lvl. = + 216.040 m 1.75
31 Hoist bridge pier top lvl. = + 217.790 m
32 U/S HFL of barrage (500 yrs) = + 215.040 m
33 U/S HFL of barrage (100 yrs) = + 213.580 m
34 Pond level of barrage = + 209.500 m
35 Crest level of barrage bays = + 206.800 m
36 Crest width = 5.200 m
37 U/s bed level of river = + 206.000 m
38 D/S Cistern level of barrage bays = + 204.800 m
39 End Sill level of barrage bays = + 206.000 m
40 Thickness of WC on barrage = 0.100 m
41 Top of level of Structural RCC Raft = + 205.900 m
42 Thickness of Raft = 1.500 m
43 Bottom level of foundation raft = + 204.400 m
44 U/S Max. scour level = + 202.000 m
45 Velocity in the river = 2.820 m/sec
46 Seismic zone = 2
47 SPT value (N) 1.50m below GL = 22
48 Modulus of Suggrade Rection (k) as per IS:2950 (Part-I) = 0.90 To 2.900 kg/cm3
49 Avg. Modulus of Suggrade Rection (k) = 1.900 kg/cm3
= 19000.0 kN/m3
Hoist platform
+ 221.890
Hoist pier top Road top lvl.
+ 217.790 + 217.790 10.99
1.00 1.000
5.800 6.500
5.200 1.600 4.400 2.100
Crest lvl.
Gravity floor + 206.800
2 + 206.700
U/S floor lvl. 1 1.500 RCC Raft + 206.167 3
+ 206.000 + 205.200 1
1.000 + 205.900 Exp. Joint with PVC water stop 1.20
4.00 1.60 5.20 2.400
RCC Raft Cistern lvl. + 206.000
+ 204.800
+ 204.700
Gravity Floor
C. L. of Pier + 216.040
Plan of Pier