Light Writeup
Light Writeup
Light Writeup
Development in the field of electronics has contributed one of the great success stories of this
country. Many years dated back, switching systems were basically on manual operations,
which required an operator. The discovery of light dependent devices like photo resistors,
photo cell and photo transistors which respond to light intensity can be applied to reduce the
involvement of mankind in power switching operation. As a result of these man-made error is
reduced and life becomes more comfortable to live. In the past, bulky power component and
hence large control current were used in switching components like switch gear, contractor,
bulk control were only not found to be less reliable, occupying much space, considerable high
initial cost and high cost of maintenance, but are also prone to adverse electrical hazard since
they operate on high current.
Subsequent research in the field of electronic engineering has led to the invention of
miniaturized components such as integrated circuit and semi conductor devices which need to
operate on a low voltage to control a heavy load current with high reliability factor and at a
cheaper rate.
Among thousand of control system to assist man kind independent of human intervention,
security lighting system is aimed at designing and constructing electrical circuit to put ON
light at night and OFF in the day time.
This design work is ideal for homes and any other places its service is required. More so, it
can be used to eliminate crime and hazardous acts especially, when the sole occupant of a
house is not around for sometimes.
Economically, the project equally assist mankind to ensure no wastage of energy even if one
forgets to switch OFF the lighting system of a house in the morning before going out hence
the PHCN bill will be reduced.
The aim of this project is to design and construct an automatic light controlled system
capable of making and breaking electric circuit in our homes.
● This project is aimed at reducing the movement of mankind in power
switching operation.
● To automatically control the ON and OFF of the output light when a shadow
falls upon the light dependent resistor (LDR) which act as a sensor and which
is placed where it is correctly and constantly illuminated.
● To ensure that discrete components are used in place of bulky power
components to control a heavy load current.
● To ensure no energy wastage and hence reduction of PHCN bill.
● To develop an inexpensive system
● Light dependent resistor LDR
● Transistor
● Resistors
● Diodes
● Relay
● Capacitor
● Switch
● Transformer
● 55 5 timer
The construction techniques of this automatic security lighting control system will involve
the use of both passive components i.e. resistors, capacitors, and active components i.e.
diodes, transistors, integrated circuit, on a printed circuit board (Vero board) in a discrete
circuit Form.
The testing of the circuit before mounting on the printed circuit board (Vero board) will be
carried out using bread board which is made up of plastic block with numerous number of
small holes which are inter connected with high quality spring chips, with grip wires, the
components terminals will be slot into the holes.
In this process (building of the circuit on the bread board), there will be no soldering
involved. The components therefore could be removed and replaced at any desired time
without damaging the components or the bread board itself. This bread board is made in such
a way that, there are continuous rows of holes which act as a power input distributed at its
edge to all parts of the circuit.
The board cannot be affected by heat which may lead to damage or destruction of the
components used. The construction of the circuit was first carried out on a bread board and
tested before transferring to the Vero board.
Printed circuit board [Vero board] is a flat coated conducting material which also consists of
a large number of holes. The constructed circuit on the bread board will be later transferred
and mounted on the Vero board. Vero boards are made from copper foil bonded to insulating
The Vero board is stronger, more sturdy and compact than bread board. The components will
be soldered on the Vero board. it is not easy to remove the components after soldering unless
with a disoldering iron. It is therefore advisable that when making component replacement,
special consideration should be given to the component in order to avoid damaging the
component or the Vero board. Before soldering, the terminals of the components will be
cleared very well with metal brush and razor blade to ensure firm soldering.
When soldering, the use of the correct tool, materials and techniques is essential and care
must be taken to avoid risk of burns, fire, electrical shock and to avoid damage to the
During the soldering on the Vero board, it will be ensured that the surfaces to be soldered are
clean, bright and free from grease. Some were tinned where necessary.
To avoid damaging the components, the joints will be made rapidly. Heat shunt will be used
to avoid over heating the component. The work will be arranged so that the joint is easily
accessible with no risk of burning adjacent components. It will be ensured that the soldering
iron is at the correct temperature. Soldering irons take 2 to 1 0 minutes to heat up fully
depending on the size. The solder melted to a shiny surface, the flux did not char, but gave
off a little white smoke.
The fiat of the bit (of the iron) will be used to press the solder on to the joint. As the solder
melts, more solder will be fed in until the joint was completely covered.
The soldering iron will be removed as soon as the joint will be made care will be taken not to
move the components until the solder solidified. A good joint has a very low electrical
resistance. A bad joint may initially have a low resistance but this may not be maintained.
This automatic security lighting control system has to be powered with a small voltage of
12volts from PHCN power supply. The light dependent resistor (LDR) should be water tight
and placed in the direction of light illumination.
The switch can always be left ON to maintain a very perfect and constant functioning of the
system. It should be placed where it could be set ON or turned OFF by user.
The circuit will be enclosed in plastic casing of about 15cm x 15cm in dimension
The location of the LDR is important, since it is undesirable to have the circuit revert to its
original state when the cell is illuminated by the light from the bulb.
The automatic security lighting control system will be designed and found working. The
circuit is a very simple circuit, requires very little current to operate (mA), reliable, cheap,
affordable, portable and serves security purposes. It can be used at homes, car parking light,
automatic outdoor lighting control, automatic curtain operator and burglary sensor.
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