2017 Bookmatter SpeechRecognitionUsingArticula
2017 Bookmatter SpeechRecognitionUsingArticula
2017 Bookmatter SpeechRecognitionUsingArticula
MFCC Features
The MFCC feature extraction technique basically includes windowing the signal,
applying the DFT, taking the log of the magnitude, and then warping the frequencies
on a Mel scale, followed by applying the inverse DCT. The detailed description of
various steps involved in the MFCC feature extraction is explained below.
H (z) = 1 − bz −1 (A.1)
where the value of b controls the slope of the filter and is usually between 0.4 and
1.0 [1].
2. Frame blocking and windowing: The speech signal is a slowly time-varying
or quasi-stationary signal. For stable acoustic characteristics, speech needs to be
examined over a sufficiently short period of time. Therefore, speech analysis must
always be carried out on short segments across which the speech signal is assumed
to be stationary. Short-term spectral measurements are typically carried out over
20 ms windows, and advanced every 10 ms [2, 3]. Advancing the time window
every 10 ms enables the temporal characteristics of individual speech sounds to
be tracked, and the 20 ms analysis window is usually sufficient to provide good
spectral resolution of these sounds, and at the same time short enough to resolve
significant temporal characteristics. The purpose of the overlapping analysis is
that each speech sound of the input sequence would be approximately centered
© The Author(s) 2017 85
K.S. Rao and Manjunath K.E., Speech Recognition Using Articulatory
and Excitation Source Features, SpringerBriefs in Speech Technology,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-49220-9
86 Appendix A: MFCC Features
at some frame. On each frame, a window is applied to taper the signal towards
the frame boundaries. Generally, Hanning or Hamming windows are used [1].
This is done to enhance the harmonics, smooth the edges, and to reduce the edge
effect while taking the DFT on the signal.
3. DFT spectrum: Each windowed frame is converted into magnitude spectrum by
applying DFT.
N −1
− j2πnk
X (k) = x(n)e N ; 0≤k ≤ N −1 (A.2)
where f denotes the physical frequency in Hz, and f Mel denotes the perceived
frequency [2].
Filter banks can be implemented in both time domain and frequency domain. For
MFCC computation, filter banks are generally implemented in frequency domain.
The center frequencies of the filters are normally evenly spaced on the frequency
axis. However, in order to mimic the human ears perception, the warped axis,
according to the nonlinear function given in Eq. (A.3), is implemented. The most
commonly used filter shaper is triangular, and in some cases the Hanning filter
can be found [1]. The triangular filter banks with Mel frequency warping is given
in Fig. A.1.
The Mel spectrum of the magnitude spectrum X (k) is computed by multiplying
the magnitude spectrum by each of the of the triangular Mel weighting filters.
N −1
s(m) = |X (k)|2 Hm (k) ; 0≤m ≤ M −1 (A.4)
where M is total number of triangular Mel weighting filters [5, 6]. Hm (k) is the
weight given to the k th energy spectrum bin contributing to the m th output band
and is expressed as:
Appendix A: MFCC Features 87
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Frequency (Hz)
⎪ 0, k < f (m − 1)
⎨ 2(k− f (m−1))
f (m)− f (m−1)
, f (m − 1) ≤ k ≤ f (m)
Hm (k) = (A.5)
2( f (m+1)−k)
, f (m) < k ≤ f (m + 1)
⎩ f (m+1)− f (m)
0, k > f (m + 1)
π n(m − 0.5)
c(n) = log10 (s(m)) cos ; n = 0, 1, 2, . . . , C − 1
where c(n) are the cepstral coefficients, and C is the number of MFCCs. Tradi-
tional MFCC systems use only 8–13 cepstral coefficients. The zeroth coefficient
is often excluded since it represents the average log-energy of the input signal,
which only carries little speaker-specific information.
88 Appendix A: MFCC Features
ki cm (n + i)
Δcm (n) = T
where cm (n) denotes the m th feature for the n th time frame, ki is the i th weight,
and T is the number of successive frames used for computation. Generally T is
taken as 2. The delta–delta coefficients are computed by taking the first-order
derivative of the delta coefficients.
1. J.W. Picone, Signal modeling techniques in speech recognition. Proc. IEEE 81, 1215–1247 (1993)
2. J.R. Deller, J.H. Hansen, J.G. Proakis, Discrete Time Processing of Speech Signals (Prentice Hall, NJ,
3. J. Benesty, M.M. Sondhi, Y.A. Huang, Handbook of Speech Processing (Springer, New York, 2008)
4. J. Volkmann, S. Stevens, E. Newman, A scale for the measurement of the psychological magnitude
pitch. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 8, 185–190 (1937)
5. Z. Fang, Z. Guoliang, S. Zhanjiang, Comparison of different implementations of MFCC. J. Comput.
Sci. Technol. 16, 582–589 (2000)
6. G.K.T. Ganchev, N. Fakotakis, Comparative evaluation of various MFCC implementations on the
speaker verification task, in Proceedings of International Conference on Speech and Computer
(SPECOM) (2005), pp. 191–194
7. L. Rabiner, B.-H. Juang, B. Yegnanarayana, Fundamentals of Speech Recognition (Pearson Education,
London, 2008)
8. S. Furui, Comparison of speaker recognition methods using statistical features and dynamic features.
IEEE Trans. Acoust. Speech Sig. Proc. 29, 342–350 (1981)
9. J.S. Mason, X. Zhang, Velocity and acceleration features in speaker recognition, in IEEE International
Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) (1991), pp. 3673–3676
Appendix B
Pattern Recognition Models
In this work, hidden Markov model (HMM), support vector machine (SVM), and
auto-associative neural network (AANN) models are used to capture the pattern
present in features. HMMs are used to capture the sequential information present
in feature vectors for CV recognition. SVMs are used to capture the discriminative
information present in the feature vectors for CV recognition. AANN models are used
to capture the nonlinear relations among the feature vectors for speaker identification.
The following sections briefly describe the pattern recognition models used in this
Hidden Markov models (HMMs) are the commonly used classification models in
speech recognition [1]. HMMs are used to capture the sequential information present
in feature vectors for developing PRSs. HMM is a stochastic signal model which is
referred to as Markov sources or probabilistic functions of Markov chains. This model
is an extension to the concept of Markov model which includes the case where the
observation is a probabilistic function of the state. HMM is a finite set of states, each
of which is associated with a probability distribution. Transitions among the states are
governed by a set of probabilities called transition probabilities. In a particular state,
an outcome or observation can be generated, according to the associated probability
distribution. Here, only the outcome is known and the underlying state sequence is
hidden. Hence, it is called a hidden Markov model.
Following are the basic elements that define HMM:
1. N, Number of states in the model,
s = {s1 , s2 , .......s N }
2. M, Number of distinct observation symbol per state,
v = {v1 , v2 , ....v M }
3. State transition probability distribution A = {ai j }, where
© The Author(s) 2017 89
K.S. Rao and Manjunath K.E., Speech Recognition Using Articulatory
and Excitation Source Features, SpringerBriefs in Speech Technology,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-49220-9
90 Appendix B: Pattern Recognition Models
ai j = P qt+1 = s j |qt = si , 1 ≤ i, j ≤ N (B.1)
where πq1 is the initial state probability of q1 , and T is length of observation sequence.
FFNNs are the artificial neural networks, where the information moves from the
input layer to output layer through the hidden layer in forward direction with no
loops in the network. FFNNs are used to capture the nonlinear relationship between
the feature vectors and the phonetic sound units. FFNNs map an input feature vector
into one of the phonetic units, among the set of phonetic sound units used for training
the FFNN models. Each unit in one layer of the FFNN has directed connections to
the units in the subsequent layer. FFNNs consist of an input layer, an output layer,
and one or more hidden layers. The number of units in the input is equal to the
dimension of feature vectors, while the number of units in output layer is equal to
the number of phonetic sound units being modeled. The hidden and output layers
are nonlinear, whereas the input layer is linear. The nonlinearity is achieved using
activation functions such as sigmoid, softmax. The general structure of three-layered
FFNN is as shown in Fig. B.1. A three-layered FFNN has one input layer, one hidden
layer, and one output layer.
Appendix B: Pattern Recognition Models 91
The feature vectors are fed to the input layer, and the corresponding phone labels
are fed to the output layer of the FFNN. FFNNs are trained using a learning algorithm
such as back-propagation algorithm [2, 3]. The back-propagation algorithm is most
commonly used in the development of speech recognition applications using FFNNs.
In back-propagation algorithm, the calculated output is compared with the correct
output, and the error between them is computed using a predefined error function. The
error is then back-propagated through the network, and the weights of the network
are adjusted based on the computed error. The weights are adjusted using a nonlinear
optimization method such as gradient descent method. This process is repeated for
sufficiently large number of training examples till the network converges. After the
completion of training phase, the weights of the network are used for decoding the
phonetic sound units in the spoken utterances. Determining the network structure is
an optimization problem. At present, there are no formal methods for determining
the optimal structure of a neural network. The key factors that influence the neural
network structure are amount of training data, learning ability of the network, and
capacity to generalize the acquired knowledge.
92 Appendix B: Pattern Recognition Models
1. L.R. Rabiner, A tutorial on hidden Markov models and selected applications in speech recognition.
Proc. IEEE 77, 257–286 (1989)
2. R. Rojas, Neural Networks - A Systematic Introduction (Springer, Berlin, 1996)
3. M. Nielsen, Neural Networks and Deep Learning. http://neuralnetworksanddeeplearning.com.