Chapter - 1: 1.1 Introduction To Music Genre Classification
Chapter - 1: 1.1 Introduction To Music Genre Classification
Chapter - 1: 1.1 Introduction To Music Genre Classification
Chapter - 1
Music is categorized into subjective categories called genres. With the growth of the
internet and multimedia systems applications that deal with the musical databases gained
importance and demand for Music Information Retrieval (MIR) applications increased. Musical
genres have no strict definitions and boundaries as they arise through a complex interaction
between the public, marketing, historical, and cultural factors. This observation has led some
researchers to suggest the definition of a new genre classification scheme purely for the purposes
of music information retrieval Genre hierarchies, typically created manually by human experts,
are currently one of the ways used to structure music content on the Web. Automatic musical genre
classification can potentially automate this process and provide an important component for a
complete music information retrieval system for audio signals.
We use audio data set which contains 1000 music pieces each of 30 seconds length. There
are 100 pieces from each of the following genres: classical (cl), country(co), disco(d), hip-hop(h),
jazz(j), rock(ro), blues(b), reggae(re), pop(p), metal(m). Later for our web-app we have chosen six
popular genres namely classical, hip-hop, jazz, metal, pop and rock to get more accuracy. We use
pattern recognition algorithms with Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) [1] as the
feature vectors for classification.
We have tried different supervised learning algorithms for our classification problem. Input
can be in any audio/video format. The final output will be a label from the 6 genres.
The first step in any automatic speech recognition system is to extract features i.e. identify
the components of the audio signal that are good for identifying the linguistic content and
discarding all the other stuff which carries information like background noise, emotion etc.
The main point to understand about speech is that the sounds generated by a human are
filtered by the shape of the vocal tract including tongue, teeth etc. This shape determines what
sound comes out. If we can determine the shape accurately, this should give us an accurate
representation of the phoneme being produced. The shape of the vocal tract manifests itself in the
envelope of the short time power spectrum, and the job of MFCCs is to accurately represent this
Steps at a Glance:
2. For each frame calculate the periodogram estimate of the power spectrum.
3. Apply the Mel filter bank to the power spectra, sum the energy in each filter.
2. Frame blocking
The input speech signal is segmented into frames of 20~30 ms with optional overlap
of 1/3~1/2 of the frame size. Usually the frame size (in terms of sample points) is equal to
power of two in order to facilitate the use of FFT. If this is not the case, we need to do zero
padding to the nearest length of power of two. If the sample rate is 16 kHz and the frame
size is 320 sample points, then the frame duration is 320/16000 = 0.02 sec = 20 ms.
Additional, if the overlap is 160 points, then the frame rate is 16000/(320-160) = 100
frames per second.
3. Hamming windowing
Each frame has to be multiplied with a hamming window in order to keep the
continuity of the first and the last points in the frame (to be detailed in the next step). If the
signal in a frame is denoted by s(n), n = 0…N-1, then the signal after Hamming windowing
is s(n)*w(n), where w(n) is the Hamming window defined by:
w(n, a) = (1 - a) - a cos(2pn/(N-1)),0<=n<=N-1
Since we have performed FFT, DCT transforms the frequency domain into a time-
like domain called quefrency domain. The obtained features are similar to cepstrum, thus
it is referred to as the mel-scale cepstral coefficients, or MFCC. MFCC alone can be used
as the feature for speech recognition. For better performance, we can add the log energy
and perform delta operation, as explained in the next two steps.
7. Log energy
The energy within a frame is also an important feature that can be easily obtained.
Hence we usually add the log energy as the 13th feature to MFCC. If necessary, we can add
some other features at this step, including pitch, zero cross rate, high-order spectrum
momentum, and so on.
8. Delta cepstrum
It is also advantageous to have the time derivatives of (energy+MFCC) as new
features, which shows the velocity and acceleration of (energy+MFCC). The equations to
compute these features are:
The value of M is usually set to 2. If we add the velocity, the feature dimension is
26. If we add both the velocity and the acceleration, the feature dimension is 39. Most of
the speech recognition systems on PC use these 39-dimensional features for recognition.
two class values). Logistic regression uses an equation as the representation, very much
like linear regression.
Input values (x) are combined linearly using weights or coefficient values (referred
to as the Greek capital letter Beta) to predict an output value (y). A key difference from
linear regression is that the output value being modeled is a binary value (0 or 1) rather
than a numeric value. Below is an example logistic regression equation:
Where y is the predicted output, b0 is the bias or intercept term and b1 is the
coefficient for the single input value (x). Each column in input data has an associated
b coefficient (a constant real value) that must be learned from training data.
Train Classifier
Fig 1.1 Overall Idea
Our attempt is to classify music based on genres, which is a standard problem in Music
Information Retrieval (MIR) research. We will be using different supervised learning algorithms
along with multiple feature vectors for our classification problem. We have used a Dataset from
GTZAN Genre Collection [2] which contains 1000 music pieces each of 30 seconds length. For
any given music file, our attempt is to train a classifier which will use the extracted features, and
output a label. The overall idea is described in the figure 1.1.
1.4 Motivation
Classifying a song to a genre, although an inherently subjective task, comes quite easily to
the human ear. Within seconds of hearing a new song one can easily recognize the timbre, distinct
instruments, beat, chord progression, lyrics, and genre of the song. For machines on the other hand
this is quite a complex and daunting task as the whole “human” experience of listening to a song
is transformed into a vector of features about the song. Historically, machines haven’t been able
to reliably detect many of these musical characteristics that humans recognize in music.
We are considering a 10-genre classification problem with the following categories:
classical (cl), country(co), disco(d), hip-hop(h), jazz(j), rock(ro), blues(b), reggae(re), pop(p),
metal(m). Finally, we have chosen six popular genres namely classical, hip-hop, jazz, metal, pop
and rock to get more accuracy for our final web-app. We use pattern recognition algorithms with
Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) as the feature vectors for classification.
With the help of our classifiers we can label large data set of untagged music.
The classifiers can be integrated into any application for Music Information Retrieval.
1.7 Objectives
The objectives of music genre classification are as follows
classifiers. Using a set of different classifiers, they obtained a test genre classification accuracy of
around 79.6 ± 4.2% on 10 genre set of 1000 music pieces.
There have been no published works that perform largescale genre classification using
cross-model methods. Dawen Liang in 2011, proposed a cross-model retrieval framework of
model blending which combines features of lyrics and audio. The algorithm scales linearly in the
number of songs, and evaluate it on a subset of the MSD (Million Song Dataset) containing
156,289 songs. There is no previous work on genre classification measuring the likelihood of
different genre-based HMMs (Hidden Markov Models), or bag-of-words lyric features. They also
experimented with methods which have not appeared before in genre classification, such as the
spectral method for training HMM’s, and used Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) to combine
features from different domains.
Chapter 1 – Introduction: This chapter gives the brief introduction on music genre classification,
features, problem statement and objectives, scope of the project and literature survey.
Chapter 2 – System Requirement Specification: This chapter presents the various software and
hardware requirements. It also presents a brief description of the software packages used.
Chapter 3 – High Level Design: This chapter presents the system architecture of proposed
system and data flow diagram of each module.
Chapter 4 – Detail Design: This chapter briefs about the structural chart diagram and detail
functionality and processing of each module.
Chapter 6 – Testing: This chapter deals with the unit testing, experimentations and results for
each module.
Chapter 7 – Results and Discussions: This chapter presents snapshots of the Web App
1.10 Summary
This chapter gives introduction to the project, brief introduction about music genre
classification, the scope of the project, problem statement and objectives of the project, the related
paper presented in the literature survey and also finally the organization of the report.
Chapter – 2
The following are the specific requirements for extracting the features, audio manipulation and for
the web-app.
Django: Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development
and clean, pragmatic design. Built by experienced developers, it takes care of much of the
hassle of Web development, so you can focus on writing your app without needing to reinvent
the wheel.
Pydub: It is a Python library for audio manipulation.
NumPy: NumPy is the fundamental package for scientific computing with Python.
python_speech_features: This library provides common speech features for MFCCs and
filterbank energies.
Scikit-learn: It is a software machine learning library for the Python programming
language. It features various classification, regression and clustering algorithms including
support vector machines, and is designed to interoperate with the Python numerical and
scientific libraries NumPy and SciPy.
SciPy: It is an open source Python library used for scientific computing and technical
computing. SciPy contains modules for optimization, linear algebra, integration, interpolation,
special functions and FFT and other tasks common in science and engineering.
Matlab 8.0
Python v3.4
2.6 Summary
Under this chapter we have specified the hardware and the software requirements of the
project, and also specified specific requirements.
3.2Design considerations
The key design goals for this system are
To design and implement the music genre classification system based on pattern
recognition technique.
Efficient system with probability of getting more accuracy for genres of audio files.
User friendly scheme with easy to use interface.
3.3 Architecture
The System Architecture is a conceptual model that defines the structure, behavior and
more views of a system. An architecture description is a formal description and the system
3.3.1 Overall System Architecture
The figure 3.1 shows the system architecture for overall system of music genre
classification using pattern recognition technique.
LABEL Dataset
We have used the GTZAN dataset from the MARYSAS website. It contains 10 music
genres; each genre has 1000 audio clips in .au format. The genres are - blues, classical, country,
disco, pop, jazz, reggae, rock, metal, hip-hop. Each audio clips have a length 30 seconds, are
22050Hz Mono 16-bit files. The dataset incorporates samples from variety of sources like CDs,
radios, microphone recordings etc. Preprocessing
The preprocessing part involved converting the audio from .au or any format to .wav format
to make it compatible to python’s wave module for reading audio files. Workflow
We have done logistic regression and KNN in Matlab and SVM in python. The final GUI is build
using Python Django.
To classify our audio clips, we use feature like Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients. This
feature are appended to give a 28 length feature vector. We have also used HTK MFCC MATLAB
toolkit for finding MFCC. We took the mean variance of 13*n MFCC coefficients, result we get
is 104*1 matrix or vector of size104. Then, we used different multi-class classifiers and an
ensemble of these to obtain our results as a label.
for event handling and animation. Bootstrap is a responsive front-end framework. The front end
sends the HTTP requests to the Django backend where it works with the urls, views and models.
A use case diagram is a graph of actors, a set of use cases enclosed by a system boundary,
communication associates between the actors and the use cases and generalization among the use
case as shown below in figure.
Upload Music
Genre Name
user server
Fig 3.2. Use case diagram for overall system
The figure 3.2 shows the use case diagram for the application. In our use case diagram user
uploads the audio file to the server, then the server response with the genre or label to the user.
Train the
Test classifier
The Fig 3.3 shows the use case diagram for the classifier. The above diagram at its simplest is
a representation of a user’s interaction with the system and depicting the specification of a use
case. It deals with training the classifier with the extracted features vectors and combines the
classifiers to improve the accuracy of the genre after that testing the classifier for the result and
display it.
The above fig 3.4 shows the data flow diagram for the overall system of music genre
classification. We have used the GTZAN dataset from the MARYSAS website. It contains 10
music genres; each genre has 1000 audio clips in .au format. The genres are - blues, classical,
country, disco, pop, jazz, reggae, rock, metal, hip-hop. Each audio clips have a length 30 seconds.
Then the preprocessing part involved converting the audio from .au format to .wav format to make
it compatible to python’s wave module for reading audio files.
To classify our audio clips, we chose features like Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients,
and also reduce the feature dimensions Then, we used different multi-class classifiers and an
ensemble of these to obtain our results as a genre label.
3.6 Summary
This chapter discussed the high level design, design consideration, system architecture, module
specification with the data flow diagram for each module of the Music genre classification based
on pattern recognition system.
Chapter- 4
4.1 Introduction
After high level design, a designer’s focus shifts to low level design, each module’s
responsibilities should be specified as precisely as possible. Constraints on the use of its interface
should be specified, pre and post conditions can be identified. Module wide in variants can be
specified internal structures and algorithm can be suggested.
This section describes the functionalities and process of all the modules. Different modules
that are implemented for music genre classification based on pattern recognition technique are:
We have taken the audio files of the 100 songs per genre of .wav format. We then read the
.wav file into Matlab, and extract the MFCC features for each song. We further reduced this matrix
representation of each song by taking the mean vector and covariance matrix of the cepstral
features and storing them as a cell matrix, effectively modeling the frequency features of each song
as a multi-variate Gaussian distribution. Lastly, we applied both supervised and unsupervised
machine learning algorithms, using the reduced mean vector and covariance matrix as the features
for each song to train on.
Audio file
Extract feature
The flow chart diagram 4.1 of feature extraction deals with the initial process of extracting
features in which, from the given input audio file feature extraction takes place in the form of
feature vectors like MFCC, which is to be used in the next module to classify the music by the
Feature Vector
Knowledge base
The flow chart diagram of fig 4.2 for classifier deals with the training and testing the
different types of classifiers by the feature vectors to produce the output to the user as a label. The
different types of classifier that can be used are k-NN, SVM, Logistic regression, etc.
Figure 4.3 illustrates the flow chart of Web App. The browser will send HTTP request as
GET or POST from our Web App. GET request can be for loading templates which is an html file
or for a static file, which includes front end JavaScript files (js), stylesheets (css), true type
fonts(ttf) and image files. User upload the file by a POST request. Our front end java script will
convert the given file as BLOB (binary large objects) files of size 1MB before POST. After a
successful POST, user can send a GET request for genre label for the uploaded file. We have
developed a python package called ‘mysvm’ for extracting features and classifying music. This
package is added to our Web App. On receiving a GET request for genre label, we convert the file
to .wav if it is in other format. Then the features are extracted from the audio file using
‘mysvm.feature.extract(filename)’. If multi option is selected by the user then
‘mysvm.svm.getMultiGenre’ function is called. This will get all the probabilities of a genres which
the given music belongs to. If the probability is greater than 0.15, we will push the label into the
stack of maximum size 3. The labels are sent as JSON data in the response. If single genre label is
selected the label which is having highest probability is sent in response.
In our scenario, we have the objects namely user, web app and knowledge base. The lifeline
of that an objects begins as follows.
The user uploads the input music and the web app processes the audio and saves it in the
knowledge base. Consecutively the web app extracts the feature and classifies it. The genre name
is displayed to the user by the web app and additionally the web app scans for the music from other
genre interacting with knowledge base. Finally, the knowledge base outputs 10 different music to
the user.
user web app
Input music Process
Save audio samples
Fig 4.4. Sequence diagram for overall system of music genre classification.
4.6 Summary
This chapter explains the details design of this project with the flow chart diagram, activity
model for each model and sequence diagram. The next chapter clearly explains the implementation
part of this project.
5.1.2 Matlab
We have chosen Matlab for trying out various machine learning algorithms. It helps us to
choose the best algorithm for our Web App. Matlab’s rich library and functional programing makes
it ideal to implement classification algorithms and making prototypes.
5.4 Prototype
We need to find the best classification algorithm that can be used in our Web App to
classify music based on genres. Matlab is ideal to implement machine learning algorithms in
minimum lines of code. Before making the Web App in python we made a prototype in Matlab.
5.4.1 Feature Extraction
We chose to extract MFCC from the audio files as the feature. For finding MFCC in
Matlab, we have used HTK MFCC MATLAB toolkit. The output will be a matrix of 13*n
dimensional vector. Where n depends on the total duration of the audio. 13*(100*sec).
While feature extraction we were getting ‘nan’(not a number) and infinity in the output.
This is usually caused be a division by zero or a very small number closed to 0 resulting in
infinity/nan in the output. This could be a regular result or some algorithm or implementation error
in the MFCC toolkit. To overcome this situation, we have set nan or infinity entries in the feature
array to 0.
ff = mf;
for i=0:(size(mm,1)-1)
ff = [ff;diag(cf,i)]; %use diagonals
t(:,end+1) = ff(:,1);
5.4.4 Classification
K-nearest neighbors (KNN)
Principle is that the data instance of the same class should be closer in the feature
For a given data point x of unknown class, we can compute the distance between x and all
the data points in the training data and assign the class determined by k nearest points of x.
Suppose we are given training dataset of n points.
{(𝑥1, 𝑦1), (𝑥2, 𝑦2) … (𝑥𝑛, 𝑦𝑛)}
Where (𝑥𝑖, 𝑦𝑖) represents data pair i.
𝑥𝑖 − feature vector
𝑦𝑖 − target class
For a new data point x the most likely class is determined by finding the distance from all
training data points (Euclidian distance). The output class will be the class which k
nearest neighbors belongs to. K is a predefined integer (k=1, k=2, k=3.)
Logistic Regression
Logistic Regression is one of the widely used classification algorithm. This
algorithm is used in medical as well as business fields for analytics and classification.
This model has the hypothesis function 0 ≤ ℎ𝜃(𝑥) ≤ 1. Where ℎ𝜃(𝑥) = 1+𝑒−𝜃𝑇𝑥 called
as Sigmoid or Logistic Function. For binary class classification 𝑦 ∈ {0, 1}. The output of
this classifier will be a probability of the given input belonging to class 1. If
ℎ𝜃(𝑥) outputs 0.7 it means that the given input has 70% chance of belonging to class 1.
Since we have 10 genre classes 𝑦 ∈ {0, 1 . . 9} we used one-vs-all method for
classification. svm
This module contains various functions for classification using support vector
poly(X,Y): Trains a poly kernel SVM by fitting X, Y dataset. Returns a trained
poly kernel SVM classifier.
fit ( training_percentage, fold): Randomly choose songs from the dataset, and
train the classifier. Accepts parameter: train_percentage, fold; Returns trained
getprob (filename): Find the probabilities for a song belongs to each genre. Returns
a dictionary mapping genre names to probability and a list of top 3 genres which is
having probability of more than 0.15.
random_cross_validation (train_percentage,fold): Randomly cross validate with
training percentage and fold. Accepts parameter: train_percentage, fold;
findsubclass (class_count): Returns all possible ways we can combine the classes.
Accepts an integer as class count. Returns numpy array of all possible combination.
gen_sub_data (class_l): Generate a subset of the dataset for the given list of classes.
Returns numpy array.
fitsvm (Xall, Yall, class_l, train_percentage, fold): Fits a poly svm and returns the
accuracy. Accepts parameter: train_percentage; fold; Returns: classifier, Accuracy.
best_combinations (class_l, train_percentage, fold): Finds all possible
combination of classes and the accuracy for the given number of classes Accepts:
Training percentage, and number of folds Returns: A List of best combination
possible for given the class count.
getgenre (filename): Accepts a filename and returns a genre label for a given file.
getgenreMulti (filename): Accepts a filename and returns top three genre labels
based on the probability. acc
Module for finding the accuracy.
get ( res, test ) : Compares two arrays and returns the accuracy of match.
lambda = 0.1;
pred = predictOneVsAll(all_theta, x);
fprintf('Testing Set Accuracy: %f\n', mean(double(pred == y)) * 100);
mm = np.transpose(mfcc_feat)
mf = np.mean(mm,axis=1)
cf = np.cov(mm)
for i in range(mm.shape[0]): // ff is a vector of size 104
ff = np.append(ff,np.diag(cf,i))
if flag: // re initializing to size 104
all_mfcc = ff;
flag = False
all_mfcc = np.vstack([all_mfcc,ff])
y=[np.ones(70),np.ones(70)*2,np.ones(70)*3,np.ones(70)*4,np.ones(70)*5, \
yt=[np.ones(30),np.ones(30)*2,np.ones(30)*3,np.ones(30)*4,np.ones(30)*5, \
y = flatten(y)
yt = flatten(yt)
start += 100
//select the remaning songs from the stack for testing
for test_counter in range(100 - train_percentage):
if flag_train:
test_matrix = Xall[stack[test_counter]]
flag_train = False
test_matrix = np.vstack([test_matrix, Xall[stack[test_counter]]
Y = feature.geny(train_percentage)
y = feature.geny(100 - train_percentage)
clf = svm.SVC(kernel='poly',C=1) //training accuracy, Y)
res = clf.predict(train_matrix)
resTrain += acc.get(res,Y)
res = clf.predict(test_matrix)
resTest += acc.get(res,y)
print("Training accuracy with %d fold %f: " % (int(fold), resTrain / int(fold)))
print("Testing accuracy with %d fold %f: " % (int(fold), resTest / int(fold)))
def findsubclass(class_count):
//Finds the combination of classes NCR
class_l = list (range (10))
flag = True
labels = np. array ([])
for i in itertools. combinations (class_l, class_count):
if flag:
labels = i
flag = False
labels = np. vstack ([labels, i])
return labels
def gen_sub_data(class_l):
all_x = np. array ([])
flag = True;
for class_index in class_l:
if class_index! = 0:
class_index *= 100
if flag:
all_x = Xall [ class_index: class_index + 100]
flag = False
all_x = np. vstack ([all_x, Xall [ class_index: class_index + 100]])
return all_x
def fitsvm (Xall, Yall, class_l, train_percentage, fold):
//creates a matrix of size 10x100x104
resTrain =0
resTest = 0
score = 0
scores = 0
for folds in range(fold):
flag = True
flag train = True
start = 0
train matrix = np. array ([])
test_matrix = np. array ([])
Xindex = []
Tindex = []
for class counter in range(class_l):
stack = list(range(start, start+100)) //create an index of size 100
for song counter in range( int(train percentage) ):
index = random. Choice(stack) //randomly choose numbers from index
avg = []
count = 0
X = gen_sub_data(class_comb[0])
Y = feature.gen_suby(class_l,100)
for class_count in range(class_comb.shape[0]):
all_x = gen_sub_data( class_comb[ class_count ] )
all_y = feature.gen_suby(class_l,100)
clf , score = fitsvm(all_x, all_y, class_l, train_percentage, fold)
count += 1
if count == 10:
maxAvg = max(avg)
maxIndex = [i for i, j in enumerate(avg) if j >= (maxAvg - 2)]
print("Maximum accuracy:",maxAvg)
print("Best combinations:")
for i in maxIndex:
return avg
def getgenre(filename):
music_feature = feature.extract(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__name__)) \
+'/django-jquery-file-upload/' +filename)
clf = myclf
return clf.predict(music_feature)
We have used Ajax, AngularJS, and jQuery for front end JavaScript and Bootstrap for
responsive design. We have also used Font Awesome iconic fonts and CSS framework.
state = 'rejected';
file.$multisvm = function () {
state = 'pending';
return $http({
url: '/upload/multisvm/' ,
method: 'POST',
data: {'file': file.url, 'delete' : file.deleteId},
xsrfHeaderName: 'X-CSRFToken',
xsrfCookieName: 'csrftoken',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8'
function (response) {
state = 'resolved';
$scope.resp =;
//$scope.resp = JSON.parse(;
function () {
state = 'rejected';
// File: jquery.fileupload-angular.js
$scope.submit = function () {
$scope.find = function() {
var x = document.getElementById('ismulti').checked;
$scope.findGenre = function () {
$scope.findMultiGenre = function () {
// Url Dispacher
// File:
# encoding: utf-8
from django.conf.urls import url
from fileupload.views import (
from . import views
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^help/$', info.as_view(), name='info'),
url(r'^musicUpload/$', MusicCreateView.as_view(), name='upload-music'),
url(r'^$', MultiSvm.as_view(), name='upload'),
url(r'^delete/(?P<pk>\d+)$', MusicDeleteView.as_view(), name='upload-delete'),
url(r'^svm/$', views.music_genre, name='music_genre'),
url(r'^multisvm/$', views.multi_music_genre, name='multi_music_genre'),
# encoding: utf-8
import json
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.views.generic import CreateView, DeleteView, ListView, DetailView
from .models import Picture, Music
from .response import JSONResponse, response_mimetype
from .serialize import serialize
import json
import random
from mysvm import feature
from mysvm import svm
class MusicCreateView(CreateView):
model = Music
fields = "__all__"
def form_valid(self, form):
self.object =
files = [serialize(self.object)]
data = {'files': files}
response = JSONResponse(data, mimetype=response_mimetype(self.request))
response['Content-Disposition'] = 'inline; filename=files.json'
return response
def form_invalid(self, form):
data = json.dumps(form.errors)
return HttpResponse(content=data, status=400, content_type='application/json')
class info(MusicCreateView):
template_name_suffix = '_svm_info'
class MultiSvm(MusicCreateView):
template_name_suffix = '_svm_multi'
class MusicDeleteView(DeleteView):
model = Music
def delete(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
self.object = self.get_object()
response = JSONResponse(True, mimetype=response_mimetype(request))
response['Content-Disposition'] = 'inline; filename=files.json'
return response
def music_genre(request):
model = Music
if request.method == 'POST':
#context = feature.getlabels()
context = ['Classical','Hipop','Jazz','Metal','Pop','Rock']
#return (request,"love")
JSONdata = json.loads(str(request.body, encoding="utf-8"))
JSONdata = 'ERROR'
#get index of the genre
genre = svm.getgenre(JSONdata['file'])
#delete file after finding genre
id = JSONdata['delete']
instance = model.objects.get(id=id)
return HttpResponse(context[int(genre[0]) - 1 ])
if request.method == 'GET':
return HttpResponse('nothing here')
def multi_music_genre(request):
model = Music
if request.method == 'POST':
JSONdata = json.loads(str(request.body, encoding="utf-8"))
JSONdata = 'ERROR'
#get index of the genre
dd, genre = svm.getgenreMulti(JSONdata['file'])
dt = json.dumps(dd)
#delete file after finding genre
id = JSONdata['delete']
instance = model.objects.get(id=id)
return HttpResponse(', '.join(genre))
#return HttpResponse(dt)
if request.method == 'GET':
return HttpResponse('nothing here')
// Models
// File:
# encoding: utf-8
from django.db import models
class Music(models.Model):
Model to upload music file
file = models.FileField(upload_to="audio")
slug = models.SlugField(max_length=50, blank=True)
def __str__(self):
def get_absolute_url(self):
return ('upload-new', )
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.slug =
super(Music, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
def delete(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""delete -- Remove to leave file."""
super(Music, self).delete(*args, **kwargs)
5.7 Summary
This chapter discusses implementation for implementing the brief description about the
programming language selection, platform selected and finally the codes for each process.
6.1 Testing
Software testing plays an important role in modifying the errors and refining the quality of
the system software. Initially the program should be written and documented and also associated
data structures should be designed. After all these processes are coded, software testing is started.
In system testing the products functionality is checked once it is finished.
Remark Successful
Table 6.1: Unit testing of the sensor for successful test
Table 6.1 illustrate the testing for audio conversion. The audio file is successfully converted
to .wav format file. The test has been conducted for successful case.
Remark Successful
Table 6.2: Unit testing for feature extraction
Table 6.2 illustrate the testing of the feature extraction of input .wav audio file. The features
are extracted from the .wav audio file. The test has been conducted for successful case.
Remark Successful
Table 6.3: Unit testing for classification
Table 6.2 illustrates the testing of the extracted features and labels the genres.
6.3 Experimentations
We have taken of 1000 audio tracks each 30 seconds long. There are 10 genres represented,
each containing 100 tracks. Initially we have chosen ten genres for our project: blues, classical,
country, disco, hip-hop, jazz, metal, pop and reggae. Our total data set was 1000 songs, of which
we used 90% for training and 10% for testing and measuring results and also chosen songs
randomly from dataset for random cross validation.
Training accuracy is the accuracy got when we used 90% of the dataset to
train the classifier. Testing accuracy is the accuracy got when we used the rest 10%
of the dataset as test samples.
6.3.3 Experiment Results for SVM
70 30 5 99.88 62.4
90 10 5 99.86 64.00
50 50 5 99.9 60.30
Table 6.4: Experiment results for random cross validation for ten genres
The table 6.4 illustrates the accuracy on experimenting while choosing random songs
from dataset.
8 73.75 44 [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
9 70.44 9 [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
Table 6.5: Experiment results for best combinations for 9:1 ratio with 5 fold
The table 6.5 illustrates the accuracy for best combination among genres by taking 90 and
10 ratios for training, testing respectively with 5 folds.
9 67.85 9 [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
Table 6.6: Experiment results for best combinations for 7:3 ratios with 5 fold
The table 6.6 illustrates the maximum accuracy on experimenting for best combinations by
taking 70 and 30 ratios for training, testing respectively with 5 folds.
6.4 Summary
This chapter deals with the unit testing, experimentations and results for each module.
7.1 Snapshots
The results explanation related to the snapshots of the various modules to the entire process
of execution. The different modules can explain the working of procedure.
The user has to select the option depending upon the requirements. The choice based option
contains (1) Upload Music. (2) Find Genre. (3) find multiple genre.
Figure 7.1 shows the front face of the Web App. The front face consist of mainly 6 buttons.
Those are (1) upload file, (2) find genre, (3) docs, (4) help, (5) toggle between single and multiple
and (6) home.
Figure 7.2 illustrates the uploading of the music. As the user clicks the ‘upload file’ button the
Web App shows the file explorer to select the file.
Figure 7.3 illustrates the file being classified according to genre. As the user clicks the ‘find
genre’ button the Web App calls getgenre(JSONdata[‘file’]) function. On receiving the file, the
function will use the trained classifier to predict a genre.
7.2 Summary
This chapter discusses the result of the project with snapshots.
Chapter 8
8.1 Conclusion
This project on music genre classification was done by using various machine learning
algorithms. Our aim was to get maximum accuracy. We have found out from our research that we
can get maximum accuracy of 65% by using poly kernel SVM for 10 genre classes. We have also
tried to find the best combination of genre classes which will result in maximum accuracy. If we
choose 6 genre classes we were able to get an accuracy of 87% for the combination [classical, hip-
hop, jazz, metal, pop and rock].
For some songs we can say that this has feature of multiple genres. So we have also tried
to get multiple label outputs based on the probability. It was observed that any single classifier did
not classify all the genres well. For example, in the SVM with polynomial kernel worked well for
most genres except blues and rock. This could have been due to the fact that many other genres
are derived from blues.
This project is released under GPL v2.0 license. The source code is available on Github:
3. Archit Rathore and Margaux Dorido, “Music Genre Classification”, Indian Institute of
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4. Yusuf Yaslan and Zehra Cataltepe, “Audio Music Genre Classification Using Different
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5. Tao Li, Mitsunori Ogihara and Qi Li, “A Comparative Study on Content-Based Music
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6. Omar Diab, Anthony Manero, and Reid Watson. Musical Genre Tag Classification with
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