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AlloyingElements EN
Metals account for about two thirds of all the Pure iron is too soft to be used for the purpose
elements and about 25% of the mass of the of structure, but the addition of small
Earth. These are mainly around us in the form quantities of other elements (carbon, manga-
of metallic alloys which are used because of nese or silicon for instance) greatly increases
their various properties and characteristics, its mechanical strength. This is because the
such as strength, ductility, toughness, corrosion different atom sizes of other elements interrupts
resistance, heat resistance, thermal expansion, the orderly arrangement of atoms in the lattice
thermal and electrical conductivity. and prevents them from sliding over each
other as easily.
The strength of metals is that their atoms are
held together by strong bonding forces. Such Alloying elements have the capability to block
bonds are formed between metal atoms slip planes. In the case of chromium added to
allowing their outermost electrons to be iron (Fe-Cr alloys), there is another advantage,
shared by all the surrounding atoms, resulting which consists of a tremendous increase in
in positive ions i.e. cations being surrounded the corrosion resistance of the new metallic
by a cloud of electrons (valence electrons). alloy compared to pure iron. There are more
Because these valence electrons are shared than a hundred chromium-containing metallic
by all the atoms, they are not considered to alloys. Each one was developed for a particular
be associated with any atom in particular. need, and each has its own set of properties
This is very different from ionic or covalent and characteristics.
bonds, where electrons are shared by one or
two atoms. The metallic bond is therefore The most important characteristics common
strong and uniform. Even if the added elements to all chromium-containing alloys, among
are non-metals, alloys still have metallic them stainless steels, is that they contain
properties. sufficient chromium to make them corrosion
resistant, oxidation resistant and/ or heat
Most metals are not used in their pure form resistant.
but have alloying elements added to modify
their properties and this can be used for All of these alloys contain chromium (Cr),
specific applications. The presence of a manganese (Mn), silicon (Si), carbon (C),
proportion of a second element associated nitrogen (Ni), sulphur (S), and phosphorus
with a metal to form an alloy, e.g. chromium (P), and may contain: nickel (Ni), molybdenum
with iron to form Fe-Cr alloys, can drastically (Mo), titanium (Ti), niobium (Nb), zirconium
alter some of its properties. (Zr), copper (Cu), tungsten (W), vanadium (V),
selenium (Se), and some other minor
steels. Common uses are in marine applications, minimized, allowing them to be used for high
petrochemical plant, desalination plant, heat precision parts. Precipitation-hardened
exchangers and papermaking industry. stainless steels have an initial microstructure
of austenite or martensite. Austenitic grades
Precipitation Hardening (PH): are converted to martensitic grades through
Fe-Cr-Ni-(Mo-Al-Cu-Nb)-N alloys heat treatment before precipitation hardening
can be done. Precipitation hardening (PH)
High strength, middling corrosion resistance results when the heat aging treatment causes
and ease of fabrication are the primary hard intermetallic compounds to precipitate
benefits offered by this family of stainless from the crystal lattice as the martensite is
steel grades. These grades develop very high tempered.
strength after a low temperature (500-800°C)
heat treatment. Since lower temperature can Common uses are in the aerospace and some
be used, concerns with part distortion are other high-technology industries.
2. Carbon
Carbon is a non-metallic element, which is cooled too slowly after hot working or
an important alloying element in all-ferrous annealing or subsequently reheated (as in
metal based materials. Carbon is always welding operations). The consequence is an
present in metallic alloys, i.e. in all grades of unwanted precipitation of carbide-containing
stainless steel and heat resistant alloys. chromium. This precipitation of carbon takes
Carbon is a very strong austenitizer and place at grain boundaries and is referred to as
increases the strength of steel. sensitisation. It has been demonstrated that
the loss of chromium associated with the
In austenitic, ferritic, and duplex stainless steels, carbide precipitation lowers corrosion
it is kept to low levels (typically 0.005% C to resistance and brings about susceptibility to
0.03% C in low carbon grades) to retain the localised corrosion, i.e. intergranular corrosion,
desired propertiesand mechanicalcharacteristics. at the grain boundaries following the network
of chromium carbides.
In martensitic stainless steels, carbon is
deliberately added to obtain both high strength
and high hardness, thanks to the formation
of a martensitic structure.
3. Chromium
4. Nickel
5. Molybdenum
This listing starts with a 0.5% chromium- 2) Alloy tool steels, in which other elements
0.5% molybdenum-containing-steel and (chromium, molybdenum, vanadium,
progresses through steels of increasing tungsten and cobalt) are added to provide
chromium content up to 9.0%. Many high- greater strength, toughness, corrosion and
temperature or heat-resisting steels have a heat resistance of steel.
higher chromium content, but they are con-
sidered as high-alloy-steels, such as stainless Chromium improves the corrosion and heat
steels, and are not included in the present resistance, increases the depth of hardening
listing. during heat-treatment and the high temperature
strength. In high-speed steels (containing up
One of the most important points to bear in to 12.00 % Cr), chromium plays an important
mind is that chromium and molybdenum, role in the hardening mechanism and is
although added to increase strength and considered irreplaceable.
oxidation resistance at high temperatures,
also promote hardenability. Molybdenum (about 0.50-8.00%) when
added to a tool steel makes it more resistant
An important application, in which steels are to high temperature. Molybdenum increases
subjected to high temperature service, is the hardenability and improves fatigue property
refining and reforming equipment of the and wear resistance.
petroleum industry. Many of the reactors in
refining plants operate at high temperatures
and strong demands are made for durability.
Two main problems have been encountered
in catalytic reformers. They are linked to the
operative temperature and pressure. Catalytic
reformers operate in the range of 450 to 570°C
at pressures greater than 15 bar in contact
with a flow of hydrogen-containing gas
6. Niobium
7. Titanium
7.1 Discovery, History and ilmanite (FeTiO3), perovskite [(Ca, Fe) TiO3].
Sources Titanium is the 9th most abundant element in
the Earth’s crust, with an average concentration
Titanium was discovered by the Reverend of the order of 6,000 ppm.
William Gregor in 1791 and isolated in Creed,
Cornwall, U.K. He recognised the presence of Mining of titanium minerals is usually
this new element in menachanite, a mineral performed using surface methods. In 2000,
named after MENACCAN. Australia, Canada, India, Norway and South
Africa led the world production of the order of
Several years later, in 1795 in Berlin, the 2 million tonnes of concentrated titanium
element was rediscovered in the ore rutile mineral. Titanium and zircon are contained
(TiO2) by a German chemist, M.H. Klaproth. in sand deposits that are estimated to total
However, the pure metal was not made until 540 million tonnes. Titanium sponge is the
1910 by Matthew A. Hunter, who heated rudimentary form of titanium metal. In 2000,
titanium tetrachloride (TiCl4) with sodium in titanium sponge was produced in China,
a steel reactor at 700 – 800° C. In the 1950s Japan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine and the
titanium came into use as a structural U.S.A. Titanium metal is produced by melting
material. The element is named after the titanium sponge.
Titans, in Greek mythology, the sons of
Uranus, the Sky god and Gaïa, the Earth 7.2 Physical Properties
goddess. Titanium occurs in combination as
oxide or silicate in rutile and anatase (TiO2), Titanium is a hard silver metal with a relative
atomic mass (12C = 12) of 47.867, an atomic
number of 22, a melting point of 1,668° C
and a density of 4.54 kg / dm3. It is in group
IV on the periodic table. Titanium has an
hexagonal close-packed (h.c.p.) structure.
Titanium also improves resistance to pitting The advantages of this dual stabilisation can
corrosion since stable Ti2S have been shown be summed up as follows: The TiN precipitates
to form in preference to manganese sulphides formed in the liquid phase act as nucleation
(MnS) which are known to act as pit iniation sites for crystal growth, resulting in a fine-
sites. In low alloy steels, titanium has a strong grained equiaxed structure that improves the
desire to unite with carbon, nitrogen and mechanical properties of weldments.
oxygen. When dissolved in steel, titanium is
believed to increase hardenability; however, Less Nb is required for full stabilisation,
the carbide-forming tendency of this element thereby further reducing the amount of low
is so strong that it is frequently in the steel melting phases that might form at the grain
structure as undissolved carbides and in this boundaries.
way decreases hardenability.
8. Manganese
9. Silicon
The world production of industrial sand and It is used in combination with copper to form
sand gravel, often called “silica”, “silica sand” what are known as silicon brass (copper-zinc
and “quartz sand” which includes sands and alloys) and silicon bronzes. Silicon – aluminium
gravels with high dioxide (SiO2) content is of alloys containing 5% or more silicon are used
the order of 110 million tonnes per year. for castings.
10. Nitrogen
Nitrogen is as a relatively inert gas, with a major influence on the precipitation kinetics
relative atomic mass (12C = 12) of about 14, of intermatlic compounds like carbides,
and an atomic number of 7. It constitutes nitrides and carbo-nitrides.
about 78% of the Earth’s atmosphere by
volume and 76% by mass. Each molecule of
nitrogen is made up of two nitrogen atoms 10.4 The Role of Nitrogen
linked together extremely strongly. In a in Stainless Steels
nitrogen molecule, the three lines joining the
two atoms represent a triple bond. In austenitic and duplex stainless steels,
nitrogen content increases the resistance to
localised corrosion like pitting or intergranular.
10.3 Metallurgical Applications This is due to the precipitation of Cr2N nitride
for Nitrogen instead of Cr23 C6 carbide.
Nitrogen (as carbon) is an interstitial element Low-carbon austenitic stainless steel contains
in steel because its atomic size is sufficiently 0.03% maximum carbon in order to minimise
small relative to that of iron, chromium or the risk of sensitisation during welding or
nickel, to allow this element to enter the heat treatments. The yield strength of low
α-alloys and the γ-alloy lattices as interstitial carbon grades is lower than that of standard
solute atoms. The solubility of nitrogen is grades. To overcome this problem, the low
greater in austenite (γ) than in ferrite (α), carbon grades with nitrogen addition (up to
because of the larger interstices available. 0.2% nitrogen), have been developed.
The solubility for nitrogen in austenite is as Nitrogen in solid solution raises the yield
high as 2.4% while in ferrite it is only 0.1% at strength to at least the same level as in the
the temperature of 1,100° C. Nitrogen has a standard austenitic grades.
11. Cobalt
Alloy Name C Cr Ni Mo W Mn Si Fe N Co
The cobalt matrix has a high-work hardening A.C. Dere, F. Duffaut and G. de Liege
sensitivity, which combines with the carbide “Historical Background – A Hundred Years of
fraction and allows to achieve excellent wear Science and Industry” in “The Iron-Nickel
resistance associated with a high degree of Alloys” G. Beranger, F. Duffaut, J. Morlet and
corrosion resistance. J.F. Tiers, Scientific Editors,
Publisher: Lavoisier, Paris, 1996
Cobalt is a valuable alloying element for high-
speed tool steels. It has the effect of raising
to softening temperature of ferrite so that
tools made from cobalt-alloy steel can operate
at high temperatures, maintaining their cutting