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G4Q1W1 National Math Program

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School: Grade and Section: IV -

Teacher: Quarter: FIRST QUARTER

SESSION GUIDE FOR NATIONAL MATH PROGRAM Teaching Dates: JULY 29 – AUGUST 02, 2024 (WEEK 1) Durations 30 mins per day
a. Learning reads and reads and reads and reads and reads and reads and reads and reads and reads and reads and
Competencies writes writes writes writes writes writes writes writes writes writes
numbers, in numbers, in numbers, in numbers, in numbers, in numbers, in numbers, in numbers, in numbers, in numbers, in
symbols and symbols and symbols and symbols and symbols and symbols and symbols and symbols and symbols and symbols and
in words, up to in words, up to in words, up to in words, up to in words, up to in words, up to in words, up to in words, up to in words, up to in words, up
billion billion billion billion billion hundred hundred hundred hundred to hundred
thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand
d. Refences K – 12 K – 12 K – 12 K – 12 K – 12 K – 12 K – 12 K – 12 K – 12 K – 12
Curriculum Curriculum Curriculum Curriculum Curriculum Curriculum Curriculum Curriculum Curriculum Curriculum
Guide, & Guide, & Guide, & Guide, & Guide, & Guide, & Guide, & Guide, & Guide, & Guide, &
e. Materials PowerPoint PowerPoint PowerPoint PowerPoint PowerPoint PowerPoint PowerPoint PowerPoint PowerPoint PowerPoint
Presentation, Presentation, Presentation, Presentation, Presentation, Presentation, Presentation, Presentation, Presentation, Presentation,
Activity Sheet, Activity Sheet, Activity Sheet, Activity Sheet, Activity Sheet, Activity Sheet, Activity Sheet, Activity Sheet, Activity Sheet, Activity Sheet,
Ballpen, Ballpen, Ballpen, Ballpen, Ballpen, Ballpen, Ballpen, Ballpen, Ballpen, Ballpen,
Notebook, Notebook, Notebook, Notebook, Notebook, Notebook, Notebook, Notebook, Notebook, Notebook,
Paper Paper Paper Paper Paper Paper Paper Paper Paper Paper
A. Activate Prior 5 mins LET US Directions: Directions: Directions: Directions: LET US Directions: Directions: Directions: Directions:
Knowledge READ! Read the A. Read the A. Read the A. Read and READ! Read the A. Read the A. Read the A. Read and
Directions: following following following write the Directions: following following following write the
Read these numbers. number words number words following Read these numbers. number words number words following
numbers. 1. 1, 234 and write in and write in numbers in numbers. 1. 11, 234 and write in and write in numbers in
1. ¾ 2. ₱75, symbols. symbols. words. 1. ½ 2. ₱175, symbols. symbols. words.
2. 75% 000.00 1. Thirteen 1. Forty 1. 5, 246 2. 50% 000.00 1. One billion, 1. Seven 1. 135, 246
3. ₱ 3. 23, 123 thousand, four thousand, four ___________ 3. ₱ 3. 123,123, thirteen hundred fifty ___________
150.00 4. 97, 877 hundred hundred sixty- ___________ 100.00 123 thousand, four thousand, four ___________
4. 1255 5. 235, 678 seventy-nine eight ____ 2. 43, 4. 1100 4. 197, 877 hundred hundred sixty- ____ 2. 9,
5. 12:26 __________ __________ 210 5. 8:26 5. 1, 111, 235, seventy-nine eight 111, 143, 210
2. Fifty-three 2. Fifty-six ___________ 678 __________ __________ ___________
thousand, one thousand, one ___________ 2. One million, 2. Ten billion, ___________
hundred sixty hundred thirty ____ three hundred three hundred ____
__________ three 3. 56, 211 fifty-three three million, 3. 321,256,
B. Read and __________ ___________ thousand, one fifty-six 211
write the B. Read and ___________ hundred sixty thousand, one ___________
following write the ____ __________ hundred thirty ___________
numbers in following B. Read the B. Read and three ____
words. numbers in following write the __________ B. Read the
3. 29 904 words. number words following B. Read and following
___________ 3. 3, 567 and write in numbers in write the number words
___________ ___________ symbols. words. following and write in
____ 4. 58 ___________ 4. Eighty-two 3. 2,129 904 numbers in symbols.
031 ____ 4. 67, thousand, four ___________ words. 4. One billion,
___________ 809 hundred forty- ___________ 3. 133, 567 eighty-two
___________ ___________ one ____ 4. 2, ___________ thousand, four
____ ___________ __________ 222,158 031 ___________ hundred forty-
5. 78, 234 ____ 5. Thirteen ___________ ____ 4. 67, one
___________ 5. 91, 234 thousand, two ___________ 809 __________
___________ ___________ hundred ten ____ ___________ 5. Eleven
____ ___________ 5. 24,178, 234 ___________ million,
____ ___________ ____ thirteen
___________ 5. 1,123,291, thousand, two
____ 234 hundred ten
B. Developing & 10 mins Study how 62 To write To write To write To write Study how To write To write To write To write
Deepening 453 is written numbers up to numbers up to numbers up to numbers up to 62,453,000,00 numbers up to numbers up to numbers up to numbers up to
Understanding of in the Place hundred hundred hundred hundred 0 hundred billion hundred billion hundred billion hundred
the Lesson Value Chart. thousand in thousand in thousand in thousand in is written in in symbols, in symbols, in symbols, billion in
symbols, we symbols, we symbols, we symbols, we the Place we use space we use space we use space symbols, we
To read use space to use space to use space to use space to Value Chart. to separate to separate to separate use space to
numbers up to separate the separate the separate the separate the the digits into the digits into the digits into separate the
hundred digits into digits into digits into digits into periods or periods or periods or digits into
thousand: periods or periods or periods or periods or To understand groups of groups of groups of periods or
1. Separate groups of groups of groups of groups of how to read three, starting three, starting three, starting groups of
the digits into three starting three starting three starting three starting and write from the right. from the right. from the right. three, starting
periods from the right. from the right. from the right. from the right. numbers in from the right.
(thousands • Thousands • Thousands • Thousands • Thousands the billion A. Billions A. Billions A. Billions
and units). have two have two have two have two range using have four have four have four A. Billions
2. From the periods periods periods periods the Place periods periods periods have four
left, read the (thousands (thousands (thousands (thousands Value Chart, (billions, (billions, (billions, periods
number and units) – and units) – and units) – and units) – follow these millions, millions, millions, (billions,
formed by the the units the units the units the units steps: thousands, thousands, thousands, millions,
digits in the period should period should period should period should 1. Separate and units) – and units) – and units) – thousands,
thousands always be always be always be always be the digits into each period each period each period and units) –
period composed of composed of composed of composed of periods should always should always should always each period
followed by three digits. three digits. three digits. three digits. (billions, be composed be composed be composed should always
the name of • Use zero as • Use zero as • Use zero as • Use zero as millions, of three digits. of three digits. of three digits. be composed
the period a place value a place value a place value a place value thousands, B. Use zero B. Use zero B. Use zero of three digits.
(thousand). holder of the holder of the holder of the holder of the and units). as a place as a place as a place B. Use zero
3. Do the missing digits missing digits missing digits missing digits 2. From the value holder value holder value holder as a place
same with the in the units. in the units. in the units. in the units. left, read the for the missing for the missing for the missing value holder
units period They are They are They are They are number digits in the digits in the digits in the for the
without saying written but not written but not written but not written but not formed by the units. They units. They units. They missing digits
the name of read. read. read. read. digits in each are written but are written but are written but in the units.
the period. Let’s study Let’s study Let’s study Let’s study period, not read. not read. not read. They are
these these these these followed by written but not
62 453 is read examples. examples. examples. examples. the name of Let’s study Let’s study Let’s study read.
as “sixty-two Ninety-two Ninety-two Ninety-two Ninety-two the period. these these these
thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, 3. Continue examples: examples: examples: Let’s study
four hundred three hundred three hundred three hundred three hundred this for each these
fifty-three”. eighteen – 92 eighteen – 92 eighteen – 92 eighteen – 92 period, saying 1. Ninety-two 1. Ninety-two 1. Ninety-two examples:
318 318 318 318 the name of billion, three billion, three billion, three
Forty-eight Forty-eight Forty-eight Forty-eight the period as hundred hundred hundred 1. Ninety-two
thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, needed. eighteen eighteen eighteen billion, three
fifty-two – 48 fifty-two – 48 fifty-two – 48 fifty-two – 48 Thus, million, four million, four million, four hundred
052 052 052 052 62,453,000,00 hundred fifty- hundred fifty- hundred fifty- eighteen
Seventeen Seventeen Seventeen Seventeen 0 is read as two thousand, two thousand, two thousand, million, four
thousand, six thousand, six thousand, six thousand, six "sixty-two seven seven seven hundred fifty-
– 17 006 – 17 006 – 17 006 – 17 006 billion, four hundred six – hundred six – hundred six – two thousand,
Fifty-three Fifty-three Fifty-three Fifty-three hundred fifty- 92 318 452 92 318 452 92 318 452 seven
thousand, one thousand, one thousand, one thousand, one three 706 706 706 hundred six –
hundred two – hundred two – hundred two – hundred two – million". 92 318 452
53 102 53 102 53 102 53 102 2. Forty-eight 2. Forty-eight 2. Forty-eight 706
To write To write To write To write billion, fifty- billion, fifty- billion, fifty-
numbers in numbers in numbers in numbers in two million, six two million, six two million, six 2. Forty-eight
words, write words, write words, write words, write thousand, thousand, thousand, billion, fifty-
them as they them as they them as they them as they eight hundred eight hundred eight hundred two million,
are read and are read and are read and are read and two – 48 052 two – 48 052 two – 48 052 six thousand,
use a comma use a comma use a comma use a comma 006 802 006 802 006 802 eight hundred
to separate to separate to separate to separate Seventeen Seventeen Seventeen two – 48 052
the thousands the thousands the thousands the thousands billion, six billion, six billion, six 006 802
and units and units and units and units million, five million, five million, five Seventeen
period. period. period. period. hundred hundred hundred billion, six
Examples: Examples: Examples: Examples: thousand, thousand, thousand, million, five
21 890 – 21 890 – 21 890 – 21 890 – nine – 17 006 nine – 17 006 nine – 17 006 hundred
Twenty - one Twenty - one Twenty - one Twenty - one 500 009 500 009 500 009 thousand,
thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, nine – 17 006
eight hundred eight hundred eight hundred eight hundred 3. Fifty-three 3. Fifty-three 3. Fifty-three 500 009
ninety ninety ninety ninety billion, one billion, one billion, one
75 326 – 75 326 – 75 326 – 75 326 – hundred two hundred two hundred two 3. Fifty-three
Seventy - five Seventy - five Seventy - five Seventy - five million, nine million, nine million, nine billion, one
thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, four thousand, four thousand, four hundred two
three hundred three hundred three hundred three hundred hundred hundred hundred million, nine
twenty-six twenty-six twenty-six twenty-six twelve – 53 twelve – 53 twelve – 53 thousand, four
49 013 – Forty 49 013 – Forty 49 013 – Forty 49 013 – Forty 102 009 412 102 009 412 102 009 412 hundred
- nine - nine - nine - nine twelve – 53
thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, To write To write To write 102 009 412
thirteen thirteen thirteen thirteen numbers in numbers in numbers in
words, write words, write words, write To write
them as they them as they them as they numbers in
are read and are read and are read and words, write
use a comma use a comma use a comma them as they
to separate to separate to separate are read and
the billions, the billions, the billions, use a comma
millions, millions, millions, to separate
thousands, thousands, thousands, the billions,
and units and units and units millions,
periods. periods. periods. thousands,
Examples: Examples: Examples: and units
1. 21 890 675 1. 21 890 675 1. 21 890 675 Examples:
012 – Twenty- 012 – Twenty- 012 – Twenty-
one billion, one billion, one billion, 1. 21 890 675
eight hundred eight hundred eight hundred 012 – Twenty-
ninety million, ninety million, ninety million, one billion,
six hundred six hundred six hundred eight hundred
seventy-five seventy-five seventy-five ninety million,
thousand, thousand, thousand, six hundred
twelve twelve twelve seventy-five
2. 75 326 048 2. 75 326 048 2. 75 326 048 thousand,
100 – 100 – 100 – twelve
Seventy-five Seventy-five Seventy-five 2. 75 326 048
billion, three billion, three billion, three 100 –
hundred hundred hundred Seventy-five
twenty-six twenty-six twenty-six billion, three
million, forty- million, forty- million, forty- hundred
eight eight eight twenty-six
thousand, one thousand, one thousand, one million, forty-
hundred hundred hundred eight
3. 49 013 502 3. 49 013 502 3. 49 013 502 thousand, one
009 – Forty- 009 – Forty- 009 – Forty- hundred
nine billion, nine billion, nine billion, 3. 49 013 502
thirteen thirteen thirteen 009 – Forty-
million, five million, five million, five nine billion,
hundred two hundred two hundred two thirteen
thousand, thousand, thousand, million, five
nine nine nine hundred two

D. Evaluating 15 mins Directions: Directions: ACTIVITY 1 Directions: ACTIVITY 2 Directions: Directions: ACTIVITY 1 Directions: ACTIVITY 2
Learning Read the A. Read and (refer to the A. Read and WHAT IS THE Read the A. Read and (refer to the A. Read and WHAT IS
following then write the activity sheet) then write the MESSAGE? following then write the activity sheet) then write the THE
numbers. following Directions: following Directions. numbers. following following MESSAGE?
1. 75, 675 numbers in Complete the numbers in Complete 1. 175, 675 numbers in Directions: numbers in Directions.
2. 80, 102 words. table by words. each 2. 1,123,180, words. Complete the words. Complete
3. 87,678 1. 29 610 writing the 1. 33, 456 statement 102 1. 129 610 table by 1. 33, 456, each
4. 91,456 ___________ numbers in ___________ below. Write 3. 98,187,678 ___________ writing the 234 statement
5. 88, 832 ___________ symbols or ___________ your answer in 4. 911,456, ___________ numbers in ___________ below. Write
6. 5, 356 ____ words. ____ the second 234 ____ symbols or ___________ your answer
7. 67, 124 2. 12 045 2. 34, 567 column of the 5. 88, 832, 2. 192 045 words. ____ in the second
8. 90, 500 ___________ ___________ table. Then, 453 123 2. 4, 567, 923 column of the
9. 12, 345 ___________ ___________ find the 6. 135, 356 ___________ ___________ table. Then,
10. 14, 899 ____ ____ corresponding 7. 67,124,123, ___________ ___________ find the
3. 71 327 3. 3 400 letter of your 124 ____ ____ corresponding
___________ ___________ answer in the 8. 7,190, 500 3. 71 327 345 3. 3, 400, 456, letter of your
___________ ___________ letter key and 9. 12, 345, ___________ 123 answer in the
____ ____ record it in the 123 ___________ ___________ letter key and
4. 83 183 4. 1000 last column. 10. 2,114, 899 ____ ___________ record it in the
___________ ___________ 4. 3 183 762 ____ last column.
___________ ___________ 111 4. 1,000, 000,
____ ____ ___________ 000
5. 11 876 5.235 ___________ ___________
___________ ___________ ____ ___________
___________ ___________ 5. 111 876 ____
____ ____ 123 5.235, 234,
B. Read and B. Read and ___________ 231,
then write the then write the ___________ ___________
following following ____ ___________
numbers in numbers in B. Read and ____
symbols. symbols. then write the B. Read and
6. Fifty-one 6. Three following then write the
thousand, two hundred, four numbers in following
hundred forty- ___________ symbols. numbers in
two _ 6. Six symbols.
___________ 7. Nine hundred, fifty- 6. Three
_ thousand, one thousand, hundred, four
7. Eleven sixty-two two hundred ___________
thousand, ___________ forty-two _
sixty-nine _ ___________ 7. Seven
___________ 8. Sixty-eight _ billion, nine
_ thousand, 7. Eight billion, thousand,
8. Thirty-eight nine hundred one million, sixty-two
thousand, forty one eleven ___________
seven ___________ thousand, _
hundred fifty _ sixty-nine 8. One billion,
___________ 9. Fifteen ___________ forty
_ thousand ,sev _ ___________
9. Fourteen enteen 8. One million, _
thousand, ___________ three hundred 9. One
eighteen _ thirty-eight hundred
___________ 10. Ninety thousand, million, fifteen
_ thousand,five seven thousand ,sev
10. Ninety hundred hundred fifty enteen
thousand, eleven ___________ ___________
nine hundred _ _
9. Fourteen 10. One
thousand, billion, two
eight hundred three
___________ million, ninety
_ thousand, five
10. One hundred
billion, ninety eleven
million, nine


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