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EC431 1.


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Radiation Patterns, Beam solid angle, radiation intensity, Directivity, effective aperture, Antenna field zones, Polarization, impedance, cross field, Poynting vector. Friis Transmission formula, Duality of Antennas, Antenna and Transmission line, Radiation from a dipole antenna, Antenna temperature System temperature. 2. POINT SOURCES: 9

Definition, Power patterns, Array of two point sources Pattern multiplication, Broad side array, End fire array, n-isotropic array, Evaluation of null directions and maxima, Amplitude distributions. 3. SMALL ANTENNAS: 9

Halfwave dipole antenna radiated fields of short dipole, small loop and helical Antenna, monofilar- multifilar helix. Radiation resistance, Directivity and Design Feature. Half wave dipole: radiated fields and other feature. 4. SPECIAL ANTENNAS: 9

Yagi uda Antenna, Tumstile antenna, Log periodic antenna, Phased array, rhombic antenna, Horn antenna, Reflector antennas and their feed systems, Micro strip antenna, Impedance and antenna measurements; Selection of antenna based on frequency of operation and application. 5. WAVE PROPOGATION: 9

Ground wave propagation, Troposphere wave, wave- tilt of the surface wave, Ionosphere propagation effective permittivity and Conductivity of ionized gas, Reflection Refraction of waves from ionosphere, regular irregular variation of Ionosphere, earth magnetic field, Faraday rotation, wave propagation in the Ionosphere. Critical frequency and Space propagation, Diversity reception. TOTAL: 45 TEXT BOOK: 1. John D.Krauss, Antennas, II edition, McGraw-Hill International edition, 1988. REFERENCES: 1. 2. 1. Edward C.Jordan, Keith G.Balmain, Electromagnetic waves and Radiating systems, Prentice Hall of India 1Td, 1993. Balanis E.S. Antenna Theory Analysis and Design Technology 1982. P.E Collins Antennas and Radio Propogation McGraw-Hill 1985.

EC1352 AIM


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To enable the student to study the various types of antennas and wave propagation. OBJECTIVES UNIT I To study radiation from a current element. To study antenna arrays To study aperture antennas To learn special antennas such as frequency independent and broad band antennas. To study radio wave propagation. RADIATION FIELDS OF WIRE ANTENNAS 9

Concept of vector potential. Modification for time varying, retarded case. Fields associated with Hertzian dipole. Power radiated and radiation resistance of current element. Radiation resistance of elementary dipole with linear current distribution. Radiation from half-wave dipole and quarter-wave monopole. Assumed current distribution for wire antennas. Use of capacity hat and loading coil for short antennas. UNIT II ANTENNA FUNDAMENTALS AND ANTENNA ARRAYS 9

Definitions: Radiation intensity. Directive gain. Directivity. Power gain. Beam Width. Band Width. Gain and radiation resistance of current element. Half-wave dipole and folded dipole. Reciprocity principle. Effective length and Effective area. Relation between gain effective length and radiation resistance. Loop Antennas: Radiation from small loop and its radiation resistance. Radiation from a loop with circumference equal to a wavelength and resultant circular polarization on axis. Helical antenna. Normal mode and axial mode operation. Antenna Arrays: Expression for electric field from two and three element arrays. Uniform linear array. Method of pattern multiplication. Binomial array. Use of method of images for antennas above ground. UNIT III TRAVELLING WAVE (WIDEBAND) ANTENNAS 9

Radiation from a traveling wave on a wire. Analysis of Rhombic antenna. Design of Rhombic antennas. Coupled Antennas: Self and mutual impedance of antennas. Two and three element Yagi antennas. Log periodic antenna. Reason for feeding from end with shorter dipoles and need for transposing the lines. Effects of decreasing .



Radiation from an elemental area of a plane wave (Huygens Source). Radiation from the open end of a coaxial line. Radiation from a rectangular aperture treated as an array of Huygens sources. Equivalence of fields of a slot and complementary dipole. Relation between dipole and slot impedances. Method of feeding slot antennas. Thin slot in an infinite cylinder. Field on the axis of an E-Plane sectoral horn. Radiation from circular aperture. Beam Width and Effective area. Reflector type of antennas (dish antennas). Dielectric lens and metal plane lens antennas. Lumeberg lens. Spherical waves and Biconical antenna.



The three basic types of propagation; ground wave, space wave and sky wave propagation. Sky wave propagation: Structure of the ionosphere. Effective dielectric constant of ionized region. Mechanism of refraction. Refractive index. Critical frequency. Skip distance. Effect of earths magnetic field. Energy loss in the ionosphere due to collisions. Maximum usable frequency. Fading and Diversity reception. Space wave propagation: Reflection from ground for vertically and horizontally polarized waves. Reflection characteristics of earth. Resultant of direct and reflected ray at the receiver. Duct propagation. Ground wave propagation: Attenuation characteristics for ground wave propagation. Calculation of field strength at a distance. TUTORIAL TEXTBOOK 1. E.C.Jordan and Balmain, "Electro Magnetic Waves and Radiating Systems", PHI, 1968, Reprint 2003. REFERENCES 1. John D.Kraus and Ronalatory Marhefka, "Antennas", Tata McGraw-Hill Book Company, 2002. R.E.Collins, 'Antennas and Radio Propagation ", McGraw-Hill, 1987. Ballany , "Antenna Theory " , John Wiley & Sons, second edition , 2003. 15 TOTAL : 60


EC2353 ANTENNAS AND WAVE PROPAGATION L T P C 3104 AIM To enable the student to study the various types of antennas and wave propagation. OBJECTIVES To study radiation from a current element. To study antenna arrays To study aperture antennas To learn special antennas such as frequency independent and broad band antennas. To study radio wave propagation. UNIT I ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION AND ANTENNA FUNDAMENTALS 9 Review of electromagnetic theory: Vector potential, Solution of wave equation, retarded case, Hertizian dipole. Antenna characteristics: Radiation pattern, Beam solid angle, Directivity, Gain, Input impedance, Polarization, Bandwidth, Reciprocity, Equivalence of Radiation patterns, Equivalence of Impedances, Effective aperture, Vector effective length, Antenna temperature. UNIT II WIRE ANTENNAS AND ANTENNA ARRAYS 9

Wire antennas: Short dipole, Radiation resistance and Directivity, Half wave Dipole, Monopole, Small loop antennas. Antenna Arrays: Linear Array and Pattern Multiplication, Two-element Array, Uniform Array, Polynomial representation, Array with non-uniform

Excitation-Binomial Array UNIT III APERTURE ANTENNAS 9 Aperture Antennas: Magnetic Current and its fields, Uniqueness theorem, Field equivalence principle, Duality principle, Method of Images, Pattern properties, Slot antenna, Horn Antenna, Pyramidal Horn Antenna, Reflector Antenna-Flat reflector, Corner Reflector, Common curved reflector shapes, Lens Antenna. UNIT IV SPECIAL ANTENNAS AND ANTENNA MEASUREMENTS 9 Special Antennas: Long wire, V and Rhombic Antenna, Yagi-Uda Antenna, Turnstile Antenna, Helical Antenna- Axial mode helix, Normal mode helix, Biconical Antenna, Log periodic Dipole Array, Spiral Antenna, Microstrip Patch Antennas. Antenna Measurements: Radiation Pattern measurement, Gain and Directivity Measurements, Anechoic Chamber measurement. UNIT V RADIO WAVE PROPAGATION 9 Calculation of Great Circle Distance between any two points on earth, Ground Wave Propagation, Free-space Propagation, Ground Reflection, Surface waves, Diffraction, Wave propagation in complex Environments, Tropospheric Propagation, Tropospheric Scatter. Ionospheric propagation: Structure of ionosphere, Sky waves, skip distance, Virtual height, Critical frequency, MUF, Electrical properties of ionosphere, Effects of earths magnetic fields, Faraday rotation, Whistlers. TUTORIAL = 15 TOTAL =45 + 15 =60 PERIODS TEXTBOOKS 1. E.C.Jordan and Balmain, Electromagnetic waves and Radiating Systems, Pearson Education / PHI, 2006 2. A.R.Harish, M.Sachidanada, Antennas and Wave propagation, Oxford University Press, 2007. REFERENCES 1. John D.Kraus, Ronald J Marhefka and Ahmad S Khan, Antennas for all Applications, 2. Tata McGraw-Hill Book Company, 3 ed, 2007. 3. G.S.N.Raju, Antenna Wave Propagation, Pearson Education, 2004. 4. Constantine A. Balanis, Antenna Theory Analysis and Desin, John Wiley, 2nd Edition, 2007. 5. R.E.Collins, Antenna and Radiowave propagation, 6. W.L Stutzman and G.A. Thiele, Antenna analysis and design, John Wiley, 2000.

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