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Class A Power Amplifier Lab

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ECA Lab manual


AIM: To design and test the class A power amplifier

1. Class A power amplifier trainer kit
2. Function Generator
3. CRO
4. BNC Probes and connecting wires


The amplifier is said to be class A power amplifier if the q point and the input
signal are selected such that the output signal is obtained for a full input cycle. For
this class the position of q point is approximately y at the midpoint of the load line. For
all the values of input signal the transistor remains in the active region and never
entire into the cutoff or saturation region. The collector current flows for 3600 (life
cycle) of the input signal in other words the angle of the collector current flow is
3600 the class a amplifiers or furthers classified as directly coupled and transformer
coupled and transformer coupled amplifiers in directly coupled type .The load is
directly connected in the collector circuit while in the transformer coupled type, the
load is coupled to the collector using the transformer.


1. Distortion analysis is very important

2. It amplifies audio frequency signals faithfully hence they are called as audio

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ECA Lab manual


1. H parameter analysis is not applicable

2. Due to large power handling the transistor is used power transistor which is
large in size and having large power rating.

1. Switch ON Class –A power amplifier trainer

2. Set Vs (say 250 to 300 mV), at 10 KHz using signal generator.

3. Connect milli ammeter to the ammeter terminals

4. By keeping the input voltage constant, vary the frequency from 0 to 1MHz

in regular steps .

5. Note down the corresponding output voltage from CRO

6. Calculate the DC input power using the formula Pdc= VccIc

7. Calculate the AC output power using the formula Pac = VO2/8RL

8. Calculate the efficiency η = Pac /Pdc

9. Plot the graph between Gain (db) and frequency.

10. Calculate bandwidth from the graph.

1. Check connections before switching ON power supply

2. Don’t apply over voltage

3. When you are not using the equipment switch them OFF.

4. Handle all equipment carefully.

Input power: Pdc= VccIc =

Outpower: Pac = VPP2/8RL =

η = Efficiency=output power/input power*100 = Pac /Pdc*100 =

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ECA Lab manual




RESULT: Gain and frequency as observed of Class A power amplifier.

η = Efficiency=output power/input power*100 = Pac /Pdc*100 =
1.On which criteria based the power amplifiers are classified?
2.what is the operating point of class-A power ampliier?
3.what is meant by efficiency?
4.howmuch efficiency will b obtained in classs-A power amplifier?
5. what are the applications of power amplifier?


Dept of ECE, Lendi Institute of Engineering and Technology Page 14

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