Drama Ice Breakers
Drama Ice Breakers
Drama Ice Breakers
Have each member of your team stand in a circle and come up with a unique
movement to associate with their name. Then, starting with one team
member, go around the circle to introduce yourselves and perform your
movement. Each sequential person must remember every person’s name and
movement before theirs.
Have students pair up with someone who they don’t know very well.
Instruct students to take turns interviewing their partners for just a few
minutes. Here are some sample questions (for younger kids, give no
more than three):
In pairs, kids take turns asking one of these questions that you have
written on the board or handed out on a piece of paper. Then they
switch partners. They can ask a different question each time they
change partners, or they can keep asking the same question! These
are also available ready to print in a document in LISTS “Interview in
Pairs Questions.”
More questions!
Get your casts’ hearts pumping with quick relays. Divide members into teams
and create races with obstacles, or trivia questions to pass ‘go.’
Separate your cast into small groups, gifting each a bag of marshmallows and
several toothpicks. Then, give them a set amount of time to create the best
possible structure they can with these two items. You choose the winner and
the prize! (Free merch, perhaps?)
Write a variety of famous people’s names down on index cards. (Or, go by the
characters in your production, if you have enough!) Then, either have your
cast place the cards on their foreheads or backs – just make sure each
person can’t see their own name. The goal is for the cast members to find out
“who they are” by asking their peers questions.
With this exercise, you’ll all sit in a circle and craft a story – one word at a
time. Try to be as ridiculous and silly as possible, building it up as long as you