M.tech - Esy FT 2015-16
M.tech - Esy FT 2015-16
M.tech - Esy FT 2015-16
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
Elective-I (ECE)
1. Digital System Design with PLDs
2. Advanced Data Communications
3. Advanced Digital Signal Processing
Elective-II (ECE)
1. VLSI Technology and Design
2. Coding Theory and Techniques
3. Speech and Audio Signal Processing
Elective-III (EEE)
1. Reliability Engineering
2. Intelligent Control
3. Sensors and Actuators
Elective-IV (CSE)
1. Embedded Real Time Operating Systems
2. Advanced Computer Architecture
3. Scripting Languages.
Elective-V (ECE)
1. Design of Fault Tolerant Systems
2. Embedded Networks
3. Image and Video processing
Elective-VI (ECE)
1. Hardware - Software Co-Design
2. Ad-hoc and Wireless Sensor Networks
3. Digital Signal Processors and Controllers
Elective-VII (EEE)
1. Modern Control Theory
2. Optimization Techniques
3. Robotics
Elective-VIII (CSE)
1. Network Security and Cryptography
2. Mobile Computing
3. High Speed Networks
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
Course Objectives:
1. To provide an overview of Design Principles of Embedded System.
2. To provide clear understanding about the role of firmware , operating systems in
correlation with hardware systems.
Course Outcomes:
1. Expected to understand the selection procedure of Processors in the Embedded domain.
2. Design Procedure for Embedded Firmware.
3. Expected to visualize the role of Real time Operating Systems in Embedded Systems
4. Expected to evaluate the Correlation between task synchronization and latency issues
1. Introduction to Embedded Systems - Shibu K.V, Mc Graw Hill.
1. Embedded Systems - Raj Kamal, TMH.
2. Embedded System Design - Frank Vahid, Tony Givargis, John Wiley.
3. Embedded Systems – Lyla, Pearson, 2013
4. An Embedded Software Primer - David E. Simon, Pearson Education.
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
Course Objectives:
• To explain basic and digital control system for the real time analysis and design of
control systems.
• To apply the knowledge state variable analysis in the design of discrete systems.
• To explain the concept of stability analysis and design of discrete time systems.
Course Outcomes:
Upon the completion of this course, the student will be able to
• Apply the concepts of Digital control systems.
• Analyze and design of discrete systems in state variable analysis.
• To relate the concepts of stability analysis and design of discrete time systems.
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
1. K. Ogata , Discrete-Time Control systems, Pearson Education/PHI, 2nd Edition.
2. V. I. George, C. P. Kurian, Digital Control Systems, Cengage Learning.
3. M.Gopal, Digital Control Engineering, New Age Int. Pvt. Ltd., 2014
1. Kuo, Digital Control Systems, Oxford University Press, 2nd Edition, 2003.
2. M.Gopal , Digital Control and State Variable Methods, TMH.
3. M. Sami Fadali Antonio Visioli, Digital Control Engineering Analysis and Design,
Academic Press
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
Course Objectives:
1) To provide extended knowledge of digital logic circuits in the form of state model
2) To provide an overview of system design approach using programmable logic devices.
3) To provide and understand of fault models and test methods.
4) To get exposed to the various architectural features of CPLDS and FPGAS.
5) To learn the methods and techniques of CPLD & FPGA design with EDA tools.
6) To expose software tools used for design process with the help of case studies.
Course Outcomes:
1) To understands the minimization of Finite state machine.
2) To exposes the design approaches using ROM’s, PAL’s and PLA’s.
3) To provide in depth understanding of Fault models.
4) To understands test pattern generation techniques for fault detection.
5) To design fault diagnosis in sequential circuits.
6) To provide exposure to various CPLDS and FPGAS available in market.
7) To acquire knowledge in one hot state machine design applicable to FPGA.
8) To get exposure to EDA tools.
9) To provide understanding in the design of flow using case studies.
Programmable Logic Devices:
The concept of programmable Logic Devices, SPLDs, PAL devices, PLA devices, GAL
devices, CPLD-Architecture, Xilinx CPLDs- Altera CPLDs, FPGAs-FPGA technology,
architecture, virtex CLB and slice- Stratix LAB and ALM-RAM Blocks, DSP Blocks, Clock
Management, I/O standards, Additional features. [TEXTBOOK-1]
Analysis and derivation of clocked sequential circuits with state graphs and tables:
A sequential parity checker, Analysis by signal tracing and timing charts-state tables and
graphs-general models for sequential circuits, Design of a sequence detector, More
Complex design problems, Guidelines for construction of state graphs, serial data
conversion, Alphanumeric state graph notation. [TEXTBOOK-2]
Sequential circuit Design:
Design procedure for sequential circuits-design example, Code converter, Design of Iterative
circuits, Design of a comparator, Design of sequential circuits using ROMs and PLAs,
Sequential circuit design using CPLDs, Sequential circuit design using FPGAs, Simulation
and testing of Sequential circuits, Overview of computer Aided Design. [TEXTBOOK-2]
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
Fault Modeling and Test Pattern Generation:
Logic Fault Model, Fault detection & redundancy, Fault equivalence and fault location, Fault
dominance, Single stuck at fault model, multiple Stuck at Fault models, Bridging Fault model.
Fault diagnosis of combinational circuits by conventional methods, path sensitization
techniques, Boolean difference method, KOHAVI algorithm, Test algorithms-D algorithm,
Random testing, transition count testing, signature analysis and test bridging faults.
[TEXTBOOK-3 & Ref.1]
Fault Diagnosis in sequential circuits:
Circuit Test Approach, Transition check Approach, State identification and fault detection
experiment, Machine identification, Design of fault detection experiment. [Ref.1]
1. Digital Electronics and design with VHDL- Volnei A. Pedroni, Elsevier publications.
2. Fundamentals of Logic Design-Charles H.Roth,Jr. -5th Ed.,Cengage Learning.
3. Logic Design Theory-N.N.Biswas,PHI
1. Digital Circuits and Logic Design-Samuel C.LEE,PHI 2008
2. Digital System Design using programmable logic devices- Parag K.Lala, BS publications.
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
Course Objectives:
1. To learn about basics of Data Communication networks, different protocols, standards
and layering concepts.
2. To study about error detection and correction techniques.
3. Know about link layer protocol and point to point protocols.
4. To understand Medium Access Control sub layer protocols
5. To know about Switching circuits, Multiplexing and Spectrum Spreading techniques for
data transmission.
6. To study Wired LANs different Ethernet standards
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Understand the concepts of Data Communication networks, different protocols,
standards and layering.
2. Acquire the knowledge of error detection, forward and reverse error correction
3. Analyze link layer protocol and point to point protocols
4. Explain and compare the performance of different MAC protocols like Aloha, CSMA,
5. Understand the features and the significance of Switching circuits, Multiplexing and
Spectrum Spreading for data transmission .
6. Understand the characteristics of Wired LANs and also the operation and applications
of Connecting Devices
7. Understand the services and functions of Network layer protocols.
Unit I
Data Communications, Networks and Network Types, Internet History, Standards and
Administration, Protocol Layering, TCP/IP protocol suite, OSI Model. Digital Data
Transmission, DTE-DCE interface.
Data Link Layer
Introduction, Data Link Layer, Nodes and Links, Services, Categories of Links, sub layers,
Link Layer Addressing, Address Resolution Protocol.
Unit II
Error Detection and Correction: Types of Errors, Redundancy, detection versus correction,
Coding Block Coding: Error Detection, Vertical redundancy cheeks, longitudinal redundancy
cheeks, Error Correction, Error correction single bit, Hamming code.
Cyclic Codes: Cyclic Redundancy Check, Polynomials, Cyclic Code Encoder Using
Polynomials, Cyclic Code Analysis, Advantage of Cyclic Codes, Checksum
Data Link Control: DLC Services, Data Link Layer Protocols, HDLC, Point to Point Protocol
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
Unit III
Media Access Control (MAC) Sub Layer
Random Access, Aloha, Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA), Carrier Sense Multiple
Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA), Controlled Access- Reservation, Polling-
Token Passing, Channelization - Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA), Time -
Division Multiple Access (TDMA), Code - Division Multiple Access (CDMA).
Unit IV
Switching: Introduction to Switching, Circuit Switched Networks, Packet Switching,
Structure of switch
Multiplexing and Spectrum Spreading: Multiplexing, Frequency Division Multiplexing,
Time Division Multiplexing, Spread Spectrum -Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum and
Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum.
Unit V
Wired LANS: Ethernet Protocol, Standard Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, 10
Giga bit Ethernet
Connecting Devices: Hubs, Link Layer Switches, Routers
Networks Layer: Packetizing, Routing and Forwarding, Packet Switching, Network Layer
Performance, IPv4 Address, Address Space, Classful Addressing, Classless Addressing,
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), Network Address Resolution(NATF),
Forwarding of IP Packets, Forwarding based on Destination Address, Forwarding based on
Label, Routing as Packet Switches.
1. Data Communications and Networking - B. A. Forouzan, 5th , 2013,TMH.
2. Data and Computer Communications - William Stallings, 8th ed., 2007, PHI.
1. Data Communications and Computer Networks - Prakash C. Gupta, 2006, PHI.
2. Data Communications and Networking - B. A. Forouzan, 2nd , 2013, TMH.
3. Data Communications and Computer Networks- Brijendra Singh, 2nd ed., 2005, PHI.
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
Course Objectives:
The objectives of this course are to make the student
1. Understand the design of various types of digital filters and implement them using
various implementation structures and study the advantages & disadvantages of a
variety of design procedures and implementation structures.
2. understand the concept and need for Multirate signal Processing and their applications in
various fields of Communication & Signal Processing
3. understand difference between estimation & Computation of Power spectrum and the
need for Power Spectrum estimation.
4. Study various Parametric & Non parametric methods of Power spectrum estimation
techniques and their advantages & disadvantages
5. Understand the effects of finite word/register length used in hardware in implementation
of various filters and transforms using finite precision processors.
Course Outcomes:
On completion of this course student will be able to
1. Design and implement a filter which is optimum for the given specifications.
2. Design a Mutirate system for the needed sampling rate and can implement the same
using Polyphase filter structures of the needed order.
3. Estimate the power spectrum of signal corrupted by noise through a choice of estimation
methods: Parametric or Non Parametric.
4. Can calculate the output Noise power of different filters due to various finite word length
effects viz: ADC Quantization, product quantization, and can calculate the scaling factors
needed to avoid Limit cycles: Zero input, overflow. Also they can decide the stability of
the system by studying the effect due to coefficient quantization while implementing
different filters and transforms.
Review of DFT, FFT, IIR Filters and FIR Filters.
Introduction to filter structures (IIR & FIR).Implementation of Digital Filters, specifically 2nd
Order Narrow Band Filter and 1st Order All Pass Filter. Frequency sampling structures of
FIR, Lattice structures, Forward prediction error, Backward prediction error, Reflection
coefficients for lattice realization, Implementation of lattice structures for IIR filters,
Advantages of lattice structures.
Non-Parametric Methods:
Estimation of spectra from finite duration observation of signals, Non-parametric Methods:
Bartlett, Welch & Blackman-Tukey methods, Comparison of all Non-Parametric methods
Parametric Methods:
Autocorrelation & Its Properties, Relation between auto correlation & model parameters, AR
Models - Yule-Walker & Burg Methods, MA & ARMA models for power spectrum estimation,
Finite word length effect in IIR digital Filters – Finite word-length effects in FFT algorithms.
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
Multi Rate Signal Processing: Introduction, Decimation by a factor D, Interpolation by a
factor I, Sampling rate conversion by a rational factor I/D, Multistage Implementation of
Sampling Rate Conversion, Filter design & Implementation for sampling rate conversion.
Examples of up-sampling using an All Pass Filter.
Applications of Multi Rate Signal Processing
Design of Phase Shifters, Interfacing of Digital Systems with Different Sampling Rates,
Implementation of Narrow Band Low Pass Filters, Implementation of Digital Filter Banks,
Subband Coding of Speech Signals, Quadrature Mirror Filters, Transmultiplexers, Over
Sampling A/D and D/A Conversion.
1. Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms & Applications - J.G.Proakis& D. G.
Manolakis, 4th Ed., PHI.
2. Discrete Time signal processing - Alan V Oppenheim & Ronald W Schaffer, PHI.
3. DSP – A Practical Approach – Emmanuel C. Ifeacher, Barrie. W. Jervis, 2 ed., Pearson
1. Modern spectral Estimation: Theory & Application – S. M .Kay, 1988, PHI.
2. Multi Rate Systems and Filter Banks – P.P.Vaidyanathan – Pearson Education.
3. Digital Signal Processing: A Practitioner's Approach, Kaluri V. Rangarao, Ranjan K.
Mallik ISBN: 978-0-470-01769-2, 210 pages, November 2006 John Weley.
4. Digital Signal Processing – S.Salivahanan, A.Vallavaraj, C.Gnanapriya, 2000,TMH
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
Course Outcomes:
1) Review of FET fundamentals for VLSI design.
2) To acquires knowledge about stick diagrams and layouts.
3) Enable to design the subsystems based on VLSI concepts.
1. Essentials of VLSI Circuits and Systems, K. Eshraghian Eshraghian. D, A. Pucknell,
2005, PHI.
2. Modern VLSI Design – Wayne Wolf, 3rd Ed., 1997, Pearson Education.
1. Introduction to VLSI Systems: A Logic, Circuit and System Perspective – Ming-BO Lin,
CRC Press, 2011.
2. Principals of CMOS VLSI Design – N.H.E Weste, K. Eshraghian, 2nd Ed., Addison
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
Course Objectives:
1. To acquire the knowledge in measurement of information and errors.
2. T study the generation of various code methods.
3. To study the various application of codes.
Course Outcomes:
1. Learning the measurement of information and errors.
2. Obtain knowledge in designing various codes like block codes, cyclic codes, convolution
codes, turbo codes and space codes.
Coding for Reliable Digital Transmission and storage
Mathematical model of Information, A Logarithmic Measure of Information, Average and
Mutual Information and Entropy, Types of Errors, Error Control Strategies.
Linear Block Codes: Introduction to Linear Block Codes, Syndrome and Error Detection,
Minimum Distance of a Block code, Error-Detecting and Error-correcting Capabilities of a
Block code, Standard array and Syndrome Decoding, Probability of an undetected error for
Linear Codes over a BSC, Hamming Codes. Applications of Block codes for Error control in
data storage system
Cyclic Codes : Description, Generator and Parity-check Matrices, Encoding, Syndrome
Computation and Error Detection, Decoding ,Cyclic Hamming Codes, Shortened cyclic
codes, Error-trapping decoding for cyclic codes, Majority logic decoding for cyclic codes.
Convolutional Codes : Encoding of Convolutional Codes, Structural and Distance
Properties, maximum likelihood decoding, Sequential decoding, Majority- logic decoding of
Convolution codes. Application of Viterbi Decoding and Sequential Decoding, Applications of
Convolutional codes in ARQ system.
Turbo Codes
LDPC Codes- Codes based on sparse graphs, Decoding for binary erasure channel, Log-
likelihood algebra, Brief propagation, Product codes, Iterative decoding of product codes,
Concatenated convolutional codes- Parallel concatenation, The UMTS Turbo code, Serial
concatenation, Parallel concatenation, Turbo decoding
Space-Time Codes
Introduction, Digital modulation schemes, Diversity, Orthogonal space- Time Block codes,
Alamouti’s schemes, Extension to more than Two Transmit Antennas, Simulation Results,
Spatial Multiplexing : General Concept, Iterative APP Preprocessing and Per-layer
Decoding, Linear Multilayer Detection, Original BLAST Detection, QL Decomposition and
Interface Cancellation, Performance of Multi – Layer Detection Schemes, Unified Description
by Linear Dispersion Codes.
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
1. Error Control Coding- Fundamentals and Applications –Shu Lin, Daniel J.Costello,Jr,
Prentice Hall, Inc.
2. Error Correcting Coding Theory-Man Young Rhee- 1989, McGraw-Hill
1. Error Correcting Coding Theory-Man Young Rhee-1989,McGraw – Hill Publishing,19
2. Digital Communications-Fundamental and Application - Bernard Sklar, PE.
3. Digital Communications- John G. Proakis, 5th ed., 2008, TMH.
4. Introduction to Error Control Codes-Salvatore Gravano-oxford
5. Error Correction Coding – Mathematical Methods and Algorithms – Todd K.Moon, 2006,
Wiley India.
6. Information Theory, Coding and Cryptography – Ranjan Bose, 2nd Edition, 2009, TMH.
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
Course Objectives:
The objectives of this course are to make the student
1. Understand the anatomy and Physiology of Speech Production system and perception
model and to design an electrical equivalent of Acoustic model for Speech Production.
2. To understand the articulatory and acoustic interpretation of various phonemes and their
3. To analyze the speech in time domain and extract various time domain parameters
which can be used for various applications like pitch extraction, end point detection,
Speech Compression, Speech Synthesis etc.,
4. To study the concept of Homomorphic system and its use in extracting the vocal tract
information from speech using Cepstrum which is a bye product of Homomorphic
processing of Speech.
5. To study various Speech Signal Processing applications viz: Speech Enhancement,
Speech Recognition, Speaker Recognition.
6. To study various Audio coding techniques based on perceptual modeling of the human
Course Outcomes:
On completion of this course student will be able to
1. Model an electrical equivalent of Speech Production system.
2. Extract the LPC coefficients that can be used to Synthesize or compress the speech.
3. Design a Homomorphic Vocoder for coding and decoding of speech.
4. Enhance the speech and can design an Isolated word recognition system using HMM.
5. Can extract the features for Automatic speaker recognition system which can used for
6. Can design basic audio coding methods for coding the audio signal.
Unit – I :
Fundamentals of Digital Speech Processing:
Anatomy & Physiology of Speech Organs, The Process of Speech Production, The Acoustic
theory of speech production- Uniform lossless tube model, effect of losses in vocal tract,
effect of radiation at lips, Digital models for speech signals.
Perception : Anatomical pathways from the Ear to the Perception of Sound, The Peripheral
Auditory system, Hair Cell and Auditory Nerve Functions, Properties of the Auditory Nerve.
Block schematics of the Peripheral Auditory system.
Unit – II :
Time Domain models for Speech Processing:
Introduction – Window considerations, Short time energy, average magnitude, average zero
crossing rate, Speech vs Silence discrimination using energy and zero crossing, pitch period
estimation using a parallel processing approach, the short time autocorrelation function,
average magnitude difference function, pitch period estimation using the autocorrelation
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
Unit – III :
Homomorphic Speech Processing:
Introduction , Homomorphic Systems for Convolution : Properties of the Complex Cepstrum,
Computational Considerations , The Complex Cepstrum of Speech, Pitch Detection ,
Formant Estimation, The Homomorphic Vocoder.
Speech Enhancement:
Speech enhancement techniques : Single Microphone Approach, Spectral Subtraction,
Enhancement by re-synthesis, Comb filter, Wiener filter, Multi Microphone Approach.
Unit – IV:
Automatic Speech Recognition:
Basic pattern recognition approaches, parametric representation of Speech, Evaluating the
similarity of Speech patterns, Isolated digit Recognition System, Continuous word
Recognition system. Elements of HMM, Training & Testing of Speech using HMM.
Unit – V:
Audio Coding:
Lossless Audio Coding, Lossy Audio coding, Psychoacoustics , ISO-MPEG-1 Audio coding ,
MPEG - 2 Audio coding, MPEG - 2 Advanced Audio Coding, MPEG - 4 Audio Coding.
1. Digital Processing of Speech Signals - L.R. Rabiner and S. W. Schafer. Pearson
2. Digital Audio Signal Processing – Udo Zolzer, 2nd Edition, Wiley.
3. Speech & Audio Signal Processing- Ben Gold & Nelson Morgan, 1st Ed., Wiley
1. Discrete Time Speech Signal Processing: Principles and Practice - Thomas F. Quateri,
1st Ed., PE.
2. Digital Processing of Speech Signals. L.R Rabinar and R W Jhaung, 1978, PHI.
3. Speech Communications: Human & Machine - Douglas O'Shaughnessy, 2nd Ed., EEE
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
(Elective- III)
Prerequisite: None
Course Objectives:
1. To comprehend the concept of Reliability and Unreliability
2. Derive the expressions for probability of failure, Expected value and standard deviation
of Binominal distribution, Poisson distribution, normal distribution and weibull
3. Formulating expressions for Reliability analysis of series-parallel and Non-series parallel
4. Deriving expressions for Time dependent and Limiting State Probabilities using Markov
Course Outcomes : Upon the completion of this course, the student will be able to
1. Apply fundamental knowledge of Reliability to modeling and analysis of series-
parallel and Non-series parallel systems.
2. Solve some practical problems related with Generation, Transmission and Utilization of
Electrical Energy.
3. Understand or become aware of various failures, causes of failures and remedies for
failures in practical systems.
Unit I:
Rules for combining probabilities of events, Definition of Reliability. Significance of the terms
appearing in the definition. Probability distributions: Random variables, probability density
and distribution functions. Mathematical expectation, Binominal distribution, Poisson
distribution, normal distribution, weibull distribution.
Unit II:
Hazard rate, derivation of the reliability function in terms of the hazard rate. Failures: Causes
of failures, types of failures (early failures, chance failures and wear-out failures). Bath tub
curve. Preventive and corrective maintenance. Modes of failure. Measures of reliability:
mean time to failure and mean time between failures.
Unit III:
Classification of engineering systems: series, parallel and series-parallel systems-
Expressions for the reliability of the basic configurations.
Reliability evaluation of Non-series-parallel configurations: Decomposition, Path based and
cutest based methods, Deduction of the Paths and cut sets from Event tree.
Unit IV:
Discrete Markov Chains: General modeling concepts, stochastic transitional probability
matrix, time dependent probability evaluation and limiting state probability evaluation of one
component repairable model. Absorbing states.
Continuous Markov Processes: Modeling concepts, State space diagrams, Stochastic
Transitional Probability Matrix, Evaluating time dependent and limiting state Probabilities of
one component repairable model. Evaluation of Limiting state probabilities of two component
repairable model.
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
Approximate system Reliability analysis of Series systems, parallel systems with two and
more than two components, Network reduction techniques. Minimal cutest/failure mode
1. “Reliability evaluation of Engineering systems”, Roy Billinton and Ronald N Allan, BS
2. “Reliability Engineering”, Elsayed A. Elsayed, Prentice Hall Publications.
1. “Reliability Engineering: Theory and Practice”, By Alessandro Birolini, Springer
2. “An Introduction to Reliability and Maintainability Engineering”, Charles Ebeling, TMH
3. “Reliability Engineering”, E. Balaguruswamy, TMH Publications.
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
Prerequisite: None
Course Objectives:
1. Gaining an understanding of the functional operation of a variety of intelligent control
techniques and their bio-foundations
2. The study of control-theoretic foundations
3. Learning analytical approaches to study properties
Course Outcomes:
Upon the completion of this course, the student will be able to
1. Develop Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic and Genetic algorithms.
2. Implement soft computing to solve real-world problems mainly pertaining to control
system applications
Introduction and motivation. Approaches to intelligent control. Architecture for intelligent
control. Symbolic reasoning system, rule-based systems, the AI approach. Knowledge
representation. Expert systems.
Concept of Artificial Neural Networks and its basic mathematical model, McCulloch-Pitts
neuron model, simple perceptron, Adaline and Madaline, Feedforward Multilayer Perceptron.
Learning and Training the neural network. Data Processing: Scaling, Fourier transformation,
principal-component analysis.
Networks: Hopfield network, Self-organizing network and Recurrent network. Neural Network
based controller Case studies: Identification and control of linear and nonlinear dynamic
systems using Matlab-Neural Network toolbox. Stability analysis of Neural-Network
interconnection systems.
Genetic Algorithm: Basic concept of Genetic algorithm and detail algorithmic steps,
adjustment of free parameters. Solution of typical control problems using genetic algorithm.
Concept on some other search techniques like tabu search and ant-colony search
techniques for solving optimization problems.
Introduction to crisp sets and fuzzy sets, basic fuzzy set operation and approximate
reasoning. Introduction to fuzzy logic modeling and control. Fuzzification, inferencing and
defuzzification. Fuzzy knowledge and rule bases. Fuzzy modeling and control schemes for
nonlinear systems. Fuzzy logic control for nonlinear time-delay system. Implementation of
fuzzy logic controller using Matlab fuzzy-logic toolbox. Stability analysis of fuzzy control
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
Text Books:
1. Simon Haykins, Neural Networks: A comprehensive Foundation, Pearson Edition, 2003.
2. T.J.Ross, Fuzzy logic with Fuzzy Applications, Mc Graw Hill Inc, 1997.
3. David E Goldberg, Genetic Algorithms.
4. John Yen and Reza Langari, Fuzzy logic Intelligence, Control, and Information, Pearson
Education, Indian Edition, 2003.
1. M.T.Hagan, H. B. Demuth and M. Beale, Neural Network Design, Indian reprint, 2008.
2. Fredric M.Ham and Ivica Kostanic, Principles of Neurocomputing for science and
Engineering, McGraw Hill, 2001.
3. N.K. Bose and P.Liang, Neural Network Fundamentals with Graphs, Algorithms and
Applications, Mc - Graw Hill, Inc. 1996.
4. Yung C. Shin and Chengying Xu, Intelligent System - Modeling, Optimization and
Control, CRC Press, 2009.
5. N.K.Sinha and Madan M Gupta, Soft computing & Intelligent Systems - Theory &
Applications, Indian Edition, Elsevier, 2007.
6. Witold Pedrycz, Fuzzy Control and Fuzzy Systms, Overseas Press, Indian Edition, 2008.
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
Prerequisite: None
Course Objectives:
1. To Learn about Electro mechanical sensors.
2. To Learn the use of the thermal sensors and magnetic sensors for embedded system.
3. To learn the basics of radiation sensors, smart sensors and actuators.
Course Outcomes:
1. Students will gain knowledge to interface various sensors and actuators in embedded
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
UNIT - V: Actuators
Pneumatic and Hydraulic Actuation Systems- Actuation systems – Pneumatic and hydraulic
systems - Directional Control valves – Presure control valves – Cylinders - Servo and
proportional control valves – Process control valves – Rotary actuators.
Mechanical Actuation Systems- Types of motion – Kinematic chains – Cams – Gears –
Ratchet and pawl – Belt and chain drives – Bearings – Mechanical aspects of motor
Electrical Actuation Systems-Electrical systems -Mechanical switches – Solid-state switches
Solenoids – D.C. Motors – A.C. motors – Stepper motors.
1. D. Patranabis – “Sensors and Transducers” –PHI Learning Private Limited.
2. W. Bolton – “Mechatronics” –Pearson Education Limited.
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
Course Objectives:
1. Explains instruction set architectures from a design perspective, including memory
addressing, operands, and control flow.
2. Explains different classifications of instruction set architectures
3. Explains the advanced concepts such as instruction level parallelism, , out-of-order
execution, chip-multiprocessing and the related issues of data hazards, branch costs,
hardware prediction
4. Examine software support for ILP, including VLIW and similar approaches
5. Teach memory hierarchy design issues, including caching and virtual memory
6. Explains multiprocessor and parallel processing architectures
7. Gives the organization and design of contemporary processor architectures
8. As the current trend in computer architecture is towards chip-multiprocessing, the
architecture of shared memory multiprocessors and chip level interconnect (network-on-
chip) will be covered as future scope.
Course Outcomes:
A student who has met the objectives of the course will be able to:
1. Understand advanced computer architecture aspects
2. Describe and explain instruction level parallelism with static scheduling, out-of-order
execution and network-on-chip architectures
3. Understand the architecture and limitations of chip-multiprocessing
4. Explain in detail about time-predictable computer architecture
5. Understand the operation of modern CPUs including pipelining, memory systems and
6. Design and emulate a single cycle or pipelined CPU by given specifications using
Hardware Description Language (HDL).
7. Write reports and make presentations of computer architecture projects
Fundamentals of Computer Design
Fundamentals of Computer design, Changing faces of computing and task of computer
designer, Technology trends, Cost price and their trends, measuring and reporting
performance, quantitative principles of computer design, Amdahl’s law.
Instruction set principles and examples- Introduction, classifying instruction set- memory
addressing- type and size of operands, operations in the instruction set.
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
Multi Processors and Thread Level Parallelism
Multi Processors and Thread level Parallelism- Introduction, Characteristics of application
domain, Systematic shared memory architecture, Distributed shared – memory architecture,
Inter Connection and Networks
Introduction, Interconnection network media, Practical issues in interconnecting networks,
Examples of inter connection, Cluster, Designing of clusters.
Intel Architecture
Intel IA- 64 ILP in embedded and mobile markets Fallacies and pit falls
1. John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson, Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach,
3rd Edition, An Imprint of Elsevier.
1. John P. Shen and Miikko H. Lipasti, Modern Processor Design : Fundamentals of Super
Scalar Processors
2. Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing ,Kai Hwang, Faye A.Brigs., MC Graw
3. Advanced Computer Architecture - A Design Space Approach, Dezso Sima, Terence
Fountain, Peter Kacsuk ,Pearson ed.
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
(Elective – IV)
Course Objectives:
The goal of the course is to study:
1. The principles of scripting languages.
2. Motivation for and applications of scripting.
3. Difference between scripting languages and non- scripting languages.
4. Types of scripting languages.
5. Scripting languages such as PERL, TCL/TK, python and BASH.
6. Creation of programs in the Linux environment.
7. Usage of scripting languages in IC design flow.
Course Outcomes:
Upon learning the course, the student will have the:
1. Ability to create and run scripts using PERL/TCl/Python in IC design flow.
2. Ability to use Linux environment and write programs for automation of scripts in VLSI tool
design flow.
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
Text Books:
1. Python Tutorial by Guido Van Rossum, Fred L. Drake Jr. editor , Release 2.6.4
2. Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk by Brent Welch, Updated for Tcl 7.4 and Tk 4.0.
3. Teach Yorself Perl in 21 days by David Till.
4. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 : System Administration Guide Copyright, 2005 Red Hat Inc.
Reference Books:
1. Learning Python – 2nd Ed., Mark Lutz and David Ascher, 2003, O’Reilly.
2. Perl in 24 Hours – 3rd Ed., Clinton Pierce, 2005, Sams Publishing.
3. Learning Perl – 4th Ed. Randal Schwartz, Tom Phoenix and Brain d foy. 2005.
4. Jython Essentials – Samuele Pedroni and Noel Pappin.2002. O’Reilly.
5. Programming Perl – Larry Wall, Tom Christiansen and John Orwant, 3rd Edition, O’Reilly,
2000. (ISBN 0596000278)
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
Note : Devices mentioned in the above lists include Arduino, Raspbery Pi, Beaglebone
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
Course Objectives:
1) To introduce the architectural features of system on chip.
2) To provides information on interconnection necessities between computational block and
memory block.
Course Outcomes:
1) Introduction to SOC Architecture and design.
2) Processor design Architectures and limitations
3) To acquires the knowledge of memory architectures on SOC.
4) To understands the interconnection strategies and their customization on SOC.
1. Computer System Design System-on-Chip by Michael J. Flynn and Wayne Luk, Wiely
India Pvt. Ltd.
2. ARM System on Chip Architecture – Steve Furber –2nd Eed., 2000, Addison Wesley
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
1. Design of System on a Chip: Devices and Components – Ricardo Reis, 1st Ed., 2004,
2. Co-Verification of Hardware and Software for ARM System on Chip Design (Embedded
Technology) – Jason Andrews – Newnes, BK and CDROM
3. System on Chip Verification – Methodologies and Techniques –Prakash Rashinkar,
Peter Paterson and Leena Singh L, 2001, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
1. Embedded C by Michael J. Pont , A Pearson Education
1. PICmicro MCU C-An introduction to programming, The Microchip PIC in CCS C By Nigel
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
Course Objectives:
1) To provide or broad understanding of fault diagnosis and tolerant design Approach.
2) To illustrate the framework of test pattern generation using semi and full automatic
Course Outcomes:
1) To acquire the knowledge of fundamental concepts in fault tolerant design.
2) Design requirements of self check-in circuits
3) Test pattern generation using LFSR
4) Design for testability rules and techniques for combinational circuits
5) Introducing scan architectures.
6) Design of built-in-self test.
UNIT-I: Fault Tolerant Design: Basic concepts: Reliability concepts, Failures & faults,
Reliability and Failure rate, Relation between reliability and mean time between failure,
maintainability and availability, reliability of series, parallel and parallel-series combinational
Fault Tolerant Design: Basic concepts-static, dynamic, hybrid, triple modular redundant
system (TMR), 5MR reconfiguration techniques, Data redundancy, Time redundancy and
software Redundancy concepts. [TEXTBOOK-1]
UNIT-II: Self Checking circuits & Fail safe Design: Self Checking Circuits: Basic concepts
of self checking circuits, Design of Totally self checking checker, Checkers using m out of n
codes, Berger code, Low cost residue code.
Fail Safe Design: Strongly fault secure circuits, fail safe design of sequential circuits using
partition theory and Berger code, totally self checking PLA design. [TEXTBOOK-1]
UNIT-III: Design for Testability: Design for testability for combinational circuits: Basic
concepts of Testability, Controllability and observability, The Reed Muller’s expansion
technique, use of control and syndrome testable designs.
Design for testability by means of scan:
Making circuits Testable, Testability Insertion, Full scan DFT technique- Full scan insertion,
flip-flop Structures, Full scan design and Test, Scan Architectures-full scan design, Shadow
register DFT, Partial scan methods, multiple scan design, other scan designs.[TEXTBOOK-
coverage, RT level BIST design-CUT design, simulation and synthesis, RTS BIST insertion,
Configuring the RTS BIST, incorporating configurations in BIST, Design of STUMPS, RTS
and STUMPS results. [TEXTBOOK-2]
1. Fault Tolerant & Fault Testable Hardware Design- Parag K.Lala, 1984,PHI
2. Digital System Test and Testable Design using HDL models and Architectures -
Zainalabedin Navabi, Springer International Edition.
1. Digital Systems Testing and Testable Design-Miron Abramovici, Melvin A.Breuer and
Arthur D. Friedman, Jaico Books
2. Essentials of Electronic Testing- Bushnell & Vishwani D.Agarwal,Springers.
3. Design for Test for Digital IC’s and Embedded Core Systems- Alfred L. Crouch, 2008,
Pearson Education.
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
(Elective – V)
Prerequisite: Computer Networks.
Course Objectives:
1. To elaborate on the conceptual frame work of physical layer and topological issues of
networking in Embedded Systems.
2. To emphasis on issues related to guided and unguided media with specific reference to
Embedded device level connectivity.
Course Outcomes :
1. Expected to acquire knowledge on communication protocols of connecting Embedded
2. Expected to master the design level parameters of USB and CAN bus protocols.
3. Understand the design issues of Ethernet in Embedded networks.
4. Acquire the knowledge of wireless protocols in Embedded domain.
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
1. Embedded Systems Design: A Unified Hardware/Software Introduction - Frank Vahid,
Tony Givargis, John & Wiley Publications, 2002
2. Parallel Port Complete: Programming, interfacing and using the PCs parallel printer port
- Jan Axelson, Penram Publications, 1996.
1. Advanced PIC microcontroller projects in C: from USB to RTOS with the PIC18F series -
Dogan Ibrahim, Elsevier 2008.
2. Embedded Ethernet and Internet Complete - Jan Axelson, Penram publications, 2003.
3. Networking Wireless Sensors - Bhaskar Krishnamachari , Cambridge press 2005.
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
Course Objectives:
1. The student will be able to understand the quality improvement methods of Image.
2. To study the basic digital image and video filter operations.
3. Understand the fundamentals of Image Compression.
4. Understand the representation of video.
5. Understand the principles and methods of motion estimation.
Course Outcomes:
1. The students will learn image representation, filtering, compression.
2. Students will learn the basics of video processing , representation, motion estimation.
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
1. Digital Image Processing – Gonzaleze and Woods, 3rd ed., Pearson.
2. Video Processing and Communication – Yao Wang, Joem Ostermann and Ya–quin
Zhang. 1st Ed., PH Int.
1. Digital Video Processing – M. Tekalp, Prentice Hall International
2. Digital Image Processing – S.Jayaraman, S.Esakkirajan, T.Veera Kumar–TMH, 2009
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
Course Objective:
1) To provide a broad understanding of the specific requirement of Hardware and soft ware
integration for embedded system
Course Outcomes:
1) To acquire the knowledge on various models
2) To explore the interrelationship between Hardware and software in a embedded system
3) Acquire the knowledge of firmware development process and tools
4) Understand validation methods and adaptability.
Co- Design Issues: Co- Design Models, Architectures, Languages, A Generic Co-design
Methodology. Co- Synthesis Algorithms: Hardware software synthesis algorithms:
hardware – software partitioning distributed system cosynthesis.
Prototyping and Emulation: Prototyping and emulation techniques, prototyping and
emulation environments, future developments in emulation and prototyping architecture
specialization techniques, system communication infrastructure.
Target Architectures:
Architecture Specialization techniques, System Communication infrastructure, Target
Architecture and Application System classes, Architecture for control dominated systems
(8051-Architectures for High performance control), Architecture for Data dominated systems
(ADSP21060, TMS320C60), Mixed Systems.
Compilation Techniques and Tools for Embedded Processor Architectures:
Modern embedded architectures, embedded software development needs, compilation
technologies, practical consideration in a compiler development environment.
Design Specification and Verification:
Design, co-design, the co-design computational model, concurrency coordinating concurrent
computations, interfacing components, design verification, implementation verification,
verification tools, interface verification
Languages for System – Level Specification and Design-I:
System – level specification, design representation for system level synthesis, system level
specification languages,
Languages for System – Level Specification and Design-II:
Heterogeneous specifications and multi language co-simulation, the cosyma system and
lycos system.
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
1. Hardware / Software Co- Design Principles and Practice – Jorgen Staunstrup, Wayne
Wolf –2009, Springer.
2. Hardware / Software Co- Design - Giovanni De Micheli, Mariagiovanna Sami, 2002,
Kluwer Academic Publishers
1. A Practical Introduction to Hardware/Software Co-design -Patrick R. Schaumont - 2010 –
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
Course Objectives:
1. To study the fundamentals of wireless Ad-Hoc Networks.
2. To study the operation and performance of various Ad-hoc wireless network protocols.
3. To study the architecture and protocols of Wireless sensor networks.
Course Outcomes:
1. Students will be able to understand the basis of Ad-hoc wireless networks.
2. Students will be able to understand design, operation and the performance of MAC layer
protocols of Adhoc wireless networks.
3. Students will be able to understand design, operation and the performance of routing
protocol of Adhoc wireless network.
4. Students will be able to understand design, operation and the performance of transport
layer protocol of Adhoc wireless networks.
5. Students will be able to understand sensor network Architecture and will be able to
distinguish between protocols used in Adhoc wireless network and wireless sensor
Wireless LANs and PANs
Introduction, Fundamentals of WLANS, IEEE 802.11 Standards, HIPERLAN Standard,
Bluetooth, Home RF.
Introduction, Issues in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks.
MAC Protocols
Introduction, Issues in Designing a MAC protocol for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks, Design
goals of a MAC Protocol for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks, Classifications of MAC Protocols,
Contention - Based Protocols, Contention - Based Protocols with reservation Mechanisms,
Contention – Based MAC Protocols with Scheduling Mechanisms, MAC Protocols that use
Directional Antennas, Other MAC Protocols.
Routing Protocols
Introduction, Issues in Designing a Routing Protocol for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks,
Classification of Routing Protocols, Table –Driven Routing Protocols, On – Demand Routing
Protocols, Hybrid Routing Protocols, Routing Protocols with Efficient Flooding Mechanisms,
Hierarchical Routing Protocols, Power – Aware Routing Protocols.
Transport Layer Protocols
Introduction, Issues in Designing a Transport Layer Protocol for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks,
Design Goals of a Transport Layer Protocol for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks, Classification of
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
Transport Layer Solutions, TCP Over Ad Hoc Wireless Networks, Other Transport Layer
Protocol for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks.
Wireless Sensor Networks
Introduction, Sensor Network Architecture, Data Dissemination, Data Gathering, MAC
Protocols for Sensor Networks, Location Discovery, Quality of a Sensor Network, Evolving
Standards, Other Issues.
1. Ad Hoc Wireless Networks: Architectures and Protocols - C. Siva Ram Murthy and
B.S.Manoj, 2004, PHI.
2. Wireless Ad- hoc and Sensor Networks: Protocols, Performance and Control -
Jagannathan Sarangapani, CRC Press.
1. Ad- Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks: Protocols & Systems, C.K. Toh , 1st Ed. Pearson
2. Wireless Sensor Networks - C. S. Raghavendra, Krishna M. Sivalingam, 2004, Springer
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
Course Objectives:
1. To provide a comprehensive understanding of various programs of DSP Processors.
2. To distinguish between the architectural difference of ARM and DSPs along with floating
point capabilities.
Course Outcomes:
The students are
1. Expected to learn various DSPs and their architectural features.
2. Explore the ARM development towards the functional capabilities of DS Processing.
3. Expected to work with ASM level program using the instruction set.
4. To explore the selection criteria of DSP / ARM processors by understanding the
functional level trade off issues.
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
Instruction SET: Background to the instruction set in ARM Cortex-M Processors,
Comparison of the instruction set in ARM Cortex-M Processors, understanding the assembly
language syntax, Use of a suffix in instructions, Unified assembly Language (UAL),
Instruction set, Cortex-M4-specific instructions, Barrel shifter, Accessing special instructions
and special registers in Programming. [TEXTBOOK-2]
UNIT-V: Floating Point Operations: About Floating Point Data,Cortex-M4 Floating Point
Unit (FPU)- overview, FP registers overview, CPACR register, Floating point register bank,
ARM Cortex-M4 and DSP Applications:
DSP on a microcontroller, Dot Product example, writing optimised DSP code for the Cortex-
M4-Biquad filter, Fast Fourier transform, FIR filter. [TEXTBOOK-2]
1. Digital Signal Processing- Avtar Singh and S. Srinivasan, Thomson Publications,2004.
2. The Definitive Guide to ARM Cortex-M3 and Cortex-M4 Processors by Joseph Yiu,
Elsevier Publications, Third edition.
1. ARM System Developer’s Guide Designing and Optimizing System Software by Andrew
N. SLOSS, Dominic SYMES, Chris WRIGHT, Elsevier Publications, 2004.
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
Course Objectives:
1. To explain the concepts of basics and modern control system for the real time analysis
and design of control systems.
2. To explain the concepts of state variables analysis.
3. To study and analyze non linear systems.
4. To analyze the concept of stability for nonlinear systems and their categorization.
5. To apply the comprehensive knowledge of optimal theory for Control Systems.
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:
1. Various terms of basic and modern control system for the real time analysis and design
of control systems.
2. To perform state variables analysis for any real time system.
3. Apply the concept of optimal control to any system.
4. Able to examine a system for its stability, controllability and observability.
5. Implement basic principles and techniques in designing linear control systems.
6. Formulate and solve deterministic optimal control problems in terms of performance
7. Apply knowledge of control theory for practical implementations in engineering and
network analysis.
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
1. M.Gopal, Modern Control System Theory, New Age International - 1984
2. Ogata. K, Modern Control Engineering, Prentice Hall - 1997
3. N K Sinha, Control Systems, New Age International – 3rd edition.
1. Donald E.Kirk, Optimal Control Theory an Introduction, Prentice - Hall Network series -
First edition.
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
(Elective- VII )
Prerequisite: None
Course Objectives:
1. To understand the theory of optimization methods and algorithms developed for solving
various types of optimization problems.
2. To develop an interest in applying optimization techniques in problems of Engineering
and Technology
3. To apply the mathematical results and numerical techniques of optimization theory to
concrete Engineering problems.
Course Outcomes:
Upon the completion of this course, the student will be able to
1. Know basic theoretical principles in optimization
2. formulate optimization models and obtain solutions for optimization;
3. apply methods of sensitivity analysis and analyze post processing of results
Introduction and Classical Optimization Techniques:
Statement of an Optimization problem – design vector – design constraints – constraint
surface – objective function – objective function surfaces – classification of Optimization
Classical Optimization Techniques
Single variable Optimization – multi variable Optimization without constraints – necessary
and sufficient conditions for minimum/maximum – multivariable Optimization with equality
Solution by method of Lagrange multipliers – multivariable Optimization with inequality
constraints – Kuhn – Tucker conditions.
Linear Programming
Standard form of a linear programming problem – geometry of linear programming problems
– definitions and theorems – solution of a system of linear simultaneous equations – pivotal
reduction of a general system of equations – motivation to the simplex method – simplex
Transportation Problem
Finding initial basic feasible solution by north – west corner rule, least cost method and
Vogel’s approximation method – testing for optimality of balanced transportation problems.
Unconstrained Nonlinear Programming:
One – dimensional minimization methods: Classification, Fibonacci method and Quadratic
interpolation method
Unconstrained Optimization Techniques
Uni-variate method, Powell’s method and steepest descent method.
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
Dynamic Programming:
Dynamic programming multistage decision processes – types – concept of sub optimization
and the principle of optimality – computational procedure in dynamic programming –
examples illustrating the calculus method of solution - examples illustrating the tabular
method of solution.
1. “Engineering optimization: Theory and practice”-by S. S.Rao, New Age International (P)
Limited, 3rd edition, 1998.
2. “Introductory Operations Research” by H.S. Kasene & K.D. Kumar, Springer(India), Pvt.
1 “Optimization Methods in Operations Research and systems Analysis” – by K.V. Mital
and C. Mohan, New Age International (P) Limited, Publishers, 3rd edition, 1996.
2. Operations Research – by Dr. S.D.Sharma.
3. “Operations Research: An Introduction” by H.A. Taha, PHI Pvt. Ltd., 6th edition
4. Linear Programming by G. Hadley
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
(Elective – VII)
Introduction to Signals, Systems & Circuits
Analytical Foundations of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Linear Systems
Elements of Control
Course Objectives:
1. This introductory course is valuable for students who wish to learn about robotics
through a study of industrial robot systems analysis and design.
2. This course is suited to students from engineering and science backgrounds that wish to
broaden their knowledge through working on a subject that integrates multi-disciplinary
Course Outcomes:
Upon the completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Describe the various elements that make an industrial robot system
2. Discuss various applications of industrial robot systems
3. Analyze robot manipulators in terms of their kinematics, kinetics, and control
4. Model robot manipulators and analyze their performance, through running simulations
using a MATLAB-based Robot Toolbox
5. Select an appropriate robotic system for a given application and discuss the limitations of
such a system
6. Program and control an industrial robot system that performs a specific task.
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
1. Robotics and Control : R.K. Mittal and I.J. Nagarath, TMH 2003.
2. Introduction to Robotics – P.J. Mckerrow, ISBN: 0201182408
3. Introduction to Robotics – S. Nikv, 2001, Prentice Hall,
4. Mechatronics and Robotics: Design & Applications – A. Mutanbara, 1999, CRC Press.
Robotics – K.S. Fu, R.C. Gonzalez and C.S.G. Lee, 2008, TMH.
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
Course Objectives:
1. Understand the basic concept of Cryptography and Network Security, their mathematical
2. To provide deeper understanding of application to network security,
threats/vulnerabilities to networks and countermeasures
3. To create an understanding of Authentication functions the manner in which Message
Authentication Codes and Hash Functions works
4. To provide familiarity in Intrusion detection and Firewall Design Principles
Course Outcomes:
After completion of this course, the student shall be able to:
1. Describe computer and network security fundamental concepts and principles
2. Identify and assess different types of threats, malware, spyware, viruses, vulnerabilities
3. Encrypt and decrypt messages using block ciphers
4. Describe the inner-workings of today's remote exploitation and penetration techniques
5. Describe the inner-workings of popular encryption algorithms, digital signatures,
certificates, anti-cracking techniques, and copy-right protections
6. Demonstrate the ability to select among available network security technology and
protocols such as IDS, IPS, firewalls, SSL, SSH, IPSec, TLS, VPNs, etc.
7. Analyze key agreement algorithms to identify their weaknesses
UNIT- II: Encryption : Triple DES, International Data Encryption algorithm, Blowfish, RC5,
Characteristics of Advanced Symmetric block cifers.
Conventional Encryption
Placement of Encryption function, Traffic confidentiality, Key distribution, Random Number
UNIT - III: Public Key Cryptography :Principles, RSA Algorithm, Key Management, Diffie-
Hellman Key exchange, Elliptic Curve Cryptograpy.
Number Theory : Prime and Relatively prime numbers, Modular arithmetic, Fermat’s and
Euler’s theorems, Testing for primality, Euclid’s Algorithm, the Chinese remainder theorem,
Discrete logarithms.
1. Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice - William Stallings,
Pearson Education.
2. Network Security Essentials (Applications and Standards) by William Stallings Pearson
1. Fundamentals of Network Security by Eric Maiwald (Dreamtech press)
2. Network Security - Private Communication in a Public World by Charlie Kaufman, Radia
Perlman and Mike Speciner, Pearson/PHI.
3. Principles of Information Security, Whitman, Thomson.
4. Network Security: The complete reference, Robert Bragg, Mark Rhodes, TMH
5. Introduction to Cryptography, Buchmann, Springer.
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
(Elective – VIII)
1. Computer Networks
2. Distributed Systems OR Distributed Operating Systems OR Advanced Operating
Course Objectives:
1. To make the student understand the concept of mobile computing paradigm, its novel
applications and limitations.
2. To understand the typical mobile networking infrastructure through a popular GSM
3. To understand the issues and solutions of various layers of mobile networks, namely
MAC layer, Network Layer & Transport Layer
4. To understand the database issues in mobile environments & data delivery models.
5. To understand the ad hoc networks and related concepts.
6. To understand the platforms and protocols used in mobile environment.
Course Outcomes:
1. Able to think and develop new mobile application.
2. Able to take any new technical issue related to this new paradigm and come up with a
3. Able to develop new ad hoc network applications and/or algorithms/protocols.
4. Able to understand & develop any existing or new protocol related to mobile
Introduction : Mobile Communications, Mobile Computing – Paradigm, Promises/Novel
Applications and Impediments and Architecture; Mobile and Handheld Devices, Limitations
of Mobile and Handheld Devices.GSM – Services, System Architecture, Radio Interfaces,
Protocols, Localization, Calling, Handover, Security, New Data Services, GPRS, CSHSD,
(Wireless) Medium Access Control (MAC) : Motivation for a specialized MAC (Hidden
and exposed terminals, Near and far terminals), SDMA, FDMA, TDMA, CDMA, Wireless
LAN/(IEEE 802.11)
Mobile Network Layer : IP and Mobile IP Network Layers, Packet Delivery and Handover
Management, Location Management, Registration, Tunneling and Encapsulation, Route
Optimization, DHCP.
Mobile Transport Layer : Conventional TCP/IP Protocols, Indirect TCP, Snooping TCP,
Mobile TCP, Other Transport Layer Protocols for Mobile Networks.
Database Issues : Database Hoarding & Caching Techniques, Client-Server Computing &
Adaptation, Transactional Models, Query processing, Data Recovery Process & QoS Issues.
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
Data Dissemination and Synchronization : Communications Asymmetry, Classification of
Data Delivery Mechanisms, Data Dissemination, Broadcast Models, Selective Tuning and
Indexing Methods, Data Synchronization – Introduction, Software, and Protocols
Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) : Introduction, Applications & Challenges of a MANET,
Routing, Classification of Routing Algorithms, Algorithms such as DSR, AODV, DSDV,
Mobile Agents, Service Discovery.
Protocols and Platforms for Mobile Computing : WAP, Bluetooth, XML, J2ME, JavaCard,
PalmOS, Windows CE, Symbian OS, Linux for Mobile Devices, Android.
Text Books:
1. Jochen Schiller, “Mobile Communications”, Addison-Wesley, Second Edition, 2009.
2. Raj Kamal, “Mobile Computing”, Oxford University Press, 2007, ISBN: 0195686772
1. The CDMA 2000 System for Mobile Communications – Vieri Vaughi, Alexander Damn
Jaonvic – Pearson.
2. Adalestein - Fundamentals of Mobile & Parvasive Computing, 2008, TMH.
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
Course Objectives:
At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
1. understand of switching and data transmission.
2. Familiarize the students with the error correction and detection techniques.
3. Understanding of basic principles of Multiple Access, Frame Relay and ATM
4. Obtain the knowledge of Logical Addressing, Transport layer protocols, congestion
control mechanism and Domain Name System
5. Gain an expertise in areas like Logical Network Design and routing protocols.
Course Outcomes:
After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to
1. Independently understand the basic data transmission and data link layer concepts.
2. Understand and explain error correction and detection.
3. Analyze the details of network layer protocols and transport layer protocols
4. Design different types of network topologies.
5. Analyze and compare various routing protocols.
Switching and Data Transmission
ISO-OSI reference model. TCP/IP reference model, Circuit-switched networks, Datagram
networks, Virtual-circuit networks, Structure of a switch, Telephone network, Dial-up
modems, Digital Subscriber line, Cable TV networks
Data Link Layer
Error Detection and Correction: Introduction, Block coding, Linear Block codes, Cyclic
codes, Checksum - Data Link Control: Framing, Flow and Error control, Protocols,
Noiseless channels, Noisy channels, HDLC, Point-to-Point Protocol
Multiple Access: Random Access, Controlled Access, Channelization – Connecting
Devices: Connecting LANs, Backbone Networks, Virtual LANs.
High Speed Networks
Frame Relay: Packet-Switching Networks, Frame Relay Networks – Asynchronous
Transfer Mode (ATM) : ATM Protocol Architecture, ATM Logical Connections, ATM Cells,
ATM Service Categories, ATM Adaptation Layer (AAL)- High-Speed LANs : The
Emergence of High-Speed LANs, Ethernet, Fiber Channel, Wireless LANs.
Network Layer
Logical Addressing: IPv4 Addresses, IPv6 Addresses, - Internet Protocol:
Internetworking, IPv4, IPv6, Transition from IPv4 to IPv6 - Network Delivery - Routing:
Forwarding, Unicast Routing Protocols, Multicast Routing Protocols
Transport Layer and Application Layer
Protocols: Process-to-Process delivery, User Datagram Protocol (UDP), TCP, SCTP -
Congestion control: Data traffic, Congestion, Congestion control, Quality of Service.
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
Domain Name System: Name space, Domain Name Space, Distribution of Name Space,
DNS in the internet, Resolution, DNS messages, E-mail
Needs and Goals for Network Design
Analyzing Business Goals and Constraints: Using a Top-Down Network Design
Constraints, Analyzing Business Goals, Analyzing Business constraints – Analyzing
Technical Goals & Tradeoffs: Scalability, Availability, Network Performance, Security,
Manageability, Usability, Adaptability, Affordability, Making Network Design Tradeoffs –
Characterizing Network Traffic: Characterizing Traffic Flow, Traffic Load, Traffic Behavior,
Quality of Service Requirements \
Logical Network Design
Designing Network Design: Hierarchical Network Design, Redundant Network Design
Topologies, Modular Network Design, Designing a Campus Network Design Topology,
Designing the Enterprise Edge Topology, Secure Network Design Topologies
Designing Models for Addressing and Naming: Guidelines for Assigning Network Layer
Addresses, Using a Hierarchical Model for Assigning Addresses, Designing a Model for
Selecting Switching and Routing Protocols
Selecting Bridging & Switching Protocols, Spanning Tree Protocol Enhancements -
Selecting Routing Protocols: Characterizing Routing protocols, IP Routing, Novell
NetWare Routing, Using Multiple Routing Protocols in an Internet work
Text Books:
1. Data Communications and Networking, Behrouz A. Forouzan, Fourth Edition, Tata
McGraw Hill
2. High Speed Networks and Internets – Performance and Quality of Service, William
Stallings, Second Edition, Pearson Education.
3. Top-Down Network Design, Priscilla Oppenheimer, Second Edition, Pearson Education
(CISCO Press)
Reference Books:
1. Guide to Networking Essentials, Greg Tomsho,Ed Tittel, David Johnson,Fifth Edition,
2. Computer Networks, Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Fourth Edition, Prentice Hall.
3. An Engineering Approach to Computer Networking , S.Keshav, Pearson Education.
4. Campus Network Design Fundamentals, Diane Teare, Catherine Paquet, Pearson
Education (CISCO Press)
5. Computer Communications Networks, Mir, Pearson Education.
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
List of Programs:
4. Write a c program for counting the no of times that a switch is pressed & released.
5. Illustrate the use of port header file (port M) using an interface consisting of a keypad
Mini Project
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
Course Objectives
# To improve the fluency of students in English
# To facilitate learning through interaction
# To illustrate the role of skills in real-life situations with case studies, role plays etc.
# To train students in group dynamics, body language and various other activities which
boost their confidence levels and help in their overall personality development
# To encourage students develop behavioral skills and personal management skills
# To impart training for empowerment, thereby preparing students to become successful
Learning Outcomes
& Developed critical acumen and creative ability besides making them industry- ready.
& Appropriate use of English language while clearly articulating ideas.
& Developing insights into Language and enrich the professional competence of the
& Enable students to meet challenges in job and career advancement.
Definition and Introduction to Soft Skills – Hard Skills vs Soft Skills – Significance of
Soft/Life/Self Skills – Self and SWOT Analysis and
1. Exercises on Productivity Development
• Effective/ Assertive Communication Skills (Activity based)
• Time Management (Case Study)
• Creativity & Critical Thinking (Case Study)
• Decision Making and Problem Solving (Case Study)
• Stress Management (Case Study)
2. Exercises on Personality Development Skills
• Self-esteem (Case Study)
• Positive Thinking (Case Study)
• Emotional Intelligence (Case Study)
• Team building and Leadership Skills (Case Study)
• Conflict Management (Case Study)
3. Exercises on Presentation Skills
• Netiquette
• Importance of Oral Presentation – Defining Purpose- Analyzing the audience-
Planning Outline and Preparing the Presentation- Individual & Group
Presentation- Graphical Organizers- Tools and Multi-media Visuals
• One Minute Presentations (Warming up)
• PPT on Project Work- Understanding the Nuances of Delivery- Body
Language – Closing and Handling Questions – Rubrics for Individual
Evaluation (Practice Sessions)
4. Exercises on Professional Etiquette and Communication
• Role-Play and Simulation- Introducing oneself and others, Greetings,
Apologies, Requests, Agreement & Disagreement….etc.
Dept. of ECE, JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (ES) (FT) w.e.f. 2015-16
• Telephone Etiquette
• Active Listening
• Group Discussions (Case study)- Group Discussion as a part of Selection
Procedure- Checklist of GDs
• Analysis of Selected Interviews (Objectives of Interview)
• Mock-Interviews (Practice Sessions)
• Job Application and Preparing Resume
• Process Writing (Technical Vocabulary) – Writing a Project Report-
5. Exercises on Ethics and Values
Introduction –– Types of Values - Personal, Social and Cultural Values -
Importance of Values in Various Contexts
• Significance of Modern and Professional Etiquette – Etiquette (Formal and
Informal Situations with Examples)
• Attitude, Good Manners and Work Culture (Live Examples)
• Social Skills - Dealing with the Challenged (Live Examples)
• Professional Responsibility – Adaptability (Live Examples)
• Corporate Expectations
) Note: Hand-outs are to be prepared and given to students.
) Training plan will be integrated in the syllabus.
) Topics mentioned in the syllabus are activity-based.
) The following software from ‘train2success.com’
o Preparing for being Interviewed
o Positive Thinking
o Interviewing Skills
o Telephone Skills
o Time Management
o Team Building
o Decision making
1. Alex, K. 2012. Soft Skills. S. Chand Publishers
2. Management Shapers. 2011. Collection of 28 Books by different Authors. Universities
3. Sherfield, Robert M. 2005. et al Cornerstone: Developing Soft Skills. Pearson
4. Suresh Kumar,E; Sreehari, P. & Savithri, J. 2011. Communication Skills and Soft Skills-
An Integrated Approach. New Delhi: Pearson
5. The ACE of Soft Skills by Gopalaswamy Ramesh & Mahadevan Ramesh. 2013. Pearson
Publishers. New Delhi.
6. Patnaik, P. 2011. Group Discussion and Interview Skills. New Delhi: Foundation
7. Sudhir Andrews. 2009. How to Succeed at Interviews. New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill
8. Sasikumar, V & Dhamija, P.V. 1993. Spoken English - A Self-Learning Guide to
Conversation Practice. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill
9. Dixson, Richard J. Everyday Dialogues in English. Prentice Hall India Pvt Ltd
10. Mukhopadhyay. L et al. 2012. Polyskills. New Delhi: CUP India Pvt Ltd
11. Rizvi, M. A. 2005. Effective Technical Communication. New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill
12. The Hindu Speaks on Education by the Hindu Newspaper
13. Naterop, B. Jean and Revell, Rod. 2004. Telephoning in English. Cambridge: CUP