The address that is obtained by the combination of the Row number and the Column alphabet is called
1. Worksheet
2. Cell
3. Workbox
4. Cell Address
5. Column Address
Answer: (4) Cell Address
Q 2. Where is the option for page border given in the MS Excel spreadsheet?
1. Home
2. Insert
3. Format
4. View
5. Page Border cannot be added in excel worksheet
Answer: (5) Page Border cannot be added in excel worksheet
1. Bar Graph
2. Column Chart
3. Pie Chart
4. Line Graph
5. Such charts cannot be created in Excel
Answer: (2) Column Chart
Q 5. There is an option to add comments in an Excel worksheet, what are the cells called in which comments
can be added?
1. Cell Tip
2. Comment Tip
3. Smart Tip
4. Point Tip
5. Query Tip
Answer: (1) Cell Tip
Q 6. Which of the following symbols needs to be added in the formula bar, before adding a formula?
1. *
2. $
3. %
4. +
5. =
Answer: (5) =
1. ctrl+H
2. F2
3. F1
4. shift+H
5. Alt+ctrl+home
Answer: (3) F1
1. By clicking on it
2. By pressing the arrow keys
3. By pressing Tab key
4. All of the above
5. None of the above
Answer: (4) All of the above
Ans. MS Excel is a spreadsheet program where one can record data in the form of tables. This gives the user a
more systematic display of data.
Ans. The main features of MS Excel include inserting a pivot table, sorting of tabulated data, adding formulas
to the sheet, and calculating large data.
Ans. Given below are the common calculations which can be done using MS Excel:
Maximum and Minimum
Ans. MS Excel comprises a spreadsheet is in the form of a table comprising rows and columns. The rectangular
box at the intersection point between rows and columns forms a cell.
2) It is made up of rows and columns and is used to arrange the data into rows and columns.
a) Page b) Document c) Worksheet d) None of these
(6) Wherever it is located in a cell within the worksheet, it is shown by block plus sign.
(a) Mouse Pointer b) Mouse Cursor c) Scroll bars d) Split box
(7) This helps to view the portion of the worksheet that is been displayed on the screen.
(a) View b) Show c) Display d) Scroll bars
(8) The buttons like Minimize, maximize and Close buttons on the Title bar are called as :
(a) Windows Control Buttons
b) Widows Handlers
c) Windows Controllers
d) None of these
(9) This are the set of symbols and values which are used to produce the result by doing some calculation
(a) Function
b) Data
c) Formula
d) All of the above.
(10) The files in MS Excel are saved with ………………………. File extensions,
(a) .docx
b) .pptx
c) .xlsx
d) .accdb
(11) It allows the user to re-organize the data in Excel worksheet.
(a) Copying
b) Moving
c) Editing
d) None of the above.
(13) It allows the user to remove the unwanted rows and columns from the worksheet.
(a) Copying
b) Moving
c) Editing
d) Deleting
(14) The short cut key combination is used to insert new sheet in the Excel workbook.
(a) Shift + F11 b) Shift + F9 c) Alt + Tab d) Shift + F2