File 5
File 5
File 5
(Examination Branch)
Bachelor of Business Administration
Reg. No. MO21BBAR010
Cr.: Credit; Max. : Maximum Mark; CE: Continuous Evaluation; ESE: End Semester Evaluation; GP : Grade Point;G: Grade;CP : Credit Point; P: Passed; F:Failed; X: Absent
GP =(Total mark /Total Max ) x 10; CP=Credit x GP; SGPA=Total CP/Total Credit of the Semester; OGPA=Total CP/Total Credit of the programme; Percentage = OGPA x 10
Grade Range 0.00 - 3.999 4.00 - 4.999 5.00 - 5.999 6.00 - 6.999 7.00 - 7.999 8.00 - 8.999 9.00 - 10.000
Grade F E D C B A A+
Class Fail Pass Second First Distinction
A candidate securing not less than 40% of aggregate marks of a course with not less than 40% marks in End Semester Evaluation
(ESE) shall be declared to have passed in that course. A minimum of grade point 4 with letter grade E is needed for the successful
completion of a course.
* Improvement ** Supplementary
Disclaimer: The office of the Examination Branch is not responsible for any inadvertent error that may have crept in the
information being published in the site. The details published are for immediate information of the Candidate and cannot be
treated as original document. The Grade Cards issued by the University should only be treated as final and authentic.