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Abstract- In this paper, we are concentrating about the role of Virtual Machine with Enviroment. virtual machine helps us to operate multiple
OS on the same hardware. At the same time.Virtual machine can support individual processes or complete system.Depending on the ab-
straction level where virtualization occurs. The Operating System actually running on the hardware is called host operating system and the
operating system running in the simulated enviroment is called guest operating system.
In this paper, we find that a few simple extension to a host os can make it a much faster platform for running a VM taking advantage of this
extension reduce virtualization overhead for a virtual machine to 14-35% overhead even for workloads that exercise the virtual machine
Keywords- Virtual machine, Host OS, Guest OS.
Citation: Kawade M.G. and Ballal A.S.(2012) A Role of virtual machine in operating system. Software Engineering, ISSN: 2229-4007 &
ISSN: 2229-4015, Volume 3, Issue 1, pp.-21-24.
Copyright: Copyright©2012 Kawade M.G.and Ballal A.S. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Com-
mons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and
source are credited.
Introduction of Operating System data stored on disks, tape drives, CD-ROMS, and external drives.
The software that controls the computer and how it uses its re-
sources is called the Operating System. This software manages Detects Problems and Equipment Failure-The operating sys-
and controls what happens in the computer operating system. The tem also is the maintenance mechanic of the system. It checks
operating system provides two main functions. The first function is the system for failures that will cause problems in processing.
managing the basic hardware operations. The control of input and Messages will appear on the screen when there is a problem.
output, storage space, detecting equipment failure, and manage- Sometimes operating systems will have built in messages for
ment of storage are just some of the responsibilities of the O/S or quick fixes to the problem, or will refer you to a resource to get
Operating System. The second function is managing and interact- more information. A typical message that one would see is
ing with the applications software. It takes over the tasks of print- “System Failure, or "Your computer has performed an illegal oper-
ing and saving data. To provide an environment for a computer ation". When the computer is turned on, the computer checks all
user to execute programs. of the storage devices. You can see the system being checked by
the lights going off and on at the various drive locations. If the
Basic Functions of Operating System computer cannot do a self fix, it will not let you continue working.
Manage Storage Space-The operating system stores data at Traffic Controller-The operating system is also in charge of the
some location on disk. It knows where to go to retrieve data when data that is coming into the computer and going out of the com-
it is needed. It uses the filing cabinet system to keep track of the puter. It directs the flow of data to and from the external devices
Software Engineering
ISSN: 2229-4007 & ISSN: 2229-4015, Volume 3, Issue 1, 2012
Bioinfo Publications 21
A Role of virtual machine in operating system
and also takes care of control routing information along the bus to (OS).Multiple OS environments can co-exist on the same comput-
be processed by the processor. er, in strong isolation from each other. The virtual machine can
provide (ISA) that is somewhat different from that of the real ma-
System Resource Manager- What is the system resource? Well chine. Application provisioning, maintenance, high availability and
any hardware or part of the computer used by the computer pro- disaster recovery.
gram is considered a system resource. (Talk about using some-
one.) The memory, disk drive, external devices, etc. are all Process virtual machines
"mothered" by the operating system. The O/S "allocates" or makes A process virtual machine is designed to run a single program,
sure that enough space is there for the computer program to oper- which means that it supports a single process. Its purpose is to
ate, allocates, time for each program to work, and also keeps the provide a platform-independent programming environment that
processor going after each instruction. Almost like a teacher abstracts away details of the underlying hardware or operating
standing over you to make sure you finish a problem. system, and allows a program to execute in the same way on any
Multitasking- Multitasking is the ability to run more than one pro-
gram at a time. (You will find this feature in the Windows Operat-
ing System.) Multitasking will allow either the individual to work on
more than one program at a time, or allow more than one user to
share information and processing of the information. The O/S
manages this operation.
Virtual Memory
A Virtual Memory has the advantage of allowing more processes
to run than the allowed memory size. This is achieved by only
including parts of processes that are necessary to run in memory
and the rest on disk. The absolute minimum part of a process that Fig.2- Virtual-machine structures.
must always be in memory is called its working set. Usually, a
program doesn't need to have its entire binary file in memory to A virtual-machine monitor is a software layer that runs on a host
run when it is performing a task that only uses part of its file. What platform and provides an abstraction of a complete computer sys-
this means is that, say, a 16MB program could happily run on a tem to higher-level software. The software running above the virtu-
machine with only 4MB of memory. al-machine abstraction is called guest software (operating system
and applications).
Virtual Machine
A virtual machine is a completely isolated guest operating system Our goal for this paper is to examine and reduce the performance
installation within a normal host operating system. Virtual Machine overhead associated with running a VMM on a host operating
Operating System creates illusion of multiple processors each system. Building it on a standard Linux host operating system
capable of executing independently. Virtual machines are separat- leads to an order of magnitude performance degradation com-
ed into two major categories, based on their use and degree of pared to running outside a virtual machine (a standalone system).
correspondence to any real machine. However, we find that a few simple extensions to the host operat-
ing system reduces virtualization overhead to 14-35% overhead,
System virtual machines which is comparable to the speed of virtual machines that run
A system virtual machine provides a complete system platform directly on the hardware.
which supports the execution of a complete operating system
Software Engineering
ISSN: 2229-4007 & ISSN: 2229-4015, Volume 3, Issue 1, 2012
Bioinfo Publications 22
Kawade M.G. and Ballal A.S.
Software Engineering
ISSN: 2229-4007 & ISSN: 2229-4015, Volume 3, Issue 1, 2012
Bioinfo Publications 23
A Role of virtual machine in operating system
Application programming interface and have a copy of the VM on both. This would give you even
The API gives a program access to the hardware resources and more business continuity, should something happen to the server.
services available in a system through the user ISA (interface 4)
supplemented with high-level language (HLL) library calls Save Legacy Systems- Offices and data centers often have an
(interface 1). Any system calls are usually performed through old box around that just can’t be mucked with. There’s additional
libraries. Using an API enables application software to be ported software you can use to do what’s called a P2V switch, a physical-
easily, through recompilation, to other systems that support the to-virtual conversion, where the old box’s “image” gets copied
same API. onto the virtual machine files, and thus, gives you a hopefully-
operational clone of the old grandpa box in the corner.
1. Multiple OS environments can exist simultaneously on the Conclusion and Future Work
same machine, isolated from each other. In the future, there can be reduction in the size of the host operat-
2. Virtual machine can offer an instruction set architecture that ing system used to support a VMM. Much of the code in the host
differs from real computer's. OS can be eliminated, because the VMM uses only a small num-
3. Easy maintenance, application provisioning, availability and- ber of system calls and abstractions in the host OS. Reducing the
convenient recovery. code size of the host OS will help make VM a fast and trusted
base for future virtual-machine services.
Disadvantages In this presentation we examine Virtual Machine on the basis of
1. Virtual machine is not that efficient as a real one when ac- operating system. We study how there is actual working between
cessing the hardware. Operating system and virtual machine and how we can access
2. When multiple virtual machines are simultaneously running on multiple operating system on same hardware.
a host computer, each virtual machine may introduce an un-
stable performance, which depends on the workload on the References
system by other running virtual machines. [1] The Bell Syst. Tech. J. (1978) 57, 6.
3. The host OS required a separate host user process to control [2] Bourne S.R. (1978) The Bell Syst. Tech. J. 57(6), 1971-1990.
the main guest-machine process, and this generated a large [3] Hall D., Scherrer D. and Sventek J., The software tools pro-
number of host context switches. grammers manual.
[4] Brinch Hansen P. (1973) Operating System Principles.
Applications [5] Kernighan. Software Practice and Experience, 5 (4), 395-406.
Try new operating systems- If you want to try a new OS on [6] Kernighan B., and Plauger P. (1976) Software Tools.
same hardware. Put together a VM and build Ubuntu on it. Sud- [7] Scherrer D. Instructions for implementing the LBL software
denly, you can launch and try dozens of operating systems with- tools package.
out much hassle. [8] Richards. (1971) Software-Practice and Experience, 1 (2), 135
Test your software- When we create new software like web ap-
plication, application program etc. we can test that software on
different OS by using the VMware. Weather the software run effi-
ciently on different OS or not.
Software Engineering
ISSN: 2229-4007 & ISSN: 2229-4015, Volume 3, Issue 1, 2012
Bioinfo Publications 24