Chapter Immunity Mcqs by Study Corner
Chapter Immunity Mcqs by Study Corner
Chapter Immunity Mcqs by Study Corner
a) Skin b) Mucus
c) Cilia d) macrophages
13) Which one of the following is first line of defence D Hydrochloric acid
a) Macrophages b) Neutrophils
c) Natural killer cells d) Hydrochloric acid
14) The largest organ of integumentary system C Skin
a) Mounth b) Stomach
c) Skin d) Liver
15) Skin provides D All of these
a) Insulation
b) temperature regulation
c) sensation d) all of these
16) Our first line of defense in nonspecific and D All of these
a) Structures b) Chemicals
c) Processes d) All of these
17) Skin, mucus membrane of respiratory, digestive, A First line of defense
urinary and reproductive systems are
a) First lline of defence
b) Second line of defence
c) Third line of defence
d) Non of these
Physicall and chemical B Epidermis and dermis
c) Remains normal
d) Does not increase any more
66) The main symptom/s of the inflammatory D All of these
response are
a) Color change b) Loss of function
c) Pain d) All of these
67) The main symptom/s of the inflammatory respose D All of these
a) Pain b) Redness
c) Inflammation d) All of these
68) A Pyrexia (fever)
Pyrexia and
The elevation of body temperature above the
normal range is called
a) Pyrexia b) Cephalagia
c) Head ache d) Hepatitis
69) Pyrexia may cause by abnormality C Both of these
a) on the brain b) by toxic substance
c) both a and b d) non of these
70) The temperature of body is regulated normally by c Nervous feedback mechanisms
a) Brain b) Spinal cord
c) Nervous feedback mechanism
d) Non of these
71) The temperature regulating center is located in C Hypothalamus
a) Mid brain b) Hind brain
c) Hyphothalamus d) All of these
72) Substance which may cause “set point” of the A Pyrogens
hypothalamus thermostat to rise is called
a) Pyrogens b) Pyrexia
c) Allergen d) Virus
73) A pyrogens may be break down products of C Both of these
a) Protein
b) lipololysaccharides toxins(LPS or endotoxin)
secreted by bacteria
c) both a and b d) pollen grains
74) Pyrogen if injected to animal, it can cause fever if A Few nanogram (one-billionth)
they are as little as
a) Few nangram b) Few kilo gram
c) Few gram d) Few mega gram
75) Pyrogens are produced by many microorganism D All of these
a) Bacteria b) Yeast
c) Moulds d) All of these
76) The body’s natural way of depending itself is B Fever
a) Headache b) Fever
c) Allergen d) Non of these
77) The normal temperature of human is A 37.8o C (100 oF)
o o
a) 37.8 C b) 35.8 C
o o
c) 36.8 C d) 98.0 C
78) Which one of the following is not benefit of fever D Non of these
a) More WBCs produced
b) More interferon produced
c) Walling of iron on which bacteria feed on
d) Non of these
Third Line of defence A Bone marrow
a. Active immunity
b. Natural active immunity
c. Passive immunity
d. Vaccination
93) A person got an infection, he became ill but then
he survived. What do you think which type of
immunity he would have developed? MDCAT
a. Naturally induced active immunity
b. Artificially induced active immunity
c. Active immunity
d. Passive immunity
94) Vaccination can be done against NUMS 2015 C
a Bacterial diseases only
b Viral disease only
c Both viral and bacterial
d All type of disease causing organisms
95) Diphtheria vaccines is an example of: ETEA B Diphtheria vaccine is a toxoid vaccine, which means
2019 it uses a toxin made by the disease-causing
a) Inactivated vaccine b) toxoid vaccine microorganism that has been inactivated or
c) subunit vaccine d) live, attenuated weakened to elicit an immune response without
vaccine. causing the disease
96) B.C.G vaccines are usually given to: A
[ETEA 2012]
A) Children
b) Adults
c) Special persons
d) All of the above
97) Which one of the following is short time immunity D Passive immunity
a) Innate immunity b) Natural immunity
c) Acive immunity d) Passive immunity
98) The innate immunity is inherited from mother C Placenta
to offspring through
a) Blood b) Nerve cells
c) Placenta d) All of these
99) Which one of the following is temperory A Influenza
a) Influenza b) Measles
c) Mumps d) Polio
100) Which one of the following may cause D All of these
permanent immunity
a) Small pox b) Mumps
c) Polio d) All of these
101) Choose the corresponding nature to sabin and B Live, killed
salk vaccine against polia
a) Iive, live b) Live, killed
c) Killed, live d) Killed, killed
102) Active immunity is developed by three ways D All of these
a) By disease
b) By clinical infection
c) By killed icroorganisms
d) All of these
103) Antibodies in a mother’s breast milk provide a D Passive immunity
baby with temporary immunity which is
a) Innate immunity b) Natural immunity
c) Acive immunity d) Passive immunity
104) Body is made vaccine or resistant to infection D Immunization
diseases, typically by the administration of a
vaccine is called
A) Innate immunity B) Natural immunity
C) Acive immunity D) Immunization
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105) The word vaccination or vaccine had been evolved A Virus for cowpox
from “vacca” which means cowpus, which contain
a) Virus for cowpox
b) Virus for smallfox
c) Bacteria for cowpox
d) Bacteria for smallpox
106) The cowpox and small fox virus are very similar B In structure
a) In nature b) In structure
c) In function d) In reproduction
107) If human body is exposed to cowpox virus, the B Against smallpox
body acquired immunization
a) Against cowpox
b) Against smallpox
c) Against small fox and cowpox
d) Non of these
108) Immune-biological substances which produce B Vaccine
specific protein against a given disease is
definition of
a) Virus b) Vaccine
c) Medicine d) Immunization
109) Vaccine may be prepared from D Combination of these
a) live modified organisms
b) Inactivated or killed organisms
c) Extracted cellular fractions toxoids
d) Combination of these
Specific defense mechanisms B Antibodies, or immunoglobulins, are made up of
four polypeptide chains: two identical heavy chains
(B,T,Antibody) and two identical light chains, linked by disulfide
Antibodies consists of polypeptide chains bonds.
a) 2 b)4 c) 6 d) 8
111) Which is not a mode of action of an antibody? C Antibodies can neutralize antigens, precipitate
NUMS 2022 them, or enhance phagocytosis. However, secreting
a. Neutralizing an antigen cytokines is a function of immune cells like T cells,
b. Precipitating an antigen not antibodies.
c. Secreting cytokline
d. Enhancing phagtocytosis
112) Anti bodies are produced by: [ETEA C
a) red blood cells b) platelets
c) B-lymphocytes d) Hormones
113) Autoimmune disease act at the principle of C
MDCAT 2020
a) Self against antigens
b) Antigens against self
c) Self against self
d) Antigens self-destroyed
114) Antibodies are manufactured in MDCAT D
a) T lymphocytes b) Red Blood Cells
c) Platelets d B Lymphocytes
115) In ________ response, -cells produce plasma C Humoral
cells that synthesize antibodies and release in
blood plasma and tissue fluid. MDCAT 2015
a) Cell-mediated b) Hormonal
c) Humoral d) phototactic
116) The antibody molecule consists of ___________ B Four
polypeptide chains MDCAT 2017
a) Eight b) Four
c) Six d) Two
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10 Biology – Bank of MCQS
117) ____________ cells survive for a few days and D Plasma cells
secrete a huge no of antibodies in blood, tissue
fluids or lymph. MDCAT 2017
a) Memory cells b) B-lymphocytes
c) T-lymphocytes d) Plasma cells
118) Antibodies are NUMS 2019 D
a Primary protein s b Secondary protein s
c Tertiary proteins d Quaternary protein
119) Antibodies are not present in...? FMDC 2012 D
A. Blood B. Lymph
C. Plasma D. Saliva
120) Antibodies are manufactured in: ETEA 2020 d B lymphocytes (B cells) are responsible for
a) T lymphocytes b) Red Blood Cells producing antibodies, which are proteins that
c) Platelets d B Lymphocytes specifically target and neutralize foreign antigens,
such as bacteria and viruses, as part of the immune
121) Response of body against the transplanted organ D Cell-mediated response
is MDCAT 2015
a. Homeostatic response
b) Behavioral response
c) Primary response
d) Cell-mediated response
122) Cells which kills cells that display foreign B
motifs on their surface are; ETEA 2019-
a platelets b cytotoxic t-cells
c antigens d red blood cells
123) Blood cells are produced by: [ETEA c
a) Liver b) Spleen
c) Bone marrow d) Heart
124) Increased production of RBCs is called: B
[ETEA 2010]
a) Leukaemia b) Polycythemia
c) Edema d) Anemia
125) The cells which play very important in C
developing immunity are MDCAT 2020
a) Monocytes b) neutrophils
c) lymphocytes d) thrombocytes
126) b-lymphocytes are named due to their B bursa of fabricius
relationship with MDCAT 2015
a) blood b) bursa of fabricius
c) bone marrow d) bile duct
127) Blood group antigen contains MDCAT A Glycoproteins
a) Glycoproteins b) Phospholipids
c) Clycolipids d) Sphingolipids
128) Which of the following statement is true A Absence of nucleus
about red blood cells in circulatory fluid of
humans? MDCAT 2018
a) Absence of nucleus
b) Destroyed in stomach
c) Presence of nucleus
d) 220 days life span
129) Cell mediated immune response consist of A T-cells
a) T-cells b) B-cells
c) B cells and T cells d) Non of these