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RTP Ro Las Eapp q2 Melc 2

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English for Academic &

Professional Purposes
Activity Sheet
Quarter 2 – MELC 2
Citing Arguments
Sources to Support


English for Academic & Professional Purposes
Activity Sheet No. 2
First Edition, 2020

Published in the Philippines

By the Department of Education
Region 6 – Western Visayas

Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in
any work of the Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the
government agency or office wherein the work is created shall be necessary for
exploitation of such work for profit. Such agency or office may, among other things,
impose as a condition the payment of royalties.

This Learning Activity Sheet is developed by DepEd Region 6 – Western


ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this learning resource may be

reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical
without written permission from the DepEd Regional Office 6 – Western Visayas.

Development Team of English for Academic & Professional

Purposes Activity Sheet

Writer: Marivir R. Flores

Editor: Alpha Mae Guane
Schools Division Quality Assurance Team:
Marivir R. Flores
Margie Piamonte
Kent Charles G. Arnibal
Division of Sipalay City Management Team:
Renato T. Ballesteros
Regie B. Sama
Ronie T. Tababa
Annamor M. Eleccion
Noeme F. Luces
Key M. Espada
Regional Management Team:
Ma. Gemma M. Ledesma
Dr. Josilyn S. Solana
Dr. Elena P. Gonzaga
Donald T. Genine
Nestor Paul Pingil

Introductory Message
Welcome to English for Academic & Professional Purposes 11/12!

The Learning Activity Sheet is a product of the collaborative efforts of the

Schools Division of Sipalay City and DepEd Regional Office VI - Western Visayas
through the Curriculum and Learning Management Division (CLMD). This is
developed to guide the learning facilitators (teachers, parents and responsible
adults) in helping the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Basic
Education Curriculum.

The Learning Activity Sheet is self-directed instructional materials aimed

to guide the learners in accomplishing activities at their own pace and time using
the contextualized resources in the community. This will also assist the learners in
acquiring the lifelong learning skills, knowledge and attitudes for productivity and

For learning facilitator:

The English for Academic & Professional Purposes

Activity Sheet will help you facilitate the leaching-learning activities
specified in each Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC) with
minimal or no face-to-face encounter between you and learner. This
will be made available to the learners with the references/links to
ease the independent learning.

For the learner:

The English for Academic and Professional Purposes

Activity Sheet is developed to help you continue learning even if you
are not in school. This learning material provides you with meaningful
and engaging activities for independent learning. Being an active
learner, carefully read and understand the instructions then perform
the activities and answer the assessments. This will be returned to
your facilitator on the agreed schedule.

Quarter 2, Week 2

Learning Activity Sheets (LAS) No. ____

Name of Learner: ___________________________ Grade and Section:_______


English for Academic & Professional Purposes

Citing Sources to Support Arguments

I. Learning Competency with Code

Defends a stand on an issue by presenting reasonable arguments
supported by properly cited factual evidence

II. Background Information for Learners

Arguments articulate a writer’s claim. This claim requires him to

defend through good reasoning supported by plenty of research and
reliable source that lend credibility to his work.

Claims can be supported by facts, statistics and quotations from

recognized authorities and some other types of evidence.

Citing and documenting sources properly are among the skills

the students should be concerned of before they engage themselves in
writing. After all, any source of intellectual property should be

Further, a citation is essential for the following reasons:

⮚ It allows readers to locate the materials you used.
⮚ It demonstrates that you have conducted a thorough review of the
literature on your topic
⮚ It will be used to reinforce your arguments
⮚ It will be used to explain the reasons for alternative approaches
⮚ It will either bolster or challenged your argument
⮚ It will refrain you from violating the Intellectual Property Rights

Citation is the means by which you credit other researchers and

writers when you use their work in your papers.

Plagiarism is using someone else’s work or ideas as your own

with or without their consent by incorporating it into your work without full

Common in today’s documentation style is In-Text Citation

which includes two formats: The Parenthetical Citation and Narrative
Citations found both in the Modern Language Association (MLA) author-
page related method and the American Psychological Association (APA)
author-year method.

In Parenthetical Citations, the reference data appears in parentheses.

While in Narrative Citations, the author’s name is incorporated in the text
As part of the sentence and the year or page number follows in
Each citation and documentation vary in style according to format, manner of
citation and source of material used. Study and observe the summarized
descriptive comparison of MLA and APA.
Sources MLA APA
⮚ Give the author’s last ⮚ (Include author’s name,
name in the text of your year/date and page
paper and indicate the number and place
page numbers in quotation marks around
Citing for a parenthesis following the direct quote when
Direct Quote the borrowed material. available)

Example: (Parenthetical Example: (Parenthetical

Citations) Citations)

The study stressed that “In One study found that, “In today’s
today’s age, social networking age, social networking sites as
sites as venues for public venues for public discourse is
discourse is undeniable” undeniable” (Gomez, n. d., p.61)
(Gomez 61). Author’s
Author’s name & page Name page #
number inside the parentheses. n. d. (no date)
⮚ When author is part of the
Example: narrative
C itations) Example: (Narrative Citations)
Author’s name followed by
year in parenthesis
incorporated in a text
Gomez (n. d.) found that in
Author’s Last name today’s age, social networking
incorporated in the text site as venues for public
Gomez stressed that social discourse is undeniable.
networking sites as venues
for public discourse is
undeniable (61). Page number
⮚ Use the author’s last ⮚ Cite web pages in text as
name and the page you would with any other
number from which the source, using the author
Web Pages quotation or paraphrase and date if known in
was taken in parentheses.
Example: Example:
More than 300 million people More than 300 million people
worldwide are affected by worldwide are affected by
depression (Guane 202). depression (Guane,2018).
Author-page Author-year

⮚ If the source does not ⮚ Keep in mind that the

use the page numbers, author may be an
do not include a organization rather than a
number in citation. person
Example: More than 300 million people
More than 300 million people worldwide are affected by
worldwide are affected by depression (World
depression (Guane). Health Organization, 2018).
Author’s name year
only; no page number Organizational author

A Work by Give both names separated by ⮚ Always cite both authors'

Two Authors the word and when including names in-text every time
the names in the text of a you reference them and
sentence or in parentheses and the date
the page number
both authors were cited
Both authors were cited separated Johnson and Smith (2009) found
by “and” that more than 300 million people
worldwide are affected by
Wilson and Schlosser state that depression.
more than 300 million people
worldwide are affected by
depression (47). Page number

More than 300 million people More than 300 million people
worldwide are affected by worldwide are affected by
depression (Wilson and depression (Johnson & Smith,
Schlosser 47). 2009)
Author’s name separated by “&”
Author’s name separated followed by a comma and year
by “and” followed by page number inside the parentheses following the
inside the parenthesis following text cited
the text cited.
Observe how MLA and APA differ in citing work with two authors
Three or ⮚ When mentioning the ⮚ Provide all the authors' last
more authors authors in the text, give names when you first refer
all of the authors' names to a document with 3-5
or list the first author and authors.
write "and others".
Example: List of author’s last names for first
Author’s name “and others” Jones, Chavez, Jackson, and
Chen (2010) reported that more
James and others claim that than 300 million people
more than 300 million people worldwide are affected by
worldwide are affected by depression.
depression (157). page number
⮚ Only list the first author
⮚ For the parenthetical with the Latin abbreviation
citation and Works Cited "et al." for any subsequent
citation, give the first references
author's name followed
by et al. Example:
First author last name with “et al”
referring to other authors of same
More than 300 million people work for the subsequent referencing
worldwide are affected by Jones et al. (2010) further
depression (James et al. 157). stressed that more than 300
Author’s name million people worldwide are
followed by “et al” referring to affected by depression.
other authors of same work in
parenthetical citation.

III. Accompanying DepEd Textbook and Educational Sites

To help deepen your understanding of the lesson, you may check out the
following links:

Dapat, J.O. (2016). Applied English for Academic & Professional Services.
Manila: JFS Publishing Services

Research Guides: Identifying Parts of a Citation: Why Citing Sources is

Important. Retrieved from https://guides.library.unk.edu/c.php?

APA Format Citation Guide. Retrieved from


MLA Citation Style Guide: parenthetical Citation. Retrieved from


APA Quick Citation Guide. Retrieved from


APA Citation Style Guide: Parenthetical (In-Text) References. Retrieved
from https://liu.cwp.libguides.com/APAstyle/parenthetical

How do I cite a source with multiple authors in MLA style (in-text)?

Retrieved from

IV. Activity Proper

Day 1: Citing Sources in MLA Format

1. Activities/ Exercises
Directions: Using MLA format, cite the following text in Parenthetical
Citations and Narrative Citations.

1. “Chinese government ensures that only the richest of the rich in the
could afford to have a car.”- Villa, 21
Parenthetical Citations: _________________________________________
Narrative Citations: _________________________________________

2. “Traffic jam is an ordinary scene in Metro Manila.”-Salazar; Villa 287

Parenthetical Citations: _________________________________________
Narrative Citations: __________________________________________

3. “Knowledge in various subjects and current issues benefits a student in

many ways.”- Guane, Sumugat, Austero 220
Parenthetical Citations: ________________________________________
Narrative Citations: ________________________________________

4. “Teaching is a love shared to create a ripple effect in knowledge,

skills, and moral responsibility and commitment for the common
good.”-The Reaper Organization 101
Parenthetical Citations: _________________________________________
Narrative Citations: ____________________________________________

5. “Wealth grows wherever men exert energy.”-Constantino

Parenthetical Citations: _________________________________________
Narrative Citations: ____________________________________________

2. Guide Questions
1. What Citation Method did you use in the activity?
2. What is MLA? Describe.
3. What are the commonly used citation styles used today?
4. How does Parenthetical Citation differ from Narrative Citation in
MLA Format?
5. Which documentation style refers to Parenthetical and Narrative

Day 2, Citing Sources in APA Format

1. Activities/ Exercises
Directions: Using APA format, cite the following text in Parenthetical
Citations and Narrative Citations.

1. “Chinese government ensures that only the richest of the rich could afford
to have a car.”- Villa, 2001
Parenthetical Citations: _________________________________________
Narrative Citations: _________________________________________

2. “Traffic jam is an ordinary scene in Metro Manila.”-Salazar; Villa 2017

Parenthetical Citations: _______________________________________
Narrative Citations: ________________________________________

3. “Knowledge in various subjects and current issues benefits a student in

many ways.”- Guane, Sumugat, Austero 2018
Parenthetical Citations: ______________________________________
Narrative Citations: ______________________________________

4. “Teaching is a love shared to create a ripple effect in knowledge,

skills, and moral responsibility and commitment for the common
good.”-The Reaper Organization 2010
Parenthetical Citations: ________________________________________
Narrative Citations: ____________________________________________

5. “Wealth grows wherever men exert energy.”-Constantino

Parenthetical Citations: ________________________________________
Narrative Citations: ____________________________________________

2. Guide Questions
1. What Citation Method did you use in the activity?
2. What is APA? Describe.
3. How does Parenthetical Citation differ from Narrative Citation in
APA Format?

V. Reflection (Provide Guide Questions)

1. What have you learned from the activities you have done?
2. Which part or concept of the lesson you find hard to understand?
3. What activity can you suggest that would help your teacher help you with
your learning?

VI. Answer Key

Day 1
Activity Proper
Parenthetical Citations: Recent study claims that “Chinese government ensures that only the richest of the
rich in the country could afford to have a car” (Villa 21).
Narrative Citations: Villa claims that Chinese government ensures that only the richest of the rich in the
country could afford to have a car (21).

Parenthetical Citations: Traffic jam is an ordinary scene in Metro Manila (Salazar and Villa 287).
Narrative Citations: Salazar and Villa state that traffic jam is an ordinary scene in Metro Manila (287).

Parenthetical Citations: Knowledge in various subjects and current issues benefits a student in many
ways (Guane et al. 220)
Narrative Citations: Guane and others claim that knowledge in various subjects and current issues benefits
a student in many ways (220).

Parenthetical Citations: Teaching is a love shared to create a ripple effect in knowledge, skills,
and moral responsibility and commitment for the common good (The Reaper Organization
Narrative Citations: The Reaper Organization stressed that teaching is a love shared to create a
ripple effect in knowledge, skills, and moral responsibility and commitment for the common
good (101).

Day 1
Guide Questions:
1. MLA or Modern Language Association Method was used in the activity.
2. MLA stands for Modern Language Association. It is an Author-Page Method.
3. The commonly used citations today are Parenthetical Citations and Narrative Citations.
4. Parenthetical Citations differs in Narrative Citations in the positioning of the source data. In parenthetical
citation, the reference data are enclosed in parenthesis while in narrative citations, the reference source or
the author is incorporated in the text and the page number is placed after the borrowed text in parentheses.
5. In- Text Citations

Day 2 Activity Proper

Parenthetical Citations: Recent study claims that “Chinese government ensures that only the richest of the
rich in the country could afford to have a car” (Villa, 2001).
Narrative Citations: Villa (2001) claims that Chinese government ensures that only the richest of the rich in
the country could afford to have a car.
Parenthetical Citations: Traffic jam is an ordinary scene in Metro Manila (Salazar & Villa, 2017).
Narrative Citations: Salazar and Villa (2017) state that traffic jam is an ordinary scene in Metro Manila.

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