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Grade 12 Microsoft Access Lesson Plan

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SCHOOL: Sedaven High School

EDUCATOR: Miss N.P Ndaba

SUBJECT: Computer Applications Technology

TERM: Three


PHASE: Further Education & Training


CAPS TOPIC: Solution Development: Access

STRAND: Database Revision (Theory & Practical)

DURATION: 40 minutes


DATE: 07 September 2022


By the end of this lesson, learners should be able to:

➢ Make editions to the table they will be working on,

➢ Generate forms,
➢ Create queries, and
➢ Create reports.

AIMS FROM THE CAPS DOCUMENT: Learners should be able to:

➢ Gather, examine, coordinate and critically evaluate information given to work

➢ Acquire and apply knowledge and skills in ways that are meaningful to their
own lives

Department of Education (2012) CAPS: Computer Applications Technology

WHO? (Situation analysis)

The teacher:

Miss Nqobile Ndaba, is an education student in the University of Johannesburg,

currently enrolling in third year of study. I major in English and ICT School Support
which is associated with Computer Applications Technology (CAT) on a school level.
I am friendly which reckon that I am easily approachable by learners and colleagues.
I enjoy spending time in the classroom observing the environment the leaners are
studying in, witness how they engage with their teachers, preferential of the teaching
methods they find interesting as well as engage with & assist them to improve in their
studies. My native language is SiSwati, but I am also able to speak, read & write
assured English, IsiZulu, IsiXhosa and Sotho.

The learners:

The total number of learners at Sedaven High school is less than a hundred. However,
the total number of learners in the grade 12 classroom doing the CAT subject is eight,
which is five girls and three boys. The social status of these learners is well-established
because they pay huge amount of fees for the education they receive in the school.
Two of them reside in the school dormitories, five of them are using a scholar transport
and one is using own vehicle to & from the school. This means they are barely late for
their classes because they do not live far from the school. They communicate in
English as both the school medium language and home language which makes it
constructive to converse with and teach them in a language they all fluently grasp.
Additionally, two of these learners do not originate in Heidelberg, one is from DRC and
the other from Malawi (the dorm borders). One girl wears spectacle to aid her sight.

WHERE? (Still the situation context continued, includes the location and
facilities related)

The lesson will take place at Sedaven High school in an out-skirted area in Heidelberg,
Gauteng. Precisely, the accurate setting for this lesson is the Computer Laboratory
where each learner is assigned to own computer to practice/work on. The lab is
enhancing conducive learning because it has air-conditioners during this hot-weather
season. The laboratory is located upstairs, a few steps away from other classes which
is ideal enough to work peacefully without noise disturbance from neighbouring
classrooms where other lessons are occurring.

WHEN? (Situation analysis…focused on time, and date allocation)

The lesson will take place on day, Wednesday, the 7th of September 2022. The
duration of this lesson is 40 minutes; therefore, it will occur in the second period in the
morning at 08h00 – 08h40 during the first CAT period. The learners are expected to
be in the computer laboratory at least three minutes before the lesson commences.

SPECIFIC CONTENT OF THE LESSON: (Also attach a separate list of sources

from which you obtained the content).

WHAT? (Lesson content and CAPS requirements). THE TEACHER’S LESSON


The learners will acquire:

Knowledge: Skills: Values:

➢ To design forms in the ➢ Formulate queries and ➢ Values and attitude

application reports from provided to be able to apply
document these skills to real-
life problems
(affective domain)

➢ Know the functioning of ➢ Understand the basic

Microsoft Access, be skills about the
familiar with the built-in functioning of Microsoft
categories of the software Access (cognitive
application. domain)
➢ Knowledge of organizing ➢ Develop skills to create
data in database own tables, queries,
(cognitive) forms, and reports
(psychomotor domain)

TEACHING MEDIA REQUIRED: (Specific books, readers, textbooks and so on).

➢ Teacher’s laptop
➢ Projector
➢ Computers with Microsoft Access
➢ Computer Application Grade 12 – Focus Textbook

INVITATION PHASE (Introduction to the lesson)

Teacher’s activities: Learner’s activities:

➢ The teacher will open floor for the ➢ The learners will share their
learners to share their prior existing knowledge of the
knowledge of Microsoft Access, application.
from instances they have had an
encounter with it.
➢ The teacher will open the ➢ Learners need to open the
document to work on for revision document we will practice on from
and open her PowerPoint slides to their computers named:
present the lesson. Week Weathing2grd12.mdb

Possible questions: Possible answers:
➢ Will ask learners to give examples ➢ Learners may answer that
of where else the application Microsoft Access or Database can
Access can be used in real life be used in retail stores e.g., Pick
issues? n’ Pay, Edgars to sort and manage
stockings, payments etc.
➢ Can be used in medical
institutions to store information of
patients, medications etc.
➢ Ask learners to remind us of the ➢ Tables, Queries, Forms, and
main components to know when Reports.
working on Microsoft Access?

HOW? (List of the teaching strategies to use in the lesson)

• Teaching strategies legible for this lesson are:

➢ Direct instruction (oral presenting) – allows for question and answer
➢ Lab work
➢ Practice
➢ Demonstration


Teacher Activities: Learner Activities:

➢ The teacher will be more direct to ➢ The learners will listen carefully
instruction and explain that and engage with the teacher by
Microsoft Access is a Database asking questions where they are
Management System offered by unclear
Microsoft. MS-Access will enable
end-users to link to data in its
existing location and use it for
viewing, updating, querying, and

➢ Databases consist of four

components that work together as
one unit.
The components are the following:
➢ Table: The table is used to place
all necessary information in it.
From the table content a person
can access information as

➢ Queries: Queries are used when

a person only wants to select
specific information on the data
that is placed inside the table.

➢ Reports: Reports are used when

a person wants to display certain
information in a professional

➢ Form: A form is created for a

person to enter the necessary
data; this data will then be written
to the table created in the
➢ If again time is still available, they
• Questions will be asked for will discuss, identify these
much clearance and components from the opened
understanding document.

• Answers will be provided in

conversation with the teacher

“Communication is the key in helping learners come up with solutions to problems” (Gordon’s
Classroom Philosophy).
going to be assessed in the lesson)


Diagnostic: Assesses the learner’s strengths, weaknesses, knowledge, and skills prior the actual
lesson. This will happen when the teacher asks the learners to give their existing knowledge about
what they already know about Microsoft Access or Database.
Baseline: Assessment that measures the learner’s abilities and potential. This will occur in the
lesson during the engagement phase, the teacher will monitor each learner to practice on the sheets
they are working on in class.
Oral: It is the direct assessment of the learner’s outcomes by questioning them, this will take place
throughout the lesson.

The type of assessment tools that will occur in this lesson will be:

➢ Observation
➢ Questioning

SUMMARY AND INTERGRATION: (How will the lesson be concluded)

Teacher activities: Learner activities:

➢ The teacher will ask any learner to ➢ Any two learners may volunteer to
volunteer to summarise the summarise the lesson content
lesson or what has just been
➢ Will open floor for learners to ask ➢ Raise their questions wherever
any questions regarding the they are unclear.
content or any other queries Possible questions:
related to this content. ➢ Please show us how to do a Mail
Additional resources: Merge in database
YouTube video made available for
learners to watch during their spare time:
May ask other questions such as: ➢ Learner’s answers to these
1. Did you find the revision question may vary on acceptable
interesting or not, how would you conditions.
prefer a teacher to deliver a new
content next time?
2. Has this revision helped you ➢ Learners may even ask the
enough to be able to excel in teacher to make available other
your upcoming examination? previous question papers for
3. Lastly, the teacher will urge exercising or practicing during
learner to revisit some of the their spare time.
contents related to Microsoft
Access to fully prepare for their


Physical (Mobility)
Psychological (Depression, anxiety, stress etc)
Socio-economic (poverty, unemployment, affordability and so on)
Neurological (ADHD, epilepsy, spelling, reading, sight, writing, language, speech


• Neurological: Learners with different learning disorders can ask for help from
their educators. In this lesson, there is only one learner that has an impaired
vision, so I can always ask the learner to be seated wherever she is comfortable
in the laboratory, in an angle where she can get a clearer vision of what is
demonstrated on the projector’s screen. To be precisely inclusive, I make use
of bright coloured fonts on dark- backgrounded colour for my slides which is
appropriate to

• Psychological: For psychological barriers, the school is an Adventist school,

they practice their values daily like praying every morning before lessons.
Additionally, the school has a pastor for the learner’s psychological issues, they
can always make consultations with the pastor for counselling on specific
issues they encounter. This has however, alarmed the teachers to pay close
attention to their learners in class who may indicate such factors as anxiety,
depression and so forth. Teachers have taken it with them that if ever they can
no longer offer the right help for a learner’s psychological matter, they search
and recommend specialists who can offer them appropriate help in the
education department.


• After this lesson has taken place, I realised that it is important to make
impressive introductions and conclusions in the lesson to get the learners’
attention and keep track of their concentration throughout the lesson.
• Moreover, the engagement of learners seemed to improve the lesson as they
gave examples of other scenarios Database is useful and their knowledge of
Database is excellent because they took leads in creating their queries and
• Good thing is that they asked questions to contexts they did not understand in
the revision, therefore, the lesson was fairly conducted.


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