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• Verilog is IEEE Industry standard Hardware Description Language (HDL).

• HDLs are used to describe digital system.
• Verilog is a case sensitive language, script must be in lower case.

2-Nov-22 2
Earlier design
Earlier designers used Breadboard to test the circuits, and then fabricated
on PCB.

2-Nov-22 3
HDL enabled logic level simulation and testing.

2-Nov-22 4
HDL for higher level design

2-Nov-22 5

2-Nov-22 6
A Simple verilog program : OR gate

module or_gate(a,b,z);
input a,b;
output z;
assign z=a|b;

2-Nov-22 7
Verilog basic language elements
Module is the fundamental hardware building block in Verilog.
Keywords have a predefined purpose that is understood by Verilog compilers across the board.
Eg: wire, module,nand,output

2-Nov-22 8
Key words

2-Nov-22 9
An identifier is a unique name, which identifies an object. They are case-
sensitive made up of alphanumeric characters, underscore, or a dollar
We can start identifiers using alphanumeric or underscore. It’s not possible
to name identifiers beginning with a dollar sign since it is reserved for
naming system tasks. Also starting with numbers is not advisable.

2-Nov-22 10
Number Specifications
There are two types of number specification in Verilog.
Sized numbers
The size specifies the number of bits in the number. It is written in decimal only.
The base format is used for representing which base we use to represent our number. Legal
base formats are binary(‘B or ‘b), decimal(‘d or ‘D), octal(‘O or ‘o) or hexadecimal(‘h or ‘H).

2-Nov-22 11
Number Specifications

Sized numbers in Verilog

2-Nov-22 12
Number Specifications

Unsized number
Numbers without <size> have a default size of 32 bits. The default size
differs depending on the machine and simulator. When no base is
specified, it is decimal by default.

2-Nov-22 13
X or Z values
For representing ‘unknown’ and ‘high impedance,’ Verilog uses x and z.
These are important for modeling real circuits. An x or z sets four bits in
the hexadecimal base, three bits in the octal base, and one bit in the
binary base.

2-Nov-22 14
• For describing or documenting a model, we use comments. This part of the code will be
skipped during execution.

• Comments could be written in two ways. To skip one full line during execution, specify the
comment using //. Verilog jumps from that point to the end of the line.
• To write multiline comments, start with /* and end it with */.

2-Nov-22 15
Verilog –Levels of Abstraction
Levels of abstraction means, the amount of complexity by which a system
is viewed or programmed. The higher the level, the less detail. The lower
the level, the more detail.
There are four levels of abstraction in Verilog. They are
• Behavioral level (Design of Algorithm)
• Dataflow level (Design of Equation)
• Gate level ( Interconnection with logic gates)
• Switch level (Implementation in terms of switches).

2-Nov-22 16
Data types
Data types in Verilog inform the compiler whether to act as a transmission line (like a
wire) or store data (like a flip flop). This depends on what group of data type is
declared. There are two groups: NET and REGISTER.
The entire purpose of an HDL like Verilog is to describe circuits. A Net represents
connections between hardware elements. Nets don’t store values. They have the values
of the drivers.

• The net out connected to the output is driven by the driving output value A&B.
A net data type must be used when a signal is:
• Driven by the output of some devices.
• Declared as an input or in-out port.
• On the left-hand side of a continuous assignment statement.
2-Nov-22 17
Types of Nets
The keyword wire is the most commonly used net in modeling circuits.
When used in the code, it exhibits the same property as an electrical wire
used for making connections.
module and_gate;
input wire A,B;
output wire C;
assign C = A & B;

2-Nov-22 18
Types of Nets
This is another type of net that has identical syntax and function as wire.
A wire net can be used for nets that are driven by a single gate or continuous assignment. Whereas, the tri net
can be used where multiple drivers drive a net.

A tri state buffer is a gate which functions exactly opposite to the NOT gate: it transfers the signal to the output
from the input exactly as it is. These are used to implement delays in circuits.

bufif0(out, in, ctrl);

in, ctrl); 19
supply0 and supply1
In every circuit, there are two crucial elements – power supply and
ground. The supply1 is used to model power supply and the supply0
is for modeling ground.
These nets have constant logic values and strength level supply,
which is the strongest of all strength levels.

supply1 Vcc; // all nets connected to Vcc are connected to power

supply0 GND; // all nets connected to GND are connected to ground

2-Nov-22 20
Variable Datatypes
The variable datatypes are responsible for the storage of values in the design. It
is used for the variables, whose values are assigned inside the always block.
Also, the input port can not be defined as a variable group. reg and integer are
examples of the variable data types. For designing purposes, we commonly
use reg.
In Verilog, the term register means a variable that can hold value. It can retain
value until another value is placed. Unlike a net, a register does not need a
driver. It doesn’t need a clock as hardware registers do.
reg reset // declare a variable reset that can hold it's value
reset = 1'b1; //initialize the reset variable to 1 to reset the digital circuit
#10 reset = 1'b0; //After 10 time units, reset is deasserted.

2-Nov-22 21
Integer, Real and Time Register Data Types
An integer is a general-purpose register data type used for manipulating
quantities. The integer register is a 32-bit wide data type. The reg store values
as unsigned quantities, whereas integer stores signed values.
To declare an integer in Verilog, we use the keyword integer
integer counter; //general purpose variable used as a counter.
initial counter = -1 // A negative one is stored in the counter.

2-Nov-22 22
Integer, Real and Time Register Data Types
The real register is a 64-bit wide data type. In order to store decimal
notation(eg 3.14) or scientific notation(eg: 3e6 which is 3 X 106 ), we use
the keyword real. Real numbers cannot have a range declaration, and
their default value is 0.
real delta; // define a real variable called delta
initial begin delta = 4e10; //assigned scientific notation
delta = 2.13 //assigned a decimal value of 2.13
If a real value is assigned to an integer, it gets rounded off to the
nearest integer.
integer i;
initial begin i = delta // i gets the value 2 (rounded value of 2.13);

2-Nov-22 23
Integer, Real and Time Register Data Types
Time registers
Since timing is an essential factor in designing digital circuits, we need something
to keep track of it. Hence, the keyword time helps us to record the simulation
time. The default size of time-register is implementation-specific but should be at
least 64 bit.
To get the current simulation time, the $time system function is invoked.
time save_sim_time; //Define a time variable save_sim_time
begin save_sim_time = $time; // Save the current simulation time.
The realtime register is also a time register which will record current simulation
Defining the variable
irealtime save_sim_time; //nitial
save_sim_time = $realtime // The system task $realtime will invode real value of the current simulation time

2-Nov-22 24
Integer, Real and Time Register Data Types
Scalar and Vector datatypes
1-bit is declared as a scalar datatype. It has only one bit. When we declare a
wire or reg as a scalar,
wire n;
reg d1;

Vector data types are multi-bit. We either use [<MSB bit number> : <LSB bit
number>] or [<LSB bit number> : <MSB bit position>] to represent them.
wire [0:3] a;
reg [3:0] d0;

2-Nov-22 25
Scalar and Vector data types

2-Nov-22 26
Module declaration
The module forms the building block of a Verilog design. A module definition
always starts with the keyword module and ends with endmodule. There are
five components within a module.

2-Nov-22 27
Module declaration

2-Nov-22 28

2-Nov-22 29
Verilog –Levels of Abstraction

Levels of abstraction means, the amount of complexity by which a system is viewed or

programmed. The higher the level, the less detail. The lower the level, the more detail.
There are four levels of abstraction in Verilog. They are
• Behavioral level (Design of Algorithm)
• Dataflow level (Design of Equation)
• Gate level / Structural level ( Interconnection with logic gates)
• Switch level (Implementation in terms of switches).

2-Nov-22 30
Gate level

Circuits can be defined by use of logic gates.

These gates are predefined in verilog library.
and a1(outputs,inputs)
nand a2(outputs,inputs)

2-Nov-22 31
Dataflow level

Keyord assign is used.

assign c = a+b;
assign b = ~a
assign c =

2-Nov-22 32
Gate level Vs Data flow

Gate level modelling Data flow modelling

module andeg1(a,b,c); module andeg2(a,b,c);

input(a,b); input(a,b);
output(c); output(c);
and(c,a,b); assign c= a&b;
endmodule endmodule

2-Nov-22 33
Behavioral modeling

• Important and popular modeling style.

• More concerned about the behavior and performance of the algorithm.
• It is just like writing the algorithm of a high level language.
• Verilog procedural statements are used to model a design at a higher
level of abstraction than the other levels. They provide powerful ways of
doing complex designs. However small changes n coding methods can
cause large changes in the hardware generated.

2-Nov-22 34
Verilog Basic Gates – Data flow Model
AND Function

module simpleand(a,b,z);
input a,b;
output z;
assign z= a&b;

2-Nov-22 36
OR gate
NOT Gate
module simpleor(a,b,z); module simplenot(a,z);
input a;
input a,b; output z;
assign z = ~a;
output z; endmodule

assign z=a|b;

2-Nov-22 37

NOR Gate
module simplenor(a,b,z);
module simplenand(a,b,z); input a,b;
input a,b; output z;
assign z= ~(a|b);
output z; endmodule

assign z= ~ (a&b);

2-Nov-22 38

module simplexor(a,b,z);
input a,b;
output z;
assign z= a ^ b;

Qn: Write code for XNOR

2-Nov-22 39
Verilog Basic Gates – Gate level modeling
AND Function

module simpleand(a,b,z);
input a,b;
output z;

2-Nov-22 41
OR gate
module simpleor(a,b,z); NOT Gate
module simplenot(a,z);
input a,b; input a;
output z; output z;
Or(z,a,b); endmodule

2-Nov-22 42
NOR Gate
module simplenor(a,b,z);
module simplenand(a,b,z); input a,b;
input a,b; output z;
output z; endmodule

2-Nov-22 43

module simplexor(a,b,z);
input a,b;
output z;

Qn: Write code for XNOR

2-Nov-22 44
XOR using NAND Gate

module xorfromnand (A,B,Y)

input A,B;
output Y;
wire w1,w2,w3;
nand x1(w1,A,B);
nand x2(w2,A,w1);
nand x3(w3,B,w1);
nand x4(Y,w2,w3);

2-Nov-22 45
XOR using NOR

module xorfromnor (A,B,Y);

input A,B;
output Y;
wire w1,w2,w3,w4;
nor x1(w1,A,B);
nor x2(w2,A,w1);
nor x3(w3,B,w1);
nor x4(w4,w2,w3);

HW: Write the verilog structural code for XNOR using NAND Gates…

2-Nov-22 46
Verilog- combinational circuits
Half adder
module half-adder(a,b,s,c);
input a,b;
output s,c;
xor sum1(s,a,b);
and carry1(c,a,b);

2-Nov-22 48
Full adder
Full adder is a three bit adder, which adds two input bits and an input
carry bit.

s = a’b’cin + a’b c’in+ab’ c’in+abcin

= (b’c’in+ bcin) a+ (b’cin+bc’in) a’
= (bXORcin)’ a + (bXORcin)a’ { This is of the form P’Q+PQ’ where P = bXORcin and Q = a }
= aXORbXORcin

c out= a’bcin+ ab’cin+ abc’in + abcin

= ab+bcin+acin
2-Nov-22 49
Full adder

module full-adder(a,b,cin,s,cout);
input a,b, cin;
output s,cout;
xor sum1(s,a,b,cin);
and x1(w1,a,b);
and x2(w2,b,cin);
and x3(w3,a,cin);
or x4(cout,w1,w2,w3);

2-Nov-22 50

4:1 Mux

Y= S0’S1’D0+S0’S1D1+S0S1’D2+S0S1D3

2-Nov-22 51
4:1 Multiplexer

module fourto1mux(d0,d1,d2,d3,s0,s1,y);
input d0,d1,d2,d3,s0,s1;
output y;
wire w1,w2,w3,w4;
and x1(w1,(~s0),(~s1),d0);
and x2(w2,(~S0),S1,d1);
and x3(w3,S0,(~s1),d2);
and x4(w4,S0,S1,d3); Y= S0’S1’D0+S0’S1D1+S0S1’D2+S0S1D3
or x5(y,w1,w2,w3,w4);

HW: Write the Verilog Code for 8:1 Mux

2-Nov-22 52
1:4 Demux

2-Nov-22 53
1:4 De Multiplexer

module oneto4demux(I,s1,s0,Y0,Y1,Y2,Y3);
input d0,d1,d2,d3,s0,s1;
output YO,Y1,Y2,Y3;
wire w1,w2;
and x1(Y0,w1,w0,I);
and x2(Y1,w1,s0,I);
and x3(Y2,w0,s1,I);
and x4(Y1,s1,s0,I);

2-Nov-22 54
4 to 2 Encoder

A1= Y2+Y3
A0= Y1+Y3

2-Nov-22 55
4 X 2 Encoder

module fourby2encoder(Y3,Y2,Y1,A1,A0);
input Y3,Y2,Y1;
output A1,A0;

2-Nov-22 56
2 by 4 Decoders

2-Nov-22 57
2 to 4 Decoder
module fourby2encoder(A1,A0,E,Y0,Y1,Y2,Y3);
input A1,A0,E;
output Y3,Y2,Y1,Y0;
wire w0,w1;

2-Nov-22 58

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