Types of AC Power • The power which is actually consumed or utilized in an AC Circuit is called True power or Active Power or real power. It is measured in kilowatt (kW) • The product of root mean square (RMS) value of voltage and current is known as Apparent Power. This power is measured in KVA • The power which flows back and forth that means it moves in both the direction in the circuit or reacts upon it, is called Reactive Power. The reactive power is measured in kilovolt-ampere reactive (kVAR)
Prepared By: Engr. Osama Majeed Butt
Prepared By: Engr. Osama Majeed Butt
Power Factor • The cosine of angle between voltage and current in an a.c. circuit is known as power factor. • component I cos φ is known as active • component I sin φ is called the reactive • Terms ‘lagging’ or ‘leading’
I cos in phase with V
I sin 90o out of phase with V
Prepared By: Engr. Osama Majeed Butt
Power Triangle
• Power factor, cos φ = active power/apparent power = kW/kVA
• ratio of active power to the apparent power
Power factor = cos φ = cosine of angle between V and I
Power factor = R/Z = Resistance/Impedance Power factor = VI cos /VI = Active power/Apparent Power
Prepared By: Engr. Osama Majeed Butt
Note: Typical distribution circuits contain resistive and inductive loads; therefore, utilities install capacitors to balance the var requirement Prepared By: Engr. Osama Majeed Butt Disadvantages of Low Power Factor • • fixed power and voltage, the load current is inversely proportional to the power factor • Lower the power factor, higher is the load current and vice-versa • This can lead to: Large kVA rating of equipment Greater conductor size Large copper losses Poor voltage regulation Reduced handling capacity of system
Examples 1. An alternator is supplying a load of 300 kW at a p.f. of 0·6 lagging. If the power factor is raised to unity, how many more kilowatts can alternator supply for the same kVA loading ?
2. A single phase motor connected to 400 V, 50 Hz supply takes 31·7A
at a power factor of 0·7 lagging. Calculate the capacitance required in parallel with the motor to raise the power factor to 0·9 lagging