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+#IRqgaRRqrqT 3rl®l


8th Floor, Towar B, World Trade Center, A
Nauroji Nagar, New Delhi- IIO 029 cAl

No. ADMN-12012/1/2019-CERC Dated, the 14u' October, 2024


Central Electricity Regulatory Commission, statutory body constituted under an

Act of Parliament, invites applications for the following posts to be filled up be
deputation, on Foreign Service terms/short term contract basis from the Officers of
Central/State Governments, Public Sector Undertakings, Autonomous Bodies etc.

2. The Pay Band and number of posts are as under:-

o I o

1' 1Joint Chief (Fin)

2. T . T£vel-.12
Deputy Chief (l£gal)
01 (One) 1(78,800-2,09,200
3. Integrated Financial Adviser
Assistant Chief (Engg)
01 (One) 1(67,700-2,08,700
5- 1Assistant Chief (Fin)

7' 1Assistant Chief (Legal)

'' I Assistant Chief (RA)
Sr. Accounts Officer

3. Details of essential qualification, experience etc. and other terms and conditions of
service and format of application are available in the website https://cercind .gov.in

4. The application as per prescribed format must reach the undersigned by

29th November, 2024.

(Sachin Kumar)
Deputy Chief (Admin)
Tel. 2090 4364
, 8th Floor, Tower b, World Trade Center,
Nauroji Nagar, New Delhi-110 029

No, ADMN-12012/ 1/2019-CERC Dated the 14u' October, 2024


Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC), statutory body constituted

under an Act of Parliament is inviting applications for filling up of existing/anticipated
vacancies which may increase or decrease, on deputation on Foreign Service
terms/short-term contract basis from the officials of Central/State Governments, Public
Sector Undertakings, Autonomous Bodies etc.

2. The details of post like scales of pay, requisite qualifications/ qualifying service
and experience etc, are given in Annexure-1.

3. The general terms and conditions are as under:-

i) rpart from basic pay and grade pay, the posts carry Dearness Allowance, HRA,
,nd Transport Allowance etc. at the rates applicable to Central Government
bfficials from time to time.
ii) ?ixation of pay/Deputation (Duty) Allowance shall be governed by the
lnstructions issued by Department of Personnel and Training from time to time.
:aximum age limit is 56 years on the last date of receipt of the applications.
'he facility of retention or allotment of Government Accommodation is available
I present. Moreover as per CERC (Leased Accommodation) Regulations, 2007,
,eased accommodation for lease rental up to two times of HRA admissible would
le permissible if opted, subject to the conditions laid down in
ICERC (Leased Accommodation) Regulations, 2007.
V) -he post mentioned in Annexure-I are exempted from the principle of immediate
vi ) e hUMor Medical
=acilities) Regulations, 2005. This is in lieu of the medical facilities in parent
>rganisation/CGHS, if opted for the same. CERC will not bear any contribution
owards medical facilities, if deputationist opts for the medical facilities in parent

vii) 'he normal period of deputation/short term contract as per the

:ecruitment Rules of the posts is three years. As per the CERC (Recruitment,
:ontrol and Service Conditions of StafD Regulations, 2007 as amended from time
:o time, "short term contract" means appointment of officers from
'SUs/ Autonomous Bodies etc.
bfficials appointed to CERC shall be governed by the terms and conditions of
lepartment of Personnel and Training’s O.M. No. 6/8/2009-Estt (Pay-II) dated
17th June, 2010 read with Central Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Recruitment, Control and Service Conditions of StaB) Regulations, 2007 as
ended from time to time.
ix) :ERC reserves the right to keep the post unfilled depending on the circumstances
lrevailing at the time of selection.
X) :ERC reserve the right to change the number of posts as may be required by the
:ircumstances prevailing at the time of selection. The vacancy position shown is
:entative .

o M in the CERC’s website.

'ere fulfilling of eligibility criteria shall not bestow any right to be called for
.teraction. Only short-listed candidates shall be called for interaction.
x e can be considered by the
competent authority in deserving cases

q ther Backward Classes/Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes a

ould be given preference while all other conditions are fulfilled.
.e applicant selected by CERC shall not be allowed to withdraw his/her
candidature subsequently. In case he / she declines the offer of appointment,
.s/her candidature shall not be considered for any further appointment by
CERC for a period of two years from the date of cancellation of offer of
a >ointment.

4. Central Electricity Regulatory Commission will remit/extend the following

benefits to deputationist:-
In case of deputation on foreign service terms
(a) Leave Salary Contribution
(b) Pension or NPS contribution
(c) Deputation (Duty) allowance, if applicable

In ease of deputation on Short Term Contract

(a) Leave Salary Contribution
(b) Gratuity Contribution
(c) Deputation (Duty) allowance, if applicable
(d) Any one of CPF/EPF/NPS contribution

Other allowances
Apart from all these, allowances as applicable in Govt of India or in CERC be paid
as per their entitlement. No other allowances/benefits will be paid to
deputationist. However, any eontribution required to be remitted to parent
department shall be remitted after deducting the same from the salary of the
deputationist .

5. Applications in the prescribed format as given in Annexure-II, duly completed

and signed, along with attested photocopies of all relevant documents in support of age,
educational qualifications, experience, etc. may be forwarded to the Deputy Chief
(Admin), Central Electricity Regulatory Commission, 8th Floor, Tower B, World
Trade Center, Nauroji Nagar, New Delhi - 1 IO 029 by 29th November, 2024. The
Applicants are also requested to apply online through website
https: / /cercind.gov.in/vacancy.html.

6. The applications must be routed “Through Proper Channel” and the

applications which are not in the prescribed format shall not be accepted. The
sponsoring authorities are requested to forward the applications of eligible and
interested candidates after due verification and whose services can be spared in the
event of their selection. While forwarding applications, attested copies of Annual
Confidential Reports/ Annual Performance Appraisal Reports of last five years and up to
date vigilance clearance certificate of the officials concerned may also be forwarded.

-Sd/ -

(Sachin Kumar)
Deputy Chief (Admin)
Tel. 2090 4364
Enel: - Annexure I and II


1. All Ministries /Departments of the Government of India (as per standard

distribution list)

2. All the State Governments/ State Electricity Regulatory Commissions/

State Utilities/ Public Sector Undertakings/ Autonomous Bodies.

3. Technical Director Department of Personnel and Training with the request to

publish the advertisement on its website for wider publicity.

4. Website of CERCI

IS.No. Name of the Post Level of Number 1 Qualification, Qualifying Service and
Pay of Posts I Nature of Experience
1. Foint Chie®r T Level- 13 r
(1,23, 100- jcertified Chartered Accountant or certified
12,15,900/-)1 ICost Accountant preferably with
Engineering Degree .

Central Government: -
i) Holding analogous posts on regular
ii) With 3 years regular service in the
level-12 (Rs.-78,800-2,09,200/-) of pay
matrix or pre-revised PB-3, Grade Pay Rs.
7,600/- or equivalent;
iii) With 8 years regular service in the
level-11 (Rs.-67,700-2,08,700/-) of pay
matrix or pre-revised PB-3, Grade Pay Rs.
6,600/- or equivalent;
Policy matters relating to
Commission, through knowledge and
understanding of the electricity sector,
especially rewlatory reforms

ii. > nr
(Rs.78l800-I lwith specialisation in Regulations/ Master
12)097200/-)I IDegree in Law.

!ualifying Service:- Officers under the

!Central Government:-
i) Holding analogous posts on regular
basis or equivalent;
ii) With 3 years regular service in the
l£vel -11 (Rs.-67,700-2,08,700/-) of pay
matrix or pre-revised PB.-3, Grade Pay
Rs. 6,600/- or equivalent;
iii) With 7 years combined regular
service in the Level -10 (Rs. 56,100-
1,77,500/-) of pay matrix or pre-revised
PB.-3, Grade Pay Rs. 5,400/- or
equivalent; or

Pudicial/ Legal matters including
jproceedings, petitions, pleadings, listing of
:ase laws etc.
III. IIFA Level-12 101 (One) IQualification:- Graduate Degree in
(Rs.78,800-I ICommerce, Preferably passed SAS or
2,09,200/-)1 jequivalent examination.
ICentral Government:-
i) Holding analogous posts on regplar
basis or equivalent;
ii) With 3 years years regular service in
the l£vel -11 (Rs.67,700 – 2,08,700/-) of
pay matrix or pre-revised PB.-3, Grade
Pay Rs. 6,600/- or equivalent;
iii) With 7 years years regular service in
the Level -10 (Rs.56, 100 - 1,77 ,500/-)
of pay matrix or pre-revised PB.-3, Grade
Pay Rs. 5,400
lknowledge/ experience of Central
IGovernment Accounting procedure as the
jprocedural details for budget and
xpenditure control, drawing
isbursement, receipts and payments,
statutory recoveries, deposits etc. their
jaccounting and financial control etc. and
jalso knowledge of Financial
IRules/ Regulations including General
IFinancial Rules (GFR) , Delegation of
IFinancial Power Rules, Fundamental
IRules/ Supplementary Rules (FR/SR) and
If the rules and orders concerning
:inancial matters.
IV. .ssistan== e !ualification:- Graduate Degree in
(Erlgg) I(Rs.67,700-I IEngineering with a relaxation to Diploma
12,08,700/-)1 jin Engineering for members of the Central
IPower Engineering (Group 'A’) Services
'romoted from feeder service.
!ualifying Service:- Officers under the
Central Government:-
i) Holding analogous posts on regular
basis or equivalent;
ii) With 4 years regular service in the
Level -10 (Rs.56, 100 - 1,77 ,500/-) of
pay matrix or pre-revised PB.-3, Grade
Pay Rs. 5,400/- or equivalent;
iii) With 5 years combined regular
service in the Level -08 (Rs. 47,600-
1,51,100/-) of pay matrix or pre-revised
PB.-2, Grade Pay Rs. 4,800/- or
iv) With 6 years regular service in the
Level -07 (Rs. 44,900-1,42,400/-) of pay
matrix or pre-revised PB.-2, Grade Pay
Rs. 4,600/-.
INature of Experience :-Hands-on
xperience in system planning and
bperation, transmission maintenance and
lperation, gas generation technologies,
jcoal thermal or hydro power, preferably
Familiarity with techno- economic
v. IAssistant Chief II£vel- 11 101 (One) lualification:- MBA in Finance or certifTei
I(Fin) I(Rs.67,700-I IChartered Accountant or certified Cost
2 ,08,700/-)1 tccountant preferably with Engineering
IQualifying Service:- Officers I
ICentral Government:-
i) Holding analogous posts on regular
basis or equivalent;
ii) With 4 years regular service in the
l£vel -10 (Rs.56, 100 - 1,77 ,500/-) of
pay matrix or pre-revised PB.-3, Grade
Pay Rs. 5,400/- or equivalent;
iii) With 5 years combined regular
service in the Level -08 (Rs. 47,600
1,51,100/-) of pay matrix or pre-revised
PB.-2, Grade Pay Rs. 4,800/- or
iv) With 6 years regular service in the
Level -07 (Rs. 44,900-1,42,400/-) of pay
matrix or pre-revised PB.-2, Grade Pay
Rs. 4,600/
For cost analysis or financial management.
Vl . .ssistant Chief £ IQualification:- Post Graduate Degree in
Eco) I(Rs.67,700-I IEconomics with specialization in econo-
2 ,08,700/-)1 Letrics or;

'ost Graduate in Mathematics with

jspecialization in O. R. (Operational
IResearch) or Post Graduate degree
jin Statistics
!ualifying Service:- Officers under the
FCentral Government:-
i) Holding analogous posts on regular
basis or equivalent; or

ii) With 4 years regular service in the

Level -10 (Rs.56, 100 - 1,77 ,500/-) of
pay matrix or pre-revised PB.-3, Grade
Pay Rs. 5,400/- or equivalent; or

iii) With 5 years combined regular

service in the Level -08 (Rs. 47,600-
1,51,100/-) of pay matrix or pre-revised
PB.-2, Grade Pay Rs. 4,800/- or
Equivalent; or
iv) With 6 years regular service in the
l£vel -07 (Rs. 44,900-1,42,400/-) of pay
matrix or pre-revised PB.-2, Grade Pay
Rs. 4,600/ -
'ature of Experience:- Application of
egulatory economics, demand forecasting
jor modelling
vii. IAssistant Chief ll£vel- 1 1 103 I
I(Lega1) I(Rs.67,700-I rith specialisation in Regulations/ Master
P,08,700/-)1 IDegree in Law
!ualifying Service:- Officers under the
ICentral Government:-
i) Holding analogous posts on regular
basis or equivalent; or

ii) With 4 years regular service in the

Level -lO (Rs.56, 100 - 1,77 ,500/-) of
pay matrix or pre-revised PB.-3, Grade
Pay Rs. 5,400/- or equivalent; or

iii) With 5 years combined regular

service in the Level -08 (Rs. 47,600-
1,51,100/-) of pay matrix or pre-revised
PB . -2 , Grade Pay Rs. 4,800/ - or
equivalent; or

iv) With 6 years regular service in the

Level -07 (Rs. 44,900-1,42,400/-) of pay
matrix or pre-revised PB.-2, Grade Pay
Rs. 4,600/ -
'ature of Experience:- Judicial/Quasi-
udicial/ Legal matters including
jproceedings, petitions, pleadings, listing of
jcase laws etc.
ssistant Chief
n£ r
IPost Graduate Diploma in Computer
2,08,700/-)1 Lpplication
!ualifying Service:- Officers under the
Central Government:-
i) Holding analogous posts on regular
basis or equivalent; or

ii) With 4 years regular service in the

l£vel -10 (Rs.56, 100 - 1,77 ,500/-) of
pay matrix or pre-revised PB.-3, Grade
Pay Rs. 5,400/- or equivalent; or

iii) With 5 years combined regular

service in the Level -08 (Rs. 47,600-
1,51,100/-) of pay matrix or pre-revised
PB.-2, Grade Pay Rs. 4,800/- or
equivalent; or

iv) With 6 years regular service in the

l£vel -07 (Rs. 44,900-1,42,400/-) of pay
matrix or pre-revised PB.-2, Grade Pay
Rs. 4,600/ -
'ature of Experience:- Management of
IComputer, IT(Information Technology) and
IMIS facilities.
IX. IAssistant Chief (RA)I Level- 11 101 (One) I
(Rs.67,700-I kraduate in law/Wngineering/ Regulation
2,08,700/-)1 !ualifying Service:- Officers under the
Central Government:-
i) Holding analogous posts on regtrlar
basis or equivalent;
ii) With 4 years regular service in the
Level -lO (Rs.56, 100 - 1,77 ,500/-) of pay
matrix or pre-revised PB.-3, Grade Pay Rs.
5,400/- or equivalent;
iii) With 5 years combined regular
service in the Level -08 (Rs. 47,600-
1,51,100/-) of pay matrix or pre-revised
PB . -2 , Grade Pay Rs. 4,800/ - or

iv) With 6 years regular service in the

Level -07 (Rs. 44,900-1,42,400/-) of pay
matrix or pre-revised PB.-2, Grade Pay Rs.
4,600/ -
IPolicy matters relating to Regulatory
ICommission, through knowledge and
.nderstanding of the electricity sector,
'specially regulatory reforms
X. iench Officer He \ I
12,08,700/-)1 I
ICentral Government:-
i) Holding analogous posts on regular
basis or equivalent; or

ii) With 4 years regular service in the

l£vel -10 (Rs.56, 100 - 1,77 ,500/-) of
pay matrix or pre-revised PB.-3, Grade
Pay Rs. 5,400/- or equivalent; or

iii) With 5 years combined regular

service in the Level -08 (Rs. 47,600-
1,51, 100/-) of pay matrix or pre-revised
PB. -2 , Grade Pay Rs. 4,800/ - or
equivalent; or

iv) With 6 years regular service in the

Level -07 (Rs. 44,900-1,42,400/-) of pay
matrix or pre-revised PB.-2, Grade Pay
Rs. 4,600/-
'ature of Experience:- Judicial/Quasi-
udicial/ Legal matters including
'roceedings, petitions, pleadings, listing of
:ase laws etc.
Xl . ISr. Accounts Officerjl£vel- 10 102 (Two) !ualification:- Graduate Degree preferably
I(SAO) I(Rs.56 , 100-I lin Commerce
1,77,500/-)1 !ualifying Service:- Officers under the
ICentral Government:-
i) Holding analogous posts on regular
basis or equivalent; or

ii) With 3 years regular service in the

l£vel -8 (Rs.47,600 – 1,51,100/-) of pay
matrix or pre-revised PB.-2, Grade Pay
Rs. 4,800/- or equivalent; or

iii) With 4 years combined regular

service in the Level -07 (Rs. 44,900-
1,42,400/-) of pay matrix or pre-revised
PB.-2, Grade Pay Rs. 4,600/- or
equivalent; or

iv) With 6 years regular service in the

l£vel -06 (Rs. 35,400-1,12,400/-) of pay
matrix or pre-revised PB.-2, Grade Pay
Rs. 4,200/ -
a @
lof Central Government Accounting
jprocedure such as the procedural details
lfor budget, drawing and disbursement,
Ireceipts and payments, statutory
Irecoveries, funds etc. their accounting and
lfinancial control.

INote:- For 1 post of SAO preference would

lbe given to the candidates having
jexperience of working in the Accounts
IDepartment (dealing with Cash, Accounts
l& Budget work) .
xii. IAssistant He x I
}(Rs.35400- lliterate proficient in MS Office
1, 12,400/-)1 I
ICentral Government:-
i) Holding analogous posts on regular
basis or equivalent; or

ii) With 4 years combined regular

service in the Level -05 (Rs. 29,200-
92,300/-) of pay matrix or pre-revised
PB.-1, Grade Pay Rs. 2,800/- or
equivalent; or

iii) With 6 years regular service in the

l£vel -04 (Rs. 25,500- 81,100/-) of pay
matrix or pre-revised PB.-1, Grade Pay
Rs. 2,400/ -
jestablishment/ administration/ accounts
N of the candidate

b) Present Designation

c) Full Office Address

d) Residential address

e) Tele Ph. No./Fax No.:

D Mobile No:

g) E-mail Id:
h) Name, Address and Designation
of Head of Administration.
2. )

existing rules of the employer)

4. c

(photocopies of relevant certifIcates are to be

5. 1 and other qualifications required for the post are
satisfied (if any qualification been treated as equivalent to the one prescribed
in the rules, state the authority for the same)
I wrience possessed by
the officer
Essential T 2

Desired 1.

He ails of employment, in chronological order. (Enclose a separate

sheet, duly authenticated by your signature, if the space below is insufficient)
Office/Instt. /IPost IFrom ITo Scale of Nature of duties
Orgn . Iheld jpay and
basic pay
in Pay
Band with
Grade Pay

(Use separate sheet if


7. ma re of present employment, i.e. ad

hoc or temporary or
permanent or on
8. r
held on deputation/contract basis,
please state
(a) The date of initial
(b) Period of appointment on
deputation/ contract
(c) Name of the parent/office/
organization which you belong.
9. c

about present employment

:-Please state whether working
(a) Central Government
(b) State Government
(C) Autonomous organizations
(d) Government undertakings
(e) Universities

10. r
pay? if yes, give the date from
which the revision took place
and also indicate the pre-
revised scale
11. Total emoluments per month now
a) Basic Pay
b) Grade Pay
c) DA @ 0/6

d) HRA
e) TA
12. c if any)
which you would like to
mention in support of your
suitability for the post. (Enclose a
separate sheet, if the space provided
is insufficient)

SC/ST/OBC(please specify)

Date : (Signature of the candidate)

Certineate by the employer

a) The date of birth, qualifications, and experience and other details furnished by
Shri /Smtindicated at SI. No. 1 to 14 in bio-data pro-forma have tnen verified and
found correct as per service records of the officer.

b) The integrity of Shri / Smt. ............ is beyond doubt.

C) No vigilance or disciplinary case is either pending or contemplated against the

officer concerned.

d) CERC will be informed at the earliest, if any vigilance or disciplinary proceeding is

initiated or contemplated against the officer after his/her application is

e) Up-to date ACRs/APARs dossiers of the concerned officer for the last five years is
enclosed or would be forwarded within the due date.

(*Signature of the employer)

(*To be signed by an offIcer not below the rank of Under Secretary to the Gouernment of
India verifying the facts and fIgures contained in the bio-data of the candidates. )

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