05410001A - 6, Operador.
05410001A - 6, Operador.
05410001A - 6, Operador.
Gas Analyser
Operator Manual
Section Page
1 DESCRIPTION AND DEFINITIONS............................................................... 1
1.1 Scope of this manual ...................................................................................... 1
1.2 Safety information ........................................................................................... 1
1.3 Description ...................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Ordering options ............................................................................................. 2
2 SPECIFICATION ............................................................................................ 5
2.1 General ........................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Environmental limits........................................................................................ 5
2.3 Electrical data ................................................................................................. 6
2.4 Sample gas ..................................................................................................... 7
2.5 Calibration gas ................................................................................................ 8
05410001A / Revision 6 i
Contents MultiExact Gas Analyser
6 CALIBRATION .............................................................................................. 66
6.1 Manual calibration ......................................................................................... 66
6.2 Automatic validation/calibration .................................................................... 68
6.2.1 Initiating an automatic validation/calibration ............................................ 68
6.2.2 Automatic validation/calibration status indications .................................. 69
6.2.3 Stopping an automatic validation/calibration ........................................... 70
6.2.4 Viewing validation/calibration history ....................................................... 71
6.3 Calibrating the pressure transducer (O2 purity only) .................................... 72
6.4 Calibrating the flow alarm (option) ................................................................ 73
ii 05410001A / Revision 6
MultiExact Gas Analyser Contents
11 SPARES ....................................................................................................... 96
iv 05410001A / Revision 6
MultiExact Gas Analyser 1 – Description and definitions
This manual provides installation, operation and routine maintenance instructions for
the SERVOPRO MultiExact Gas Purity Analyser, abbreviated to "analyser" in the
remainder of this manual.
Read this manual and ensure that you fully understand its content before you attempt
to install, use or maintain the analyser. Important safety information is highlighted in
this manual as WARNINGs and CAUTIONs, which are used as follows:
Warnings highlight specific hazards which, if not taken into account,
may result in personal injury or death.
Cautions highlight hazards which, if not taken into account, can result in
damage to the analyser or to other equipment or property.
This manual also incorporates 'Be aware of' information, which is used as follows:
05410001A / Revision 6 1
1 – Description and definitions MultiExact Gas Analyser
1.3 Description
The analyser is designed to meet the needs of the control and product quality
applications of industrial gas producers and users, who require fast, accurate and
reliable gas analysis.
The analyser can support up to two gas measurements, using paramagnetic, zirconia
infrared and thermal conductivity transducers to determine the content of gas
Gas sample measurements are shown on the analyser display, and can also be
output to a serial device connected to the analyser, or as milliAmp (mA) / voltage
outputs, or over a selection of digital communications (Modbus RS485 or TCP and
The analyser is simple to operate, with an intuitive user interface. The analyser is 3U
in height and is suitable for 19 inch rack, panel or bench mounting.
The analyser requires little routine maintenance, other than calibration which is
essential for the accuracy of sample gas measurements (see Section 6) and
replacement of filter / scrubber elements (if fitted: see Sections 8.3, 8.4 and 8.5).
For the latest ordering options please contact your local Servomex agent or visit
2 05410001A / Revision 6
MultiExact Gas Analyser 1 – Description and definitions
A 1 2 3 4 5
11 10 9 8 7 6
B 1 2 3 12 13 14 15
11 10 9 8 7 6
05410001A / Revision 6 3
1 – Description and definitions MultiExact Gas Analyser
* CO, CO2, N2O, and CH4 trace transducers and valve block.
TCD, O2 trace, O2 purity and control transducers.
Analysers configured for 2 measurements only.
** This product has been tested to the requirements of CAN/CSA–C22.2 No. 61010–1, second
edition, including Amendment 1 or a later version of the same standard incorporating the same
level of testing requirements.
☞ Optional external filters (not shown) may be fitted to the sample gas inlet (1, 2) on an
analyser with a CO, CO2, N2O, or CH4 trace transducer. Refer to Section 8.4 for
details of these external filters. Trace O2 transducers have internal oil and particle
filters which are not replaceable.
4 05410001A / Revision 6
MultiExact Gas Analyser 2 – Specification
The protection, accuracy, operation and condition of the equipment
may be impaired if the analyser is not installed in accordance with the
requirements of this and subsequent sections of the manual.
2.1 General
Mass < 12 kg
Operation 5 to 45 °C
Storage –20 to 60 °C
Operating ambient pressure range 101.3 kPa ± 10% (1.013 bar ± 10%)
05410001A / Revision 6 5
2 – Specification MultiExact Gas Analyser
Electrical supply
mA output (active)
Output range
Under range # 0 – 4 mA
Output range
6 05410001A / Revision 6
MultiExact Gas Analyser 2 – Specification
☞ The sample gases must be non flammable, clean, non-corrosive, free from oil
and condensates and compatible with the materials listed in Appendix A6.
Temperature 5 to 45 °C
Temperature 5 to 45 °C
Temperature 5 to 45 °C
Temperature 5 to 45 °C
* The flow rates apply to flow-driven transducers only. On pressure-driven transducers, the
sample gas pressure must be in the range 14 to 56 kPa (2 to 8 psig).
05410001A / Revision 6 7
2 – Specification MultiExact Gas Analyser
☞ The calibration gases must be clean, non-corrosive, free from oil and
condensates and compatible with the materials listed in Appendix A6.
☞ For optimum calibration results, the calibration gas flow rate/pressure should
be the same as the flow rate/pressure of the gases to be sampled.
8 05410001A / Revision 6
MultiExact Gas Analyser 2 – Specification
05410001A / Revision 6 9
2 – Specification MultiExact Gas Analyser
It is recommended that sample/calibration gas flow is monitored or the flow
alarm option is purchased from Servomex to ensure a representative sample
is being measured for control systems.
The sample and bypass flowmeters are calibrated for use with air as the
background gas. When fitted for the analysis of CH4 in Helium the flowmeter
reading should be multiplied by a factor of 2.7 to provide the correct flow
10 05410001A / Revision 6
MultiExact Gas Analyser 3 – Unpack the analyser
1. Remove the analyser and any other equipment from its packaging.
2. Remove any protective plastic covers from the sample gas inlets and outlets on
the rear of the analyser (see Figure 2).
☞ It is advisable that the protective covers are kept on just prior to fitting.
3. Inspect the analyser and the other items supplied, and check that they are not
damaged. If any item is damaged, immediately contact Servomex or your local
Servomex agent.
4. Check that you have received all of the items that you ordered. If any item is
missing, immediately contact Servomex or your local Servomex agent.
5. If you do not intend to use the analyser immediately:
• Refit any protective plastic covers.
• Place the analyser and any other equipment supplied back in its protective
• Store the analyser as described in Section 10.1.
☞ Retain the shipping documentation and packaging for future use (for example,
return of the analyser to Servomex for servicing or repair).
05410001A / Revision 6 11
4 – Analyser user interface MultiExact Gas Analyser
4.1 Introduction
The analyser user interface comprises the following (shown on Figure 1):
Soft keys The function of each of the soft keys depends on the screen
currently being shown on the display: see Section 4.2
Alarm LED On when an alarm condition exists: see Section 5.11
When you first switch on the analyser, a 'start-up screen' is displayed while the
analyser carries out a self-test.
The start-up screen shows the Servomex name, a 'self-test time elapsed/remaining'
indicator, and messages identifying the tasks being carried out as part of the self-test.
The screen will initially display the "System Check" task message. The measurement
screen is then displayed, as shown in Figure 3 below. Note that:
12 05410001A / Revision 6
MultiExact Gas Analyser 4 – Analyser user interface
Measurement units
Pressure compensation
indicator *
Transducer number
Current measurement
("1" always shown)
Fault icon
(see Section 9)
Measurement units
Pressure compensation
indicator *
Transducer numbers Current measurement 1
* Only shown when unit is installed with O2 purity measurement and pressure compensation is
on: see Section 7.2.
Only shown when unit is installed with flow alarm option.
05410001A / Revision 6 13
4 – Analyser user interface MultiExact Gas Analyser
The four soft key legends at the bottom of the measurement screen (Figure 3)
correspond to the four soft keys on the front of the analyser. (The first, left-most,
legend corresponds to the function of soft key 1, the second legend corresponds to
the function of soft key 2, and so on.) On the measurement screen, the soft key
functions are as follows:
* These soft keys are 'shortcuts' to the described functions, which are also accessible from
the menu structure.
14 05410001A / Revision 6
MultiExact Gas Analyser 4 – Analyser user interface
Other soft key legends which are used on the various screens are as follows:
System status is on the status icon bar and can be shown with a fault icon or a
maintenance required icon, see table below.
Measurement status is on the right hand side of the measurement reading and can be
shown with a fault icon, a maintenance required icon, a service in progress icon or a
warming icon, see table below.
Icon Meaning
05410001A / Revision 6 15
4 – Analyser user interface MultiExact Gas Analyser
On some screens (for example, see Figure 5), there may be more options available
than can be shown on the screen, and you have to scroll down the screen to view all of
the options: this is identified by a scroll bar at the right-hand side of the screen.
The height of the wide part of the scroll bar gives an indication of what proportion (of all
the options) are currently shown on the screen. As you scroll up or down the options
(using the and soft keys), the wide part of the scroll bar will also move on
the screen, indicating approximately where the currently displayed options are, within
the complete list of options.
The menu structure of the analyser is shown in Figure 4, which indicates that some of
the options/screens are password protected.
☞ As supplied, the security level is set to 'high', the supervisor password is set
to "2000" and the operator password is set to "1000".
• The first time you try to access a password-protected option/screen, you will be
prompted for the corresponding password. You must then enter the correct
password (using the editing method described in Section 4.10) before the option/
screen can be displayed.
• If you have already entered the corresponding password, you will gain access to all
options/screens protected by that password immediately (you do not need to enter
the password again).
☞ Once you have entered a password, it remains active until 10 minutes after
the last soft key is pressed. After this, the password becomes inactive; you
must re-enter the password to access password-protected options/screens
16 05410001A / Revision 6
MultiExact Gas Analyser 4 – Analyser user interface
05410001A / Revision 6 17
4 – Analyser user interface MultiExact Gas Analyser
☞ Some of the menu screens referenced below may not be available: refer to the
note at the start of Section 4.
The menu screen provides access to other screens in the menu structure, and is
displayed by pressing the soft key when the measurement screen is displayed.
Scroll bar:
see Section 4.5
Use the and soft keys to highlight the required screen option, then press
the soft key to display the selected screen:
View Select this screen to view the O2 measurement pre and post pressure
compensation [7.2] and flow reading [7.3].
Set up Select this screen to select the communications type [A1.2 or A3.3],
configure the auto validation/calibration target range [5.5.5], link
calibration [5.6], enter a cross-interference compensation [5.9.2], switch
pressure compensation on/off [7.2.2], select the display units [5.10],
set up the mA output parameters and range [5.7.3], and set up the voltage
output parameters and range [5.8.1], and set up the flow alarm [5.12].
Calibrate Select this screen to calibrate or validate the analyser [6, 6.2] and to view
calibration history [6.2.4].
Alarm Select this screen to set up the measurement alarms and set the alarm
follow options [5.11.1], unlatch alarms [5.11.2] and view the measurement
alarm status [5.11.4].
Status Select this screen to view active and historical fault, maintenance required
and service in progress (SIP) messages [9.2].
Alternatively, press the soft key to display the measurement screen again.
18 05410001A / Revision 6
MultiExact Gas Analyser 4 – Analyser user interface
Alternatively, press the soft key to display the menu screen again.
05410001A / Revision 6 19
4 – Analyser user interface MultiExact Gas Analyser
After viewing (and if necessary recording) the information shown on the screen, press
the soft key to display the settings screen again, or press and hold the
soft key to show the measurement screen again.
☞ You may be asked to provide the information from this screen to the
Servomex support team; for example, as an aid to fault diagnosis.
A common method is used for editing data shown on all of the different screens.
When you press the soft key to edit an item of data, the screen changes to
show the corresponding edit screen, with the first digit highlighted:
When the first digit is highlighted, press the soft key to exit the menu without
changing the data.
Note that the figures above and below the highlighted digit show the digits above and
below the currently highlighted value.
When the last digit is highlighted, press the soft key to enter the new data.
☞ When editing numerical values, the decimal point appears between digits "9"
and "0".
20 05410001A / Revision 6
MultiExact Gas Analyser 5 – Installation and set-up
The analyser is only suitable for installation in safe areas.
Do not install the analyser in a frame/rack or on a bench which is subject to
high levels of vibration or sudden jolts. If you do, sample measurements
may not be accurate, or the analyser may be damaged.
Place the analyser on a firm level bench or other suitable solid worksurface.
The bench mounted analyser has four mounting feet. If required, the front two
mounting feet can be extended to raise the front of the analyser and so make the
analyser display easier to read and the soft keys easier to access.
☞ With the front mounting feet extended, the floats in the optional flowmeters
may not rotate, although the flow indications will be correct.
The analyser must not be supported by the side mounting brackets alone.
You must provide an additional support under the base of the analyser
towards the rear of the enclosure as shown in Figure 9. If you do not, the
analyser may be damaged, or may fall and damage other equipment.
05410001A / Revision 6 21
5 – Installation and set-up MultiExact Gas Analyser
4. Fit the analyser (3) in the panel (5) and use nuts and bolts through the fixing
holes (7) in the panel and the mounting brackets (1, 4) to secure the analyser in
7 57
22 05410001A / Revision 6
MultiExact Gas Analyser 5 – Installation and set-up
Before installing the analyser, determine where you will install it in the rack enclosure.
The analyser will occupy 9 rack flange cage nut positions vertically; with the bottom
cage nut designated as position 1, you will need to use positions 1, 3, 4 and 7 on both
the right-hand and left-hand front and rear rack enclosure flanges. Note that you do
not need to punch out any of the other cage nut positions.
05410001A / Revision 6 23
5 – Installation and set-up MultiExact Gas Analyser
6. Ensure that the slide opening is at the front, then loosely fit the right-hand outer
slide section (5) to the front and rear slide support brackets (14, 10) and secure
with the four M4 screws (4), and the nuts and washers (9, 13).
7. Ensure that the front of the right-hand outer slide section (5) is 35 mm behind
the rack enclosure front flange (16), then fully tighten the nuts (9, 13) to secure
the slide section in position.
8. Use the procedure in Steps 4 to 7 to fit the left-hand support clamps, slide
support brackets and outer slide section.
9. Align the ends of the left-hand and right-hand slide inner sections (2) in the
openings in the front of the left-hand and right-hand slide outer sections (5) and
slide the analyser (1) into the rack enclosure.
10. Use the four M6 pan head screws (19) and plastic cup washers (18) to secure
the analyser in place.
24 05410001A / Revision 6
MultiExact Gas Analyser 5 – Installation and set-up
05410001A / Revision 6 25
5 – Installation and set-up MultiExact Gas Analyser
To comply with EMC requirements, the valve block shall only be connected
to the control relays using the supplied cable. Refer to Section 5.2.1 before
making any electrical connections and Section 5.3 before making any
plumbing connections.
☞ Inlet and outlet port threads are 1/8 BSPP F. A suitable sealing washer must
be used with customer supplied valve block fittings (copper washers are
26 05410001A / Revision 6
MultiExact Gas Analyser 5 – Installation and set-up
Ensure that the electrical installation of the analyser conforms with all
applicable local and national electrical safety requirements.
Obey the safety instructions given below when you install the
analyser; if you do not, the analyser warranty may be invalidated, the
analyser may not operate correctly, or it may be damaged.
• The electrical supply coupler or plug must be easily accessible for disconnection
from the electrical supply.
• The electrical supply circuit must incorporate a suitable fuse or over-current
protection device, set to or rated at no more than 10 A.
• Ensure that your electrical supply can provide the necessary maximum power
consumption: refer to Section 2.3.
• All signal and electrical supply cables must be rated for temperatures of 70 °C or
• Ensure that the cables that you connect to the analyser are routed so that they do
not present a trip hazard.
• When you carry out insulation testing, disconnect all cables from the analyser.
• Ensure the analyser is provided with a sound earth connection via the electrical
supply plug (Figure 2, item 8).
05410001A / Revision 6 27
5 – Installation and set-up MultiExact Gas Analyser
The analogue output terminals are separated from the analyser
mains circuits by reinforced insulation. The terminals must only be
connected to circuits that are themselves separated from mains
voltages by an isolation method that provides at least this level of
To comply with EMC requirements, screened cables must be used to
connect the analogue outputs.
1. Connect the wires in your cable to the screw terminals on the 6 pin connector
provided. Section 2.3 provides information on the rating and size of cable.
2. The screen should be connected to the earth point on the rear of the analyser.
3. Unless otherwise specified a mA analogue output is provided as standard
across pins 1 & 2.
Pin Use
1 I+
2 I–
4 V+
5 V–
28 05410001A / Revision 6
MultiExact Gas Analyser 5 – Installation and set-up
The fault and range relay connections are separated from the
analyser mains circuits by reinforced insulation. The terminals must
only be connected to circuits that are themselves separated from
mains voltages by an isolation method that provides at least this level
of protection.
The analyser comes with a fault relay and a range change relay as standard. These
can be used to provide an output to your system to indicate a fault within the analyser
or to indicate which range the analogue output is set to (see Section 5.7.1).
1. Connect the wires in your cable to the screw terminals on the 6 pin connector
provided. Section 2.3 provides information on the rating and size of cable.
2. Pins 2 and 3 are connected during a fault condition. Pins 1 and 2 are connected
if no fault is present. During a power failure the fault relay will be in a fault
3. Pins 5 and 6 are connected if analogue output Range 1 is selected. Pins 4
and 5 are connected if range 2 is selected.
Pin Use
1 N/O (Fault)
2 COM (Fault)
3 N/C (Fault)
4 N/O (Range)
5 COM (Range)
6 N/C (Range)
05410001A / Revision 6 29
5 – Installation and set-up MultiExact Gas Analyser
The alarm and status relay connections are separated from
the analyser mains circuits by reinforced insulation. The terminals
must only be connected to circuits that are themselves separated
from mains voltages by an isolation method that provides
at least this level of protection.
The analyser can be supplied with alarm and status relays. These can be used to
indicate a measurement alarm has been set off or to indicate whether a Service in
Progress (SIP) or maintenance required status has been raised.
1. Connect the wires in your cable to the screw terminals on the 6 pin connectors
provided. Section 2.3 provides information on the rating and size of cable.
2. Pins 1 and 2 are connected if alarm 1 is active (Figure 14).
3. Pins 4 and 5 are connected if alarm 2 is active (Figure 14).
Pin Use
1 N/O (Alarm 1)
2 COM (Alarm 1)
3 N/C (Alarm 1)
4 N/O (Alarm 2)
5 COM (Alarm 2)
6 N/C (Alarm 2)
Pin Use
1 N/O (SIP)
3 N/C (SIP)
4 N/O (Maint Req'd)
5 COM (Maint Req'd)
6 N/C (Maint Req'd)
30 05410001A / Revision 6
MultiExact Gas Analyser 5 – Installation and set-up
The auto validate/calibrate board connections are separated from the
analyser mains circuits by reinforced insulation. The terminals must
only be connected to circuits that are themselves separated from
mains voltages by an isolation method that provides at least
this level of protection.
The analyser can be supplied with auto validate/calibrate relays and switched inputs.
The relays can control solenoid valves in the gas supply system to perform validate or
calibrate routines.
1. Connect the wires in your cable to the screw terminals on the 9 and 6 pin
connectors provided. Section 2.3 provides information on the rating and size of
2. Pins 1 and 2 are connected when sample gas flow is required (Figure 16).
3. Pins 4 and 5 are connected when low calibration gas is required (Figure 16).
4. Pins 7 and 8 are connected when high calibration gas is required (Figure 16).
Pin Use
1 N/O (Sample)
2 COM (Sample)
3 N/C (Sample)
4 N/O (Cal Lo)
5 COM (Cal Lo)
6 N/C (Cal Lo)
7 N/O (Cal Hi)
8 COM (Cal Hi)
9 N/C (Cal Hi)
05410001A / Revision 6 31
5 – Installation and set-up MultiExact Gas Analyser
Pin Use
1 IN+ (Cal Lo or Initiate AutoVal)
2 IN– (Cal Lo or Initiate AutoVal)
3 IN+ (Cal Hi or Stop AutoVal)
4 IN– (Cal Hi or Stop AutoVal)
5 IN+ (Activate SIP)
6 IN– (Activate SIP)
32 05410001A / Revision 6
MultiExact Gas Analyser 5 – Installation and set-up
The digital communications terminals are separated from the
analyser main circuit by reinforced insulation. The terminals must
only be connected to circuits that are themselves separated from
mains voltages by an isolation method that provides at least
this level of protection.
The analyser can be supplied with Modbus RS485 / ethernet digital communications.
For a full list of what can be communicated over the Modbus communications
see Appendix A4.
1. The cable should not leave the building in which it is installed without suitable
2. The screen should be connected to the earth point on the rear of the analyser.
3. Connect the wires in your cable to the screw terminals on the 5 pin interface
connector provided. Refer to Section 2.3 for the cable electrical requirements,
and refer to Figure 18 for the connection requirements.
Pin Use
1 A
2 B
3 A
4 B
5 Term
1. The cable should not leave the building in which it is installed without suitable
2. The cable must be shielded CAT5E with standard RJ45 connectors.
05410001A / Revision 6 33
5 – Installation and set-up MultiExact Gas Analyser
Ensure that your external electrical supply outlet is isolated and
locked out before you connect the conductors in the electrical supply
Only use the power supply cord provided with the unit.
Ensure that the analyser is suitable for use with your electrical supply
voltage and frequency (refer to Section 2.3). If the analyser is not suitable,
the analyser may not operate correctly, or it may be damaged when you
operate it.
The analyser is supplied with an electrical supply cable, configured for your electrical
supply. Connect the electrical supply to the analyser as follows:
1. Fit the IEC plug on the end of the electrical supply cable provided to the
electrical supply socket on the rear of the analyser (Figure 2, item 8).
2. Route the cable towards your electrical supply outlet.
3. Connect the conductors at the free end of the electrical supply cable to your
electrical supply outlet.
4. Check the earth (ground) continuity between your electrical supply outlet earth
(ground) and the functional earth (ground) terminal on the rear of the analyser
(Figure 2, item 7).
5. If a local earth bonding is required the functional earth stud can be used (item 7,
Figure 2). The earthing cable must be kept to less than 3 metres to comply with
EMC standards. This does not replace the earth conductor on item 8 Figure 2
which must be connected.
34 05410001A / Revision 6
MultiExact Gas Analyser 5 – Installation and set-up
Sample and calibration gases may be toxic or asphyxiant:
• Ensure that the external connections are leak free at full
operating pressure before you use sample or calibration gases.
• Ensure that the sample/bypass outlet pipes are vented to an
area where the gases will not be a hazard to people.
• Ensure that the analyser is used in a sufficiently well-ventilated
environment, to prevent the build-up of toxic gases.
Ensure that the pipes that you connect to the analyser are routed so
that they do not present a hazard to people.
When you carry out a leak test, do not exceed a maximum pressure of
34.5 kPa gauge (0.35 bar gauge, 5 psig) and do not introduce a sudden
change of pressure into the analyser. If you do, you can damage it.
It is essential that a MultiExact Trace O2 analyser is isolated from the sample
system until any cleaning solvents are fully purged from the pipelines.
Failure to take this precaution may lead to contamination of the zirconia
sensor, which will be observed as an offset and drift in output.
Connect your sample/calibration gas inlet and outlet pipelines to the inlets and outlets
on the rear of the analyser (see Figure 2). The sizes of the fittings are as follows:
* The optional external filter should be fitted to the inlet pipe with the compression fittings
provided: see Section 8.4.
Refer to Section 2.4 for sample gas requirements, and Section 2.5 for calibration gas
requirements. Locate your gas selection valves as close as possible to the analyser.
☞ You must switch on the electrical supply and leave the analyser for at least
4 hours (or 24 hours for the trace GFX transducers) before you allow
calibration or sample gases into the analyser. Refer to the caution at the start
of Section 6.
05410001A / Revision 6 35
5 – Installation and set-up MultiExact Gas Analyser
☞ For 0-10ppm CO2 or 0-500ppm CO2, on initial start-up you must switch on the
electrical supply and leave the analyser to purge on low calibration gas for at
least 24 hours until the reading has stabilised before calibrating the analyser.
☞ When the electrical supply to the analyser is switched on, the Alarm LED and
the Fault LED will both go on for 1 second to demonstrate that they are
functioning correctly, and will then go off again.
When you switch on the electrical supply to the analyser, a 'start-up screen' is first
displayed (see Section 4.2), then the measurement screen (Figure 3) is displayed.
When the measurement screen is displayed, you can set up the analyser as described
You can configure the analyser to provide any of three levels of security:
* Except for the 'change the password(s)' and 'select the security level' options/screens: see
notes below.
The supervisor password can also be used to access options/screens protected by the
operator password: see notes below.
☞ The 'change the password(s)' and 'select the security level' screens/options
are always protected by the supervisor password, regardless of the security
level selected. This is to ensure that unauthorised personnel cannot change
the security level and password(s) and so lock out the analyser from other
36 05410001A / Revision 6
MultiExact Gas Analyser 5 – Installation and set-up
☞ As supplied, the security level is set to 'high', the supervisor password is set
to "2000" and the operator password is set to "1000".
Before the analyser is used for sample measurement, we recommend that you select
the security level (low, standard or high: see Section 4.6) most suitable for the way in
which the analyser will be used by you and/or your personnel.
05410001A / Revision 6 37
5 – Installation and set-up MultiExact Gas Analyser
☞ If you change a password, ensure that you record the new password
somewhere safe. Otherwise, if you cannot recall the new password, you will
have to contact Servomex or your local Servomex agent for assistance.
Use the following procedure to change the supervisor and operator passwords:
38 05410001A / Revision 6
MultiExact Gas Analyser 5 – Installation and set-up
☞ The backlight time (duration) can be set between 0 and 999 seconds. Set
the backlight time (duration) to 0 seconds to leave the backlight permanently
switched on.
☞ The time and date will remain set for approximately 1 week if the power supply
to the analyser is switched off.
05410001A / Revision 6 39
5 – Installation and set-up MultiExact Gas Analyser
You can configure the following analyser regional settings so that the information
shown on the various screens is better suited to your local conventions:
Decimal format Use of "." * (full stop) or "," (comma) as the decimal point
* Default option.
40 05410001A / Revision 6
MultiExact Gas Analyser 5 – Installation and set-up
Automatic validation operates in the same way as automatic calibration, except that
the transducers are not calibrated when the low and high calibration gases have been
passed through the transducers. Automatic validation therefore allows you to
determine the drift of sample measurements over time. You can set tolerance levels,
so that if the sample measurements fall outside acceptable limits, a 'maintenance
required' status is raised ( ) to identify that a full calibration needs to be carried out.
If your analyser supports auto validation/calibration you have the option to:
☞ You can also perform a 'remote calibration' using the switched inputs on the
calibration option pcb if they are configured accordingly (see Section 5.5.3).
05410001A / Revision 6 41
5 – Installation and set-up MultiExact Gas Analyser
• You can specify a pre-warning time, which will precede the automatic
validation/calibration. During this time, the 'service in progress' status output
(see Section 5.2.4) will be set; the automatic validation/calibration will then be
carried out at the end of the pre-warning time. If automatic validation is cancelled
during this time the gas selection control will not have changed state.
• You can specify an inerting phase. This ensures that non-inert and sample gases
cannot flow into the analyser one immediately after the other. During this phase,
inert gas (the low or high calibration gas) will be introduced between the two gases
for a preset time. This may be used to prevent potentially dangerous mixtures
• You can specify a flushing phase. This phase operates as a delay, after a different
gas is routed into the analyser, before a validation/calibration is carried out.
Before you carry out an automatic validation/calibration, you must preset the following
Parameter Use/range
validation/calibration type Low, high, low & high or high & low
Pre-warning On or off
Inerting On or off
42 05410001A / Revision 6
MultiExact Gas Analyser 5 – Installation and set-up
Start time/date Only applicable if the timer is active. This specifies the
time/date on which the first automatic validation/
calibration will be carried out. See Section 5.4.3.
Repeat time Only applicable if the timer is active. If set (in the range
1 hour to 999 days), specifies the interval between
successive automatic calibrations/validations. Select
0 hours and 0 days if repeat is not required.
• Pre-warning is on.
• Automatic calibration of transducer 1 (Tx1) has been initiated.
• validation/calibration type has been set to low & high.
• Mode has been set to calibration.
• Inerting is set to on (active) and inert gas has been set to low.
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5 – Installation and set-up MultiExact Gas Analyser
Flushing phase
44 05410001A / Revision 6
MultiExact Gas Analyser 5 – Installation and set-up
Switch inputs can be set to remote calibration mode (remote cal), automatic
validation/calibration mode (auto val) or disabled so the inputs will have no function,
refer to Figure 17.
The remote calibration function is designed for installations where the analyser is
placed in an inaccessible area and the calibration gas valves are operated
independently of the analyser.
In Remote cal mode, switch input pins 1 – 2 activate a transducer low calibration (as if
the request had been selected from the user interface) and switch input pins 3 – 4
activate a transducer high calibration. Switch input pins 5 – 6 activate the transducer
service in progress (SIP) status, which must be closed before either calibration can be
executed. This is to ensure a calibration can not be executed without a service in
progress status being activated. For example, to carry out a remote low calibration:
☞ If the switch inputs are set to 'remote cal' mode the gas control relays will not
be changed from 'sample' during a remote low or high calibration.
See Section 6 for instructions on manual calibration to ensure that your calibration
procedure is correctly configured.
05410001A / Revision 6 45
5 – Installation and set-up MultiExact Gas Analyser
☞ The low target value can only be changed for the O2 trace, purity and control
measurements (see Section 2.5).
5. Edit the low tolerance value.
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MultiExact Gas Analyser 5 – Installation and set-up
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5 – Installation and set-up MultiExact Gas Analyser
48 05410001A / Revision 6
MultiExact Gas Analyser 5 – Installation and set-up
☞ If you set the repeat time to "000:00" (0 days, 0 hours), the automatic
validation/calibration will only be performed once, on the specified start date,
at the specified start time. You will therefore need to initiate any subsequent
automatic validation/calibration: see Section 6.2.1.
05410001A / Revision 6 49
5 – Installation and set-up MultiExact Gas Analyser
☞ If calibration is not linked, the alarms for each transducer will operate in
accordance with their corresponding 'During Calibration' options during
Calibration linking is useful when you route a single gas stream into both inlets of the
dual measurement analyser.
• When you calibrate transducer 1, the alarms (Section 5.11.1) and analogue output
(Section 5.7.2) for transducer 2 will operate in accordance with the transducer 2
'During Calibration' option during calibration.
• When you calibrate transducer 2, the alarms and analogue output for transducer 1
will operate in accordance with the transducer 1 'During Calibration' option during
1. Select ➞ Set up ➞ Calibration.
2. Select 'Yes' or 'No' for calibration
50 05410001A / Revision 6
MultiExact Gas Analyser 5 – Installation and set-up
5.7.1 Overview
The analyser can be supplied with a mA output for each sample gas measurement for
which the analyser is configured.
Each mA output provides a constantly updated output, in which the current represents
the value of gas sample measurements.
The analyser allows you to specify two separate range configurations per
measurement for the mA outputs: range 1 and range 2. The current range is shown on
the measurement screen (see Figure 3):
In addition to the above, you can specify how the mA output will operate during
calibration, fault conditions and under-range conditions.
Details of the output parameters for the mA outputs are given in Section 5.7.2. Set up,
configure, check, calibrate and use the mA outputs as described in Section 5.7.4.
Parameter Values/options
05410001A / Revision 6 51
5 – Installation and set-up MultiExact Gas Analyser
Parameter Values/options
During calibration The selected option determines how the mA output will
operate during calibration:
Jam condition The selected option determines how the mA output will
operate during a fault condition:
mA output range 0 – 20 mA or 4 – 20 mA *
52 05410001A / Revision 6
MultiExact Gas Analyser 5 – Installation and set-up
☞ If auto ranging is selected, the way in which the output changes between the
ranges depends on the values you have set for the range change point and
the hysteresis.
For example, if you set the range change point to 18% and set hysteresis to 1%, then:
• The output value must be greater than 18% before changing from range 1 to
range 2.
• The output value must be less than 18% – 1% (17%) before changing from range 2
to range 1.
Use the following procedure to select auto ranging or manually select the range:
05410001A / Revision 6 53
5 – Installation and set-up MultiExact Gas Analyser
☞ You cannot enter a high level value higher than 120% of the maximum
measurement that the corresponding gas transducer can determine (refer to
Appendix A9).
☞ The minimum differences between the low level and high levels are detailed in
Appendix A9.
6. You can select the during calibration
option to 'Freeze' or 'Follow'.
54 05410001A / Revision 6
MultiExact Gas Analyser 5 – Installation and set-up
05410001A / Revision 6 55
5 – Installation and set-up MultiExact Gas Analyser
☞ The actual mA output value is controlled from the mA output calibrate screen
as long as the screen is displayed. As soon as the mA service screen is no
longer displayed, the mA output value will be updated to reflect the
corresponding gas measurement.
56 05410001A / Revision 6
MultiExact Gas Analyser 5 – Installation and set-up
5.8.1 Overview
The analyser can be supplied with a voltage output for each sample gas measurement
for which the analyser is configured. The output is set up in the same way as for mA,
For an O2 purity or control transducer, the composition of any typical background gas
in the gas sample will have a minor effect on the analyser measurement. The following
table gives 4 examples of cross-interference errors (O2 measurement errors) in gases
which contain 100% of a specific background gas, for an analyser which has been 'Lo'
calibrated with N2 (nitrogen) and 'Hi' calibrated with O2.
Note that the error is directly proportional to the concentration of the background gas
in the sample being measured, and in most cases can be ignored.
If you cannot ignore the error, you can use the procedure in Section 5.9.2 and
Appendix A9 to enter a compensation to correct for the error.
05410001A / Revision 6 57
5 – Installation and set-up MultiExact Gas Analyser
You can change the measurement units shown on the display (and output). The
following display units are supported:
Units Meaning
% volume %
ppm parts per million
vpm volume parts per million
mg/m3 mg m-3 (milligrams per normal cubic metre)
mol/mol mols per mol (or moles per mole)
% LEL volume % of the Lower Explosive Limit
58 05410001A / Revision 6
MultiExact Gas Analyser 5 – Installation and set-up
☞ When you select display units other than the measurement default units, you
must also enter the units conversion factor: refer to Appendix A5 to determine
the units conversion factor for your specific application.
☞ If you select the "off" option on the units selection screen, the display units
revert to the measurement default units as supplied.
Use the following procedure to select the displayed units, and to change the units
conversion factor:
05410001A / Revision 6 59
5 – Installation and set-up MultiExact Gas Analyser
Two separate measurement alarms are available for each sample gas measurement
for which the analyser is configured, and you can configure each alarm to operate in
one of three modes:
None The alarm is not used (that is, an alarm condition will not be
activated under any circumstances)
* During a calibration, an alarm will only be activated if the alarm 'Follow' option is set to yes.
• An 'alarm' icon is shown on the measurement screen (see Section 4.2). The
number ("1" or "2") in the icon will identify the alarm which has been triggered.
• The alarm LED on the front of the analyser (see Figure 1) flashes on and off.
• If the alarm relays have been fitted the appropriate alarm relay will be triggered.
You can view the details of the activated alarm: see Section 5.11.4.
☞ Ensure that the measurement alarm and hysteresis levels are not too close to
the expected sample measurements. (If they are, minor – and acceptable –
variations in your sample gas concentrations will result in spurious alarms.)
☞ If you configure one measurement alarm as 'low' and configure the other
alarm as 'high', ensure that the 'high' alarm and hysteresis levels are higher
than the 'low' alarm and hysteresis levels. (If you do not, the analyser can be
permanently in an alarm condition, until you correct the levels.)
60 05410001A / Revision 6
MultiExact Gas Analyser 5 – Installation and set-up
4. Scroll up or down to edit the appropriate settings (using the method described
in Section 4.10):
• Latching (Section 5.11.2)
• Level (sets the gas concentration level at which the alarm is to trigger)
• Hysteresis (Section 5.11.3).
• If the 'Follow' option is set to 'No', the alarm will be inhibited during calibration.
• If the 'Follow' option is set to 'Yes', the alarm will not be inhibited during calibration.
1. Select ➞ Follow.
2. Select the required alarm.
05410001A / Revision 6 61
5 – Installation and set-up MultiExact Gas Analyser
You can configure each of the two measurement alarms to be either latching or not
Latching Once the alarm condition has been activated, the alarm condition
remains activated (even if subsequent sample measurements would
not trigger the alarm) until the alarm is manually unlatched
Not latching Once the alarm condition has been activated, the alarm condition
remains activated only until a subsequent sample measurement
which would not trigger the alarm is made. The alarm condition is
then deactivated
When necessary, use the following procedure to unlatch any 'latched' measurement
1. On the measurement screen, press the soft key; the alarm option screen
(Figure 67) will then be displayed.
2. With the 'Unlatch' option highlighted, press the soft key. All latched
alarms will then be unlatched and the measurement screen will be displayed
The hysteresis level associated with a measurement alarm determines when an alarm
condition (once activated) is deactivated, and this depends on the alarm mode, as
Low alarm Once the low alarm condition has been activated, the alarm
condition will not be deactivated until a sample measurement is
above (alarm level + hysteresis level)
High alarm Once the high alarm condition has been activated, the alarm
condition will not be deactivated until a sample measurement is
below (alarm level – hysteresis level)
62 05410001A / Revision 6
MultiExact Gas Analyser 5 – Installation and set-up
For example:
• If a 'low' alarm has an alarm level of 98% and a hysteresis level of 1%, the alarm will
be activated when a sample measurement is < 98%, and the alarm will not be
deactivated until a sample measurement is > 99%.
• If a 'high' alarm has an alarm level of 3 ppm and a hysteresis level of 1 ppm, the
alarm will be activated when a sample measurement is 3 ppm, and the alarm will
not be deactivated until a sample measurement is 2 ppm.
1. Select ➞ View.
2. In the alarm status screen shown in
Figure 67, both measurement alarms
are shown as 'Inactive'; that is, either
the mode of each alarm is set to
'none', or no alarm condition currently
Figure 67 – The alarm status screen
If a measurement alarm condition exists when you view this screen, the screen will
05410001A / Revision 6 63
5 – Installation and set-up MultiExact Gas Analyser
The flow alarm (utilising Flowcube [F3] technology) option measures the sample flow
through a measurement transducer and allows the user to configure two low flow
alarms and one high flow alarm. The flow alarm allows preventative maintenance to
be taken before the sample flow rate reduces to unacceptable levels
(see Section 2.4).
The configuration options and defaults for each flow alarm are given below:
☞ A zero and Normal calibration must be performed on the flow alarm before the
reading is accurate. See Section 6.4 for the calibration procedure.
64 05410001A / Revision 6
MultiExact Gas Analyser 5 – Installation and set-up
05410001A / Revision 6 65
6 – Calibration MultiExact Gas Analyser
During calibration of O2 purity, O2 control, 0-10ppm CO, 0-10ppm CO2,
0-500ppm CO2, 0-20ppm N2O or 0-50ppm CH4 measurements it is good
practice to perform a low (Lo) calibration followed by a high (Hi) calibration.
However, a single point calibration is often sufficient (see Appendix A10).
During calibration of TCD measurements it is good practice to perform a low
(Lo) calibration followed by a high (Hi) calibration.
During calibration of O2 Trace measurements a regular low point calibration
can be performed with less frequent high (air point) calibrations
(see Appendix A10). If both high and low calibrations are being carried out
then it is important that the high calibration is carried out first.
☞ The required frequency of calibration depends on the reliance that you place
upon the accuracy and consistency of the measurements made by the
analyser. Adjust the frequency according to your requirements and the drift
characteristics of your analyser (see Appendix A9 and A10).
☞ You can carry out a manual calibration at any time unless an automatic
validation/calibration is in progress.
You must manually calibrate the analyser as part of the initial set up, and whenever
ambient conditions have changed.
• We recommend that you manually calibrate the analyser regularly during normal
operation (see Appendix A10), and that you keep a record of the calibration errors.
Use the errors to adjust the required calibration frequency.
1. Ensure that your equipment is configured to correctly route your calibration gas
66 05410001A / Revision 6
MultiExact Gas Analyser 6 – Calibration
☞ On a 2-measurement analyser,
this screen will show one 'Lo' and
one 'Hi' calibration for each of the
two measurements.
Note that the "9999d" field of the screen shown in Figure 73 will identify the
period of time that has elapsed since the last calibration, and can be in any of
the following forms:
3. Use the and soft keys to select the required calibration, that is:
• 'Lo' (low calibration gas).
• 'Hi' (high calibration gas).
4. Press the soft key. The
Calibrate target value screen will
then be shown (see Figure 74),
identifying the target value and the
current reading.
5. If the target value is not correct for the calibration gas which you are using,
change the target value to the required value: use the edit method shown in
Section 4.10.
☞ Refer to Sections 2.4 and 2.5 for the required pressures, flow rates (if
applicable) and concentrations of the calibration gases.
6. When the current reading is stable, wait a further 3 minutes, then press the
soft key. The analyser will then carry out the specified calibration.
7. Repeat steps 1 to 8 of this section for the second calibration.
8. If your analyser is configured to provide two sample gas measurements, repeat
steps 1 to 9 of this section to carry out the 'Lo' and 'Hi' calibrations for the
second transducer.
05410001A / Revision 6 67
6 – Calibration MultiExact Gas Analyser
☞ If the timer is active and you have set the repeat option, an automatic
validation/calibration will be initiated automatically at the specified times.
Close the start auto val switch input on the appropriate interface connection
(see Section 5.2.5) to initiate an automatic validation/calibration. Alternatively you can
manually initiate an automatic validation/calibration as follows:
68 05410001A / Revision 6
MultiExact Gas Analyser 6 – Calibration
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6 – Calibration MultiExact Gas Analyser
70 05410001A / Revision 6
MultiExact Gas Analyser 6 – Calibration
You can use the following procedure to display the 100 most recent validation/
calibration points:
Use the and soft keys to scroll through and view the validation/
calibration history screens for other validation/calibration points as required.
05410001A / Revision 6 71
6 – Calibration MultiExact Gas Analyser
On a pressure driven analyser, do not exceed the specified maximum
calibration gas inlet pressure, and on a flow driven analyser, do not exceed
the specified maximum flow rate. If you do, the pressure transducer may be
damaged and the analyser may not operate correctly.
You must perform low and high measurement calibration (as described in
Section 6) before you calibrate the pressure transducer. The flow rate
through the analyser must be kept constant for both the low and high
pressure calibration points.
If you use pressure compensation (see Section 7.2), you must calibrate the pressure
transducer when you first calibrate the analyser, and annually thereafter.
72 05410001A / Revision 6
MultiExact Gas Analyser 6 – Calibration
10. Allow the O2 measurement shown on the screen to stabilize for at least
30 seconds, then press the soft key.
11. Open the valve or remove completely and adjust the calibration gas supply so
that the flow is the same as noted in step 6. Pressure transducer calibration is
now complete.
If the flow alarm option has been fitted you must calibrate the flow alarm when you first
calibrate the analyser and annually thereafter.
Before commencing the calibration procedure, ensure the ambient temperature has
been relatively constant for at least half an hour.
05410001A / Revision 6 73
7 – General operation MultiExact Gas Analyser
Sample and calibration gases must be as specified in Sections 2.4 and 2.5.
If the pressure/flow rates are outside the ranges specified in Sections 2.4
and 2.5, you must regulate the gases externally, before they enter the
Before you allow sample or calibration gases into the analyser, you must
leave the analyser with the electrical supply switched on for at least:
• 4 hours, on an analyser without CO, CO2, N2O or CH4 transducers.
• 24 hours, on an analyser with CO, CO2, N2O or CH4 transducers.
If you do not, the gases may condense inside the transducer(s) and the
measurement will not be fully stabilised.
☞ Gas selection relays (sample, cal lo, cal hi) are not effected during the signal
relay override as this could cause hazardous gas flows.
If required, use the following procedure at any time to perform a check on the outputs
of the signal relays fitted to the analyser:
☞ When a relay is energised, the N/C-Common contacts will be open, and the
N/O-Common contacts will be closed. The converse is true when the relay is
74 05410001A / Revision 6
MultiExact Gas Analyser 7 – General operation
☞ The relay signal outputs freeze at the selected override signal state as long as
the 'Override action' screen is displayed. As soon as another screen is
displayed, the relay signal outputs will be updated to reflect the corresponding
alarm, fault and range states.
7.2.1 Introduction
05410001A / Revision 6 75
7 – General operation MultiExact Gas Analyser
When pressure compensation is on, use the following procedure to view simultaneous
pressure compensated and uncompensated measurements:
76 05410001A / Revision 6
MultiExact Gas Analyser 7 – General operation
If required, use the following procedure at any time to perform a check on a mA output:
☞ The milliAmp output freezes at the override value as long as the 'Override'
screen is displayed. As soon as another screen is displayed, the milliAmp output
value will be updated to reflect the corresponding gas measurement.
See Section 7.4, the voltage output override operates in the same manner as the
milliamp output override, but ranges from 0 – 10 volts.
After you have switched off the analyser, when required or as necessary (for example,
if you need to carry out plant/factory maintenance and will not use the analyser for
several days):
• Ensure the gas inlet and outlets are blocked off (closed valve or protective caps
• Isolate/lockout the external electrical supply and disconnect the electrical supply
cable from the analyser.
05410001A / Revision 6 77
8 – Routine maintenance MultiExact Gas Analyser
The analyser must be maintained by a suitably
skilled and competent person.
Do not open or attempt to open the analyser yourself. If you do, you
will invalidate any warranty on the analyser, and the analyser may not
operate safely or provide accurate measurements.
Sample and calibration gases may be toxic or asphyxiant:
• Never inspect the inlet filter(s), or service or repair the analyser
while such gases are still connected to it.
• If the analyser is to be serviced or repaired it is important that all
pipework is flushed with an inert gas and the analyser is allowed
to freely vent to local atmosphere.
If the analyser is to be temporarily removed, and it is measuring trace CO2,
the pipework should be purged with nitrogen and then the inlet and outlet
should be capped off. This is to prevent exhausting the CO2 scrubber.
When necessary, use a damp (but not wet) cloth to wipe clean the outer surfaces of
the analyser (to prevent the entry of dust or other particulates into the interior of the
Ensure that the electrical supply is isolated/locked out
from the analyser. If you do not, there will be a danger of
injury or death from electric shock.
Fire Hazard, only use the same type and
rated fuse as recommended.
78 05410001A / Revision 6
MultiExact Gas Analyser 8 – Routine maintenance
If you think that an electrical supply fuse has failed, use the following procedure to
inspect the fuses and replace it if necessary:
1. Refer to Figure 95. Remove the fuse holder (3) from the electrical supply
connector (1) on the rear of the analyser.
2. Both live and neutral lines have fuse protection. Remove the live fuse (2) from
the holder and check the continuity across the fuse. If there is continuity, the
fuse has not failed: refit it to the fuse holder (3) and repeat for the neutral fuse
• Fit a new fuse (of the correct type and rating, see Section 2.3) to the fuse
holder (3).
3. Refit the fuse holder (3) to the electrical supply connector (1) on the rear of the
05410001A / Revision 6 79
8 – Routine maintenance MultiExact Gas Analyser
8.3 Inspecting the optional filter element (O2 purity / control only)
If you only use the analyser on applications which use clean, dry gases, an inlet filter
may not be required. If however, your application requires a filter, it can be easily
Do not operate the analyser with the filter element removed. If you do,
particulates in the sample gas may seriously damage the analyser.
Figure 96 – Inspect the inlet filter element (O2 purity and control transducers only)
80 05410001A / Revision 6
MultiExact Gas Analyser 8 – Routine maintenance
8.4 Inspecting the filter element (CO / CO2 / N2O / CH4 trace only)
If you only use the analyser on applications which use clean, dry gases, you will only
need to inspect the inlet filter element every 3 months. On other applications, we
recommend that you inspect the inlet filter element more frequently.
Do not operate the analyser with the filter element removed. If you do,
particulates in the sample gas will seriously damage the analyser.
Key Description
1. Filter body
2. Sintered filter
3. Filter nut
05410001A / Revision 6 81
8 – Routine maintenance MultiExact Gas Analyser
The scrubber fitted to the 0-10ppm CO2 requires changing every 2 – 4 years
depending on installation practices.
If the T90 – T100 response degrades significantly from the performance observed
when the analyser was commissioned, then this may indicate that the scrubber
requires changing.
Contact Servomex or your local Servomex agent for instruction on how the scrubber
can be changed.
The scrubber fitted in the 0-500ppm CO2 sealed transducer requires changing after 10
years of normal operation.
If toxic gases are present in the gas stream, the concentrations of the
gases sampled or used for calibration of the analyser may be above
their respective threshold limit values, so:
• You must regularly leak-test the analyser and associated
• If any leaks are found, do not continue to use the analyser or
associated equipment until appropriate corrective action has
been taken.
We recommend that you leak-test the analyser at least once every
6 months:
• If there are leaks within the analyser, it must be returned to
Servomex for repair. Do not continue to use the analyser.
• You must seal any leaks in your sample pipelines or system.
When you carry out a leak test, do not exceed a maximum pressure of
34.5 kPa gauge (0.35 bar gauge, 5 psig) and do not introduce a sudden
change of pressure into the analyser. If you do, you may damage the
analyser. We recommend that you allow at least 30 seconds to fully
pressurise the analyser to the maximum pressure.
82 05410001A / Revision 6
MultiExact Gas Analyser 8 – Routine maintenance
If you use a liquid to assist in leak testing, do not spill liquid onto the
horizontal surfaces of the analyser or it's electrical connections.
Note that you will always be informed in advance if any repairs or new parts are
required for your analyser.
05410001A / Revision 6 83
9 – Fault finding MultiExact Gas Analyser
9.1 Fault, maintenance required and SIP statuses
☞ All status conditions are listed in alphabetical order on the next 5 pages.
☞ The LCD icons are displayed on the measurement screen only (see Figure 3).
84 05410001A / Revision 6
MultiExact Gas Analyser 9 – Fault finding
Auto cal high fail Check that the calibration gases are as specified in
Section 2.5 and that the correct settings have been
entered, then recalibrate the analyser again.
Auto cal low fail Check that the calibration gases are as specified in
Section 2.5 and that the correct settings have been
entered, then recalibrate the analyser again.
Auto cal low flow Flow has fallen below the fault level set for the flow
alarm during a calibration routine (very low flow):
Check that there is sufficient gas flow into the
transducer (see Section 2.4 and 5.12).
Check that the fault level has been set at the
correct level (see Section 5.12).
Auto val low flow Flow has fallen below the fault Level set for the flow
alarm during a validation routine:
Check that there is sufficient gas flow into the
transducer (see Section 2.4 and 5.12).
Check that the fault level has been set at the
correct level (see Section 5.12).
Auto val high fail Check that the calibration gases are as specified in
Section 2.5 and that the correct settings have been
entered, then revalidate the analyser again.
Auto val low fail Check that the calibration gases are as specified in
Section 2.5 and that the correct settings have been
entered, then revalidate the analyser again.
05410001A / Revision 6 85
9 – Fault finding MultiExact Gas Analyser
Communication fail Turn the analyser off, and then turn it on again. If
the fault message is then displayed again, contact
Servomex or your local Servomex agent for
Database fault Turn the analyser off, and then turn it on again. If
the fault message is then displayed again, contact
Servomex or your local Servomex agent for
Flow cal high diff The zero and normal calibration points are too far
apart, check normal flow is within limits
(see Section 2.4) and re-calibrate the flow alarm.
Flow cal low diff The zero and normal calibration points are too
close, check normal flow is within limits
(see Section 2.4) and there is no flow during zero
calibration. Recalibrate the flow alarm.
86 05410001A / Revision 6
MultiExact Gas Analyser 9 – Fault finding
High flow alarm Configurable Flow risen above the set level for the flow alarm:
Check that there is not excessive gas flow into the
transducer (see Section 2.4).
Check that the level has been set correctly and that
calibration has been performed (see Section 5.12).
Check sample is clean and without contaminants.
Low flow alarm 1 / Configurable Flow has fallen below the set level for the flow
Low flow alarm 2 alarm:
Check that there is sufficient gas flow into the
transducer (see Section 2.4).
Check that the level has been set correctly and that
calibration has been performed (see Section 5.12).
Check the valve block cable is fitted correctly
(see Section 5.1.4).
05410001A / Revision 6 87
9 – Fault finding MultiExact Gas Analyser
Relays overridden Raised when the alarm and status relays have
been overridden (see Section 7.1).
Static RAM fault Turn the analyser off, and then turn it on again. If
the fault message is then displayed again, contact
Servomex or your local Servomex agent for
Transducer error Ensure that you are using the analyser in the
specified operating conditions (refer to Section 2).
If the fault persists, contact Servomex or your local
Servomex agent for assistance.
88 05410001A / Revision 6
MultiExact Gas Analyser 9 – Fault finding
05410001A / Revision 6 89
9 – Fault finding MultiExact Gas Analyser
3. Refer to Section 9.1 for the recommended actions associated with the
displayed messages.
Refer to Section 9.1 for the recommended actions associated with the displayed
90 05410001A / Revision 6
MultiExact Gas Analyser 9 – Fault finding
9.3 Diagnostics
☞ Diagnostics are only enabled for the trace O2, CO, CO2, N2O and CH4
measurements. It will take up to 20 seconds for all the codes to be read for the
measurement and displayed.
If a transducer error or Tx maintenance status is displayed, and you have tried the
recommended actions and the fault still persists, use the following procedure to view
the diagnostics menu:
05410001A / Revision 6 91
9 – Fault finding MultiExact Gas Analyser
For general analyser fault finding, refer to the table on the following pages.
If you have read through the table and still cannot rectify a fault, or cannot identify the
cause of a fault, contact Servomex or your local Servomex agent for assistance.
The software health indicator is not Carry out the recommended actions for the "The fault
moving on the display. LED is on" symptom above.
" - - - - - " is displayed instead of a This indicates a possible measurement error, or a
sample measurement. communications error between the transducer and
the analyser controller.
Check that the analyser is not being knocked,
moved, or subjected to high levels of vibration during
sample measurements.
If the analyser is not being knocked, moved or
subjected to vibration and the fault persists, contact
Servomex or your local Servomex agent for
Analyser response is slow. Check that the sample gas inlet is not blocked, and
that the sample gas supply to the analyser is not
Check that the sample gas outlet is not blocked, and
that any pipes connected to the outlet are not
Trace CO2 scrubber filter may need replacing,
contact Servomex for replacement.
Check that the sample gas supply pressure is
correct: refer to Section 2.4.
92 05410001A / Revision 6
MultiExact Gas Analyser 9 – Fault finding
05410001A / Revision 6 93
9 – Fault finding MultiExact Gas Analyser
94 05410001A / Revision 6
MultiExact Gas Analyser 10 – Storage and disposal
Refit any protective plastic covers (see Section 3) and place the analyser and any
associated equipment in its original packaging before storage. Alternatively, seal it
inside a waterproof plastic bag, sack, or storage box.
Store the analyser and any associated equipment in a clean, dry area. Do not subject
it to excessively hot, cold, or humid conditions: see Section 2.2.
10.2 Disposal
Dispose of the analyser and any associated equipment safely, and in accordance with
all of your local and national safety and environmental requirements.
☞ The analyser is not suitable for disposal in municipal waste streams (such as
landfill sites, domestic recycling centres and so on). Refer to Appendix A7 for
disposal requirements in accordance with the WEEE Directive within the EC.
☞ If you send the analyser to Servomex or your local Servomex agent for
disposal, it must be accompanied by a correctly completed decontamination
05410001A / Revision 6 95
11 – Spares MultiExact Gas Analyser
Do not use spares other than those specified below, and do not
attempt to carry out any maintenance procedures other than those
specified in this manual. If you do, you can damage the analyser and
invalidate any warranty.
The standard spares available for the analyser are shown below. You can order these
spares from Servomex or your Servomex agent.
Spare external filter (trace CO, CO2, N2O and CH4) 2377–3831
Spare external filter sinter (trace CO, CO2, N2O and CH4) 2377–3848
*Not required for analysers fitted with sealed trace CO2 transducers
96 05410001A / Revision 6
MultiExact Gas Analyser Appendix
The RS232 output is separated from the analyser mains circuits by
reinforced insulation. The terminals must only be connected to
circuits that are themselves separated from mains voltages by at
least reinforced insulation.
To comply with EMC requirements, you must use a screened cable to
connect to the RS232 output. The screen must also be connected to the
analyser enclosure.
A1.1 Overview
The serial port on the MultiExact can be used to output measurement and status data
and to transfer configurations to and from other MultiExact units.
The serial port on the rear of the analyser (Figure 2, item 19) is an RS232 ± 5.5 V
9-way 'D' type connector.
Pin(s) Use
1 Not used
4 Not used 6 7 8 9
5 0V
6, 7, 8, 9 Not used
05410001A / Revision 6 97
Appendix MultiExact Gas Analyser
The analyser can be directly connected to the 9-way 'D' type serial port (usually
designated "COM1" or "COM2") on your PC. Use a compatible 9-way 'D Null Modem'
cable (with a recommended maximum length of 3 metres), with female-to-female
connectors. To prevent the cable coming loose at the analyser ensure the connector
screws are tightened (if supplied on the cable).
If your PC only has USB serial ports, use a commercially available 9-way 'D' type
serial to USB converter to connect the PC.
You must configure the analyser serial output parameters to suit the requirements of
the PC (or other device) which you have connected to the serial output port on the
analyser. The output parameters which you can configure are listed below:
Baud rate 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 and 38400 are all supported.
Data bits 7 or 8.
Stop bits 1 or 2.
98 05410001A / Revision 6
MultiExact Gas Analyser Appendix
If you use one of the Windows operating systems, HyperTerminal is probably already
installed on your PC. For detailed instructions on the installation and use of
HyperTerminal, refer to the help files on your PC, or to the documentation supplied
with your PC. The following information is provided as a summary only, for quick
reference. Install HyperTerminal (if not already installed).
1. Start HyperTerminal.
2. Enter a suitable name and select a 'connect' icon for the connection.
3. Identify the "COM" port that you have used to connect the analyser to the PC.
4. Set the port settings to be consistent with the analyser serial output parameters
(see Appendix A1.3).
5. Click on the 'connect' icon to initiate the connection; data will then be displayed
on the PC.
Data output from the analyser can be saved (as a text file) using the 'capture text'
command in HyperTerminal. You can then import this text directly into applications
such as Excel®.
05410001A / Revision 6 99
Appendix MultiExact Gas Analyser
If you are setting up multiple units and you want to use the same configuration settings
in each analyser, you can transfer configuration data from one unit to another, either
via a computer or directly with one another. This way all the user setable
configurations: calibration tolerances and targets; auto validation sequences, mA
ranges and settings, alarm settings etc can be transferred to multiple units. Both units
must have matching options fitted. If they differ, a transfer will not be possible.
2. Connect a computer to the RS232 serial port and run a terminal emulator
program such as Windows HyperTerminal. Set the communications
parameters to match the analyser.
3. To save a configuration to a pc, set the terminal to log a text file and then press
the key on the unit. The activity display on the 5400 will freeze briefly
while out putting the file. Once the output stops, close the logged file. This file
can now be used to set other units.
5. The unit will wait until it receives a configuration file. You can cancel the
transfer by pressing the key, or by typing xxx in at the terminal. To
continue with the transfer, use the terminal program to send the configuration
file as a plain text file. Once the transfer completes the screen will return to the
main form. At the end of the transfer the number of configuration items
successfully read in and the total number of lines read will be displayed. The
terminal will show something similar to the following:
# 2008/12/01 11:46
# 05000A1/00001
# 05000-cu0_13
If a line is not correct a question mark will be placed after it, such as in the
following file:
# 2008/12/01 11:46
# 05000A1/00001
# 05000-cu0_13
☞ If this happens, try sending the file again in case there was noise on the line. If
the problem continues try down loading the configuration file again from the
original unit.
6. You can connect two units together using a null modem cable. You can then
send the configuration data directly from one unit to the other by setting the
receiving unit to 'load' a configuration and then setting a transmitting unit to
'save' a configuration.
7. Once you have completed the transfer press the tick key on the main form. The
analyser will then restart.
Each measurement line consists of a number of elements, separated from each other
by the delimiter string " ; " (space, semicolon, space), in the following format:
"[" and "]" Elements between these bracket symbols are only output when
the analyser is configured for two sample measurements. The
bracket symbols themselves do not appear in the output.
An extract from a typical serial output for a 1-measurement analyser is shown below:
This appendix details the implementation and use of the Modbus protocol in the
MultiExact analyser.
A3.2 References
Document "MODBUS over Serial Line Specification & Implementation guide V1.0
Nov 02" Modbus web site modbus.org.
The Modbus setup form will allow the user to configure the following parameters:
If an error should occur while processing a message one of the following exception
codes will be returned by the instrument.
A3.6 Addressing
Addresses in Modbus ADU (application data unit), run from 1 – N, whereas addresses
in the Modbus PDU (protocol data unit) run from 0 – N. This appendix gives addresses
in the ADU model. Depending on the particular Modbus master, addresses may have
to be entered as they are given or have 1 subtracted from them. For example to read
register 101 an address of 100 may be needed.
Floating point numbers (e.g. 12.34, –1012.32, etc.), are digitally represented using the
IEEE–754 format. Single precision floating point numbers are used throughout and
they require 32 bits of data. Since a Modbus register holds 16 bits it takes 2 registers
to represent a floating point number. We default to having the most significant word of
the float, bits 16 – 31, in the first register, and the least significant word, bits 0 – 15, in
the next register. This order can be reversed by setting a coil in the system control
mapping (Appendix A3.14).
Read-only access to system data will be provided in a block of 100 registers. These
can be accessed as input registers using function code 04.
Each transducer will provide read-only access to its measurements and associated
data in blocks of input registers that can be read with function code 04.
The first block of registers provides just the measurement data from all transducers
allowing all measurements to be obtained with a single request. Each register
provides 2 bytes of data so it takes 2 registers each to store a 4 byte floating point
measurement value.
A block of 100 registers is allocated for each transducer to provide the means of
supplying the measurement and other transducer related data as follows:
The following table shows the assignment for transducer 1. Each register provides
2 bytes of data.
• 0 = off
• 1 = fault
• 2 = maintenance required
• 3 = service in progress
The fault, maintenance required, and service in progress faults provide a summary of
the other states and can only be off or on. The registers are assigned as follows:
Read-only access to transducer fault and alarm information will be provided in a block
of 100 registers and coils. These can be accessed as discrete inputs using function
code 02 or as input registers using function code 04. Reading them as discrete inputs
provides a simple bit result for each, 0 for off and 1 for on. Reading them as input
registers provides information on their NAMUR status, as follows:
• 0 = off,
• 1 = fault,
• 2 = maintenance required,
• 3 = service in progress.
Alarm 1 and alarm 2 aren't faults and can only be off or on.
The fault, maintenance required, and service in progress faults provide a summary of
the other states and can only be off or on.
System data will be available with read-write access in blocks of holding registers.
This data can be read with function code 03 and written with function codes 06
and 16.
Each transducer will provide read-write access to various set-up data in blocks of
holding registers that can be read with function code 03 and written with function
codes 06 and 16.
Each register provides 2 bytes of data so it takes 2 registers each to store a 4 byte
floating point measurement value.
A block of 100 registers is allocated for each transducer to provide the means of
supplying the transducer related set-up data as follows:
The following table shows the assignment for transducer 1. Each register provides
2 bytes of data.
System control will be provided using a block of coils that can be written to using
function code 05. Reading the same coils with function code 01 provides status
Transducer control will be provided using a block of coils that can be written to using
function code 05. Reading the same coils with function code 01 provides status
information. A block of 100 coils is reserved for each transducer as follows:
These values are supervisor password protected. Your network administrator will
advise you of the necessary parameters that will be required to be entered.
A4.1 RS485
% mg/m3 12492 CO
% %LEL 8 CO
☞ To return to the measurement default units, select the "off" units selection
option and set the units conversion factor to "1": see Section 5.10.
TCD measurements
316 st steel
310 st steel
Borosilicate glass
Platium iridium alloy
Nickel iron
Sealing glass
Glass fibre
Flow meter
Borosilicate glass
316 st steel
Flow Alarm
Platinum iridium alloy
Stabilised zirconia
316 st steel
• The analyser is considered to be within the scope of the Waste Electrical and
Electronic Equipment (WEEE).
• The analyser is not intended for disposal in a municipal waste stream, but shall be
submitted for material recovery and recycling in accordance with the local
regulations which implement the WEEE Directive.
For additional information and advice on the disposal of the analyser in accordance
with the requirements of the WEEE Directive, contact Servomex or your local
Servomex agent.
☞ If you send the analyser to Servomex or your local Servomex agent for
disposal, the analyser must be accompanied by a correctly completed
decontamination certificate.
A9.1 O2 purity measurement
☞ The display indication given below is the default indication. You can configure
the analyser to provide other display indications (see Section 5.10).
Resolution 0.01% O2
Flow effect
☞ The display indication given below is the default indication. You can configure
the analyser to provide other display indications (see Section 5.10).
Resolution 0.1% O2
Flow effect
☞ The display indication given below is the default indication. You can configure
the analyser to provide other display indications (see Section 5.10).
Flow effect
☞ The display indication given below is the default indication. You can configure
the analyser to provide other display indications (see Section 5.10).
Flow effect
☞ The display indication given below is the default indication. You can configure
the analyser to provide other display indications (see Section 5.10).
Flow effect
☞ The display indication given below is the default indication. You can configure
the analyser to provide other display indications (see Section 5.10).
Flow effect
☞ The display indication given below is the default indication. You can configure
the analyser to provide other display indications (see Section 5.10).
Flow effect
☞ The display indication given below is the default indication. You can configure
the analyser to provide other display indications (see Section 5.10).
Flow effect
☞ The display indication given below is the default indication. You can configure
the analyser to provide other display indications (see Section 5.10).
Gas and Ranges available
Ar in N2
Ar in O2
N2 in Ar
He in N2
He in O2
Display indication %
Resolution 0.01%
Linearity ± 1% of range