Assingment 4
Assingment 4
Assingment 4
Assignment No: 4
Related topics:
• Sampling, Resampling
• Discrete-time processing of continuous-time signals
• Continuous-time processing of discrete-time signals
• X(jΩ) represents the continuous-time Fourier transform (CTFT) of a signal x(t).
• X(ejω ) represents the discrete-time Fourier transform (DTFT) of a sequence x[n].
• δ[n], δ(t) denote discrete-time and continuous-time impulse functions, respectively.
Xc (jΩ)
−Ω0 −2Ω0 /3 0 2Ω0 /3 Ω0
Next, xs (t) is passed through a low pass filter with frequency response
Hr (jΩ), as follows
T, |Ω| ≤ π/T1
Hr (jΩ) =
0, otherwise.
xs (t)
xc (t) × Hr (jΩ) xr (t)
n=−∞ δ(t − nT1 )
(b) Consider the system in Figure 3. The system in this case is the same
as the one in part (a), except that the sampling period is now T2 . The
system Hs (jΩ) is some continuous-time ideal LTI filter. We want x0 (t) to
be equal to xc (t) for some choice of Hs (jΩ). Find all values of T2 for which
xo (t) = xc (t) is possible. For the largest T2 you determined that would
still allow recovery of xc (t), choose Hs (jΩ) so that xo (t) = xc (t). Sketch
Hs (jΩ).
x2 (t)
xc (t) × Hs (jΩ) xo (t)
n=−∞ δ(t − nT2 )
(a) If (
e−at , t ≥ 0,
hc (t) =
0, t < 0,
where a is a positive real constant, determine the continuous-time filter
frequency response and sketch its magnitude.
(b) If hd [n] = T hc (nT ) with hc (t) as in part (a), determine the discrete-time
filter frequency response and sketch its magnitude.
(c) For a given value of a, determine, as a function of T , the minimum mag-
nitude of the discrete-time filter frequency response.
h[n], H(ejω )
x[n] = xc (nT ).
(a) Determine the Fourier transform of xc (t) and the Fourier transform of x[n]
in terms of Sc (jΩ).
(b) We want to simulate the multipath system with a discrete-time system by
choosing H(ejω ) in Figure 6 so that the output r[n] = xc (nT ) when the
input is s[n] = sc (nT ). Determine H(ejω ) in terms of T and τd .
(c) Determine the impulse response h[n] in Figure 6 when (i) τd = T and (ii)
τd = T /2.
sc (t) + xc (t) = sc (t) + αsc (t − τd )
Delay τd
H(ejω )
s[n] = sc (nT ) r[n] = xc (nT )
6. Each of the following parts lists an input signal x[n] and the upsampling and
downsampling rates L and M for the system in Figure 7. Determine the corre-
sponding output x̃d [n].
(a) x[n] = , L = 4, M = 3
(b) x[n] = sin(3πn/4), L = 3, M = 5
xc (t) C/D D/C yc (t)
T1 T2
7. In Figure 8, assume that Xc (jΩ) = 0, |Ω| ≥ Tπ1 . For the general case in which
T1 ̸= T2 in the system, express yc (t) in terms of xc (t). Is the basic relationship
different for T1 > T2 and T1 < T2 ?
xe [n] ye [n]
x[n] ↑L H(ejω ) ↓M y[n]
(a) Assume L = 2 and M = 4, and X(ejω ), the DTFT of x[n], is real and is
as shown in the Fig. 10. Make an appropriately labeled sketch of Xe (ejω ),
Ye (ejω ), and Y (ejω ), the DTFTs of xe [n], ye [n], and y[n], respectively. Be
sure to clearly label salient amplitude and frequencies.
X(ejω )
−π −π/2 π/2 π